Randy to get fans to MJ's Burial Site *Update post 291*Randy's Explanation

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Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

If you are going to see a loved one I doubt you could just wonder around the place.
I read that as soon as you walk down the hallway it tricks an alarm
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

If you are going to see a loved one I doubt you could just wonder around the place.
I read that as soon as you walk down the hallway it tricks an alarm

you maybe right I dont know...you would think that there would be SOME type of tighter security inside to help protect Michael.....it is just so sad that someone has leaked a video of his final resting place..:(.....poor fellow ...but they cannot hurt him any more.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

you maybe right I dont know...you would think that there would be SOME type of tighter security inside to help protect Michael.....it is just so sad that someone has leaked a video of his final resting place..:(.....poor fellow ...but they cannot hurt him any more.

I read an article recently that the family remove their personal security, now MJ only has regular FL security.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

I tend to think a video like this would be all over the place and Forrest Lawn would be called on it. So if a stranger did it the cameras would have caught it. They have cct all over
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

I read an article recently that the family remove their personal security, now MJ only has regular FL security.

you are correct..I read that too and I remember how mad I was....you would think that with all the money that the estate is STILL making off of Michael....the extra security for him would not be a problem. I just dont know what they were thinking...maybe they figured that forest Lawn provided sufficient security..IDK....I wish I could get in their minds sometimes...not all the time though..that would be way to creepy...THEN we would really know why Michael kept his distance.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

I tend to think a video like this would be all over the place and Forrest Lawn would be called on it. So if a stranger did it the cameras would have caught it. They have cct all over

this is true too..they have a major security system there surly they should be able to see who did it.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

LMP did it, even a stupid kid can see this!
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

LMP did it, even a stupid kid can see this!


Do you know how many people have access to the place? Their motives? you cannot pinpoint someone without proof to back it up...THAT is childish.



ETA. Until proven otherwise, I still think that video doesn't exist...TMZ would not sit on such a major coup.
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Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

Memefan, you are entitled to your opinion, but the clip excist. I saw it as well as many MJ fans have seen it already. Why would I or others who have seen it make up a story like that? Just go to TMZ.com and contact Harvey Levin. Those people who work for him also have twitter account. Very easy info to verify. And no, many clips shown on the TV show does not always make it as a video clip on tmz.com. They will post about the story on the site, but many exclusives are to be aired on TV only. Some for their website. That's what they did with the Jesse James story and the Anna Nicole Smith. They reveal clips on the TV show but didn't post it on the site. I watch the TMZ show daily just to get updates on MJ court hearings/news/updates. Other shows report next to nothing on MJ, sadly, so as much as I dislike TMZ, I watch it everyday just in case.

You are free to believe what you like. I'm just the messenger. I know what I and many fans saw. I'm sure that clip will end up on youtube within a week. It usually does.

And Lisa DID NOT do it. That girl would never do such a thing seeing how who her dad was and all the things she went through with her dad and Michael. She may have spoken ill of Michael in the press, but she did obviously to protect her image, scorn and whatever stigma that was attached to her at the time. She needed to sell records. But I can never see Lisa doing something like that.

I think it's a visitor. Isn't it ironic, fans who adore Michael can't see him, but other people who are visiting other loved ones, who don't give a damn about Michael, have access to his resting place. Findagrave also has pictures of Michael's resting place, up close and right in front of his tomb. I won't post the link publically out of respect.

A few other people I spoke to have seen that TMZ episode aired on other MJ forums, so there's a lot of anger. And it wasn't even a nice piece (what's to be expected... this is TMZ) they were mocking Randy because he wanted to open up the place on June 25th, they aired his tweets and they made fun of Michael. As usual. Scumbags :sad:
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Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site


Do you know how many people have access to the place? Their motives? you cannot pinpoint someone without proof to back it up...THAT is childish.



ETA. Until proven otherwise, I still think that video doesn't exist...TMZ would not sit on such a major coup.

BUT,you said it was his family for sure !!!

the family had 11 months to make videos but they did not .

it was all a sit up show and TMZ were there from the beginning,,,," the unintentional storm is still going on"
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

the family had 11 months to make videos but they did not .

well the only time the family visited, they did make a video.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

The family had a video crew recording inside on the last episode from their reality TV show. Of course Michael's resting place wasn't aired, but it can be done.

The footage on TMZ looked like a cell phone camera, not a professional camera crew. I hope and pray it's not a Jackson who did this. I think it's more of visitor who could have done this. I can see it happening like that. And the clip is new because you can see Lisa's flowers and the portrait frame in the shot. That's what grabbed my eye in an instant.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

well, at least Forest Lawn didn't throw Lisa's flowers away despite their prohibition of artificial flowers...
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

Memefan, you are entitled to your opinion, but the clip excist. I saw it as well as many MJ fans have seen it already. Why would I or others who have seen it make up a story like that? Just go to TMZ.com and contact Harvey Levin. Those people who work for him also have twitter account. Very easy info to verify. And no, many clips shown on the TV show does not always make it as a video clip on tmz.com. They will post about the story on the site, but many exclusives are to be aired on TV only. Some for their website. That's what they did with the Jesse James story and the Anna Nicole Smith. They reveal clips on the TV show but didn't post it on the site. I watch the TMZ show daily just to get updates on MJ court hearings/news/updates. Other shows report next to nothing on MJ, sadly, so as much as I dislike TMZ, I watch it everyday just in case.

You are free to believe what you like. I'm just the messenger. I know what I and many fans saw. I'm sure that clip will end up on youtube within a week. It usually does.

And Lisa DID NOT do it. That girl would never do such a thing seeing how who her dad was and all the things she went through with her dad and Michael. She may have spoken ill of Michael in the press, but she did obviously to protect her image, scorn and whatever stigma that was attached to her at the time. She needed to sell records. But I can never see Lisa doing something like that.

I think it's a visitor. Isn't it ironic, fans who adore Michael can't see him, but other people who are visiting other loved ones, who don't give a damn about Michael, have access to his resting place. Findagrave also has pictures of Michael's resting place, up close and right in front of his tomb. I won't post the link publically out of respect.

A few other people I spoke to have seen that TMZ episode aired on other MJ forums, so there's a lot of anger. And it wasn't even a nice piece (what's to be expected... this is TMZ) they were mocking Randy because he wanted to open up the place on June 25th, they aired his tweets and they made fun of Michael. As usual. Scumbags :sad:

Michael will never find peace. A bunch of leeches keep exploiting him. I hope when the kids gro up they will put a stop to this.

Obviously, the estate has to no say on who can access his final resting place (even though they forked the $$$$ for it)
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

Speaking of Michael's resting place, did anyone catch TMZ last night? I mean the TV show not TMZ.com(although it's the same celeb company...)

Someone went inside Michael's resting place WITH A VIDEO and filmed his resting place. You can see Lisa's beautiful flowers for Michael right in the front of his tomb. Big bunch of flowers inside a portrait frame like she brought in. It did look very 3D. Just wondering if anyone else saw it last night?

Anyway, i would surprised such video exist...as it would be all over tmz.com & twitter. They usual duplicate their news items both for the tv show & their website.

imho, that story is not true.

This video exist.. I just watched it seconds ago. I feel sick, this is horrible. They (TMZ TV) are making a mockery of Michaels death. They are doing this kinda sketch thing over Randys tweet and have included the footage of MJs tomb.

WHO did film this? It's filmed very up close. The sunflowers from LMP are there like prettymjgirl said.. along with several other gifts and flowers (absolutely not empty like LMP said)
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

I hate that these things are happening :( Of course, we can say that they can't hurt Michael now, but these things hurt his good name and his legacy and all the people who care him. Why do they want to turn everything about Michael into mockery? They have forgotten that he's also a person, a human being. He passed, can't they shup up already? It's so depressing
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

Michael will never find peace. A bunch of leeches keep exploiting him. I hope when the kids gro up they will put a stop to this.

Obviously, the estate has to no say on who can access his final resting place (even though they forked the $$$$ for it)

You edited your post, but to answer your previous question, I'm referring to the Lisa sunflower story. And I believe the clip is new because of her sunflower and frame.

This video exist.. I just watched it seconds ago. I feel sick, this is horrible. They (TMZ TV) are making a mockery of Michaels death. They are doing this kinda sketch thing over Randys tweet and have included the footage of MJs tomb.

WHO did film this? It's filmed very up close. The sunflowers from LMP are there like prettymjgirl said.. along with several other gifts and flowers (absolutely not empty like LMP said)

Thanks. You see? It's amazing how close that person got. And TMZ mocked Michael in the process to make it even worst.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

Anyone who has access to Holly Terrace could film it. Because when someone is allowed in, they are not supervised there. People just press a button on the intercome and say who they are visiting and the door clicks open and they go in. There are cameras in there, I am sure, but there are no actual security people. That hallway is empty, so visitors can make any videos they like.

I've just checked the Forest Lawn site and it says:

All photography (still or video) inside buildings is prohibited, except at funerals, weddings, and other private services with the consent of the person(s) in charge.

No commercial or professional photography is allowed under any circumstances without the express written consent of Forest Lawn.
it's right here http://www.forestlawn.com/Visitors-Guide/Index.asp#Photography

So someone who was allowed inside violated the policy. Forest Lawn should investigate this.
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Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

Thanks. You see? It's amazing how close that person got. And TMZ mocked Michael in the process to make it even worst.

Yeah, its fucked up how close they are filming this.
I also believe its new since the sunflowers and the frame (as LMP mentioned in her myspace blog) are there. It has to be new.. its horrible.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

You edited your post, but to answer your previous question, I'm referring to the Lisa sunflower story. And I believe the clip is new because of her sunflower and frame.

Thanks. You see? It's amazing how close that person got. And TMZ mocked Michael in the process to make it even worst.

Yeah..I read your other post...This whole thing is sad. No one is able to protect MJ.

The hell with TMZ

This video exist.. I just watched it seconds ago. I feel sick, this is horrible. They (TMZ TV) are making a mockery of Michaels death. They are doing this kinda sketch thing over Randys tweet and have included the footage of MJs tomb.

WHO did film this? It's filmed very up close. The sunflowers from LMP are there like prettymjgirl said.. along with several other gifts and flowers (absolutely not empty like LMP said)

So it was filmed after her...I know many people have been sending flowers since the sunflower episode.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

If were Katherine Jackson then I would be pissed. She put her son there so he would not be bothered I would sue Forrest Lawn and TMZ just to find out who did it
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

Yeah..I read your other post...This whole thing is sad. No one is able to protect MJ.

The hell with TMZ

So it was filmed after her...I know many people have been sending flowers since the sunflower episode.

maybe, but do you see how small is LMP's sunflower bouquet it is so small compared the fans flower bouquet outside, LOL just kidding.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

tmz is always successful in getting more hits . if u want them to respect Michael ,then u have to show them that we don't need them ,they need us.they know that Michaels fan want more news about him so they give u little information with mocking him because they know after airing that shit more angry fans hit their site,they are always successful in that.
About that video can we tell FL people about it,those who has that clip can use as a proof.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

The video clip is still there, but don't watch it. It's disgusting and so upsetting.

Reagering the just published photos on TMZ - at least that girl with the camera must be recognizable for someone! Somebody must know if this is a group of fans let in, or if it's family. So, so sad to think that fans do this for money. Especially since I believe you must be a real devoted fan to be let in there....
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

It sounds like a good idea for one day like the anniversary but other than that the place is better restricted. If fans do end up going there should be proper precautions taken that everything is done peacefully and respectfully. I know some fans have been going on there own peacfully every month anyways.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

the family should sue..this is why fans shouldnt be let in.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

well, at least Forest Lawn didn't throw Lisa's flowers away despite their prohibition of artificial flowers...
Lisa's pot says ''I will always love you eternally, L''
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

I just wanted to add little something - if you watch "TMZ on TV" they always make fun of everyone and everything. It's not a serious news program on TV and they openly say so. They even make fun of Harvey. What I'm trying to say is that don't think the TV show video as something against Michael.

The main issue is how people are able to record / take this pictures. (It's obvious that TMZ is not sending their photographers to take the pictures, they are buying the photos from regular people that somehow someway enter into Holly Terrace).
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