Randy to get fans to MJ's Burial Site *Update post 291*Randy's Explanation

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Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

I don't know what think about enter in Michael's mauselum... I know, it's just a body but the place becomes sacred always when we buried a relative there. The family of others that are there maybe wouldn't like this. The Jacksons (or Randy) maybe can't respect the peace of Michael, but the families of others burieds do.

That's why Randy's plans aren't going down to well. Clark Gable is buried in there and his family doesn't want hundreds of Michael's fans going in there.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

My take on this, I don't think Michael ever wanted to have a Graceland scenario play out upon his death. He gave 50 years to us his fans and the world over, I think its time to just let him be, let him have the peace he could not find here on earth.

Utimately, I would hope that some place may be created for the fans to gather to continue sharing their love for Mike, Forest Lawn is just not the place, consideration has to be shared for the other persons entombed there.

Another thing to consider, Forest Lawn will have to basically frisk anybody, other then the family, to ensure that nobody takes any pictures of the inside of that location. They will also need extra security and "extra this" and "extra that," in order for Randy's suggestion to run smoothly. Who will be picking up the tab for all of the EXTRAS?

Michael Jackson's Estate of course! who else......
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

It would be lovely if this were to happen, but I think it's highly unlikely...especially on June 25--it's going to be so crowded, it would be a logistical nightmare.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

Forest Lawn is a public cementary. The only grave that isn't public is Michael Jackson and that's requested by the family(correct me if I am wrong...). There are many celebs graves their that are visited by fans....I don't think Randy has to go to officials to open up the place. All he needs to do is talk to his mom.(correct me if I'm wrong once again)

The place is gloomy. Really dark and sad. At first I thought it was a good idea to keep the place private, and after seeing the Karan Faye/TMZ photos fiasco, I agreed to leave his resting place private. But for several months, I have been changing my thoughts on that. Lisa's blog the other day rang a bell. She's right, the place is depressing. For a guy like Michael who was so cheery and happy...I find Holly Terrance sad.

I say, do what they did with Graceland, bury Michael in Neverland and make it a magical place for Michael and his fans. Michael was a public figure. He gave his life to fans. He would want his fans to visit him. The people who LOVED HIM unconditionally should be able to visit him and be with him for a few seconds. If Lisa can visit him, why not the fans who never spoke ill of him? Why not Debbie Rowe, who's also been blocked out for some weird reason?

People are making lots of $$$$$$ off of Michael in death. Selling his things in auction, doing interviews, new books about him....it's all about $.

At least the money made at Neverland can go to the charities he supported. I'm sure the estate can figure it out. The money made a Graceland, a percentage goes to charities that Precilla and Lisa put up to help the poor. They have Presley Place (for homeless people to live in) as well as other charities that came from all that $$$ made at Graceland. Neverland can do that. I don't think Michael would mind any little dollar made to help those in need. That was his whole life. People are spending money on sunflowers now, which in 3 days Forest Lawn workers throws out. All that money could have been use for charity instead of sunflowers.

I know I am the only one who thinks this (don't hate me), but I say open up Neverland and have Michael there. It will calm and make fans happy while supporting good causes. Personally, I think Michael is all around us, but that is not enough for some fans.

Ask me this a few months ago and I would have said 'No keep it private and family only' but I have seen many fans feeling empty and left out. There has even been children who cry at the door because they want to see his resting place and they can't.

Anyway, my thoughts. :sad:
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Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

I have mixed feeling, a part of me feel like it should remail private! at the same time I feel that we'd love to visit Michael.. IDK! I'll keep judgement out.. one thing I can say, though I'm one of those who would love to know MJ is at Neverland I don't think thats what MJ would want.. Theres a reason why he said its just a house to him now after what happen and did not go back for several years.. I do think they should put Neverland to use though, not let it just sit there.. They could build an MJ museum in there with memoralbelia, and artifacts.. put the rides back in tack (as some have been taken away), amnd just put it into use.. Theres alot what they can do with it there, proceeds of ticket venues could go to his children and charity and so on.. keep charity events there etc.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

I have mixed feeling, a part of me feel like it should remail private! at the same time I feel that we'd love to visit Michael.. IDK! I'll keep judgement out.. one thing I can say, though I'm one of those who would love to know MJ is at Neverland I don't think thats what MJ would want.. Theres a reason why he said its just a house to him now after what happen and did not go back for several years.. I do think they should put Neverland to use though, not let it just sit there.. They could build an MJ museum in there with memoralbelia, and artifacts.. put the rides back in tack (as some have been taken away), amnd just put it into use.. Theres alot what they can do with it there, proceeds of ticket venues could go to his children and charity and so on.. keep charity events there etc.

A lot of good can come out in all this and Michael was all about helping the sick and poor. The man was very close to being a saint.

I know he left Neverland after what happen...who could blame him...but there's a lot that can be done with Neverland which can help charities and help fans feel closer to Michael. I think being buried in Neverland is not as sad as being buried where he is right now, no grave marker, no colors, no light ...I don't know. I know my opinion won't be popular, but that's all they are, opinions.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

My feelings are that the relatives of the other people interned in the Holy Terrace have a right to the privacy that they have had to date, and we should respect that, but I can understand people who would want to stand before Michael's resting place and pay their respects, so there is not a solution that would be fair for everyone.

I remember reading how the authorities in Santa Ynez don't want the kind of traffic and disruption that would happen if Neverland was open to the public, but I think maybe there would be plans for it. Michael chose to leave Neverland it was not a place he seemed to have any affection for in his final years.

A bit of Michael lives in all our hearts, I'm not sure there will ever be a place dedicated to him. Maybe we should let him have the privacy in death that he didn't get in life, and just be content with our memories of him.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

Forest Lawn is a public cementary. The only grave that isn't public is Michael Jackson and that's requested by the family(correct me if I am wrong...). There are many celebs graves their that are visited by fans....I don't think Randy has to go to officials to open up the place. All he needs to do is talk to his mom.(correct me if I'm wrong once again)

The place is gloomy. Really dark and sad. At first I thought it was a good idea to keep the place private, and after seeing the Karan Faye/TMZ photos fiasco, I agreed to leave his resting place private. But for several months, I have been changing my thoughts on that. Lisa's blog the other day rang a bell. She's right, the place is depressing. For a guy like Michael who was so cheery and happy...I find Holly Terrance sad.

I say, do what they did with Graceland, bury Michael in Neverland and make it a magical place for Michael and his fans. Michael was a public figure. He gave his life to fans. He would want his fans to visit him. The people who LOVED HIM unconditionally should be able to visit him and be with him for a few seconds. If Lisa can visit him, why not the fans who never spoke ill of him? Why not Debbie Rowe, who's also been blocked out for some weird reason?

People are making lots of $$$$$$ off of Michael in death. Selling his things in auction, doing interviews, new books about him....it's all about $.

At least the money made at Neverland can go to the charities he supported. I'm sure the estate can figure it out. The money made a Graceland, a percentage goes to charities that Precilla and Lisa put up to help the poor. They have Presley Place (for homeless people to live in) as well as other charities that came from all that $$$ made at Graceland. Neverland can do that. I don't think Michael would mind any little dollar made to help those in need. That was his whole life. People are spending money on sunflowers now, which in 3 days Forest Lawn workers throws out. All that money could have been use for charity instead of sunflowers.

I know I am the only one who thinks this (don't hate me), but I say open up Neverland and have Michael there. It will calm and make fans happy while supporting good causes. Personally, I think Michael is all around us, but that is not enough for some fans.

Ask me this a few months ago and I would have said 'No keep it private and family only' but I have seen many fans feeling empty and left out. There has even been children who cry at the door because they want to see his resting place and they can't.

Anyway, my thoughts. :sad:

I have to disagree with your post...I dont think Michael should be taken to Neverland. I do agree with you that Forest Lawn is dark and depressing. The reason for that is because it is suppose to be...death is final...its not a concert..or a circus....its a final resting place...the person has passed away. It is not suppose to be a happy place. For instance when I go visit my sisters grave...I am not happy it is not a happy occasion...I cry I wipe off her stone..I miss her. I tell her how much I love her and that I wasn't ready to let her go. This is the same thing with Michael and Forest Lawn...it is a personal place for his remains and his family to have somewhere to go to tell Michael all they need to tell him...Fans have no right to invade that private place. Believe me as much as I would like it to be different..It just cannot be.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

Michael's not even in the coffin, so what is the point?
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

The coffin there is symbolic. I don't know where he is, but I have my doubts I can't tell...
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

The coffin there is symbolic. I don't know where he is, but I have my doubts I can't tell...

ok well I am not going to freak out because you are entitled to your opinion..but..that post right there just sent my emotions into a tizzy....the only reason alot of MJ fans can even sleep at night ok..I will speak for myself..the only reason I can sleep at night was know that Michael was safe there at Forest Lawn...now...you say he is not even there??....Where else would he be...I dont know.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

Well, you are safe if people dont know where you are, arent you? That's what he did through his career, didnt he? He found his place.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

Well, you are safe if people dont know where you are, arent you? That's what he did through his career, didnt he? He found his place.

I am sorry I am just very touchy lately...I think it has something to do with the anniversary coming up and the court dates with Murray. I am sure Michael is safe...
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

It'S a nice gesture by randy to ask forrest lawn about letting the fans in.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

I don't know what think about enter in Michael's mauselum... I know, it's just a body but the place becomes sacred always when we buried a relative there. The family of others that are there maybe wouldn't like this. The Jacksons (or Randy) maybe can't respect the peace of Michael, but the families of others burieds do.


especially if the one pushing for it to be public (or hinting it) is someone like randy,this is not a gratuitous stab on him,but a man who hardly speaks with his own kids cannot have at heart,or genuinely at heart random ppl feelings,in this case fans.

Says it all. Nothing left to add. Thank you for making such a strong point.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

I can understand why relatives of other people buried there would be against this. Holly Terrace is extremely private. And to me, it's a sign of respect towards all those people who found final resting place there.

I also can understand the fans who want to go inside... For me, it was so emotional just seeing Michael's resting place from a distance when the flower shop people left the door open for a couple of minutes and let me and my friend look inside from the entrance... And I am thankful they did that for us, because it also somewhat helped to deal with the whole thing, you know?... But there were just the two of us and we were calm and quite. We didn't take pictures, we didn't step into the building, we were silent. But there might be people who won't be able to control their feelings, especially if there are many fans together. And then the place will become loud and there will be chaos, and it will be disrespectful...

So if they are able to find a solution without ruining the atmosphere of the place, it will be nice. I think they could let the fans in in small groups for a few minutes..

That's exactly what I was thinking J :bugeyed
I agree totally. 1 or 2 maybe for a few seconds but this seems impractical as who would monitor the queue waiting to get in? With a visual image this doesnt look like something that will be likely or possible. Far too much emotions from so many people at a place that must always be a quiet place of contemplative relfection and love. :doh::wub:
Nice idea to let people in but I honestly cant see it working:( anyone else agree with me?
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

There was NEVER any mention from Randy about allowing fans inside the mausoleum
He said inside the gates of Forest Law _ The fans have always been allowed inside
the gates and to go up to The Holly Terrace patio and doorway to to leave Gifts for
Michael. I dont think Randy was aware of that to make such a statement.

The Mauseleun has no Gates _
Randy's tweet was taken out of poportion by TMZ to start CRAP
and Randy wasnt doing anyone any favors any way _ as we have always been allowed
inside the gates. It would be a frenzy if they opened Holly Terrace to the public on the 25th
and would not be reverent _ it wouldbe a media circus _ The media will turn it into a circus that
day anyway a long with some fans who will make it into some kind a spectical rather then go to pay
respect to and honor Michaels grave.

I have a bad feeling now about the 25th
Thanks to TMZ and Randy's big mouth and insincere promise
It was just idle speaking -
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

The Mauseleun has no Gates _
Randy's tweet was taken out of poportion by TMZ to start CRAP
and Randy wasnt doing anyone any favors any way _ as we have always been allowed inside the gates.

The man never said a thing about Holly Terrace, is all fiction! I suggest again: let's ready his twitts :doh:

Now.... with all this mess.... why on earth doesn't he twitt to clarify or simply stop playing around?

Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

And this is not about the fans this is Katherine Jackson's son. She chose that place so her son can rest in peace. Not to be turned into a tourist attraction

Couldn't agree with you more... We, the fans had our time with MJ,(man that really hurt to type :() he gave his all to and for us, now it's time for that lovely man to rest quietly. Not have tons of ppl outside his grave snapping pictures. FL is not a Graceland and Randy should think about the other families that have ppl resting beside MJ... Putting flowers outside the building is fine with me...
Just my little 2 cents.. carry on
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

copied this from another thread

I just called Forest Lawn and they said there are no plans to close off the area where Holly Terrace is. They are aware that many fans are coming from out of state and out of the country and are just trying to coordinate security and such, but nothing will otherwise be out of the ordinary on June 25.

so what is Randy discussing with Forest Lawn?
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

Nice gesture but I don't think its a good idea.

Its the first anniversary, let Michael's kids mourn in peace.

Not only that, there are too many fans. They really need a place where fans can go visit, a place open to the public just to remember Michael. Neverland I think is perfect. Michael doean't have to be there if the family are not comfortable with that but I definitely think fans need a place to gather and remember.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

Forest Lawn is a public cementary. The only grave that isn't public is Michael Jackson and that's requested by the family(correct me if I am wrong...).

You are wrong :) The whole Great Mausoleum is private except for the small part where the main entrance into the building is. It's open to the general public because they show the Last Supper mosaic every half an hour. But you can't go to other sections of the Mausoleum from there. And the building is huge.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

TMZ always do things like this to start crap and get more hits as angry fans flood their comments section. FL are working on a security plan that day and no fan will be turned away from FL. And the Mausoloeum will not be opened. Can you imagine if it was? Media, some over zealous fans-it's be a circus. Michael had enough of that in life, at least let him have some privacy in death.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

His resting place should not be for anyone but close family and friends to visit. If it's open to public then we don't know who's a fan and who isn't and his tomb will be surrounded with press.

It's not fair. He's not an exibition.
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

I think that we all want to stand for a while until this place to pray and give our homage to Michael. This will happen only once.
Who wants to miss this opportunity? I do not.
I know that if this happens I will not to be able to be there and my heart is breaking from the pain.
I want personally to lay flowers at his grave.
Re: Battle brewing at michael jackson burial site

I think Neverland Valley Ranch should be opened back up as a place where fans can go and celebrate Michael Jackson and his music.



That will be awesome !:clapping:
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

But why reopen a place Michael ended not liking? He hated the place. Us fans are always after a piece of Michael Jackson in any way shape or form. That was in life. Now we're after it in death? The only thing I ever want to do now towards Mr Jackson is to visit the public area of FL and pay my respects to the man who made me who I am today, Michael Jackson, my idol :weeping:
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Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

The man never said a thing about Holly Terrace, is all fiction! I suggest again: let's ready his twitts :doh:

Now.... with all this mess.... why on earth doesn't he twitt to clarify or simply stop playing around?


he is not going to clarify any thing because he got what he wanted ......more attention from fans ,may be some of them thanking him for his nice gesture with out reading or clarifying any thing :no:
Re: Randy says he will try to get fans to Michael Jackson's Burial Site

copied this from another thread

so what is Randy discussing with Forest Lawn?
I didn't ask them...I don't think there's really any chance of this happening.