Randy to get fans to MJ's Burial Site *Update post 291*Randy's Explanation

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Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

Topflux, you're saying that Michael already had the Holly Terrace area in the 80's? Where in the world did you find that "fact"? Not questioning you per se, but never I have ever read that anywhere the the last 2 decades.

Of course the info given out after Michael's death could have been all tabloid, but didn't the Jackson family purchase the alcove as well as many surroundings wall crypts after June 2009?

Hard to believe some things without some sort of link and where/when it was divulged.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

This is a bad idea. not everyone attending will have good intentions. Fans should gather at the gates of Neverland instead.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

I read an old famous book called "The Souls" (more than 500 years old translated in many languages), and it says it is better when a person is buried with others around him/her, especially friends...so maybe it is more fun to be around Walt Disney and Clark and his grandparents, and some says that Liz wants to be buried there too. so what do you think?

I would have to agree with on that !
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

I read an old famous book called "The Souls" (more than 500 years old translated in many languages), and it says it is better when a person is buried with others around him/her, especially friends...so maybe it is more fun to be around Walt Disney and Clark and his grandparents, and some says that Liz wants to be buried there too. so what do you think?

That's a comforting thought. :)

I don't think they should move him, personally I find that upsetting. He's been laid to rest, they should let him do just that.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

MJ did not have forrest lawn bought in the 80's. thats why it took months to burry him, there was no plan!.
Thats why we have this badly run situation, panic and grief set in.

The kids and KATHERINE his mother own all of MJ's stuff, his name, his body, his music the lot... and until they are 18 it is up to his mother to do what she sees fit, along with a court appointed person who represents the kids best interest, and the business side is run by thr brains of Branca and John (can't remember his seconds name).

Jackie, Jermaine, Tito, Randy, Janet Latoya, Rebbie etc have NO legal right to determine what happens. BUT they do have access to his MOTHER.


The current sharing of the garve space does NOT work and is constantly open to abuse
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

Who started this? Did fans actually go on and on about going

inside on June 25th, or did he just post that out of the blue?

( Not that if the first is the case, he could not have just ignore it)

I would think that most fans are o.k about respecting Katherine's

wishes for privacy.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

I'd hate for MJ to be moved from there. He should be allowed to rest in peace, not catered back and forth like a travelling circus. Leave him where he is.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

^^ I agree. He's not an attraction.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

Who said they were moving him? Where are people hearing these rumors from?
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

We just need to keep praying for our baby. Pray for his safety and the happiness of his soul (I call Michael my baby and I've done it since God knows when. )
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

Didn't know that. Maybe the estate will move him after Katherine passes. I think everyone is respectful of her decision while she is still here.
It wasn't the estate bragging and demanding Michael to be laid to rest at Neverlland, but his own family members, it wasn't the estate being continuously on senile Larry's LKL show from June 29 to September 3rd either saying Michael's body and the J4 should tour the States, so that ''the fans get a chance to say goodbye to Michael'' If anything it will be the usual greedy folks wanting to move him same ones who wanted to tour with his body -_-
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

Who said they were moving him? Where are people hearing these rumors from?

no one said that. those aren't even rumors. that's just what some fans think should be done (I am not one of them)
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

It will never stop till ppl will live their OWN lives. This is how tabloid business grows. Fans are a part of this industry no matter how much they hate tabloids.
If I was Katherine, I would bury him in another country with different name on his grave so only a family would know that it is him.
To make it look real I would have a fake grave in US for the media. I have a very small hope that his body is not in FL. If it is still there Jacksons have to do something with that because Katherine will not be able to live and die in peace if her son’s body won’t be safe.
Fans have to stop paying attention to his grave as well. Do not go there on June 25 and better never. If there will be no fans, there will be no media attention. Simple as that. Stop reading anything from tabloids. Live your OWN live, have some fun, find something else to do. Michael's music is always with us and this is more than enough.

Well I agree that people need to leave him alone and I think there should be tighter security but I don't think fans should not visit. Michael loves his fans and I'm sure his soul loves receiving gifts and love from the fans.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

Can you believe there are fans that don't see these pics and video as a big deal?

Certainly I can.
I saw that happening last year, with the first pics leaked posted on FB by we all know who and with the results we all know about :(
And people were soo angry with me because I said that was wrong :doh:
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

"What you have just witnessed could be the end of a particularly terrifying nightmare.
It isn’t. It’s the beginning".


I can't believe how low human beings have become. This will not stop.. nor will our pain. And they just made fun of us

Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

Perhaps.....Neverland would be a better place for the fans to visit to celebrate the life of Michael Jackson. I'm not saying Michael Jackson should be moved. That is up to his children: Prince, Paris, and Blanket.
I'm saying Neverland should be opened back up for the fans to visit and celebrate the life of Michael Jackson



A Computer Virtual Tour


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Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

I have a feeling he will eventually be moved once Katherine passes. She is the one who demanded that he be put there. Once she's gone, I'm sure the family will love him to a more public place or even Neverland. Who knows.

First: I wish Mrs. Jackson has many, many years to come. I hope she is healthy and with the energy enough to take care for the ones who need her the most right now: Blanket, Paris and Prince. Of all issues that must be taken care of, no question the only one that really, really matters the most is the kids. And that is really doing the best for Michael at this time.

Now... we are all angry about the pics going public... why would we want his final resting place to be public? If we have seen so much disrespect now, with all these leaked footage, what can we expect if he is at a open, public place???? :no:

With all my heart, I hope that will never happen. Why can we just give him peace?
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

Lisa's pot says ''I will always love you eternally, L''

:cry: Oh wow, she's got it bad.

PS. I'm sad that someone filmed MJs grave and sold it to TMZ :( :no:
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

I think Michael does deserve peace and privacy. I think it's very nice when fans go there and leave flowers and gifts outside the doors and the guards can take them to Michael. It's showing love for him. Michael had a connection and special relationship with his fans. A lot of celebrities don't have that kind of relationship with their fans. Whatever his family and children want is what should be respected.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

It it was not a ptroblem with the media it would be nothing wrong with visiting his grave. Besides, fans do not need to be close to his body to celebrate his legacy and to love him. He left music for his fans and it is more than enough. As more fans will visit FL as more attention to his grave from the media and this circus will never stop. It is very simple.
If fans have some respect to Michael's privacy and privacy of his family it is better not to visit FL imo. It will be the best respect for Michael ever from fans.
Fans have to leave this man (his body) for his family. We have his art and the man left his heart in his music for us. What else we need? Why fans want some more from him? I do not understand it. Ppl have to start living their own lives, to have love, fun and it will the best for Michael. This is what he wanted.







To many fans, it's not just about the music. Many fans do not love Michael the artist ALONE. That is why we stuck by him through the trial, through all the hard times and that is why we grieved when he died. It's not all about the music. Many fans love Michael the PERSON equally and in my case, even more. Therefore I encourage fans to peacefully and quietly leave flowers and gifts at the gates. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Michael loved his fans just as much as we loved him. And I think for safety reasons his tomb should always remain private but fans should always express their undying love. We do not want his soul to feel alone or forgotten. Fans want nothing from Michael and one can always continue to live a happy life without forgetting a loved dead one. They just love him like family and he enjoyed and apperciated this love. It comforted him throughout the darkest times in his life.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

^^ This.

Michael's so much more than music. And people should be able to go to him and say thank you. Of course it should be done respectfully and without invading privacy. But fans should be allowed to do that. Yes, Michael is an incredible artist who gave us wonderful music and shared his talent with us. But he's so much more than that. He's a teacher, he's the inspiration, for so many people he's really like a family. It's been almost a year and the fans are still mourning and the pain is still fresh as though it happened yesterday. All those feelings are not about the entertainer in the first place. They are about a kind, loving and caring person, who wanted to change the world for the better and tried so hard to teach people to look at the world the way he saw it, to make people become kinder towards each other and more caring. He was just a very very nice person. And we are mourning that person and we should be allowed to do so in a respectful way and not be frowned upon. For some he was an icon, but for some he was like family.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

Honestly, when ppl visit graves they do it also for their own comfort. It is easier to cope this way. It is not only a matter of paying respects. Let’s be honest, it is both. We all have feelings because Michael touched so many ppl but we have a situation here and we have to think first if we care about his privacy.
Yes, he wanted to change the world but visiting his grave does not change the world. What does change the world is when ppl’s souls change. Then they go and DO something positive.

I agree with you that this is such a delicate matter because people express their grief in so many different ways. Some need a grave to visit, some don't. I have thought about that a lot, both of personal reasons and because in my country we had a major debate on this after the tracigally accident when the ferry M/S Estonia sank with more than 850 people. During all the grief people where fighting and discussing desperately whether to salve the bodies or to just let it be. Some people couldn't take it that they wouldn't have a grave to visit. And I think that however they will do with Michael's resting place someone will get hurt. It just is that way. And I hope so that this is not going to split the fans and create dissension. And I know that this was a bit off topic....
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

yes, I partly agree, that cemeteries are also for the living. visiting a grave of a loved one is a part of the healing process. and I think there's nothing wrong about fans visiting Forest Lawn to lay flowers and spend a couple of hours at the Holly Terrace door. and they should not be judged like you are judging them. if you don't understand something it doesn't mean it's wrong. there's nothing wrong in showing your love for the person who passed and visiting his resting place.

all that said, I don't think that huge gatherings are appropriate for a cemetery. because it's a cemetery and it should be quiet there. if a huge group of people is able to control themselves and behave accordingly I will have a huge respect for them after June 25. because right now I am kind of nervous about what will be happening there on that day. that's why when I visited Forest Lawn, I went there by myself with just one friend, we didn't want to turn it into a big gathering. Because that could turn wrong. I still can't forget that video made by Californian fans, when the guard opened the door and they filmed the resting place and while doing it they were talking very loudly about collecting gifts from the floor. they were being too loud. and I don't think that was appropriate.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

U hate the tabloid pictures of the grave so much but I don't hear any solutions other than, it's wrong to move him, and wrong for people to take pictures

Ok guys answer this...
If u don't move MJ, how do u stop all the tabloid pictures and access to his grave from non family members...??? (Remember this is a shared space by other families so u can't stop strangers getting in)
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Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

Unfortunately there are not the first pics inside, I just saw on another site (a respectful one I must say) some pics taken pretty close on the grave showing the flowers all around - The webmaster said that they have been taken on april 4th and they are been sent to them by someone who didn't give his name :no:

About the possibility to see Michael's grave I'm very mixed. I'm respectful of the fact that some need to go and see the grave - it's not my case - but I think that Michael is "protected" at FL, he really deserves rest and peace. The place has been choosen for its quietly. I'm fearful to imagine what could happened if the doors could be opened :no::doh:

However I would love a MJ Museum, Neverland Ranch would be the best place for the fans to be connect with Michael :angel:. If this would have to happened I would surely do the trip from France :angel:
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

TMZ has pics up of the sunflowers around the tomb that is not right at all. They should not be allowed in there if its supposed to be a private place.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

Not sure this is a good idea. There's a lot of unstable fans who think he's their father, wife, etc. Hell someone who thinks he's still alive might scheme to dig up the grave to prove their point.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

Not sure this is a good idea. There's a lot of unstable fans who think he's their father, wife, etc. Hell someone who thinks he's still alive might scheme to dig up the grave to prove their point.

you are so right about this.that scene scares me to death.