MJ phoned the party in Devon ~ DL audio on pg. 21.

Re: MJ phoned the party in Devon ~ DL audio on pg. 14.

Loved to hear Michael's voice again, glad he's enjoying himself. Whilst he's enjoying himself I'll try and save up for the future surprises. Woohoo
Re: MJ phoned the party in Devon ~ DL audio on pg. 14.

Blast it all, the download links aren't working. Can someone upload it again? Thanks to everyone who uploaded it in the first place.

I think it's hystarical how he tells everyone what the weather in Vegas is like, lol. He's sweet. ANd yo people, he said he's in the studio and it's coming soon, he OBVIOUSLY means the album. Why b*tch about symantics?
Re: MJ phoned the party in Devon ~ DL audio on pg. 14.

can somebody tell me what kind of party was that? and why did MJ make a phone call there???
Re: MJ phoned the party in Devon ~ DL audio on pg. 14.

Aww, Michael and his vague statements...
I'm assuming "they" is the general public. There's been a buzz about his album since will.i.am started bringing details up.
He's not talking about a visit, he's talking about the album. Some people are reading far too into it.

As for it coming "soon"... I know Michael's definition for soon is far different from mine. :lol:
I guess we just have to wait and see.
Re: MJ phoned the party in Devon ~ DL audio on pg. 14.

Thanks for audio! The only thing we can do is wait and see.... But I think that his album will come out very soon (respect what people think) but we don't know exactly when will be this 'soon' ... LOL
can somebody tell me what kind of party was that? and why did MJ make a phone call there???

its The Jacksons in the UK, Appledore, North Devon and i think its enough to know why he called ;)

and im so excited about the album, i believe he is workin' so hard on it :wild: and that its gonna be AWESOME! :wub: :heart: :wild: :heart:

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Re: MJ phoned the party in Devon ~ DL audio on pg. 14.

beautiful..beautiful...thanks for the link, and the transcript!:)

and...man...he's even nice to inanimate objects(the city of Vegas). he's saying the weather in vegas is 'nice and warm..very warm.'

i gotta tell you, from personal experience...translation...HOTTTT!

*very very hopeful*
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Re: MJ phoned the party in Devon ~ DL audio on pg. 14.

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I got it J5, lol. Some people are just on edge because there's always someone who has to come in and talk trash.

Thank's a ton L.J. That one worked for me. Oh man, he's so cute, he really is. Freakin' adorable! I had a big, stupid grin on my face the whole time. And hey Timmy! Did you hear it? His sloooow talking, lol.

Did you hear how they are screamed when he laughed? lol, it's hystarical.
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Thankyou so much for the Audio/Video,it was so nice to hear michaels beautiful voice, especially his little giggle,it made me smile,
to hear michael happy makes me happy!!
Thanks for the video/audio....I love his voice and that GIGGLE!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAHHHH!!! :stretcher: Unfortunately I was not able to understand a THING he said....! :huh: All the fans screaming....that's all I coudl hear and MJ's voice faintly in the background....Is there a better audio available or was anyone able to hear what he actually SAID? :lol: Thanks!!

I LOVE YOU MICHAEL JACKSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wub:
Thanx guys for the audio of MJ. Love his chuckle.
Summer, unfortunately that's the only one there is so far. But there's still a lot of fans who hasn't posted their pics and stories, so I hope someone will have a better quality audio of his phone call :)

video / audio transcripted by Damien

Hey guys! Im here in Las Vegas..(muffled)..running around today having fun.. (muffled)... It's very sunny and warm.. it's very warm here and ah, i'm going to be doing some studio work today.. (muffled).. and its gonna be soon.. sooner than they think.. ill tell ya that much.. its gonna be sooner than they think... (muffled - laughter)... I love you more, I love you more and God bless you. I love you.
thanks for the transcript cause without reading it along with listening to the audio i couldnt make out what the heck he was saying lol the screaming is annoying though. its like let the man speak lol nice to hear his voice but sooner than you think with mj is 5 years and not 10 lol J/K

for who ever asked it was just tito and taj and tj who were at the party tmk the other members of the family who were there a couple of weeks back left for the USA.i guess they were just there for the filming of this docu as from what ive been told most of the filming was done in L.A and it was being finished off with abit of filming in devon (why a house was rented for them) and the party
All this makes me think of that footage of MJ, can't remember where it's from, but he was relatively young at the time, and he was feeding a turtle. He was holding the food (a leaf) juuust out of reach of the turtle for a bit... He just loves to tease; I don't really know for sure, but I bet he's having a great time teasing us like this! lol
Summer, unfortunately that's the only one there is so far. But there's still a lot of fans who hasn't posted their pics and stories, so I hope someone will have a better quality audio of his phone call :)

video / audio transcripted by Damien

Thanks Reeta!! :)

Hearing MJ giggle makes me giggle! :lol: It's like "Well, I didn't get what he said, but I love that giggle!!" *giggles herself* :lol: But he didn't say "I love you from the bottom of my heart"...! :wild: :lol: I'm surprised!!! But at least he got the word "SOON" in what he said....like three times!! :lol: I would have especially loved to hear a "SEE YOU SOON" too though...:D I WANNA SEE MIIIIICCCHHHAAAAAAAEEEEEELLLLLL AGAIN!!! It's been TOO LONG!! :timer: Mike....how does a few days in Munich sound to you???!!!! PLLLLEEEEAAASSEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! :angel::angel::angel::angel::angel:
It's actually a video, but you can't see anything.. So it's like an audio :laugh:
thanks by the way.

i simply deeply profoundly love his laughter :heart: :heart: :heart: :wub: :wub: :heart: and i love his voice and geeeeeeeee, i think i fell in love with him once more!!!

the lovliest of gurgle is his laughter!! (not sure if its right lol ) but anyway, his laughter sounds lovliest liek Fairy tickling! or angel's laughter. :angel:

gee he just made my day and night!!!

can somebody write down :heart:Michael words/speech please .. :)
Re: MJ phoned the party in Devon ~ DL audio on pg. 14.

Thanks. Can you post the blog here as well, please.:angel::D

Hey All

I wanna start off by saying thank you to everyone who came to the event last night, it was a huge success, with 4 massive surprises that were only planned for on the day.

Firstly, as many of you have seen/heard Michael called our party. I was asked by the Jackson family manager to announce to the party that we had experienced a "severe technical fault", which at the same time the entire Jackson team, minus manager Danny left the room.

They made their way to the hotel office where they awaited the call. I followed shortly after to check everything was going ok, when the call came in and Tito answered i ran back to the ballroom and asked everybody to be silent.

Michaels voice was coming from all directions in the room, but nobody knew it was live as we didn't formally announce it, but sure enough, people reliesed and became silent, and we heard the following:


It was a surreal moment for me, to have Michael Jackson, The King of Pop call the party that myself, The North Devon Hospice and Maximum-Jackson have worked so hard on for the last 2 months. It still feels surreal now.

When he giggled was the moment when it hit most people, ask you can tell in the video.

Anyway, the other surprises . . .

The second big surprise was not only did we have Tito attend, but also two of his sons from 3T, Taj and TJ. In the original quote from Tito it stated that himself and "other Jacksons" would be attending the party. We had no idea who these extra Jacksons were until about 3 days ago, by which point we thought it be good to leave it as a surprise for guests.

Thirdly, Janice, the family PA brought us some "stuff" to auction at the party. I knew she was bringing this "stuff" but didnt know exactly what it was, and only found out yesterday afternoon during preparations. Janice and Taj visited the hotel to see how we were getting on in the afternoon to the surprise of everyone. Taj mingled with performers and staff whilst doing photos and autographs.

Later, whilst on our way to a private press conference in the hotel right before the party (hence why we started late, we were upstairs lol, sorry people) Janice showed me the fedora, it was a WHITE SMOOTH CRIMINAL fedora, signed in black marker and was amazing, especially considering it was on signed only last Wednesday.

Lastly, we had another exciting auction item: Lunch with Tito, Taj and TJ. This came about after the end of the auction when i was told some girls were saying "if the guys were available for a date as a prize i'd pay more than what the fedora went for!", so i went and suggested the idea to TJ and Taj, who said go and check with Tito, who said it was fine, but he was under the impression we only meant TJ and Taj.

So myself, Taj and TJ made our way to the raised area, where the dialogue flowed as follows (may not be exact, i am very tired)

Me, to audience: "Now we have a special additional auction prize . . . Taj and TJ, who have agreed to meet the winner at 1 o'clock tomorrow afternoon (today) for a date, where you can bring a guest."

TJ, to me: "(You can bring) Two guests, dad is coming aswell."

Me, to TJ: "You tell everyone, i dont want to get in trouble" *laughs*

TJ, to audience: "Our father Tito is coming aswell."

At this point Tito turned around to look at us and look surprised but amused, after which he put his hat on and made his way to the raised area. The auctioneer took over then and began the bidding.

Tito, to audience: "Come and hang at the house for a bit, ill even cook."

Me, to Tito: "What will you cook?"

Tito, to audience: "Fish, chips *audience laughs*, anything they want, bring the family."

Me, to Tito: "At this rate we'll end up having another party." (I said this because it was getting more and more all the time)

Tito, to me: *Laughs* "Yea, that would be cool."

The fedora sold for over £1500 (not sure on the exact amount, am very tired) and the lunch for over £2000, with all of it going to charity.

Will post the rest later . . . lots more to come.
Summer, unfortunately that's the only one there is so far. But there's still a lot of fans who hasn't posted their pics and stories, so I hope someone will have a better quality audio of his phone call :)

video / audio transcripted by Damien
Hey guys! Im here in Las Vegas..(muffled)..running around today having fun.. (muffled)... It's very sunny and warm.. it's very warm here and ah, i'm going to be doing some studio work today.. (muffled).. and its gonna be soon.. sooner than they think.. ill tell ya that much.. its gonna be sooner than they think... (muffled - laughter)... I love you more, I love you more and God bless you. I love you.

Thank you soooooooo much!
and thank you everyone for all the dl links and pix!
Thanx Gandom!!
welcome cutie! :hug:

hich ki dige javabeto nadad :( its ok but u see:

man age nabasham
ki dige har dafeh
ke soal mikoni
javabeto mide!!

im just a bit so so much hyper because of the audio u know!!!!

Hey guys! Im here in Las Vegas..(muffled)..running around today having fun.. (muffled)... It's very sunny and warm.. it's very warm here and ah, i'm going to be doing some studio work today.. (muffled).. and its gonna be soon.. sooner than they think.. ill tell ya that much.. its gonna be sooner than they think... (muffled - laughter)... I love you more, I love you more and God bless you. I love you.

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