Murray: I was at the wrong place at wrong time

Unbelievable! Michael had some a...h...s around him in his life but this one takes the biscuit.

Not one tiny sign of remorse for what he did. This guy is creepy, even if I didn't know what he did I would get that feeling about him.

He needs to be in jail, at the very least he should not be allowed to practice medicine, he killed someone, through his total lack of regard for that person's life and now he doesn't have the decency to say sorry.
Not that it matters because nothing Conrad Murray says really means anything - but I was just told that he can't say 'sorry' because that would be a legal disaster for him because it would be an admission of guilt. I can't believe he is practicing again.
I just can't believe he's working!!!!! He should be arrested! WTF
He has a documentary team filming him?? And people were taking pictures with him like he's a celebrity? Ugh. I can't even start thinking about this.
I'm just curious. They said he was with a bodyguard. Does he work for free? I thought Murray had no money.
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He has a documentary team filming him?? And people were taking pictures with him like he's a celebrity? Ugh. I can't even start thinking about this.
For real? Folks are taking pic with him? I didnt even bother watching the video, I cant bear to see that face, he is a mf who effed up big time. I hope he rots in hell forever. I cant believe the hypocrisy on the media's part. They know this guy is a murdere.r but they dont care cuz he ''only'' killed MJ. He achieved what they failed to do. I'm fuming over this investigation and this so called case. MJ will never get justice, its always been this way. His family will be called as defense witnesses by this a-hole. Nobody is fighting for this man, ppl who're in a position to do something are simply occupied with 'more important things' such as; selling intervies, pimping careers and going after the estate. Except for them kids and us and probably few friends and his mother nobody really gave a damn about this man. :(
^ that would so sickening i swear...its like ppl r happy he killed mj...what has happened 2 the human race??
I didn't see all of that video. I just kept getting more and more angrier as I was watching it. It was just yesterday I was so angry with him that I wanted to jump through my tv and beat the living sh!t out of him until dead. And I haven't been that angry since during HIStory Era. During my high school days I gave this girl a friendly reminder of what happens when you cross a Michael Jackson fan. I grabbed her and slammed her good and hard in to some near by lockers. I sersiously could have put that girl in the hospital if I had wanted to I was that angry. Let me tell you I was one Michael Jackson fan you did not want to mess with back then. I think I am starting to go back to being that way again.

So what if that GMFA was crying yesterday. Those tears were nothing but crocodile tears in my eyes. Where Michael's children, family, friends, and his fans have cried real tears since June 25th. I do not have one single ounce of remorse, compassion, or symphony for that murdering a-hole. Why the hell should I? There are 3 children orphaned now because of him. Did he even saw or even heard about that tearful speech that Paris made about her father. I bet you that he just laughed at Paris making that speech about her father. And just probably said something like I did the world a favor by getting rid of your father. He has not once say that he was sorry. Because he did not care about all the people he will be hurting by killing Michael Jackson. And he now wants supporters for what he has done please. The only thing he needs now is a one way ticket to prison. Where I am sure the other prisoners there would love to get their hands on him. Especially if some of the other prisoners are Michael Jackson fans. Burn in hell you murdering Ahole.
^^ I feel you. :(

I was just watching Showbiz Tonight on Headline News and they were equally disturbed by Murray going back to work as we are. They're also wondering what's taking the investigation so long against Murray.

Best point they made about Murray returning to his Houston practice is that most of those patients are low-income and probably the most desperate. Hadn't thought of it that way but it's sad that the people who can't afford the best care tend to get stuck with doctors like Murray. I've been hearing this a lot since MJ passed away...that the very rich and the very poor tend to get the worst care medically. One, becuz they can't afford any better, and the other, becuz doctors will pretty much supply them with whatever they ask whether it's proper or not. Interesting how Murray seems to be falling into both categories. :ermm:

might explain why he opened his houston office and not the Las Vegas one.

Las Vegas is a white affluent neighborhood

Houston is a black, more sympathetic to another black man, very poor area

People don't want to believe it but he is playing the race card. He is doing major PR...I hope the Jacksons are as disturbed as we are and take away all the money he is making.

Jerk. Be remorseful. Three kids lost their parent.
might explain why he opened his houston office and not the Las Vegas one.

Las Vegas is a white affluent neighborhood

Houston is a black, more sympathetic to another black man, very poor area

People don't want to believe it but he is playing the race card. He is doing major PR...I hope the Jacksons are as disturbed as we are and take away all the money he is making.

Jerk. Be remorseful. Three kids lost their parent.

They won't get anything even if they try. Any lawsuit will only result in him filing bankrupting and them getting nothing. The only fee is require to pay is child support and I think spousal supports if that happen.

So, they cannot 'take away' the money he is making.
To me he is not guilty until proven by a court of law.

This is not CSI, dear. The stupid doctor told the cops he gave MJ propofol.

The coroner said Propofol overdose killed MJ.

You don't need a PHD to understand that he is responsible for MJ's death
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might explain why he opened his houston office and not the Las Vegas one.

Las Vegas is a white affluent neighborhood

Houston is a black, more sympathetic to another black man, very poor area

People don't want to believe it but he is playing the race card. **He is doing major PR...I hope the Jacksons are as disturbed as we are and take away all the money he is making.

Jerk. Be remorseful. Three kids lost their parent.**

I completely agree with. although.. Houston isn't all black and poor area. it's one of the biggest citys in the usa and one of the most multi-cultural.

Murray is guilty in my book.
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Now, this comment bothers me so bad. Murray is stupid for making this comment if he said this mess. NO, Murray, you were in the RIGHT PLACE and you were given a great opportunity; HOWEVER, YOU (Murray) MESS UP. YOu took Michael away from his family and his fans. YOu also took my dream in which I was going to be meeting MJ face to face finally at his concert. YOU TOOK THAT FROM ME MURRAY. Where has common sense gone?
>> I do NOT think this apply to this. Yes, we as blacks are sympathetic to blacks when they RIGHT. This was WRONG. Sure SOME of the blacks who KNOW HIM will be on his side but the race as a whole, NO WAY. HE TOOK THE LIFE OF A BLACK ICON.
comments like this make me wonder if he killed mj on purprose. cause theres no reason for someone not having at least remosrse about what happened. even more so if it were an accident.yet his comments show the total opposite
I completely agree with. although.. Houston isn't all black and poor area. it's one of the biggest citys in the usa and one of the most multi-cultural.

Murray is guilty in my book.

I did not mean the city of Houston is poor and mostly black.

where murray's office is located is a very poor and mostly black neighborhood.

Sorry about that.
"I was at the wrong place at wrong time"
Talk about being at the wrong carrier, at the wrong planet, at the wrong century.
Talk about your life being a hole mistake :angry: :mad:
I cant bealive he is just there asking for compasion!!!!
Makes me sick :puke:

:no: i dont understand this. why are these people clapping and cheering, wanting to take pictures with him? why do they support this man?! god. ive never been this frustrated.

all this makes me wanna SHOUT
throw my hands up and SHOUT
whats this madness all about?!
all this makes me wanna SHOUT

This is really disgusting now...

No tactic he employs could change my views on him. However, he should know that if there was anyone out there who was ever even going to give him any sympathy or respect, he'd earn it better by being real and honest and saying "I effed up - big time, I would give anything to have the chance to make it right." Instead, he keeps denying he did anything wrong, when he did everything wrong.

Play the pity card if you want, but don't try to make it seem like it's okay that you killed the world's most beloved star/humanitarian/friend/brother/son/father...

It literally makes me nauseated.
i have to say the media has shown more comapassion to this man, than they ever did to Michael. the media is not on the side of this man, because of compassion from them. they are on the side of this man, doctor murray, because it is believed that he killed Michael. plain and simple, the media is cheering, because Michael is dead, and they would be on the side of anyone who, they thought, got Michael out of the way, one way or the other.

if this man were suspected of doing good things, concerning Michael, he would be hated by the mainstream national media, and the media would never give him any compassion.
I do not think the media is showing compassion for this this. Even CNN said he is did not talk about MJ and when he did that video a few months back. I see hardley no one giving this doctor a pass, Not even Nancy Grace :bugeyed.
I find it incredibly convenient that the media was there as Murray "returned home" to church. Which is so fitting that when his ass is in a whole heap of trouble THIS is when all of a sudden you "find God" and return to a house of worship. God can't save you Murray.

Wrong place wrong time huh? This statement clearly shows me what kind of defence Murray and his lawyer will be using when this case goes to trial. They are going to put the blame on Michael, saying that he begged for this drug, that he hired Murray specifically to administer it, so this couldn't POSSIBLY be Murray's fault, OF COURSE!!! Even though he took an oath as a doctor to be moral and upright and Hippocratic and whatever the hell is in that oath that says that doctors shouldn't do ethically reprehensible things for money. Not your fault Murray right? You were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. This POS can kiss my ass. I wait for the day when I get news that he's been arrested. Members of the congregation wanted to take pictures with this man? I wish I WOULD. I'd probably spit in his face instead.

Sorry. Just angry. :(
But see that is the thing, It does NOT matter if MJ asked for it or not, Murray is the doctor and STANDARDS apply to MURRAY. I will admit a part of me is hurt with MJ to allow himself to use this meds but in the end it is MURRAY place to stop it and not use it.