Randy to get fans to MJ's Burial Site *Update post 291*Randy's Explanation

  • Thread starter Dangerous Incorporated
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Back then, he did not do interviews...I only knew him as MJ's least known brother.

So when the spousal abuse came out & I heard the "crazy" defense...I laughed it off. I can't remember the whole thing, because quite frankly, I did not care & was young at the time. But it came out that he was seeking treatment or was being treated for some mental issue.

I had no single info about this and, to be honest, I feel a bit sorry we came up with this issue just to try to understand why some of us don't feel right about his talking :no: (but I understand you just make an honest question, Memefan, no bad on you, please).

As for the info Jmie found, this might mean simply he received psychiatric treatment after doing such wrong thing. No need to say how low and bad that is, but usually after this issues, court send these men (or women) to take psychological treatment in an effort for them to recover and never do this again. So that stay at that facility (if true) might be simply that (and QUITE fitting).

but again, we might be going too off topic in this, so I will leave it there.
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Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

I feel the same way also. And to be honest, I "think" something is wrong with Randy.

Absolutely no disrespect towards Randy, and basically it is none of my business, but I also tend to think there may be some things not quite right. Be it physical/emotional/mental, I can't judge him without knowing all the facts, but there have been thoughts/discussions through the years about this, way before Michael passed.

Bottom line, strength to him in dealing with it all, no matter how inappropriate he may come across at times. There may be reasons we are not privvy to in r/t his personal well being and his behavior. With that said, there are many things I can't condone that he has said and done, but in the end it isn't my business, it is the family's.
I just watch the video and i did not find any offense to it . I dont know why people are say Randy is weird . He was quite responsive in his answers better them most of his family . I do hope that on the anniversary he does try to get fans closer ,but I do repect the rules . there was always a wall or person seperating us from Michael when he was alive so i have no problem with it, the door is fine. As far a the brake down he had years ago that was when he was involved in the triangle with his wife Eliza and Alejandra . Alejandra was calling his home because her baby was due first and bothering both Randy and Eliza . He is not like his father and jermaine he is not capable of burning both ends of the candle. I believe he his happy with Taunya .
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site


Bottom line, strength to him in dealing with it all, no matter how inappropriate he may come across at times. There may be reasons we are not privvy to in r/t his personal well being and his behavior. With that said, there are many things I can't condone that he has said and done, but in the end it isn't my business, it is the family's.

I didn't know of some of that domestic violence stuff. Regardless of all of that, I don't find this clip all that weird. He's just trying to keep it as neutral as possible, given that this is some reporter interviewing him on the streets- knowing that every little sigh, smirk and breath will be analyzed and attributed a meaning that very well might make you say "what on earth?"

The usual "getting the fans beyond the gates" is annoying, either say what you mean or just don't.
That is the only thing I really find annoying, this nonstop alluding to something. Say it, or just keep quiet.

Aside from that I find it weird to call someone else weird based on this video. MJ was called weird and many other things and we didn't appreciate it. I don't get any particular vibe from this, aside from him trying to give non-committal answers.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

I didn't know of some of that domestic violence stuff. Regardless of all of that, I don't find this clip all that weird. He's just trying to keep it as neutral as possible, given that this is some reporter interviewing him on the streets- knowing that every little sigh, smirk and breath will be analyzed and attributed a meaning that very well might make you say "what on earth?"

The usual "getting the fans beyond the gates" is annoying, either say what you mean or just don't.
That is the only thing I really find annoying, this nonstop alluding to something. Say it, or just keep quiet.

Aside from that I find it weird to call someone else weird based on this video. MJ was called weird and many other things and we didn't appreciate it. I don't get any particular vibe from this, aside from him trying to give non-committal answers.

Hope you didn't think I was calling him "weird" directly r/t this particular video. It goes alot further back, and just observations and things that have happened. I don't dislike him, I don't know him. Without knowing everything, it's just my own observations throughout the years about many things, and this video combined with other things just kind of made me go "hmmm".
I think Randy is doing this to annoy his mother and brother , he is going to use the fans to get waht he want from his family..i think the fans need to wait and see the wishes of his mother and kids and not fall in Randy's trap..
No, BGZ, don't worry. I know what you meant. I was just astounded by the number of people who thought that particular video was soooo strange.

I personally don't put any weight into things that people say who communicate with TMZ on a regular basis. So all this hoopla is just a waste of time. I've been beyond the front gates and I did it all by myself, thanks. Even tied my shoes myself that day, how you like them apples? :D
I know nothing of Randy, except that he is a Jackson...Michael's brother. I can't understand why these long threads are allowed disrespecting family members. Having an opinion is one thing. Downright disrespect is another. So sad. Michael was not about hating. :(
Ingrates !!!You just can't please some of you. This man is going out of his way to do something for fans who asked him about doing something for them on June 25th and people are bitching about nonsense.

(1)Talking about his past with Alejandra, Eliza and what not: BTW you guys are missing a piece of that puzzle. Before he got with Alejandra he caught Eliza in his bed with his friend or her friend. If we're gonna tell the story, tell the full story. He was also in a bad accident and was told he would NEVER walk again. He beat the odds.

(2) Talking about he seems weird: He has always been very shy and ackward from the time he was a kid. He had it as tough as Michael. In Michael own words, Joseph told Randy to his face he was just a spare. If he couldn't sing, Joseph had no use for him. How do you think a little child would feel being told that by his father? Just like Michael , he had a really tough childhood. He wasn't beaten like the others, because he either wasn't born yet and was young when their fame took off but he got it mentally. If you have any family members who were around the J5 era and when the Jackson family was at their peak , they can tell you about Randy and what he went through. I know you guys have only heard about Michael and only care about his story. But like Michael said "Don't judge a man before you walk in his moccasin(sp)"

Oh yeah he was also kidnapped in Columbia when he went to get his kids after Alejandra brough them down there. He convinced them that he wasn't from the Jackson Family and somehow he was let go.

(3) Randy is going behind Katherine's back: How the hell do you know this. Randy was in charge along with others of putting the memorial together. He was the go to guy as per others in charge, As per family sources he was the one who chose the location where Michael was buried. From Glady's Knights own mouth , Randy called her to sing at Michael's burial.

During the trial he got rid of Mark Geragos and got T MEZ who , out of T MEz's own mouth said Randy has been a longtime friend of his . Its on You Tube check it out. Randy has been the one to take charge of a lot of family issues , crisis and what not loooong before Michael died.

I know , I know, someone of you guys are just Michael fans and now Michael is not here anymore you have turned your noses in this Family's business and instead of admitting we don't know everything or have the full picture of somethings we rather insinuate, make up stuff , or act like we know it all.

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I think Randy is doing this to annoy his mother and brother , he is going to use the fans to get waht he want from his family..i think the fans need to wait and see the wishes of his mother and kids and not fall in Randy's trap..

Agree - The final decision belong to Katherine, not sure she could be influenced by Randy - She had decided about private funeral so it will be a real astonishment if she allows something able to trouble the quietly of Michael's last place
I know nothing of Randy, except that he is a Jackson...Michael's brother. I can't understand why these long threads are allowed disrespecting family members. Having an opinion is one thing. Downright disrespect is another. So sad. Michael was not about hating. :(

Ingrates !!!You just can't please some of you. This man is going out of his way to do something for fans who asked him about doing something for them on June 25th and people are bitching about nonsense.

(1)Talking about his past with Alejandra, Eliza and what not: BTW you guys are missing a piece of that puzzel. Before he got with Alejandra he caught Eliza in his bed with his friend or her friend. If we're gonna tell the story, tell the full story. He was also in a bad accident and was told he would NEVER walk again. He beat the odds.

(2) Talking about he seems weird: He has always been very shy and ackward from the time he was a kid. He had it as tough as Michael. In Michael own words, Joseph told him , Randy to his face he was just a spare. If he couldn't sing, Joseph had no use for him. How do you think a little child would feel being told that by his father?

(3) Randy is going behind Katherine's back: How the hell do you know this. Randy was in charge along with others of putting the memorial together. He was the go to guy as per others in charge, As per family sources he was the one who chose the location where Michael was buried. From Glady's Knights own mouth , Randy called her to sing at Michael's burial.

During the trial he got rid of Mark Geragos and got T MEZ who , out of T MEz's own mouth said Randy has been a longtime friend of his . Its on You Tube check it out. Randy has been the one to take charge of a lot of family issues , crisis and what not loooong before Michael died.

I know , I know, someone of you guys are just Michael fans and now Michael is not here anymore you have turned your noses in this Family's business and instead of admitting we don't know everything or have the full picture of somethings we rather insinuate, make up stuff , or act like we know it all.


Totally agree - All this really embarass me -:no:
During the trial he got rid of Mark Geragos and got T MEZ who , out of T MEz's own mouth said Randy has been a longtime friend of his . Its on You Tube check it out. Randy has been the one to take charge of a lot of family issues , crisis and what not loooong before Michael died.

I wanna ask something and maybe it's off-topic and sorry for that but Ive heard different stories about Randys part in bringing T-Mez on board.

Ive heard/read somewhere (cant remember from where) that MJ wanted to get rid of Geragos and called Johnnie Cochran for advice etc. Mr Cochran were at the hospital dying in cancer but told Michael that "Meserau will do the job for you". Since Randy were managing MJ at that time, he contacted T-Mez, like what every manager would do, and got him on board. So the reason to why T-Mez came on board was not becasue of Randy, but becasue of Johnnie Cochran giving this advice to MJ. The only thing Randy did was just to contact him.

Can someone confirm this? :p
I wanna ask something and maybe it's off-topic and sorry for that but Ive heard different stories about Randys part in bringing T-Mez on board.

Ive heard/read somewhere (cant remember from where) that MJ wanted to get rid of Geragos and called Johnnie Cochran for advice etc. Mr Cochran were at the hospital dying in cancer but told Michael that "Meserau will do the job for you". Since Randy were managing MJ at that time, he contacted T-Mez, like what every manager would do, and got him on board. So the reason to why T-Mez came on board was not becasue of Randy, but becasue of Johnnie Cochran giving this advice to MJ. The only thing Randy did was just to contact him.

Can someone confirm this? :p

Right - TMez was even astonished that J.Cochran talked about him because he didn't know him so well - However he had refused in a first time because he was on board with another trial and when he had quit it, he has been contacted again by Randy and he said okay - We can say that Randy has brought TMez. I don't really remember where I read that, perhaps in A.Jones book
Right - TMez was even astonished that J.Cochran talked about him because he didn't know him so well - However he had refused in a first time because he was on board with another trial and when he had quit it, he has been contacted again by Randy and he said okay - We can say that Randy has brought TMez.

I read when Mark was let go Randy was the one who didn't trust Mark because he said that Mark seemed to crave the spotlight and seemed to be there for his own agenda. If a family member or someone was walking beside Michael he would push that person to get in the spotlight. Randy wasn't having it and didn't trust him.

The video I spoke of is on You Tube. I saw it months ago. T-Mez said he and Randy were friends for years. He said Randy and Michael called him but I can't remember if he said he hesitated or he said yes right away. I think in the same video T-Mez said he told Michael to leave Neverland because Sneddon wouldn't reat until he put him away. Maybe someone has it saved or something and can share.
I read when Mark was let go Randy was the one who didn't trust Mark because he said that Mark seemed to crave the spotlight and seemed to be there for his own agenda. If a family member or someone was walking beside Michael he would push that person to get in the spotlight. Randy wasn't having it and didn't trust him.

The video I spoke of is on You Tube. I saw it months ago. T-Mez said he and Randy were friends for years. He said Randy and Michael called him but I can't remember if he said he hesitated or he said yes right away. I think in the same video T-Mez said he told Michael to leave Neverland because Sneddon wouldn't reat until he put him away. Maybe someone has it saved or something and can share.

Just found this, it was on the LK Show
Who knew so many MJ fans were so negative?! MJ def. would not be happy. I mean everyone in the family can't be bad!! What's so wrong about what he said? And why does he have to be lying about being okay with the sunflowers? He said he told LMP to do it whatever way she wanted and that's it.

KJ can't do everything as she's raising the kids. So why wouldn't Randy (or someone else) be in charge of it? And Randy seems like the likely choice seeing as how the J5 have their thing, Janet is busy, and Toya/Rebbie are helping with the kids.

Give the guy a break!! :)
Who knew so many MJ fans were so negative?! MJ def. would not be happy. I mean everyone in the family can't be bad!! What's so wrong about what he said? And why does he have to be lying about being okay with the sunflowers? He said he told LMP to do it whatever way she wanted and that's it.

KJ can't do everything as she's raising the kids. So why wouldn't Randy (or someone else) be in charge of it? And Randy seems like the likely choice seeing as how the J5 have their thing, Janet is busy, and Toya/Rebbie are helping with the kids.

Give the guy a break!! :)

Right :agree:
ppl judge randy on his past actions. those who support him and critize thoose who dont probably dont have a clue about that history.
ppl judge randy on his past actions. those who support him and critize thoose who dont probably dont have a clue about that history.
or turn a blind eye and deaf ear on it excusing his actions since he's a Jackson. Respect is earned and not given
ppl judge randy on his past actions. those who support him and critize thoose who dont probably dont have a clue about that history.

I have a clue about his history, I know what he was accused of doing but this post is about him doing something for fans on the 25th. People are not even talking about that they are bitchin about him going behind his mothers back, his marriage, calling him weird( really?) and some other B.S that they know nothing about. Randy definitely ain't no saint, but he was simply responding to requests from folks via his Twitter account about visiting Michael's grave on June 25th and instead of people saying Thank You they are going left field. Is the other stuff really necessary in this particular post? Yall are not different than the people and journalist that constantly bring up the allegations when talking about Michael no matter what the topic is. They feel they need to shove it down people throats to sway peoples opinions like "no matter how you feel about him don't forget......" Michael wins an award, theres a tribute to him they will mention 2005 . So damn unnecassary. I swear Mj fans are the biggest *&^** hpocrites and the sad thing is I consider myself a huge one so I guess I'm included.
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or turn a blind eye and deaf ear on it excusing his actions since he's a Jackson. Respect is earned and not given

One of Michael's biggest hits MAN IN THE MIRROR........

People leaving in glass house shouldn't throw stones. I wonder what skeletons we would find if we put a spotlight on you!
His promises to fans are empty ones. He knows damn well fans are not going to be allowed in, yet people are falling for it.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

I did not see or hear anything strange, some fans just have it in for all the jackson no matter what, some of these comment I cant figure were you coming from, I dont understand the bashing of someone that's just trying to do something for the fans , if he can get some fans in that would be good thing for the fans that are interested and for the fans that are not interested then just dont go and stop complaining.

finally!! i agree. we should never forget that despite wht has ever happened in the past mike was their BROTHER . We are fans, most of whom have never even met the MJ in our lives. if we are hurting from losing mike than they must b hurting a thousand times more. they would have to have hearts of stone if they didn't care about michael and we know they don't. blood is thicker than water and if they did nothing to fight for michael's legacy we'd prob accuse them of not caring for him.
imagine u had a sibling that u didn't have the greatest relationship with. then that sibling passes and all of a sudden ur hurting like crap and everyone is accusing u of what we're accusing them off :( Let 's forgive just like mike sed!
I have a clue about his history, I know what he was accused of doing but this post is about him doing something for fans on the 25th. People are not even talking about that they are bitchin about him going behind his mothers back, his marriage, calling him weird( really?) and some other B.S that they know nothing about. Randy definitely ain't no saint, but he was simply responding to requests from folks via his Twitter account about visiting Michael's grave on June 25th and instead of people saying Thank You they are going left field. Is the other stuff really necessary in this particular post? Yall are not different than the people and journalist that constantly bring up the allegations when talking about Michael no matter what the topic is. They feel they need to shove it down people throats to sway peoples opinions like "no matter how you feel about him don't forget......" Michael wins an award, theres a tribute to him they will mention 2005 . So damn unnecassary. I swear Mj fans are the biggest *&^** hpocrites and the sad thing is I consider myself a huge one so I guess I'm included.

totally agree. its so sad that these forums used to b so full of L.O.V.E and warmth between fans. now everytime i come on here there's someone new thats getting slandered and hated.
sometimes i think mike's message went in thru one ear and out the other. if we can't listen to him then who will. hatred solves nothing. listen to his oxford university speech.
totally agree. its so sad that these forums used to b so full of L.O.V.E and warmth between fans. now everytime i come on here there's someone new thats getting slandered and hated.
sometimes i think mike's message went in thru one ear and out the other. if we can't listen to him then who will. hatred solves nothing. listen to his oxford university speech.

One of Michael's biggest hits MAN IN THE MIRROR........

People leaving in glass house shouldn't throw stones. I wonder what skeletons we would find if we put a spotlight on you!
I don't know what skeletons YOU have to hide, but I'm just a normal 19 year old girl going to college and living at home. And trust there wasn't a single person in my family that had been in jail for abuse or any other kind of criminal behavior. On another note go and re-listen to man in the mirror I don't think u've understood the lyrics yet.. probably cuz ur spending too much time listening to ''love u honey''
I don't know what skeletons YOU have to hide, but I'm just a normal 19 year old girl going to college and living at home. And trust there wasn't a single person in my family that had been in jail for abuse or any other kind of criminal behavior. On another note go and re-listen to man in the mirror I don't think u've understood the lyrics yet.. probably cuz ur spending too much time listening to ''love u honey''

lol...you are sooooo baaaaadddd.


I'm guessing ''love u honey'' is a Randall Steven' hit or bomb...I couldn't even name his album(s) let alone his singles.

Kudos to you. You are above the rest when it comes to your Randall's facts.

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