Randy to get fans to MJ's Burial Site *Update post 291*Randy's Explanation

  • Thread starter Dangerous Incorporated
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Sorry, friends, but... going back to topic, please, please....

Has anybody been to FL recently?
Can someone please confirm if fans are not longer allow to be at the entry of Holly Terrace?
Really... that's all that matters now.
So please, anyone knows more about this?
This Randy hate from MJ fans is bad. We should respect Randy for being Michael's family. No, he's not a saint, none of us are....they don't need hate from MJ lovers.
How is Randy giving Lisa Marie authority to arrange the flowers however she wants? She ain't his widow. Why did Randy allow her to do that and not Mike's kids?
Randy Jackson Interview

Randy was interviewed while at the Los Angeles Children's on May 21, 2010.

Interviewer: Tell me the recent thing right now with the mausoleum, and clear up

Randy: (interrupts) Recent thing about what?

Interviewer: The recent thing about, you know, saying that you what legions fans to go.

Randy: (interrupts) Oh that tweet

Interviewer: Clear that up. Tell me what's the real story?

Randy: Ok, um, first of all, first of all, um, I wanted to, I was supposed to meet with Forest Lawn today and I didn't because I'm here at the Children's Hospital. And so I'll probably meet with them next week. But I wanted to do whatever I can, could to, um, just get the kids a little bit closer, not actually inside the mausoleum, cause I understand there are rules, and um, and restrictions, and I respect that. And we have been in touch with the directors of Forest Lawn, and they weren't upset about anything and they haven't heard from the Gable Family,so I don't understand where that came from. But they were fine with everything. As to the fans getting beyond the gates, I don't know about that yet. But I'm going to have that discussion with them to try and get them as close as possible cause I know my brother loved his fans and I love our fans too. So no, one one's upset. I don't know where that rumor started, but I heard that certain families with their loved ones in the mausoleum they were upset about what I'd twittered. But I have no heard that from Forest Lawn so that's what counts to me.

Interviewer: Now some pictures have gotten out from inside, and I think you're upset about that. Tell me why and what you're going to do about that.

Randy: Well, um, some photographs got out, and I always get a little upset, maybe I shouldn't. Some photographs got out of, um, the flower arrangement around my brother, where he's laying to rest and I was destroyed that that happened because we don't allow cameras inside the mausoleum so how that happened I don't know how. But I am disturbed about it, so I will meet and find out how that happened.

Interviewer: As far as the flowers with Lisa Marie. How did that touch your heart, knowing that she went and, you know, orchestrated this sunflower garden to be around your brother's mausoleum area?

Randy: She's a sweetheart, she's a wonderful person. And I just told her to arrange it the way you like, and so she did and it's beautiful.

Interviewer: And the 25th, tell me the significance of June 25th to have the fans get closer to your brother?

Randy: Well, of course it's an emotional day for us, the family, but also the fans too, you know, they've been just wonderful. So I wanna do whatever I can to accommodate them on that day.

Interviewer: Cause it's the one year anniversary.

Randy: Yes, one year, yes.

Interviewer: And what is the family doing, another special to commemorate his memory?

Randy: Um, I don't like to tell you. Just joking. Of course we're gonna be there. We'll probably break bread somewhere and talk, listen to his music, I don't know something family oriented.

Interviewer: And finally the year. How has it been for you? It's almost been one year, emotionally?

Randy: You know, it's like, it's up and down for me. Some days I have good days some days I have bad days. Some days I miss him terribly. Of course, all the time. In the beginning because I was organizing everything for the family it really hadn't hit me. But after I sat down it just hit me like a ton of bricks. It's something that shouldn't have happened. And it's such a sad situation.

Interviewer: And all the lies coming out must just so annoy you.

Randy: No, I try not to watch television. I try not to read too much of the newspapers, because I always see things that break my heart. But I hear about them sometimes and it's just crazy. What people write, what people say is unnecessary, it really is. We are humans. We are family. Yes we are a famous family, but we are a family, and we are effected by those things, and people need to know that.

Source: http://jack5ons.webs.com/apps/blog/s...ut-forest-lawn
This Randy hate from MJ fans is bad. We should respect Randy for being Michael's family. No, he's not a saint, none of us are....they don't need hate from MJ lovers.

Well, you are free to respect him if you think he's earned your respect, dear. No one will question your values.

Personally, I will only give respect to someone who's earned it.
Well, you are free to respect him if you think he's earned your respect, dear. No one will question your values.

Personally, I will only give respect to someone who's earned it.

I gotta agree with you on this one..:clapping::clapping:
How is Randy giving Lisa Marie authority to arrange the flowers however she wants? She ain't his widow. Why did Randy allow her to do that and not Mike's kids?
Where did you get the idea that Randy is not allowing the kids to arrange the flowers their father gets???

I swear some people just love to hate on others so much that they start making ish up just to continue that hate...
Where did you get the idea that Randy is not allowing the kids to arrange the flowers their father gets???

I swear some people just love to hate on others so much that they start making ish up just to continue that hate...

Randy said it himself.. he said he told Lisa to arrange it however she wanted.. My question is why couldn't the kids arrange the flowers however they wanted?
Well, you are free to respect him if you think he's earned your respect, dear. No one will question your values.

Personally, I will only give respect to someone who's earned it.
He's Michael's brother, and regardless of his shortcomings I respect him. The family has too much ish from the haters, they don't need it from the fans.

We really should be putting our differences aside we have with the family, and standing behind them. They have dealt with a great loss and tragedy, which we have no idea to how they are coping. They need our support more than ever, especially in the coming days.

Who has the right to judge anyone? None of us have the right to do that. Every one has family issues. But, if you were in their shoes, how would you feel if your family was bashed by the world? You would not like it.
He's Michael's brother, and regardless of his shortcomings I respect him. The family has too much ish from the haters, they don't need it from the fans.

We really should be putting our differences aside we have with the family, and standing behind them. They have dealt with a great loss and tragedy, which we have no idea to how they are coping. They need our support more than ever, especially in the coming days.

Who has the right to judge anyone? None of us have the right to do that. Every one has family issues. But, if you were in their shoes, how would you feel if your family was bashed by the world? You would not like it.

a personal attack of a family member is not allowed, but mods have already said, that if members see things that they feel that family members are doing, that seem to hurt each other, members are allowed to comment on that. they are allowed to comment on the action, as opposed to personally attacking the family member. if a member feels that the family member is hurting another family member, in the media, then damage has already been done...there's nothing that the site member can do to hurt the situation, any more, unless they resort to personal attacks. there's nothing wrong with the idea of defending Michael, whom the fans love, against an action that is hurtful to him...as long as the personal attack doesn't happen. in this case, i don't know that slander has happened...but, for example if MJ is slandered by another family member, being blood related, is no excuse for that.
I don't know what skeletons YOU have to hide, but I'm just a normal 19 year old girl going to college and living at home. And trust there wasn't a single person in my family that had been in jail for abuse or any other kind of criminal behavior. On another note go and re-listen to man in the mirror I don't think u've understood the lyrics yet.. probably cuz ur spending too much time listening to ''love u honey''

Girlie I aint a fan of Randy . I don't own anything of his and he is not on my radar. I don't stan for him but I will defend stupidity. Shoot I don't like Lisa Marie Presley but even I have defended her ass on certain topics. I don't let hate cloud my judgement. Randy is going out of his way to do something nice for fans who requested it and people are finding fault in it. What the hell does his ex-wife have to do with it, what does any of the other issues about him that have been brought up have anything to do with what he is trying to do? Were these issues a problem when he was in charge of the Memorial? Was it an issue during the burial? Did you watch it on tv? I hope your-self rightous behind didn't because Randy was in charge.

As for MAN IN THE MIRROR, you don't have to listen to the whole song, the title alone says it all. That my friend is a proverb. Before you judge anyone look at yourself in a Mirror. And no one in your family may not have been sent to jail for abuse or been involved in criminal behaviour but I'm certain if the tables were turned and your asses were in The Jackson's place and in the public eye I'm certain we would find somethings about your family that are questionable. I'm sure some people would question the way you were raised, your family dynamics and so on. NO ONE IS PERFECT!!!!!

Like I said before sometimes some fans baffle me. We are MJ fans. We know how he was judged , ridiculed, lied on ,treated badly but we go out of our way to treat others the same. Imagine some fans called Randy wierd after watching the video. Are you freaking kiddin me? Isn't that the same thing MJ was called and he didn't like it. I know it pisses me off when people call him wierd. I have personally made enemies with people over this. MJ fans calling somebody else WEIRD of all names. How ironic is that.
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a personal attack of a family member is not allowed, but mods have already said, that if members see things that they feel that family members are doing, that seem to hurt each other, members are allowed to comment on that. they are allowed to comment on the action, as opposed to personally attacking the family member. if a member feels that the family member is hurting another family member, in the media, then damage has already been done...there's nothing that the site member can do to hurt the situation, any more, unless they resort to personal attacks. there's nothing wrong with the idea of defending Michael, whom the fans love, against an action that is hurtful to him...as long as the personal attack doesn't happen. in this case, i don't know that slander has happened...but, for example if MJ is slandered by another family member, being blood related, is no excuse for that.
I'm one of Michael's fiercesest defenders. MJ has been hurt by his family, but did he retaliate by doing the same? He knew his family had issues, but he never trashed them to the world. We may not agree with some things that were done, but it is wrong to continually bash his family. It's disrespectful to him.
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I'm one of Michael's fiercesest defenders. MJ has been hut by his family, but did he retaliate by doing the same? He knew his family had issues, but he never trashed them to the world. We may not agree with some things that were done, but it is wrong to continually bash his family. It's disrespectful to him.

I agree and I'm also one of MJ's fiercest defenders too. Yes MJ has been hurt by his family. I always say if I was in his place I wouldn't have forgiven La Toya but maybe because I tend to hold grudges anyway. But don't think for a second I will go out of my way to disrespect his sister which by all accounts he was cool with. Who I saw him holding hands with at his trial. But also lets not loose site of the fact that MJ was a human being and not a GOD and that there may have been times where he may have hurt his family as well. Siblings do hurt each other. Families do hurt each other. Lets not bury our heads in the sand. Remember even though the Jacksons are famous we still don't know half of the stuff that happens in their lives. We don't know everything about Mike and we don't know everything about MJ.
I agree and I'm also one of MJ's fiercest defenders too. Yes MJ has been hurt by his family. I always say if I was in his place I wouldn't have forgiven La Toya but maybe because I tend to hold grudges anyway. But don't think for a second I will go out of my way to disrespect his sister which by all accounts he was cool with. Who I saw him holding hands with at his trial. But also lets not loose site of the fact that MJ was a human being and not a GOD and that there may have been times where he may have hurt his family as well. Siblings do hurt each other. Families do hurt each other. Lets not bury our heads in the sand. Remember even though the Jacksons are famous we still don't know half of the stuff that happens in their lives. We don't know everything about Mike and we don't know everything about MJ.
He's Michael's brother, and regardless of his shortcomings I respect him. The family has too much ish from the haters, they don't need it from the fans.

We really should be putting our differences aside we have with the family, and standing behind them. They have dealt with a great loss and tragedy, which we have no idea to how they are coping. They need our support more than ever, especially in the coming days.

Who has the right to judge anyone? None of us have the right to do that. Every one has family issues. But, if you were in their shoes, how would you feel if your family was bashed by the world? You would not like it.


Being MJ's brother makes you respect him? See, I am not impressed by the Jackson last name. Never been. Never will. I am a Michael Jackson fan. PERIOD.

I am glad you found qualities in Randy that you respect....like I wrote previously, you are free to respect whomever you want.

On the other hand, I also have a right to my opinion, just like you. This is a message board after all.

Again, my respect is earned. Not given freely to Jacksons.

MJ's 3 kids will have my full support..always.
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I'm one of Michael's fiercesest defenders. MJ has been hurt by his family, but did he retaliate by doing the same? He knew his family had issues, but he never trashed them to the world. We may not agree with some things that were done, but it is wrong to continually bash his family. It's disrespectful to him.

like i said, calling out a wrongdoing by a family member is not bashing. it's defending MJ. bashing a family member means to personally attack them. that is not the same as calling out a wrongdoing. anyway, fans will continue to call things out, unless mods say otherwise. but personal attacks are off limits. sure MJ might have asked in a song lyric if a brother did something wrong..but that's beside the point. you have to know what the definition of bash means. i'm not bashing you, unless i attack you personally. but if i call you out for wrongdoing..that is NOT bashing. besides..we'll wait for the mods to do the rules thing...not you.

Being MJ's brother makes you respect him?

Good for you....like I wrote previously, you are free to whomever you want. I have a right to my opinion, just like you have yours. This is a message board after all.

Again, my respect is earned.

MJ's 3 kids will have my full support..always.
I will reinterate again...He is not perfect, but he's still Michael's brother. Michael knew his family, we will never know what issues they had in the past. But, did Michael bash his family to the media? Who are we to bash them?? Some people hate on the family because of rumors. Michael knew the truth about them, but was he hating on them? No.
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I will reinterate again...He is not perfect, but he's still Michael's brother. Michael knew his family, we will never know what issues they had in the past. But, did Michael bash his family to the media? Who are we to bash them?? Some people hate on the family because of rumors. Michael knew the truth about them, but was he hating on them?

What part of I do not give a sh!t about his last name don't you understand?

I don't respect people because their last name is Kennedy, Jackson, Obama, or whatever other last name you can think you. And I am not Michael Jackson either...I can call out whomever deserves to get bashed.

I respect people who inspire respect. I hope I am clearer this time.

End of this back& forth.
What part of I do not give a sh!t about his last name don't you understand?

I don't respect people because their last name is Kennedy, Jackson, Obama, or whatever other last name you can think you. And I am not Michael Jackson either...I can call out whomever deserves to get bashed.

I respect people who inspire respect. I hope I am clearer this time.

End of this back& forth.
I understand respecting the Jacksons in spite of their faults. You are free to have your opinions, but, why be nasty expressing it? Totally unneccesary.
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No need to get nasty! I understand respecting the Jacksons in spite of their faults. You are free to have your opinions, but it's unneccessary being nasty about how you feel.

Well, you seemed to have difficulties understanding my last 3-4 posts.

I do not respect thieves and/or women beaters. You and I might have different values...
MJ's 3 kids do not need your full support. You are just a fan and please remember it. Katherine takes care of MJ kids and it looks like she is doing it very well.
There is no need to bash this family for no reason. Randy did not say anything wrong. If you do not like it, it is your problem but keep it with respect at least.
What part of I do not give a sh!t about his last name don't you understand?

I don't respect people because their last name is Kennedy, Jackson, Obama, or whatever other last name you can think you. And I am not Michael Jackson either...I can call out whomever deserves to get bashed.

I respect people who inspire respect. I hope I am clearer this time.

End of this back& forth.

would you please cut the whole 'Jacksons are being hunted by the media\public just like Michael' BS!

nobody (HERE) is bashing them because of things they've never done. nobody talks about their appereances (oh well, lol..) , nobody is misquoting them... and they have never been famous enough to get as much attention. this is no way comparable.

fans are talking facts and everybody takes things different. RESPECT THAT.

I don't care if you love the Jacksons.. Yes, they're Michael's Family but they're not MJ. forget it.
That's enough everyone. I appreciate everything is raw but insulting each other is not the way to go about it. You have a problem with what someone said report it and let us deal with it. If you have a problem with each other let us know or take it to PM.
What part of I do not give a sh!t about his last name don't you understand?

I don't respect people because their last name is Kennedy, Jackson, Obama, or whatever other last name you can think you. And I am not Michael Jackson either...I can call out whomever deserves to get bashed.

I respect people who inspire respect. I hope I am clearer this time.

End of this back& forth.

Like the poster said a lot of the stuff are rumors some rumors are straight out lies and you bash randy over somthing you thnik is true, and for his short comings no one is perfect not even you. you should know that much . but since you sound like a hater of the jacksons family beside michael and mj 3, you want to believe everything negative about the jackson family anyway even if it is just a rumors. ( not proven true)
Like the poster said a lot of the stuff are rumors some rumors are straight out lies and you bash randy over somthing you thnik is true, and for his short comings no one is perfect not even you. you should know that much . but since you sound like a hater of the jacksons family beside michael and mj 3, you want to believe everything negative about the jackson family anyway even if it is just a rumors. ( not proven true)
Randall beating the life of his then pregnant wife is NOT a rumor, he beat the shyte out of her, while she was carrying his brood. That beautiful daughter he's got now, Steveanna he beat her mother while she was in the tomb!! Randall was convicted and spent time in jail, Randall admitted to what part of of convicted woman abuser don't u understand? What part please tell me, ur among the blinded folks obviously how come Jackie is never getting criticized? How 3T are never getting criticized, Respect is earned and NOT given period now u can blame this on whatever the heck u want, it still doesn't change, which woman abuser would u respect?! How can anyone in their right mind respect a man who beat the life out of a woman while that woman was carrying his child?! How can any sane thinking person be fond of such a person?! I swear to God if Michael had been such a deadbeat father and that abusive I would've been the first to say to hell with him. Such a behavior is INEXCUSABLE to anyone who's got a tad of brain. PERIOD