Murray: I was at the wrong place at wrong time

I hope he dosen't get away with this.. how can he NOT know what he DID..
I do want to Screeeaam! :angry:
To me he is not guilty until proven by a court of law.

Hello......are you insane??.....Of course he is guilty....he admitted giving Michael propofol.....Oh God please....I dont think I have ever gotten so mad from another persons post on this forum as I am right now.....You are entitled to your opinion.....but to me it isnt worth very much.
Who the f*ck would wanna hug and take pictures with that asshole?! Jesus Christ...
When I first saw this thread a song came into my head and now it's stuck. I'm posting the lyrics and dedicating them to Murray cuz they fit him so well.

Some of you may know this song. If not, check it on youtube.

"Right Place at the Wrong Time" by Dr. John

I been in the right place
But it must have been the wrong time
I'd of said the right thing
But I must have used the wrong line
I been in the right trip
But I must have used the wrong car
My head was in a bad place
And I'm wondering what it's good for

I been in the right place
But it must have been the wrong time
My head was in a bad place
But I'm having such a good time
I been running trying to get hung up in my mind
Got to give myself a little talking to this time

Just need a little brain salad surgery
Got to cure this insecurity
I been in the wrong place
But it must have been the right time
I been in the right place
But it must have been the wrong song
I been in the right vein
But it seems like the wrong arm
I been in the right world
But it seems wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong

Slipping, dodging ,sneaking
Creeping hiding out down the street
See my life shaking with everyone who I meet
Refried confusion is making itself clear
Wonder which way do I go to get on out of here

I been in the right place
But it must have been the wrong time
I'd have said the right thing
But I must have used the wrong line
I'd a took the right road
But I must have took a wrong turn
Would have made the right move
But I made it at the wrong time
I been on the right road
But I must have used the wrong car
My head was in a good place
And I wonder what it's bad for

The reason he has not apologized is likely that his lawyers have advised against doing so. He can not say anything regarding the case and absolutely they would have told him not to talk to the family in any way or admit his guilt. Thats what any lawyer would tell their client. DO NOT discuss any aspect of the case and do not admit to anything in public now.

That would be the reason for anyone who is angry about that.
Yes, anyone who wears sunglasses indoors MUST be guilty.

lol. after reading that, i remembered Michael walking into court with sun glasses on many

i guess u forgot to say, except Michael....

anyways, 'i was at the wrong place at the wrong time?' trying to make it sound like nothing was his fault.

well, here's the truth!

Michael was with the wrong man at an unusual time!
Now you and I are seeing eye to eye on things....:yes:

I understand the anger and frustration; I really do. But, maybe because I am older I am more understanding and patient than a lot of the other fans.

I also want to be a better person and not a hypocrite. I think about all the people who accused MJ and thought he did it and wanted justice too and they thought they were right to want justice.
Yes, anyone who wears sunglasses indoors MUST be guilty.

Yea. well not 'indoors' persue' but in Church...because in a Church wouldn't you take off your Sunglasses..especially when asking for support from the Church & God..Why would you 'Shade' your eyes.. I would think you shouldn't there..I feel you should be able to look people in their eyes there.
I understand the anger and frustration; I really do. But, maybe because I am older I am more understanding and patient than a lot of the other fans.

I also want to be a better person and not a hypocrite. I think about all the people who accused MJ and thought he did it and wanted justice too and they thought they were right to want justice.

"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.
"Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad."
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."
(Alice's Adventures in Wonderland,
Chapter 6)
lol. after reading that, i remembered Michael walking into court with sun glasses on many

i guess u forgot to say, except Michael....

anyways, 'i was at the wrong place at the wrong time?' trying to make it sound like nothing was his fault.

well, here's the truth!

Michael was with the wrong man at an unusual time!

I try to be fair as well..But I think there's a difference in wearing sunglasses in Court than Church
this whole thing is all orchestrated...with the media anouncement of him going back to work....

seems like the lawyer is trying find a way to get Murray money...

if he gets a reality show and writes a book... i won't be shocked
I try to be fair as well..But I think there's a difference in wearing sunglasses in Court than Church

sunglasses shouldnt be allowed in church.

for how long was murray wearing them in church anyways? because the part of him crying, he didnt have his glasses on.
I find it incredibly convenient that the media was there as Murray "returned home" to church. Which is so fitting that when his ass is in a whole heap of trouble THIS is when all of a sudden you "find God" and return to a house of worship. God can't save you Murray.

Wrong place wrong time huh? This statement clearly shows me what kind of defence Murray and his lawyer will be using when this case goes to trial. They are going to put the blame on Michael, saying that he begged for this drug, that he hired Murray specifically to administer it, so this couldn't POSSIBLY be Murray's fault, OF COURSE!!! Even though he took an oath as a doctor to be moral and upright and Hippocratic and whatever the hell is in that oath that says that doctors shouldn't do ethically reprehensible things for money. Not your fault Murray right? You were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. This POS can kiss my ass. I wait for the day when I get news that he's been arrested. Members of the congregation wanted to take pictures with this man? I wish I WOULD. I'd probably spit in his face instead.

Sorry. Just angry. :(
sunglasses shouldnt be allowed in church.

for how long was murray wearing them in church anyways? because the part of him crying, he didnt have his glasses on.

That's true. They showed clips,but still it shows disrespect either way and well he is quilty.
Wrong place wrong time huh? This statement clearly shows me what kind of defence Murray and his lawyer will be using when this case goes to trial. They are going to put the blame on Michael, saying that he begged for this drug, that he hired Murray specifically to administer it, so this couldn't POSSIBLY be Murray's fault, OF COURSE!!! Even though he took an oath as a doctor to be moral and upright and Hippocratic and whatever the hell is in that oath that says that doctors shouldn't do ethically reprehensible things for money. Not your fault Murray right? You were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. This POS can kiss my ass. I wait for the day when I get news that he's been arrested. Members of the congregation wanted to take pictures with this man? I wish I WOULD. I'd probably spit in his face instead.

yep, they are going to make themselves look like fools if their's a trial. murray, nurse lee, dr kleine, etc. i wouldn't be surprised if they all start babbling more things that dont make sense and contradict each other even more than they already have.

and about the pictures, those mj haters are something else....and i have a better idea, how about u take the pic, then beat it! and beat it! and beat it! then LET IT BURN......
When I first saw this thread a song came into my head and now it's stuck. I'm posting the lyrics and dedicating them to Murray cuz they fit him so well.

Some of you may know this song. If not, check it on youtube.

"Right Place at the Wrong Time" by Dr. John

It reminded me of a very old tune...

Take me back in time maybe I can forget
Turn a different corner and we never would have met
Would you care?

I wish MJ had turned just another corner to never meet this "caring soul". My poor baby... he was like a magnet to this kind of terrible people... why? why? why????
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^^ I feel you. :(

I was just watching Showbiz Tonight on Headline News and they were equally disturbed by Murray going back to work as we are. They're also wondering what's taking the investigation so long against Murray.

Best point they made about Murray returning to his Houston practice is that most of those patients are low-income and probably the most desperate. Hadn't thought of it that way but it's sad that the people who can't afford the best care tend to get stuck with doctors like Murray. I've been hearing this a lot since MJ passed away...that the very rich and the very poor tend to get the worst care medically. One, becuz they can't afford any better, and the other, becuz doctors will pretty much supply them with whatever they ask whether it's proper or not. Interesting how Murray seems to be falling into both categories. :ermm:
is there a complete transcript of everything Dr. Murray said at that church? It's not much you get from news snip bit videos as the most important stuff to us fans might have been edited out by the media.

Food for thought. :)
He knows he did wrong

If he tought he was innocent, he would not talk a lot

All the events happening show that Murray knows he is guilty
I've been hearing this a lot since MJ passed away...that the very rich and the very poor tend to get the worst care medically. One, becuz they can't afford any better, and the other, becuz doctors will pretty much supply them with whatever they ask whether it's proper or not. Interesting how Murray seems to be falling into both categories. :ermm:


Now I thought of another song:

"And isn't it ironic?
Don't you think?
I little too ironic.
Yeah, I really do think..."

this is too much..... really unbereable
of course he was at the wrong place at wrong time. he was somewhere else talking over the phone while he should have been in a room with Michael watching him!!!!
its all about him, i hope he BURNS LET HIM BURN! this mf should burn in hell.
How can anyone do what he has done, and show absolutely no remorse or sorrow at all? I just dont understand how a human being can be that cold and unfeeling!

Exactly he doesn't care I can't believe it. He walks around like he has done nothing wrong I can't stand him. He doesn't care that three children no longer have a father what the hell is wrong with this man he is despicable. I am praying every night please please let there be justice for Michael, I don't know what I'll do if he isn't arrested for this I am losing my faith in this world it is so horrible without Michael.

:bugeyed:bugeyedWTF!?!? :doh::doh::doh:this is incredible...what's with those people? are they that ignorant?:no::no:
I don't understand what he says.
He thinks he is not guilty? He does not feel sorry at all? :bugeyed

It doesn't seem like it.. which is so infuriating. I wish he would be remorseful. And tell the god damn truth about what happened. :(