Murray: I was at the wrong place at wrong time

Ok, now I am confused. What do you mean he has a multi million dollar mansion? I thought he had a condo or something like that, so I am not 'defending' his actions. I am trying to get you to understand what I think he is 'showing' the press watching public, but you are missing my whole point.

Most people watch the news and read the papers and don't give a lot more thought into things. I think he is setting himself up for his defense at the trial. That is what I think.

He owns a multimillion dollar mansion in Las Vegas. He is married, but is also paying for his baby-mama's condo in Los Angeles. He was once arrested for spousal abuse. He killed a patient before Michael, in a surgical mistake. The family didn't have money to sue. I'm sure there is more.

Every person deserves basic human rights. But, people WILL react because this man was OUTRAGEOUS bringing a film crew into a CHURCH. He should be praying for his soul, and being very, very quiet. . not making public statements trying to garner sympathy.
My stomach actually has a lump in it reading this... seriously, the man is trying to make himself look like a victum of his own reckless actions.

You can't tell me you gave propofil to someone to wheen them off of it.... and, simulanously, request $150,000 per month to treat them! If your puuting their life at risk your not treating them period! oh God, ... this is simply unreal!
My stomach actually has a lump in it reading this... seriously, the man is trying to make himself look like a victum of his own reckless actions.

You can't tell me you gave propofil to someone to wheen them off of it.... and, simulanously, request $150,000 per month to treat them! If your puuting their life at risk your not treating them period! oh God, ... this is simply unreal!

According to Frank, Murray actually wanted even more money for his services, but both Michael and Frank said no. Apparently, Michael was not that desperate. I have no idea where that quote is at so please somebody post if you know where it is, but I think it was along the lines of:

"Enough to buy European hospital."
According to Frank, Murray actually wanted even more money for his services, but both Michael and Frank said no. Apparently, Michael was not that desperate. I have no idea where that quote is at so please somebody post if you know where it is, but I think it was along the lines of:

"Enough to buy European hospital."

It's in the interview with Frank that Raffles did. Frank joked that with that much money he could buy Michael a whole hospital in England.
According to Frank, Murray actually wanted even more money for his services, but both Michael and Frank said no. Apparently, Michael was not that desperate. I have no idea where that quote is at so please somebody post if you know where it is, but I think it was along the lines of:

"Enough to buy European hospital."

Thank you sweets, yes I heard that too. Just *sighs* I don't know anymore...
Can't watch the video. I just can't. "I was at the wrong place at wrong time"-this is more than enough to make me sick. Disgusting shit. Just shut the hell up and wait til Karma comes back to your ass.
comments like this make me wonder if he killed mj on purprose. cause theres no reason for someone not having at least remosrse about what happened. even more so if it were an accident.yet his comments show the total opposite
Don't know why some fans have ruled out the possibility and thought he is just a stupid doctor.
Hello......are you insane??.....Of course he is guilty....he admitted giving Michael propofol.....Oh God please....I dont think I have ever gotten so mad from another persons post on this forum as I am right now.....You are entitled to your opinion.....but to me it isnt worth very much.

There's alot of information flying around at the moment and I'm sure the investigation will find out about Murray and what happened. Michael did have drug issues and this could have been a normal routine that went terribly wrong.

There were people who said Michael was guilty before his own court case was finished and I just want people to remember how that felt and that we wait for the final outcome.
Taking his life back???? :evil::evil::evil::evil:
What about the life you took motherf*cker???? What about his family?? Can they get their life back?? What about his kids? CAN THEY HAVE THEIR DADDY BACK?? WHAT ABOUT US?? CAN WE HAVE HIM BACK?? :mat::mat::mat:
SHUT THE F*CK UP AND SURREDNDER!!!! Or just put a gun in your mouth and pull the triger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There's alot of information flying around at the moment and I'm sure the investigation will find out about Murray and what happened. Michael did have drug issues and this could have been a normal routine that went terribly wrong.

There were people who said Michael was guilty before his own court case was finished and I just want people to remember how that felt and that we wait for the final outcome.
YOu can not compare MJ case to this. A man is DEAD and this doctor gave the drug. That is a proven fact. MJ case was a "he said/he said" which is an opinion on who you think is lying. That is the difference in this.
He owns a multimillion dollar mansion in Las Vegas. He is married, but is also paying for his baby-mama's condo in Los Angeles. He was once arrested for spousal abuse. He killed a patient before Michael, in a surgical mistake. The family didn't have money to sue. I'm sure there is more.

Every person deserves basic human rights. But, people WILL react because this man was OUTRAGEOUS bringing a film crew into a CHURCH. He should be praying for his soul, and being very, very quiet. . not making public statements trying to garner sympathy.

In all fairness, the 'he killed a patient before' is not necessarily true. No charges were made and I don't believe that story. Its just something the press dug up and not based entirely on factual evidence.
In all fairness, the 'he killed a patient before' is not necessarily true. No charges were made and I don't believe that story. Its just something the press dug up and not based entirely on factual evidence.

In all fairness, if we don't know the truth then we can't know if it is something the press dug up and we can't know that it is not entirely based on factual evidence.

I will look into this and see what I can find out.

For now, all we can say is he may have been responsible for another patients death or he may not have been responsible for that death. Does anyone have information on this from a reliable source?
there was articles at the time with quotes from the family of the person involved.they spoke out after it came out that murray was involved with mj.
Can't watch the video. I just can't. "I was at the wrong place at wrong time"-this is more than enough to make me sick. Disgusting shit. Just shut the hell up and wait til Karma comes back to your ass.

Don't know why some fans have ruled out the possibility and thought he is just a stupid doctor.

cause i try to base my opinions on the facts rather than conspiracy theories
In all fairness, if we don't know the truth then we can't know if it is something the press dug up and we can't know that it is not entirely based on factual evidence.

I will look into this and see what I can find out.

For now, all we can say is he may have been responsible for another patients death or he may not have been responsible for that death. Does anyone have information on this from a reliable source?

The original source I saw was TMZ and I had not seen it elsewhere. This is also based on what one family believes happened. It was supposedly a puncture through the heart with a needle. They said surgery but thats needle aspiration which is a procedure and just to be totally fair here, this can happen as a consequence of having a needle aspiration (when there is fluid in a cavity inside the body they are removing). This can happen and he was training in the hospital at the time. So, unless these people brought charges it can't be known whether it is or is not true.

I agree this man should lay low but who am I to judge either. He did lose a case wherein he has to come up with money to pay for his children which is only fair. He also has to pay for his residence and apparently theirs. The whole thing sucks actually and its very hard to watch it all happening. I too wish they would have moved along with the investigation and arrested him sooner.

It seems like the longer it takes it seems to just make for more speculation for us fans because if there is evidence we don't know about (we only know what they wrote in their warrants....and not necessarily everything he said or did because only what pertains to the 'search' would have been written) we are in the dark. In Michaels words "The whole thing just sucks"
cause i try to base my opinions on the facts rather than conspiracy theories

This is what I try to do and I try to keep an open mind, which unfortunately is coming across in the forum that I am on Murrays side. That isn't true and perhaps if you heard my voice and saw my reactions you could see that.

I am NOT defending Murray. I just feel that some things that are said are based on our feelings and speculation and NOT facts. To me it is important because I remember when Michael was accused there were too many pointing fingers and saying "He DID have boys sleeping in his room". That does NOT make him guilty and thats the same with Murray.

So, yes, we KNOW some facts to be absolute but there are many we are not 100% sure of and those are the ones I always dispute here. I do think he screwed up but I don't think he is the monster we portray. At least I am willing to let the man defend himself before I call him a monster.
All I know is:
This man was supposed to be a doctor, yet he was giving drugs that were not supposed to be given outside of a hospital
This man (according to reports) gave Michael multiple drugs that night.....when is that ever a good idea?!?!?!
This man possibly knew that Michael was gone wayyyyy before he called 911- sounds like a man trying to cover up what he did.

This is what I try to do and I try to keep an open mind, which unfortunately is coming across in the forum that I am on Murrays side. That isn't true and perhaps if you heard my voice and saw my reactions you could see that.

I am NOT defending Murray. I just feel that some things that are said are based on our feelings and speculation and NOT facts. To me it is important because I remember when Michael was accused there were too many pointing fingers and saying "He DID have boys sleeping in his room". That does NOT make him guilty and thats the same with Murray.

So, yes, we KNOW some facts to be absolute but there are many we are not 100% sure of and those are the ones I always dispute here. I do think he screwed up but I don't think he is the monster we portray. At least I am willing to let the man defend himself before I call him a monster.

I'm going to give this one, more, try. Beachlover, you have a right to your opinions... people here get it. Most just don't agree with you. Keeping an open mind is one thing, but there ARE facts that can be known, that rise above the level of rumor. The "innocent until proven guilty" is a matter of U.S. law, but yet Murray has already "confessed" to giving the propofol, so that modifies the law to that extent.

The situation with Michael's accusations and trial are NOT analogous to what Murray has done and faces. There was much misinformation about Michael in the press, and almost NO positive reporting. Michael proclaimed his innocence. He WAS innocent.

Conversely, the information we have FROM Murray in his own words confirms his guilt on a number of fronts. It's very different from the charges Michael faced. The following are all fact-based, not the tabloid rumors that plagued Michael.

Murray has admitted giving the propofol and then leaving the room. He is under investigation for murder. What is left to do is for authorities to determine what level of murder that might be.

The phone records show over forty-five minutes of phone calls during the time Michael was dying.

One of those phone calls was to employees to cover up evidence. Why ELSE would he suddenly want material removed from a storage unit?

Murray called Michael's own son upstairs, presumably to see how hard he was working to revive a person who was already dead. The trauma must have been horrific.

Murray left the hospital and vanished for several days.

Murray has not apologized to the Jackson family, or even said "sorry for your loss." If his attorneys directed him not to speak about it, then he shouldn't have made the "wrong place at the wrong time" statement' in the public setting of a CHURCH! The bad-taste involved in that is completely obvious. He could have directed the congregation to pray for the well-being of Michael's children and family? He could have done that without admitting any guilt. But he didn't. He just talked about himself and what a hard time he was having.

Showing up in church with a film-crew and making a plea for sympathy shows a stunning lack of character.

These FACTS raise a lot of people's sentiments about Murray far beyond the level of mere opinion. This is DIFFERENT from the ugly rumors swirling in the media about Michael before and during the period of the trial. These are FACTS.
I'm going to give this one, more, try. Beachlover, you have a right to your opinions... people here get it. Most just don't agree with you. Keeping an open mind is one thing, but there ARE facts that can be known, that rise above the level of rumor. The "innocent until proven guilty" is a matter of U.S. law, but yet Murray has already "confessed" to giving the propofol, so that modifies the law to that extent.

The situation with Michael's accusations and trial are NOT analogous to what Murray has done and faces. There was much misinformation about Michael in the press, and almost NO positive reporting. Michael proclaimed his innocence. He WAS innocent.

Conversely, the information we have FROM Murray in his own words confirms his guilt on a number of fronts. It's very different from the charges Michael faced. The following are all fact-based, not the tabloid rumors that plagued Michael.

Murray has admitted giving the propofol and then leaving the room. He is under investigation for murder. What is left to do is for authorities to determine what level of murder that might be.

The phone records show over forty-five minutes of phone calls during the time Michael was dying.

One of those phone calls was to employees to cover up evidence. Why ELSE would he suddenly want material removed from a storage unit?

Murray called Michael's own son upstairs, presumably to see how hard he was working to revive a person who was already dead. The trauma must have been horrific.

Murray left the hospital and vanished for several days.

Murray has not apologized to the Jackson family, or even said "sorry for your loss." If his attorneys directed him not to speak about it, then he shouldn't have made the "wrong place at the wrong time" statement' in the public setting of a CHURCH! The bad-taste involved in that is completely obvious. He could have directed the congregation to pray for the well-being of Michael's children and family? He could have done that without admitting any guilt. But he didn't. He just talked about himself and what a hard time he was having.

Showing up in church with a film-crew and making a plea for sympathy shows a stunning lack of character.

These FACTS raise a lot of people's sentiments about Murray far beyond the level of mere opinion. This is DIFFERENT from the ugly rumors swirling in the media about Michael before and during the period of the trial. These are FACTS.

I agree on you on most of your points, but you got some facts wrong.

Prince never saw Murray trying to revive him. This story was proven false by Michael's personal chief. She said that Murray called Prince, but he never went upstairs. He stood behind with the chief and his siblings and prayed for his father. Plus, I think the ITs would remember if Michael's son was in the room and they never said he was.

We also do not know about the storage locker. It was a story that was widely reported and than mysterious disappear, never to be mention again. The LAPD most likely check these girls already. Since no search warrants were issue in either of them, I doubt it is necessity related to what happen.

Murray did not vanished for several days. The LAPD interviewed him the day after Michael died. He disappeared from the hospital more specially and got a lawyer. Which to be fair, is what any sane person would had done in that same situation. I was personally taught to never talk to the police without a lawyer present. That is how you get false confessions.

Other than those points, you got it right for the most part.
I agree on you on most of your points, but you got some facts wrong.

Prince never saw Murray trying to revive him. This story was proven false by Michael's personal chief. She said that Murray called Prince, but he never went upstairs. He stood behind with the chief and his siblings and prayed for his father. Plus, I think the ITs would remember if Michael's son was in the room and they never said he was.

We also do not know about the storage locker. It was a story that was widely reported and than mysterious disappear, never to be mention again. The LAPD most likely check these girls already. Since no search warrants were issue in either of them, I doubt it is necessity related to what happen.

Murray did not vanished for several days. The LAPD interviewed him the day after Michael died. He disappeared from the hospital more specially and got a lawyer. Which to be fair, is what any sane person would had done in that same situation. I was personally taught to never talk to the police without a lawyer present. That is how you get false confessions.

Other than those points, you got it right for the most part.

Thanks. However, the search-warrant documents repeat Murray's statements about having had Prince in the room, regardless of what the chef said on a talk-show. It was very shocking to read. So, that comes from Murray himself, and not just the personal chef. Whether or not that was accurate, Murray knows, and Prince.

It was reported on CNN at first that Murray's whereabouts were unknown. Several Jackson family members have expressed dismay at how abruptly Murray vanished from the hospital. It was at that point that his car was towed from the property. His whereabouts were an issue, at least at first. He could have made himself available, i.e. so police didn't have to hunt for him, but he could have still declined to speak without an attorney present. I think he was interviewed within a day or two of Michael's death?

I'll have to look through my documents (and there are a LOT, including the warrants for the searches), but I believe the storage units were included in the searches. There was also a formal interview with the owner of the storage facility. Interviews with the employees who retrieved the material from the storage units have not been made public.

I am hoping there will be a trial, and not a plea-bargain, so a lot of these questions can be answered. It's also likely that the Jackson family will launch a wrongful death lawsuit. In that case, Murray's malpractice insurance may provide the money, but even if it doesn't, it would be a matter of principle. I'm sure they are waiting for a resolution of the criminal case, though, before going to civil court.
Thanks. However, the search-warrant documents repeat Murray's statements about having had Prince in the room, regardless of what the chef said on a talk-show. It was very shocking to read. So, that comes from Murray himself, and not just the personal chef. Whether or not that was accurate, Murray knows, and Prince.

It was reported on CNN at first that Murray's whereabouts were unknown. Several Jackson family members have expressed dismay at how abruptly Murray vanished from the hospital. It was at that point that his car was towed from the property. His whereabouts were an issue, at least at first. He could have made himself available, i.e. so police didn't have to hunt for him, but he could have still declined to speak without an attorney present. I think he was interviewed within a day or two of Michael's death?

I'll have to look through my documents (and there are a LOT, including the warrants for the searches), but I believe the storage units were included in the searches. There was also a formal interview with the owner of the storage facility. Interviews with the employees who retrieved the material from the storage units have not been made public.

I am hoping there will be a trial, and not a plea-bargain, so a lot of these questions can be answered. It's also likely that the Jackson family will launch a wrongful death lawsuit. In that case, Murray's malpractice insurance may provide the money, but even if it doesn't, it would be a matter of principle. I'm sure they are waiting for a resolution of the criminal case, though, before going to civil court.

I am almost certain it was the day after Michael died that the interviewed him the first time, so he didn't disappear off the face of the earth. Also, he got a lawyer before talking to the police, which anyone with common sense does. As a black person, we are taught not to talk to the cops unless you have someone with you. It maybe different from you but blacks and the LAPD does not have a good history.

Also, I do not think those lockers are a big deal. The story was never mention again, not even by TMZ. It was almost like the doctor shopping charges and the multiple doctors. It was a dig deal in the weeks after his dead, but it died in headlines because most of these leads were proven to be false. Also, I am certain their warrants would be leaked and they would had raided their houses too if the LAPD felt they had anything to do with a cover up. If they was something 'mind blowing' in those lockers, it would had leaked by now like everything else from the LAPD.

About Prince, Murray is a liar who changed his story at least five times. The chief really have no reason to lie about whether Prince was in the room or not. So, I have no idea which version of the warrant you are referring to since they are multiple version with different retellings of the same story.

I highly doubt Murray has malpractice insurance. Mrs. Jackson's lawyer said himself that Murray has nothing to sue for. If he had insurance, he wouldn't had said that. Also, he wanted him to get paid by AEG so they would at least have something to take.
I am almost certain it was the day after Michael died that the interviewed him the first time, so he didn't disappear off the face of the earth. Also, he got a lawyer before talking to the police, which anyone with common sense does. As a black person, we are taught not to talk to the cops unless you have someone with you. It maybe different from you but blacks and the LAPD does not have a good history.

Also, I do not think those lockers are a big deal. The story was never mention again, not even by TMZ. It was almost like the doctor shopping charges and the multiple doctors. It was a dig deal in the weeks after his dead, but it died in headlines because most of these leads were proven to be false. Also, I am certain their warrants would be leaked and they would had raided their houses too if the LAPD felt they had anything to do with a cover up. If they was something 'mind blowing' in those lockers, it would had leaked by now like everything else from the LAPD.

About Prince, Murray is a liar who changed his story at least five times. The chief really have no reason to lie about whether Prince was in the room or not. So, I have no idea which version of the warrant you are referring to since they are multiple version with different retellings of the same story.

I highly doubt Murray has malpractice insurance. Mrs. Jackson's lawyer said himself that Murray has nothing to sue for. If he had insurance, he wouldn't had said that. Also, he wanted him to get paid by AEG so they would at least have something to take.

Ramona, at some point a lot of us are going to have to agree-to-disagree, respectfully. "Investigations" are not for everyone, but those who are doing it seriously have a LOT of material collected. . a lot of it legal documents, and we really CAN connect the dots. I'm not talking about tv talk-shows, but hard facts that have been collected from various sources. I think that sort of detailed discussion is best in the Investigative Unit, or off the board entirely, though?
Thanks. However, the search-warrant documents repeat Murray's statements about having had Prince in the room, regardless of what the chef said on a talk-show. It was very shocking to read. So, that comes from Murray himself, and not just the personal chef. Whether or not that was accurate, Murray knows, and Prince.
dont u find it weird,presuming that murray lied and the chef was correct that murray would even make up such a statement about jr being upstairs. shows how sick he is. re the lockup in was reported on at the time. when posters say it was never mentioned again. im not sure why it would. it gets repoted on when it happens then thats it. its hardly unusual. if there nothing new to talk about in connection to it why would it be talked about all the time. doesnt mean its not important
dont u find it weird,presuming that murray lied and the chef was correct that murray would even make up such a statement about jr being upstairs. shows how sick he is. re the lockup in was reported on at the time. when posters say it was never mentioned again. im not sure why it would. it gets repoted on when it happens then thats it. its hardly unusual. if there nothing new to talk about in connection to it why would it be talked about all the time. doesnt mean its not important

I was using the news as an example. Unless someone can produce a search warrant from the LAPD regarding what were in those lockers and their talks with the women, we can go back and forward on this without a conclusion. So, it is best to wait until the detail comes out. I gave my personal opinion on the subject, so I am done.

Also, Murray is a liar. I remember one poster put up a warrant that said "Michael collapsed and Murray dragged him into bed to perform CPR." That is when Prince was supposedly in the room. I think that was his first story. Don't even get me started on the phone calls verses the bathroom break. However, that is another story that is a big he said/she said. But, I tend to side with the chief since what reason does she have to lie about Prince being or not being in the room?