MJ phoned the party in Devon ~ DL audio on pg. 21.

Thanks for the audio DL! A few days ago I was just wishing that I could hear from Michael, I mean, ANYTHING, Michael related regarding new music, appearances, etc...Well, my wish came true! On another note, after listening to the audio DL for the umpteenth time I heard a man's voice in the background say, "Come on out" and then, Michael repeats that as if to mock the person (he so bad...lol), says he was coming to the person and then, starts laughing.

What I heard on the audio DL

Background person: "Come on out!"

MJ: ..."Come on out!" (MJ mocks) I'm comin', I'm comin, hee, ha...ha...ha...

Did anyone else hear someone in the background tell Michael, "come on out"?
Thanks for the audio DL! A few days ago I was just wishing that I could hear from Michael, I mean, ANYTHING, Michael related regarding new music, appearances, etc...Well, my wish came true! On another note, after listening to the audio DL for the umpteenth time I heard a man's voice in the background say, "Come on out" and then, Michael repeats that as if to mock the person (he so bad...lol), says he was coming to the person and then, starts laughing.

What I heard on the audio DL

Background person: "Come on out!"

MJ: ..."Come on out!" (MJ mocks) I'm comin', I'm comin, hee, ha...ha...ha...

Did anyone else hear someone in the background tell Michael, "come on out"?

Are u serious?!?!

*runs off to listen*

Edit: He sure DID! :ursofunny:
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yeah seems that mj was messing trying to make ppl think he was there and would come out from behind a curtain for eg lol
i cant wait to hear new music from michael to see new videos to see him live in concerts..hope the album to be really good..i believe it will be..
I hope he turns and goes in a totally different direction like he did with Beat It- that kind of creativity will really have tongues waggin'
It was amazing to actually hear him live over the phone last sunday. I managed to get a video of the fans reactions which I'll try and upload this weekend along with my photos with Tito :D
It was amazing to actually hear him live over the phone last sunday. I managed to get a video of the fans reactions which I'll try and upload this weekend along with my photos with Tito :D

That would be great Wes, thanks in advance:):)
just to put it in context for people , it took us nearly 5 hours by train from London, to get to the hotel where the event was
yeah and the same from the north of england longer if you are north of where iam.its basically the middle of nowhere right at the bottom of the country. and at the rate of the petrol prices would cost you a holiday overseas to get there lol
Hey, Mike! Hey, Mike! What's up with the "What," Huh? :lol: :ph34r: :lol:
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If I am completely wrong tell me, but I believe when Michael said "coming sooner.. sooner than they think" he was infact referring to him visiting the UK.

Someone from the party can let me know if this is definately not the case.
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I thought he was referring to the media, but who knows he likes the riddles. He could play the riddler in a bat man film, he would be great
If you guys listen to the audio of Michael's call from this site http://www.mj-ireland.com/downloads.htm there is about 20 seconds more of Michael talking, before he says "Hey guys". He's saying something to someone about songs, but I'm having trouble making it out. Maybe someone else here can do it. It says it's a video on this site, but it's really just audio and again has about 20 more seconds of Michael talking about songs before he says hi to everyone. Check it out.
If you guys listen to the audio of Michael's call from this site http://www.mj-ireland.com/downloads.htm there is about 20 seconds more of Michael talking, before he says "Hey guys". He's saying something to someone about songs, but I'm having trouble making it out. Maybe someone else here can do it. It says it's a video on this site, but it's really just audio and again has about 20 more seconds of Michael talking about songs before he says hi to everyone. Check it out.

From my understanding and what other people who were there have said about it, MJ is talking to Taj or TJ, possibly about coming to see them, before he realizes that the fans can hear them talking. :lol: Then he says "Hey guys".
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