Murray: I was at the wrong place at wrong time


:no: i dont understand this. why are these people clapping and cheering, wanting to take pictures with him? why do they support this man?! god. ive never been this frustrated.

all this makes me wanna SHOUT
throw my hands up and SHOUT
whats this madness all about?!
all this makes me wanna SHOUT

They know him. That is why.
I understand the anger and frustration; I really do. But, maybe because I am older I am more understanding and patient than a lot of the other fans.

I also want to be a better person and not a hypocrite. I think about all the people who accused MJ and thought he did it and wanted justice too and they thought they were right to want justice.
I understand but the there is a difference. Murray was there and ADMITTED to the drug (and this is a drug that should NOT have been in the house in the first place. AND Murray was ordering it). Michael case was a HE said, HE said. A man is dead (that is fact).
I will admit a part of me is hurt with MJ to allow himself to use this meds but in the end it is MURRAY place to stop it and not use it.

I feel the exact same way. I'm not mad at Michael, I'm just really really sad that it came to that. Heartbroken that he felt so trapped, desperate enough to do this. I wish he'd treated himself like any of us would have undoubtedly treated him.

However, I do not blame him, because I've been there - There were times where I was not good to myself and had my friends and family worried to death, so I get it. You don't blame them, because when someone's hurting that bad, they will do anything to make it better. AND if they have a doctor there telling them they will be safe and okay...then what can you expect?

It is the doctor's fault - for doing it in the first place and then for screwing it up fatally. He has NO excuse.
comments like this make me wonder if he killed mj on purprose. cause theres no reason for someone not having at least remosrse about what happened. even more so if it were an accident.yet his comments show the total opposite

yeah elusive it indeed make you wonder :mello:
I feel the exact same way. I'm not mad at Michael, I'm just really really sad that it came to that. Heartbroken that he felt so trapped, desperate enough to do this. I wish he'd treated himself like any of us would have undoubtedly treated him.

However, I do not blame him, because I've been there - There were times where I was not good to myself and had my friends and family worried to death, so I get it. You don't blame them, because when someone's hurting that bad, they will do anything to make it better. AND if they have a doctor there telling them they will be safe and okay...then what can you expect?

It is the doctor's fault - for doing it in the first place and then for screwing it up fatally. He has NO excuse.
See, Michael had a DOCTOR someone who is suppose to help. MJ was not depending some thug in a back ally.
Originally Posted by elusive moonwalker
comments like this make me wonder if he killed mj on purprose. cause theres no reason for someone not having at least remosrse about what happened. even more so if it were an accident.yet his comments show the total opposite.:

yeah elusive it indeed make you wonder :mello:

I'm never wondered, I'm convinced Murray did murder Michael on purpose and that there are others that are linked to Michael's murder, who wanted to make sure he never made it to London.

Remember the pattern? Everytime Michael was about to make some kind of career advancement, achievement or come back, there would be something sinister waiting in the wings to destroy it. In 1993, Michael was about to start the 2nd leg of his Dangerous Tour and was getting months of good press previously. Then BOOM !! the Chandler allegations happened. In 2003 Michael's Number Ones CD was released and then BOOM !! Arvisos allegations and criminal investigation. This time Michael was arrested. I had a feeling that SOME big mess was going to happen to ruin Michael's London comeback. I just didn't know what...and I never thought it would cost Michael his life.
I have no words to describe how I'm feeling right now. I think many here already said what I'm feeling. I'm speechless!! :no:

"I'll never let you part, for you're always in my heart..." :angel:
Murray just refuses to take any responsibility and one thing that PISSES me off is that he has NEVER once stated he is sorry or feels bad about MJ's death ! He's never even expressed his sympathy to the Jackson family. I don't expect him to make a full on confession, but never once has he expressed any remorse or sadness. All he can think about is himself. He is no good. I wish MJ had never chosen this guy to work with!!! The man just sickens me.
Right thats it now i am not going to go into another new thread about this evil creature until the title says Conrad Murray arrested until then i dont care what this thing has to say!!!!

I feel the same way, and I'm doing that too.
He`s never express any sadness and something like that. He cares only for money and nothing else.
I dont know this man at all, but when I look at his face.... ugh...
Murray karma came back to bite him in his ass sold his own soul for riches and it all failed a sad shameful mess the truth will come to light.
comments like this make me wonder if he killed mj on purprose. cause theres no reason for someone not having at least remosrse about what happened. even more so if it were an accident.yet his comments show the total opposite

I hear you. Something isn't right. He told the police he gave Michael propofol and the other drugs the day he died. SO, why was he on the phone supposedly telling his people to get something out of storage and out of his office. If he already admitted everything, why hide the paperwork? There is more to this than we know.

I don't believe that Michael begged him for propofol either or that Murray was trying to wean him off propofol. Seems to me if you were weaning someone off of a drug, you wouldn't give them enough to kill them. And he must have given Michael a massive dose because propofol doesn't stay in the blood stream very long and he still had large amounts of it in his blood when they did the autopsy. Something isn't right.

ANd to your point. He is not behaving like a doctor would if they accidently killed someone.
ANd to your point. He is not behaving like a doctor would if they accidently killed someone.

Just curious. What do you think anyone would act like if they accidentally killed Michael Jackson?

Would they immediately plead and beg forgiveness? Would that make the fans forgive him? I don't think so. I don't think anything this man says or does will satisfy the wolves at his door....and some of the fans act like that.
Just curious. What do you think anyone would act like if they accidentally killed Michael Jackson?

Would they immediately plead and beg forgiveness? Would that make the fans forgive him? I don't think so. I don't think anything this man says or does will satisfy the wolves at his door....and some of the fans act like that.

I would not expect a doctor to plead and beg for forgiveness in this situation, except maybe from God, if they were religious. I would expect a doctor who had accidently killed a patient to express remorse. I have a friend who years ago as an intern made a mistake that didn't kill anyone but seriously harmed someones health. She was haunted by it and apologized even though it was an honest mistake.

i know I would not forgive Murray, but i can't speak for other fans. It is obvious from reading fans' posts that many of them are more forgiving than me.

Are you implying that there is no reason for Murray to express remorse becasue it won't do him any good? Like remorse is a PR stunt?
I would not expect a doctor to plead and beg for forgiveness in this situation, except maybe from God, if they were religious. I would expect a doctor who had accidently killed a patient to express remorse. I have a friend who years ago as an intern made a mistake that didn't kill anyone but seriously harmed someones health. She was haunted by it and apologized even though it was an honest mistake.

i know I would not forgive Murray, but i can't speak for other fans. It is obvious from reading fans' posts that many of them are more forgiving than me.

Are you implying that there is no reason for Murray to express remorse becasue it won't do him any good? Like remorse is a PR stunt?

I don't expect him to say anything at all about it. As I said, I believe his lawyer has advised against saying anything at all.
I don't expect him to say anything at all about it. As I said, I believe his lawyer has advised against saying anything at all.

Then why did he say he was "in the wrong place at the wrong time"? He is talking about it. That is the point.
Then why did he say he was "in the wrong place at the wrong time"? He is talking about it. That is the point.

Thats not saying much of anything though. He didn't mention his name, didn't say he was sorry, did not talk about the crime. Just said that.
Thats not saying much of anything though. He didn't mention his name, didn't say he was sorry, did not talk about the crime. Just said that.

I think someone has to be a complete moron or just willing blind not to know who or what he is talking about. Just like that Youtube video, everyone knew who he was referring to even though he didn't mention by Michael's name there either.

I think if he want to keep whatever creditability he had left, he should shut up because everything he says can be used against him in a court of law.
I think someone has to be a complete moron or just willing blind not to know who or what he is talking about. Just like that Youtube video, everyone knew who he was referring to even though he didn't mention by Michael's name there either.

I think if he want to keep whatever creditability he had left, he should shut up because everything he says can be used against him in a court of law.

Yes, and I am sure he meant it how he said it but it can have many meanings and doesn't incriminate him in any way. I'm not happy to see him out and about but this is the law and he has not yet been charged and if you think about it, he does need money.

He has to 'survive' here. Thats how life is. Sometimes you are put in the position between the rock and the hard place. He is there right now. He isn't arrested. He still has to support himself and he has children to support. It won't happen if he hides away in some room somewhere.
I'm just curious. They said he was with a bodyguard. Does he work for free? I thought Murray had no money.

I'd really like to know where Murray is getting the money to keep paying for bodyguards too. Murray has a lot in child support due and since he hasn't gotten paid he must be draining what he's got left of his money.
Yes, and I am sure he meant it how he said it but it can have many meanings and doesn't incriminate him in any way. I'm not happy to see him out and about but this is the law and he has not yet been charged and if you think about it, he does need money.

He has to 'survive' here. Thats how life is. Sometimes you are put in the position between the rock and the hard place. He is there right now. He isn't arrested. He still has to support himself and he has children to support. It won't happen if he hides away in some room somewhere.

I never said he didn't have the right to make money. If patients want to go to a person who will most likely be charge with manslaughter or even second degree murder, it is not my place to stop them.

What I am saying that he should shut up completely about the case. Everything he is saying could come back and bit him in the ass if this goes to trail. They could use his own words to show how Murray feels no remorse for his actions and blame the patient for his current problems. This could give him the harshest sentence if he is convicted on anything base on his actions and words. That is the reason why people keep their mouth close when they are under investigation.

Also, he wasn't paying child support even before this all happen. So, he really cannot used that as an excuse now.
I'd really like to know where Murray is getting the money to keep paying for bodyguards too. Murray has a lot in child support due and since he hasn't gotten paid he must be draining what he's got left of his money.

The bodyguard could be provided by the LAPD themselves. It would be bad if their main suspect was murder or even comment suicide before you can get the truth out of them.

He also could be on the same tab as the lawyer. They usually do not get paid until their client is free of all charges or their services are cancel for other reasons.

I highly doubt it is anything illegal or underhanded since I am sure that the LAPD is looking very closely at his finances and Murray having any kind of money surge will get their attention.
I never said he didn't have the right to make money. If patients want to go to a person who will most likely be charge with manslaughter or even second degree murder, it is not my place to stop them.

What I am saying that he should shut up completely about the case. Everything he is saying could come back and bit him in the ass if this goes to trail. They could use his own words to show how Murray feels no remorse for his actions and blame the patient for his current problems. This could give him the harshest sentence if he is convicted on anything base on his actions and words. That is the reason why people keep their mouth close when they are under investigation.

Also, he wasn't paying child support even before this all happen. So, he really cannot used that as an excuse now.

No, he was not paying child support and this was explained by saying that he runs this clinic for poor people and ends up treating patients for free because they have no insurance or means to pay.

This is the picture being painted now. You need to step back and look at the bigger picture here. Its actually very smart PR he is out there working right now. He is showing that he is a good solid man and has fallen on hard times. He is out there willing and able to work.

He is showing how a person can be backed into a corner and when some big hollywood star comes along offering such a great job, he was influenced by his situation to take it.

Think about that for a few minutes. Remember something. You may not think I am 'on your side' all the time, but I really loved Michael and I am sorry every day that he is gone. Maybe my lifes experience are different than yours and I see things from a different perspective.
No, he was not paying child support and this was explained by saying that he runs this clinic for poor people and ends up treating patients for free because they have no insurance or means to pay.

This is the picture being painted now. You need to step back and look at the bigger picture here. Its actually very smart PR he is out there working right now. He is showing that he is a good solid man and has fallen on hard times. He is out there willing and able to work.

He is showing how a person can be backed into a corner and when some big hollywood star comes along offering such a great job, he was influenced by his situation to take it.

Think about that for a few minutes. Remember something. You may not think I am 'on your side' all the time, but I really loved Michael and I am sorry every day that he is gone. Maybe my lifes experience are different than yours and I see things from a different perspective.

This person has a multi-million dollar mansion. It was not like he was living in a low income neighborhood. Also, I know people who works two crappy jobs and they still have to pay child support. So, 'he was helping the people' does not really excuse that. In face, it kind of make it worst since it looks like he put the well being of his patients and money over the well being of his own children.

Also, he was 'tempted' by a big hollywood star? You make Michael sound like the devil or something. He may had taken the job for the money, but the moment Michael asked for something dangerous and he was not train to give, he should had either quit or found another solution. He did neither. He is a doctor, he cannot use the excuse "I was just following order."

That also does not explain why he left the damn room room with a patient under the influence of drugs or why he even gave into the demands from a patient when they were obviously high and could not think straight. That also does not explain why he gave Michael that cocktail to begin with since from Murray's own mouth Michael only wanted one of those drugs to begin with.

He could show he is Mr. Nice Guy all he wants, but that does little to explain why he screwed up so badly.
This person has a multi-million dollar mansion. It was not like he was living in a low income neighborhood. Also, I know people who works two crappy jobs and they still have to pay child support. So, 'he was helping the people' does not really excuse that. In face, it kind of make it worst since it looks like he put the well being of his patients and money over the well being of his own children.

Also, he was 'tempted' by a big hollywood star? You make Michael sound like the devil or something. He may had taken the job for the money, but the moment Michael asked for something dangerous and he was not train to give, he should had either quit or found another solution. He did neither. He is a doctor, he cannot use the excuse "I was just following order."

That also does not explain why he left the damn room room with a patient under the influence of drugs or why he even gave into the demands from a patient when they were obviously high and could not think straight. That also does not explain why he gave Michael that cocktail to begin with since from Murray's own mouth Michael only wanted one of those drugs to begin with.

He could show he is Mr. Nice Guy all he wants, but that does little to explain why he screwed up so badly.

Ok, now I am confused. What do you mean he has a multi million dollar mansion? I thought he had a condo or something like that, so I am not 'defending' his actions. I am trying to get you to understand what I think he is 'showing' the press watching public, but you are missing my whole point.

Most people watch the news and read the papers and don't give a lot more thought into things. I think he is setting himself up for his defense at the trial. That is what I think.
Ok, now I am confused. What do you mean he has a multi million dollar mansion? I thought he had a condo or something like that, so I am not 'defending' his actions. I am trying to get you to understand what I think he is 'showing' the press watching public, but you are missing my whole point.

Most people watch the news and read the papers and don't give a lot more thought into things. I think he is setting himself up for his defense at the trial. That is what I think.

I think the general public already see this for the PR stunt that it is and are not impress.

Also, he does live in a house worth millions, so he does not live a poor lifestyle, so him not paying child support will get the public attention more than him helping poor patients. Dead beat fathers is the worst thing you can be in a criminal case.

Also, cases are not won in the court of public opinion, despite popular belief. So him trying to improve his image is like OJ doing a media run after he was charge with killing his wife.
No, he was not paying child support and this was explained by saying that he runs this clinic for poor people and ends up treating patients for free because they have no insurance or means to pay.

This is the picture being painted now. You need to step back and look at the bigger picture here. Its actually very smart PR he is out there working right now. He is showing that he is a good solid man and has fallen on hard times. He is out there willing and able to work.

He is showing how a person can be backed into a corner and when some big hollywood star comes along offering such a great job, he was influenced by his situation to take it.

Think about that for a few minutes. Remember something. You may not think I am 'on your side' all the time, but I really loved Michael and I am sorry every day that he is gone. Maybe my lifes experience are different than yours and I see things from a different perspective.

Would a "good man" have fathered at least half a dozen children knowing that he couldn't support them? He was "backed into a corner" by his own irresponsibility. You know, with the economy the way it is right now, there are millions of people facing financial stress and difficult times. They do not harm other people to get money, they do not commit crimes for money, they do not kill for money. They struggle, they work several jobs, they reduce their spending, they change their lifestyle. The fact that anyone would think that financial stress is an excuse for what Murray did is astonishing. And referring to Michael as "some big Hollywood star" like that explains why Murray was willing to do what he did.

Anyway, here is some information about the "good solid man" who has "fallen on hard times".

This from the New York Times:

" He has fathered at least seven children with six women over the years, most of them out of wedlock, according to a deposition he gave in a 1998 paternity suit in San Diego and a California birth record for his youngest child, who was born in March. He has been sued several times for unpaid child support, and in his youth, he was arrested at least twice on charges brought by female companions, once for fraudulent breach of trust and once for domestic violence, though never convicted. He was also supporting Ms. Alvarez in Los Angeles, who had given birth to his son in March, a California birth certificate shows

Mr. Harris, Ms. Alvarez’s friend and a Los Angeles novelist, said Dr. Murray became romantically involved with her four years ago in Las Vegas, where she was working as a dancer at the Crazy Horse Too club. They met at the club when Dr. Murray hired Ms. Alvarez for a private dance in the V.I.P. lounge, said Mr. Harris, who was present.
Dr. Murray’s relationship with Ms. Alvarez is notable because he and his wife, Dr. Blanche Y. Bonnick, had left their practices in San Diego and moved to Las Vegas in part to escape a similar situation.

The doctor had fathered a child with Nenita Malibiran, a married nurse who lived near him in San Diego and worked at Sharp Memorial Hospital, where he was on the staff, her lawyer, Julie A. Brown, said. In 1999, Ms. Malibiran and Dr. Murray fought in court over child support, and the doctor acknowledged he had a history of fathering children and then leaving their mothers, Ms. Brown said.

During the trial, Dr. Murray wept on the stand about missing his newest child, though he had made little attempt to visit him, Ms. Brown recalled. She said the court had a hard time determining his income because he used a corporation to shield assets. "
I think the general public already see this for the PR stunt that it is and are not impress.

Also, he does live in a house worth millions, so he does not live a poor lifestyle, so him not paying child support will get the public attention more than him helping poor patients. Dead beat fathers is the worst thing you can be in a criminal case.

Also, cases are not won in the court of public opinion, despite popular belief. So him trying to improve his image is like OJ doing a media run after he was charge with killing his wife.

Ahhhhh don't mention the OJ trial to me. It scares me to even think of that situation.

I just told it how I feel a lot of the public will see it. I hope you are right and the jury sees it the way you portray it. Personally, I don't think there is an excuse for leaving your patient alone after administering medications like that IF that is what happened.

But as in the OJ case, things can turn around in court and the outcome may not be what you think it should be.
The doctor had fathered a child with Nenita Malibiran, a married nurse who lived near him in San Diego and worked at Sharp Memorial Hospital, where he was on the staff, her lawyer, Julie A. Brown, said. In 1999, Ms. Malibiran and Dr. Murray fought in court over child support, and the doctor acknowledged he had a history of fathering children and then leaving their mothers, Ms. Brown said.

During the trial, Dr. Murray wept on the stand about missing his newest child, though he had made little attempt to visit him, Ms. Brown recalled. She said the court had a hard time determining his income because he used a corporation to shield assets. "

Sounds like this guy had the crying and remorse act down pack.

I do not judge people's personal lives given that I do not know them or how they found themselves in their current situation, but if Murray's defense is base on character then he has some explaining to do.