Randy to get fans to MJ's Burial Site *Update post 291*Randy's Explanation

  • Thread starter Dangerous Incorporated
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Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

The inside of Michael's resting place would "probably" make the evening news.

The folks over at TMZ are probably having a meeting this very second. Their Agenda: "IF Forest Lawn signs off on this, how can we SNEAK a camera into Michael Jackson's final resting place."

:doh: Oh yes, I see now. For some reason I thought you meant a mic only, not a camera. Ignore me lol.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

I know this is hard to accept but this is how I see it. We had Michael our whole lives when we were fans during his life. He put himself out there for us! Now all we can think about is how can we get closer to him after death?? I think that we are being too selfish in wanting to get closer. Forest Lawn was built for a reason: to house the celebrity/ noble/ the whoever is "big" in their final resting place away from it all. They had it all their life. People trying to get close to them and people are still trying to do the same now even when these souls can't defend themselves. I for one don't to go any closer than is respectfully possible.

Michael Joseph Jackson will never rest in peace if everyone keeps this up :cry:
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

:doh: Oh yes, I see now. For some reason I thought you meant a mic only, not a camera. Ignore me lol.

I was also thinking that opening the doors to Michael's final resting place would most likely encourage ANY knucklehead with a small video camera to make an attempt to film the inside of Holly Terrace and try to SELL it to one of those entertainment programs and/or gossip internet sites.

Surely one of them would pay a king's ransom for that type of footage, they wouldn't care where it came from.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

I would kindly suggest remembering Randy's actual twitt:

Although they have strict rules, I'll do my best 2 see if fans can visit & pay their respects beyond the gates of ForestLawn, on the 25th. 7:53 PM May 16th via web

Note he says "gates of ForestLawn". He doesn't say "gates of the mausoleum", nor "gates of Holly Terrace".

Ok, that might be implied, if you want to, and certainly, he could say that if fans are finally not let inside Holly Terrace (smart!) -_-

With all your due respect, what I see here it's just another nasty move of TMZ to get traffic to their site, to get fans get angry/happy/sad/confused and then milk from the comments/reactions/tears/bitter words of us fans at our forums/FB. How many times have they done so? :no:

Fact: Forest Lawn is open and everyone can freely walk throught its gates.

Fact: Holly Terrace IS meant to be private not only for Michael, but for other people resting there.

Fact: Mr. Randy Jackson should be careful with his twitter. I feel he had no clue how deep his words can hurt us or get us confused. No fair play. In fact, our emotions should NOT be a game for anyone: nor Jacksons, nor tabloids, no one.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

I don't think this is going to happen but I'll give my opinion anyway..

I don't think it is Randy's decision to make.

I understand some fans may want to get in there but I don't think it is a good idea. The children shouldn't have to share their daddy's tomb with the world, especially on the first anniversary. They had to share their father with the world, don't they deserve to have this kept just for them?

I think the fans can get close enough already, there is not a need to get any further. There may be a 'want' from some fans but there is not a 'need'. Just because people want to doesn't mean they should be able to. Privacy should be respected. Please give him a little bit of privacy in death, he had little to none in life.

And this is not about the fans this is Katherine Jackson's son. She chose that place so her son can rest in peace. Not to be turned into a tourist attraction


I hate the idea of queues of people passing through.

Maybe fans should go to TMZ in response to this story to tell them we want to respect the privacy of MJ and his family and respectfully don't need to be granted access. Especially since they referred to Michael Jackson fans as 'rabid'. So that's what they think of fans who visit or would like to..

''Randy Jackson's plan to let rabid fans flock to Michael Jackson's mausoleum is setting up a nasty battle ... with the family of another celebrity buried in the extremely private section of Forest Lawn Cemetery.''
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

I know this is hard to accept but this is how I see it. We had Michael our whole lives when we were fans during his life. He put himself out there for us! Now all we can think about is how can we get closer to him after death?? I think that we are being too selfish in wanting to get closer. Forest Lawn was built for a reason: to house the celebrity/ noble/ the whoever is "big" in their final resting place away from it all. They had it all their life. People trying to get close to them and people are still trying to do the same now even when these souls can't defend themselves. I for one don't to go any closer than is respectfully possible.

Michael Joseph Jackson will never rest in peace if everyone keeps this up :cry:

I agree with this post...Michael's final resting place should not become a circus....people made his life a circus...he deserves peace in death.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

I think the fans can get close enough already, there is not a need to get any further. There may be a 'want' from some fans but there is not a 'need'. Just because people want to doesn't mean they should be able to. Privacy should be respected. Please give him a little bit of privacy in death, he had little to none in life.

Absolutely right, I totally agree and as you said, I am forever grateful for every second MJ gave is while on this earth, and for all the priceless memories he has left for us to share forever.

He has given us all he can and even more. Hard as it might be, couldn't we just try to respect his final resting place and to let it just for his familiy, for his kids? Something for him! I mean... friends!! Even his autopsy report is publicly known!!! I know is "legal" and so on, but c'mon! :doh: Isn't it terrible that anyone could go and read what they did to him and how his own body was..... :mello: Ok, I'll stop it, it's too creepy to go on, please excuse my talking :(

I just wich every real fan could go to FL and pay his / her respect in the best possible way.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

I also can understand the fans who want to go inside... For me, it was so emotional just seeing Michael's resting place from a distance when the flower shop people left the door open for a couple of minutes and let me and my friend look inside from the entrance... And I am thankful they did that for us, because it also somewhat helped to deal with the whole thing, you know?... But there were just the two of us and we were calm and quite. We didn't take pictures, we didn't step into the building, we were silent. But there might be people who won't be able to control their feelings, especially if there are many fans together. And then the place will become loud and there will be chaos, and it will be disrespectful...

Unfortunately, I can't but agree. Sad as it might be, we know that would happen, not to mention about the media and their covers the next day.

I am so glad and proud you could make your (LOOOONNNGGGG) way to FL, JMie. My deepest respect to you for showing so much love in such a lovely, quiet, deep and respectful way. :hug:
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

The "family" chooses a place with strict rules, preventing access of the fans, and now wants exceptions. All he wants is to be the good guy to the fans.

Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

The "family" chooses a place with strict rules, preventing access of the fans, and now wants exceptions. All he wants is to be the good guy to the fans.


I agree -_-
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

The "family" chooses a place with strict rules, preventing access of the fans, and now wants exceptions. All he wants is to be the good guy to the fans.


Re: Battle brewing at michael jackson burial site

I saw it coming.

I sure hope to be wrong, but I see MJ being moved

to Neverland at some point.


I saw it since I read Tohme's interview back in July

and watched Jermaine talking to Larry King.
I think Neverland Valley Ranch should be opened back up as a place where fans can go and celebrate Michael Jackson and his music.


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Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

To be honest.... and I am very sorry for saying this... and most of all, I hope from the bottom of my heart you will not feel offended by the following words, but....

I truly hope and wish Neverland will never turn into a Graceland, nor any kind of turist attraction where they can make more money using MJ's tomb and the pain of fans, plus the curisity of anyone around.

Just to think of people walking around Neverland gardens in crowds, laughing, drinking coca cola or eating French fries and taking pics just to say: "Oh, and then we went to Neverland, you know? It was on our way to this and that, so we just took some pics and see, got this mug. Funny!! There were some weird people crying... crazy :doh:"

nooo!!!!! :bugeyed

Michael created Neverland for something completely different. Not to get money, but actually to the opposite: to give freely.

Please excuse me if my words sound disrespectful, I don't mean hurting/judging anyone. It's just my opinion. :mello:
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

This won't happen and that's a good thing.

Of course I would love to visit him, there's no question about it, but the same way I go to cemetary to visit my loved ones: quietly, alone or with a friend/family member. Not with hundreds of others and queueing and all the hoopla, no way! :no: So I'd rather not go, that wouldn't bring any closure. That would make me feel even worse about everything... :cry:

Totally agree with everyone who said he should have some privacy at last.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

I don't think it's a good idea. As much as fans want to get close to Michael,his final resting place should remain peaceful.I'd hate to see it becomes a tourist spot.

Randy doesn't talk with his kids let alone with M's kids so I doubt he even bother to ask them....I think that it's very delicate and it's up to the kids to decide...but they are still young and they may have mixed feelings about this so I'd say it would be better to wait...it's the first year without their dad.
I personally don't like this idea,M shared his entire life with his fans and maybe his kids need to have their dad's resting place to be kept as private as possible.The kids have the priority not fans...

I totally agree with you.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

I'm not saying Michael Jackson's resting place should be changed.
That's up to his children;
Prince, Paris, and Blanket.
What I am stating is that Neverland Valley Ranch needs to be opened back up for the fans.
I was blessed to have been invited onto the grounds at Neverland twice. Yes, I have been inside Michael's house also.
I can tell you this with my every essence that Michael Jacksn wanted fans to be able to visit Neverland, and they always did when he was with us here on Earth.
View this video to get an idea of
the Neverland I remember:

Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

I agree with those who think his final resting place should remain peaceful. Michael gave us enough...now it is time to let him rest.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

I feel manipulated by Randy's newly discovered passion&pleasure to control millions of fans and thousands of forum threads all over the planet with a single tweet. Randy tweets 'jump' and we jump. How many fans will he try to get to FL? 50? 100? 1000? Will they have to fight each other for the privilege? I can already see the pictures tmz expect to publish on the 26th and I desperately hope that there won't be a single fan anywhere near FL on the 25th. Michael will be around all of us who will light a candle on that day all over the world, who will cry together, sing together, or whatever we decide to do on this sad date. Even if we choose to be alone, we won't be alone, we have him and each other. And nothing can change that. Just open any given MJ forum in the whole world (God bless google translator) and you will see that from China to Europe we all discuss one and the same things, we cry over one and the same tributes, we get angry over one and the same news, people get banned and threads get locked for one and the same reasons. And we don't need anyone to say 'jump' to do it.

Michael is not at FL. FL is too small for him.

Do not stand at my grave and weep;
I am not there. I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awaken in the morning's hush
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry;
I am not there. I did not die.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

I agree with those who think his final resting place should remain peaceful. Michael gave us enough...now it is time to let him rest.

especially if the one pushing for it to be public (or hinting it) is someone like randy,this is not a gratuitous stab on him,but a man who hardly speaks with his own kids cannot have at heart,or genuinely at heart random ppl feelings,in this case fans.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

*shakes head and walks out*

Leave it to Randy...
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

The ultimate decision about whether to let fans see Michael's grave should be that of his children in a few years, its not down to Randy at the end of the day.
Re: Battle brewing at michael jackson burial site

I saw it coming.

I sure hope to be wrong, but I see MJ being moved

to Neverland at some point.


I saw it since I read Tohme's interview back in July

and watched Jermaine talking to Larry King.

Won't happen unless his mother or kids want it. Jermaine has no say

+ local authorities (municipalities, board of health, zoning and planning etc) has to agree upon on /give permission to any burial on a private property.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

when i said we need place to go .i didn't mean his resting place.i think what katherin did is good.we need museum or that kind of something where we can go and see creative side of Michael.about never land ,we really don't know what Michael wanted after2005,we need to leave that to his kids .
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

when i said we need place to go .i didn't mean his resting place.i think what katherin did is good.we need museum or that kind of something where we can go and see creative side of Michael.about never land ,we really don't know what Michael wanted after2005,we need to leave that to his kids .

well said :yes:
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

if people think that this is the way to get 'closure' you're never going to get it, because after you achieve this, there will be something else you need, to get closure...
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

It's disrespectful
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

I think Michael should be left in peace.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

Randy doesn't talk with his kids let alone with M's kids so I doubt he even bother to ask them....I think that it's very delicate and it's up to the kids to decide...but they are still young and they may have mixed feelings about this so I'd say it would be better to wait...it's the first year without their dad.
I personally don't like this idea,M shared his entire life with his fans and maybe his kids need to have their dad's resting place to be kept as private as possible.The kids have the priority not fans...

Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

I don't know what think about enter in Michael's mauselum... I know, it's just a body but the place becomes sacred always when we buried a relative there. The family of others that are there maybe wouldn't like this. The Jacksons (or Randy) maybe can't respect the peace of Michael, but the families of others burieds do.