Randy to get fans to MJ's Burial Site *Update post 291*Randy's Explanation

  • Thread starter Dangerous Incorporated
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so I was just think..all this tweeting Randy was doing about the fans and FL....it probably has something to do with the new news that was released from TMZ saying that fans will not be allowed in on the 25th...It makes sense to me that Randy knew about this before it hit the media..what do you all think?
...or maybe so many people called Forest Lawn making questions

after his twitter that they finally said, ' That's it.'

Who knows.
Randall beating the life of his then pregnant wife is NOT a rumor, he beat the shyte out of her, while she was carrying his brood. That beautiful daughter he's got now, Steveanna he beat her mother while she was in the tomb!! Randall was convicted and spent time in jail, Randall admitted to what part of of convicted woman abuser don't u understand? What part please tell me, ur among the blinded folks obviously how come Jackie is never getting criticized? How 3T are never getting criticized, Respect is earned and NOT given period now u can blame this on whatever the heck u want, it still doesn't change, which woman abuser would u respect?! How can anyone in their right mind respect a man who beat the life out of a woman while that woman was carrying his child?! How can any sane thinking person be fond of such a person?! I swear to God if Michael had been such a deadbeat father and that abusive I would've been the first to say to hell with him. Such a behavior is INEXCUSABLE to anyone who's got a tad of brain. PERIOD

i agree on this .
MJ's 3 kids do not need your full support. You are just a fan and please remember it. Katherine takes care of MJ kids and it looks like she is doing it very well.
There is no need to bash this family for no reason. Randy did not say anything wrong. If you do not like it, it is your problem but keep it with respect at least.

This was not what Michael said in life or nor what Prince said the Grammys
Some people hate on the family because of rumors.

Hate is a strong word, which I don't think anybody has used towards

anybody in that family. Maybe I'm wrong.

Just because someone expresses dislike towards somebody else's actions

or intentions, it doesn't necessarily mean that hate is involved.
Randall beating the life of his then pregnant wife is NOT a rumor, he beat the shyte out of her, while she was carrying his brood. That beautiful daughter he's got now, Steveanna he beat her mother while she was in the tomb!! Randall was convicted and spent time in jail, Randall admitted to what part of of convicted woman abuser don't u understand? What part please tell me, ur among the blinded folks obviously how come Jackie is never getting criticized? How 3T are never getting criticized, Respect is earned and NOT given period now u can blame this on whatever the heck u want, it still doesn't change, which woman abuser would u respect?! How can anyone in their right mind respect a man who beat the life out of a woman while that woman was carrying his child?! How can any sane thinking person be fond of such a person?! I swear to God if Michael had been such a deadbeat father and that abusive I would've been the first to say to hell with him. Such a behavior is INEXCUSABLE to anyone who's got a tad of brain. PERIOD

There are other things the poster has said that are rumors and many things said about randy are not true, yes its wrong to hit somone period, that was wrong and you are not perfect so why judge him, and yes i respect randy and he did get help and he is not perfect he has supported michael and still support him and he is a giving person . and I believe randy has done some soul searching he speaks and give thanks to god often, and yes randy is a good person, can you say you are perfect? no you cant. stop with the bashing unless you bash your own short commings.
There are other things the poster has said that are rumors and many things said about randy are not true, yes its wrong to hit somone period, that was wrong and you are not perfect so why judge him, and yes i respect randy and he did get help and he is not perfect he has supported michael and still support him and he is a giving person . and I believe randy has done some soul searching he speaks and give thanks to god often, and yes randy is a good person, can you say you are perfect? no you cant. stop with the bashing unless you bash your own short commings.

i hope you carry the same sentiments about Chris Brown, because he looks as if he's done the same kind of soul searching, if you look at it, with the human eye. and everybody talks about god, don't mean they believe in god..

i'm just saying..as i looked at the board, an overwhelming number of people hated on Chris Brown, but, outside of a couple of people here, an overwhelming number seem to support Randy Jackson. i'm just wondering if there is hypocrisy, based on the last name of the individual?

so..if we are talking about talking from a 'high moral ground', let's hope it's consistent...and genuine...

and this is not me, giving my views on either Chris Brown, or Randy Jackson.
When the f*** did I say I was perfect?!! WHEN?!! WHEN THE F did I ever say it?! UR Ignorance never fails to amaze me
I surely know THAT I'm have never ever beaten up anyone nor did anyone of my family. NO ONE has EVER BEEN HARMED BY ME. MAybe its normal for u and u to go around and beat folks up end up in jail, serve jail time etc. But where I live and how I grew its not. Maybe its a moral and cultural thing that u dont get it.

What i am saying you should not take a stand and bash randy for what he did wrong cause you are not perfect meaning without your own sins ( he without sin cast the first stone). I believe randy turns to god for guideness and for giveness. you should worry about your own soul.
i hope you carry the same sentiments about Chris Brown, because he looks as if he's done the same kind of soul searching, if you look at it, with the human eye. and everybody talks about god, don't mean they believe in god..

i'm just saying..as i looked at the board, an overwhelming number of people hated on Chris Brown, but, outside of a couple of people here, an overwhelming number seem to support Randy Jackson. i'm just wondering if there is hypocrisy, based on the last name of the individual?

so..if we are talking about talking from a 'high moral ground', let's hope it's consistent...and genuine...

and this is not me, giving my views on either Chris Brown, or Randy Jackson.
It was wrong for chris brown to hit her and maybe he know its better to walk away even if a girl is hitting him, he is stronger then rihana, I believe chris brown has a lot of his fans own that support him still, here are michael jacksons and some jacksons family fans here that could be the difference you mean.
How is Randy giving Lisa Marie authority to arrange the flowers however she wants? She ain't his widow. Why did Randy allow her to do that and not Mike's kids?

Randy said it himself.. he said he told Lisa to arrange it however she wanted.. My question is why couldn't the kids arrange the flowers however they wanted?

Nobody said they couldn't.

You have misunderstood this completely.

He was talking about Lisa's own flower arrangement.
Ok this thread is being closed for a "cooling down" period. I will reopen it tomorrow 6/1 EST.

This going off topic, bickering, arguing, disrespecting has to end! NOW!

ALL OF YOU have been warned MULTIPLE TIMES.

I have no choice, this thread is closed so everyone can collect themselves and CALMLY AND RESPECTFULLY post when it reopens.

This is getting out of hand guys and you all have been told time and time again what's up.

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Ok, thread is now reopened. IF there is one more person who goes off topic, talks about other situations, issues outside the topic of this thread, if there is another person who is disrespectful towards any of the Jackson family (name calling, etc.), disrespectful towards any other board members, etc. THIS THREAD WILL BE CLOSED FOR GOOD! This isn't rocket science either follow the board rules or else face the consequences.

And of course you DO NOT have to bite your tongue towards the Jackson family or agree with everything they do, etc. You can call them out on what they've done, etc. BUT name calling IS DISRESPECTFUL, resorting to trash talk IS DISRESPECTFUL. you can voice your opinion, etc. in a manner that isn't. Also talking about a member of the family and then bringing up stuff that has NOTHING to do with the subject of the thread is NOT going to be tolerated either. This has been explained time and time again. I just wanted to say it again once more to "drill" it into all of your heads.

Moderators do not like closing threads, deleting posts, etc. but it has gotten to a point where it's become an everyday occurence.

PLEASE do not make me or another mod close this thread.

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