Murray: I was at the wrong place at wrong time

All this is so very upsetting and I saw on my local news a quick shot of him going to the med center this morning. There were like 4 people there to greet him and pat him on the back. :( That just gutted me.

I also was shocked that there was not one MJ supporter out there protesting. If I lived near that Med center I would make a sign so quick and go stand out there. The media and lapd needs to see that people still care about this case.

I also hate that the media keeps saying "Dr. Murray has not been charged with any wrong doing and innocent until proven guilty". It hurts so much especially since MJ was never giving that accord even when there was NO evidence of MJ doing wrong. But this guy has already said he injected MJ with the lethal drug and still he gets pitied.

Is anybody organizing a protest? I already called the Texas medical board and am writing a snail mail letter but this needs some in his face action...NOW.
I wish he would at least acknowledge Michael and the family that he took Mike from instead of pulling this "Poor Me" routine. Sorry for being harsh, But I at least wish he would do that. :(
What i think, is that when people are this reluctant to acknowledge their responsebility and their actions,they know that they are wrong. He knows what he has done. And the consequenses of his actions are too big for him to take in. All he can do is defend himself, and say he did no wrong. But who on earth would be willing to be treated by the man who is responsible for Michaels death? If he could not do that right, how would he treat others?
Slowly, this will eat him up- no matter what he say now. Nobody can do this, and be successful at reclaiming their old life. If he thinks he can do that, he is blind. Whatever happens to this man, I think he will understand some day that he has put a curse on his life that can only be taken away by telling the truth. I think this is something that will eat his soul, in those long late night hours. May he inherit Michaels insomnia................
It's messed up all these people saying good stuff and ignoring the fact that he killed MJ!! damn the world is so cruel...
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Who filmed the church? Was it TMZ? Who filmed when he was in court? I saw the video taken from TMZ too. They seem to be on top of their game and always there before others. It blows my mind how there was a trial for not paying childsupport but not even an arrest for suspected murder.
We can't let the LAPD, Media, or general public think this is just ok. We have to keep the pressure on these people. Lets all bombard them and let them know we care and want justice! email, call, picket his house or the LAPD please. If I was in LA or Houston I would.
Do it for Michael.
Hugs? Photographs?
I am completely disturbed...he is being treated there like he was the preacher himself
I feel no sympathy for you Quack Murray
You piece of crap.

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NOOOOOOOO! WTF! God....I am so ANGRY right now I got tears in my eyes this is not fair....seriously people taking pics with this man? If he really tried to help MJ he wouldn't have treated his insomnia in that way no matter if MJ ask or not....Doctor idiot! The cameras there, this is so P.R! No compassion from me u.....*#$%

As I write this MJ's "goon to soon" :( is playing on my speakers right now, I just added the MJ tunes download on my computer! *TEARS*

HECK NAWWWWW!!! :angry:
Be commended MJ fans. You guys are still fighting for Michael.
We will forever be standing up & fighting for mj! ..ALWAYS!
Can't believe it!

He sure does have some nerve.

Hope he ends up in jail with a lot of Smooth Criminal MJ fans.
I just told mum bout what murray said with the "wrong place, wrong time"
Mum said " he'll say anything to get out of this!"
What a load of bullshit talk he is. Boy I'll tell you. >:[

Please God, justice for Michael. :angel:
if this had been paul mccartney and not michale jackson the frigging media wouldnt be so damn sympathetic toward this murderer

Agree x 1 million. If it was any of these celeb who are media darlings, they'd be very harsh towards Murray.

Saying he was at the "wrong place at the wrong time" makes it sound like he thinks he had nothing to do with it! As if he walked onto the scene of a car-accident or something, that had nothing to do with him? This was something he DID. He seems not to GET IT?

Michael's health was his responsibility to take care of. He has yet to apologize, or even say, "sorry for your loss" to Michael's family, friends, and fans. He hasn't even DONE THAT! A picture is forming of his character. Married, yet with girlfriends/baby-mamas all over the place. He had not been paying child-support. He was once arrested for domestic violence. Did anyone even do a background check on him?????? Michael's security team did not? AEG did not (and there is NO way to know now if he was a doctor Michael "requested." He's not here to tell us.)? This man KILLED someone, before Michael! Punctured someone's heart during surgery and the person died. And yet this was the man who was caring for someone who was arguably the world's most precious person, to so many? What is WRONG with this picture?

Sure, I can understand his wanting to go to church. He NEEDS to. It is NOT ok for him to go to church and bring along a camera-crew and make a public statement for sympathy. How about saying, "Let's pray for Michael's children and family?" That would have been the decent thing to do. . . . .

Good post. The gall of this guy is unbelievable.
he fecked up yet wont even admit it. has he said sorry yet? its all about him
Thats one thing I've been wondering about for the longest.
Has this fool even apologized?
He can at least do that! :angry: :mad:

He's trying to gather as much sympathy as he can for when
he has to face the inevitable. Why else would he go to
church....with cameras? They cant help you now!
NOW can people understand why some of Michael's fans didn't like the 'family intervention' and "I think he was in denial" talk in Janet's interview? Look at what Murray is doing...gaining sympathy; making himself look like the poor doctor who didn't know what he was getting into when he got hooked up with this 'drug addict' who badgered and demanded 'fixes' from him.
Man, I didn't need to hear this crap today. As if this Monday wasn't crappy enuf. Now THIS. The man is clearly desperate. Last week was bad for him. AEG told him to get lost and Katherine's lawyer hinted she might go after Murray for wrongful death. The authorities let it be known that time is almost up (early 2010) so he's feeling the heat...and he should. I think it's also sinking in just how little of a defense he has. The look on his face tells me he's toast and he finally KNOWS it....even if he won't admit it and continues to act like he doesn't know Adam from Eve. He can go right ahead and try to pick up the piece of his life until the hammer comes down. Patience.

Ummm... Yeah... He was just trying to help a fellow man? He wasn't at all interested in the big paychecks he was going to get? And as has been said already, he wasn't in the wrong place at a wrong time. He was exactly where he was supposed to be, he just didn't do his duty the way he should have. But wait a minute? What foreign documentary crew was following him? I do hope there won't be a documentary on this man, though I really won't be surprised if one surfaces... Disappointing...

@ the bold: Thank you!

About the documentary crew...maybe he's allowing them to film him in exchange for a payday. I shudder to think when and where we're going to see this foolishness when it's done. :smilerolleyes:

How dare he say he was in the wrong place at the wrong time? He deliberately and illegally pumped deadly chemicals into Michael's bloodstream and then let him die. He is responsible for the situation he is in. It is pathetic that he is playing the victim and trying to drum up sympathy by going to church.

Couldn't agree more. But it's good he's going to church. He obviously needs Jesus.
NOW can people understand why some of Michael's fans didn't like the 'family intervention' and "I think he was in denial" talk in Janet's interview? Look at what Murray is doing...gaining sympathy; making himself look like the poor doctor who didn't know what he was getting into when he got hooked up with this 'drug addict' who badgered and demanded 'fixes' from him.
Yea, he went back to work right after Janet Jackson's
"Big Interview". :(