Murray: I was at the wrong place at wrong time

How can anyone do what he has done, and show absolutely no remorse or sorrow at all? I just dont understand how a human being can be that cold and unfeeling!
I can't bring myself to watch it. Comments in this thread are enough. Who does he think he is? How dares he say such things? I am so angry right now. I just want it all to end and I want Murray to go to jail. I can't believe this is happening and there's no one to make him stop saying these things. The world has officially gone mad.
How can anyone do what he has done, and show absolutely no remorse or sorrow at all? I just dont understand how a human being can be that cold and unfeeling!

u think his P.R agent would tell him to start showing some sympathy after all everyone knows he did it and not showing remorse over an "accident" wont look good to jurrors
Murray will be made to pay. One way or another.

"Wrong place at the wrong time?"

hmm he will be one day and that day might be his last.

Being Michael's doctor means that you TAKE CARE of him. I know that might be hard to take in Dr. Murray but that was your job. To think if Michael lived you would not be in debt right now. You would have money to pay your wife, girlfriend, ex-girlfriend and whome ever else you were shtupin on the side. See Dr. Murray you were trusted by one of the words biggest stars and when something happends to said star under your care you are to BLAIM! You need to take resposability for your action and own up to your deadly mistake. What you are doing now is hiding behind your failed excuses.

(yes i know he probably cant read this but im saying it anyway.)

I am with Miss.Janet on he never should practice medicine again. I would hate this to happen to another family.
i have to say the media has shown more comapassion to this man, than they ever did to Michael. the media is not on the side of this man, because of compassion from them. they are on the side of this man, doctor murray, because it is believed that he killed Michael. plain and simple, the media is cheering, because Michael is dead, and they would be on the side of anyone who, they thought, got Michael out of the way, one way or the other.

if this man were suspected of doing good things, concerning Michael, he would be hated by the mainstream national media, and the media would never give him any compassion.
Saying he was at the "wrong place at the wrong time" makes it sound like he thinks he had nothing to do with it! As if he walked onto the scene of a car-accident or something, that had nothing to do with him? This was something he DID. He seems not to GET IT?

Michael's health was his responsibility to take care of. He has yet to apologize, or even say, "sorry for your loss" to Michael's family, friends, and fans. He hasn't even DONE THAT! A picture is forming of his character. Married, yet with girlfriends/baby-mamas all over the place. He had not been paying child-support. He was once arrested for domestic violence. Did anyone even do a background check on him?????? Michael's security team did not? AEG did not (and there is NO way to know now if he was a doctor Michael "requested." He's not here to tell us.)? This man KILLED someone, before Michael! Punctured someone's heart during surgery and the person died. And yet this was the man who was caring for someone who was arguably the world's most precious person, to so many? What is WRONG with this picture?

Sure, I can understand his wanting to go to church. He NEEDS to. It is NOT ok for him to go to church and bring along a camera-crew and make a public statement for sympathy. How about saying, "Let's pray for Michael's children and family?" That would have been the decent thing to do. . . . .
Murray's right. He was in the wrong place at the wrong time. That wrong place being not in the same room as MJ when he put him under with propofol.
How can anyone do what he has done, and show absolutely no remorse or sorrow at all? I just dont understand how a human being can be that cold and unfeeling!

Murrays present occurrence and his lack of insight into his mistakes are probably the reasons why he has dealt with Michael in this way, as he has done it. Murray is a cold man.

Saying he was at the "wrong place at the wrong time" makes it sound like he thinks he had nothing to do with it! As if he walked onto the scene of a car-accident or something, that had nothing to do with him? This was something he DID. He seems not to GET IT?

Michael's health was his responsibility to take care of. He has yet to apologize, or even say, "sorry for your loss" to Michael's family, friends, and fans. He hasn't even DONE THAT! A picture is forming of his character. Married, yet with girlfriends/baby-mamas all over the place. He had not been paying child-support. He was once arrested for domestic violence. Did anyone even do a background check on him?????? Michael's security team did not? AEG did not (and there is NO way to know now if he was a doctor Michael "requested." He's not here to tell us.)? This man KILLED someone, before Michael! Punctured someone's heart during surgery and the person died. And yet this was the man who was caring for someone who was arguably the world's most precious person, to so many? What is WRONG with this picture?

Sure, I can understand his wanting to go to church. He NEEDS to. It is NOT ok for him to go to church and bring along a camera-crew and make a public statement for sympathy. How about saying, "Let's pray for Michael's children and family?" That would have been the decent thing to do. . . . .

Good post. I rate this issue just like you.
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He WAS at the wrong place at the wrong time, where he should have been was BESIDE MICHAEL making sure that he was OK not running off to make personal phone calls after having just administered potentially lethal medications to his patient. How in the world he can still be practising medicine at this point is BEYOND me! It was HIS negligence that killed Michael, to blame circumstance or chance IS ARROGANT AND FOOLISH OH MY GOD SOMEONE REVOKE HIS LICENCE ALREADY GRRRR.
looking ahead to the future.... many many years ahead...

''I was at the wrong place at wrong time'' - said doctor Murray again, after killing with his negligence his hundredth patient. The crowd of his supporters weeped with him, helping him to blow his nose and filming him on camera.

I won't even bother watching, the thread title says all I need to know, nothing surprises me anymore. He hasn't taken accountability for his actions since day one. He's a narcissistic SOB that acts like he does no wrong in anything. I wonder if he used this same excuse when his negligence was a factor in the botched surgery death of his patient in 2007 and nothing happened to him then, still practicing medicine. He's sick.

What is justice anyway?.....-_-
To the Media and Journos who are browsing this site:

WHERE's your outrage over this travesty?! Are you going to give sympathy to a 'doctor' whose outrageous actions caused the death of a patient, causing a family to lose a son, brother and father? Are you going to blame the victim, simply because it happens to be Michael Jackson---your favorite whipping boy? The man who you spent your careers dehumanizing every chance you got?

Would you sympathize with this 'doctor' IF his actions killed, Paul McCartney, John Travolta, or any other celebrity that you deem 'more worthy' of your 'respect'?
We will remember this for years to come and Murray will have to live his life with the weight of the guilt on his shoulders.

this is the best punishment he can get.
his guilt. and he knows hes guilty. and god knows it, too!
Thank you so much, MySerenity... this is such a strange day. I no longer understand my own feelings here. I don't know if it's anger, pain, despair, frustration, dissapointment or a well mix of everything.

Wendesday it's FIVE MONTHS!!! FIVE MONTHS!!!! Now he decides taking back his life and we, the ones still mourning Michael Jackson... what?? Are we supposse to just "let go and go on with our normal lives"?

Sorry, but ... I might be too over emotional but... seriously... blame on me if you want to, but... I can't!! I tell you: i try, I have really tried to turn back, to step forward, to learn to live with this, to learn to accept it... but I can't. I can't and I am scared how bad I am feeling and how wrong things are going. I know, I know. We have to wait, and wait, and wait. Again.... as always, wait :(

We are all a lot stronger than we realize. Hang in there. After all we have gone into battles with Michael before.

We had to be patient, resilient, trusting, and leaning on each other.

We have come out from our battles with Michael being vindicated, our love and loyalty growing stronger each time.

It will be a while before I can sprint through life again with the joy and passion , ... it is a crawl, baby steps, walk, run, then sprinting.:better:
Argh. I feel sick. This is all so f****d up.
All I can say is that justice was finally served against Evan Chandler. Justice will also be served against Dr. Conrad Murray and Dr. Arnold Klein. Two men who took advantage of a man in a very vulnerable state. Unfortunately, since the city of Los Angeles and the state of California have not charged him with a crime, he is free to continue his practice. He should have been charged with a felony. His purposeful negligence led to the death of a great man. Instead, he has been allowed to go free to be with HIS kids and HIS family. The public statements made by members of the Jackson family regarding Michael's alleged drug dependency also did nothing to help the case against Dr. Murray. They should be ashamed of themselves. Because of what they have said, they have possibly helped their brother's murderer go free! All I can say is that I hope Murray has made his peace with God as well. :(
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Am I on the Truman show? Am I being punk'd? This is and was getting ridiculous months ago.

Excuse me while I laugh. Nothing surprises me anymore.

God this week has been tough hasn't it? Having to see Murray's smug face every day this weekend has been too much for us all. All I want to do is scream and cry when I see Murray.
How dare he say he was in the wrong place at the wrong time? He deliberately and illegally pumped deadly chemicals into Michael's bloodstream and then let him die. He is responsible for the situation he is in. It is pathetic that he is playing the victim and trying to drum up sympathy by going to church.
To the Media and Journos who are browsing this site:

WHERE's your outrage over this travesty?! Are you going to give sympathy to a 'doctor' whose outrageous actions caused the death of a patient, causing a family to lose a son, brother and father? Are you going to blame the victim, simply because it happens to be Michael Jackson---your favorite whipping boy? The man who you spent your careers dehumanizing every chance you got?

Would you sympathize with this 'doctor' IF his actions killed, Paul McCartney, John Travolta, or any other celebrity that you deem 'more worthy' of your 'respect'?


I don't even want to watch the video.
I've read through this whole thread and I'm just left shaking my head.
He knows his time is up as a free man. It is only a matter of time before he's arrested and charged. Murray is an arrogant, narcissistic idiot.

I am so angry. :perrin:

I agree. Murray will eventually hang himself with his own arrogance :(
While watching that and I know we are not to prejudge but I don't get good vibes from that dude. It's like I'm sitting here asking "Michael? Why him?" but I guess he saw something in him or knew of him that we did not.

But for real and I don't want to go into theories..but would MJ let that doc give him Propofol? Me and my MJJC friends were discussing that this weekend. He does not seem like the right Fit to be doing something like that.

just makes you wonder... Someone has to know more information about something In MJ's camp cause this all is not sitting well.
Dr. Murray is just one dumb ass! A self righteous, sanctimonius bastard......wron place, wrong time my ass....and watch all those people in the congregation agreeing....wth!?

Just listening to him makes you wanna throw something at him!
Can anyone transcribe what he says after the reporter says 'but did talk about his legal problems'?
I really can't hear a word he says.

But...'I am back to serve'...'it isn't easy for me'.....I'M GONNA THROW UP! Asking for compassion?
People respond with hugs and pictures? Is this SERIOUS? Like...REALLY? :bugeyed

The world lost the one person that was sent here on earth for a real message to serve and it wasn't easy for MICHAEL.
Don't ya think nah?!!!

This ignorant's just awful. :cry: