MJ phoned the party in Devon ~ DL audio on pg. 21.

welcome cutie! :hugs:

hich ki dige javabeto nadad :( its ok but u see:

man age nabasham
ki dige har dafeh
ke soal mikoni
javabeto mide!!

im just a bit so so much hyper because of the audio u know!!!!


merc ke javabamo dadi!
age u nabashi
man chikar bokonam

so could u dl the audio?
Re: MJ phoned the party in Devon ~ DL audio on pg. 14.

Hey All

I wanna start off by saying thank you to everyone who came to the event last night, it was a huge success, with 4 massive surprises that were only planned for on the day.

Firstly, as many of you have seen/heard Michael called our party. I was asked by the Jackson family manager to announce to the party that we had experienced a "severe technical fault", which at the same time the entire Jackson team, minus manager Danny left the room.

They made their way to the hotel office where they awaited the call. I followed shortly after to check everything was going ok, when the call came in and Tito answered i ran back to the ballroom and asked everybody to be silent.

Michaels voice was coming from all directions in the room, but nobody knew it was live as we didn't formally announce it, but sure enough, people reliesed and became silent, and we heard the following:


It was a surreal moment for me, to have Michael Jackson, The King of Pop call the party that myself, The North Devon Hospice and Maximum-Jackson have worked so hard on for the last 2 months. It still feels surreal now.

When he giggled was the moment when it hit most people, ask you can tell in the video.

Anyway, the other surprises . . .

The second big surprise was not only did we have Tito attend, but also two of his sons from 3T, Taj and TJ. In the original quote from Tito it stated that himself and "other Jacksons" would be attending the party. We had no idea who these extra Jacksons were until about 3 days ago, by which point we thought it be good to leave it as a surprise for guests.

Thirdly, Janice, the family PA brought us some "stuff" to auction at the party. I knew she was bringing this "stuff" but didnt know exactly what it was, and only found out yesterday afternoon during preparations. Janice and Taj visited the hotel to see how we were getting on in the afternoon to the surprise of everyone. Taj mingled with performers and staff whilst doing photos and autographs.

Later, whilst on our way to a private press conference in the hotel right before the party (hence why we started late, we were upstairs lol, sorry people) Janice showed me the fedora, it was a WHITE SMOOTH CRIMINAL fedora, signed in black marker and was amazing, especially considering it was on signed only last Wednesday.

Lastly, we had another exciting auction item: Lunch with Tito, Taj and TJ. This came about after the end of the auction when i was told some girls were saying "if the guys were available for a date as a prize i'd pay more than what the fedora went for!", so i went and suggested the idea to TJ and Taj, who said go and check with Tito, who said it was fine, but he was under the impression we only meant TJ and Taj.

So myself, Taj and TJ made our way to the raised area, where the dialogue flowed as follows (may not be exact, i am very tired)

Me, to audience: "Now we have a special additional auction prize . . . Taj and TJ, who have agreed to meet the winner at 1 o'clock tomorrow afternoon (today) for a date, where you can bring a guest."

TJ, to me: "(You can bring) Two guests, dad is coming aswell."

Me, to TJ: "You tell everyone, i dont want to get in trouble" *laughs*

TJ, to audience: "Our father Tito is coming aswell."

At this point Tito turned around to look at us and look surprised but amused, after which he put his hat on and made his way to the raised area. The auctioneer took over then and began the bidding.

Tito, to audience: "Come and hang at the house for a bit, ill even cook."

Me, to Tito: "What will you cook?"

Tito, to audience: "Fish, chips *audience laughs*, anything they want, bring the family."

Me, to Tito: "At this rate we'll end up having another party." (I said this because it was getting more and more all the time)

Tito, to me: *Laughs* "Yea, that would be cool."

The fedora sold for over £1500 (not sure on the exact amount, am very tired) and the lunch for over £2000, with all of it going to charity.

Will post the rest later . . . lots more to come.
wow what a cool party! I wish I could come too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanx alot for sharing!!:punk::wild:
merc ke javabamo dadi!
age u nabashi
man chikar bokonam

so could u dl the audio?

lol ;)

so could u dl the audio

yes i did. the audio only but the video should be done by my dad. its his job! do u have the audio too?

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hey everyone, just got home awhile ago, Just went though all 23 pages and am in fits of giggles. Cant believe the texts I sent out ended up almost instintly on the boards!!! I will be writing a full report and posting it with photos on mjeurope probablly tomorrow. Most of the fans who were there are either still traveliing or gone to bed, as after the party ended we all stayed up until about 4am in the hotel ballroom, chilling out.

btw, as george hasalready posted, NO ONE except him and a few others knew about the phonecall, some of the performers were getting dressed in the changeing area and ran into the ballroom in a panic!!! The phone call was played though the soundsystem in the ballroom. When we realised it was Michael, we first thought it was a recored message, it wasnt until he started giggleing and responding to us, that we reaslised it was A PROPER LIVE PHONE CALL. He had probally prepared a few sentences to say to us, but we were screaming and calling out "I love you" to him and he was saying it back.

As to the lack of updates, none of us at the party had internet acess during the party, as the hotel was in a rural area and no one had their laptops with them. Im sure all the fans who were at the party contacted their friends like I did. Unfortunatly not all fans are like me and my friends, who are willing to pass on exclusive infortmation to other fans around the world who are wishing they could be there!!
Hey All

I wanna start off by saying thank you to everyone who came to the event last night, it was a huge success, with 4 massive surprises that were only planned for on the day.

Firstly, as many of you have seen/heard Michael called our party. I was asked by the Jackson family manager to announce to the party that we had experienced a "severe technical fault", which at the same time the entire Jackson team, minus manager Danny left the room.

They made their way to the hotel office where they awaited the call. I followed shortly after to check everything was going ok, when the call came in and Tito answered i ran back to the ballroom and asked everybody to be silent.

Michaels voice was coming from all directions in the room, but nobody knew it was live as we didn't formally announce it, but sure enough, people reliesed and became silent, and we heard the following:


It was a surreal moment for me, to have Michael Jackson, The King of Pop call the party that myself, The North Devon Hospice and Maximum-Jackson have worked so hard on for the last 2 months. It still feels surreal now.

When he giggled was the moment when it hit most people, ask you can tell in the video.

Anyway, the other surprises . . .

The second big surprise was not only did we have Tito attend, but also two of his sons from 3T, Taj and TJ. In the original quote from Tito it stated that himself and "other Jacksons" would be attending the party. We had no idea who these extra Jacksons were until about 3 days ago, by which point we thought it be good to leave it as a surprise for guests.

Thirdly, Janice, the family PA brought us some "stuff" to auction at the party. I knew she was bringing this "stuff" but didnt know exactly what it was, and only found out yesterday afternoon during preparations. Janice and Taj visited the hotel to see how we were getting on in the afternoon to the surprise of everyone. Taj mingled with performers and staff whilst doing photos and autographs.

Later, whilst on our way to a private press conference in the hotel right before the party (hence why we started late, we were upstairs lol, sorry people) Janice showed me the fedora, it was a WHITE SMOOTH CRIMINAL fedora, signed in black marker and was amazing, especially considering it was on signed only last Wednesday.

Lastly, we had another exciting auction item: Lunch with Tito, Taj and TJ. This came about after the end of the auction when i was told some girls were saying "if the guys were available for a date as a prize i'd pay more than what the fedora went for!", so i went and suggested the idea to TJ and Taj, who said go and check with Tito, who said it was fine, but he was under the impression we only meant TJ and Taj.

So myself, Taj and TJ made our way to the raised area, where the dialogue flowed as follows (may not be exact, i am very tired)

Me, to audience: "Now we have a special additional auction prize . . . Taj and TJ, who have agreed to meet the winner at 1 o'clock tomorrow afternoon (today) for a date, where you can bring a guest."

TJ, to me: "(You can bring) Two guests, dad is coming aswell."

Me, to TJ: "You tell everyone, i dont want to get in trouble" *laughs*

TJ, to audience: "Our father Tito is coming aswell."

At this point Tito turned around to look at us and look surprised but amused, after which he put his hat on and made his way to the raised area. The auctioneer took over then and began the bidding.

Tito, to audience: "Come and hang at the house for a bit, ill even cook."

Me, to Tito: "What will you cook?"

Tito, to audience: "Fish, chips *audience laughs*, anything they want, bring the family."

Me, to Tito: "At this rate we'll end up having another party." (I said this because it was getting more and more all the time)

Tito, to me: *Laughs* "Yea, that would be cool."

The fedora sold for over £1500 (not sure on the exact amount, am very tired) and the lunch for over £2000, with all of it going to charity.

Will post the rest later . . . lots more to come.

Thanks for sharing! Sounds like it was a lot of fun! And...I know the money went for charity and it's AWESOME that they were able to raise so much money...But WHERE the hell do some fans get that much money from??? I really need to win in the lottery....:mello: :lol: If I ever win the jackpot in lottery, the first thing I'll do is to ask Mike if he'd meet me if I paid him like a half a million dollars or something. :angel::clapping:

try this: http://www.zshare.net/download/1335147860a798a6/

if not try this: http://www.zshare.net/audio/1335147860a798a6/ . CLICK ON: download this file

it only takes 15 min to 20.

u GOT TO lisaten to it. ITS AWESOMEEEEEEEEEEE . his laughter ..........gee im speechless!
ive listened to it 20 timessssssssssssss

"ONLY".....:toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny: Good one! :lmao:
As to the lack of updates, none of us at the party had internet acess during the party, as the hotel was in a rural area and no one had their laptops with them. Im sure all the fans who were at the party contacted their friends like I did. Unfortunatly not all fans are like me and my friends, who are willing to pass on exclusive infortmation to other fans around the world who are wishing they could be there!!

Thanks for sharing though!!!! It's very much appreciated!!! :)
How exciting! hearing michael laugh just thrills me! thanx for posting!
:wild:Wow:wild:, Xescapecp.com you should be really proud of yourself for organizing such an amazing party and raising all that money for charity, and thank you moonstreet for sharing your experiances at the party.

Not only where the Jackson's well and truely welcomed to Devon but the fans where able to have a great time and listen to Michael speaking live as well as raising money for the local Hospice. It was a win win situation.

Thank you for the audio of Michael, it was lovely to hear him giggleing. He sounded very happy and in control of his life. Im beginning to get really excited about the album....i can't wait to hear him singing again on new music. Love you Michael :wub:
wow, this is what I get for not checking the site for almost a whole day! omg, this is so exciting! downloading the audio right now and can't wait to listen to it! thanks to everybody who shared about the party by the way.
^^lol, I know! :( Anyway, I just listened to the audio and loved it! Thanks to whoever posted a transcript though, because I wouldn't have understood a word he was saying over the screaming fans otherwise! it was so cute though. I loved when he giggled.. :wub:
wow, this is what I get for not checking the site for almost a whole day! omg, this is so exciting! downloading the audio right now and can't wait to listen to it! thanks to everybody who shared about the party by the way.

I know I think I havent logged in since Friday and now I feel bombarded lol

Thanks everyone for the news/updates its great seems promising.
you're like me, WritergirlAD. 30 hours away from the internet and this is what happens.
Sounds like it was a great party - really well organized, and it must have been such an amazing surprise to have 3 Jacksons just dropping by like that - at the party, and to check on how it was going. Godo fo Tito to organize the phonecall too.

Michael's giggle. Sigh. I think someone was calling him, and he does say 'come on up' and then 'ok, i'm coming'

And now, we wait for 'soon'...
Heeeeeeeeeee!!! He sounds soooo happy and that makes me happy!!! Man I wish I could have been to that party..i want a to win a lunch with a Jackson!! How cool is that?! ....OMG, what if to win a lunch with Michael??? :dropdead:
Aww that was sweeeeet to hear! The giggle was classic! Too cute. :D

Thanks again to all who contributed. :flowers:
Thanks for the transcript of the message 'cause I would've never understood anything otherwise!lol Michael is such a fun and free spirit! I found myself giggling at his giggling just like that!lol

Much thanks to all who made this possible.
thanks so much for the audio and all of the stories!
its so exciting!!
seriously need some sleep, had 4 hours sleep saturday night(dont ask, bit of a pre party) 4 hours sunday night, and now its nearly 1am monday night!! will post a full report when I wake up tomorrow
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Thank you to everyone for posting updates and audio, much appreciated.

'They' = :blink: soon =:woohoo: unless anyone knows any different :fortuneteller:.
Re: MJ phoned the party in Devon ~ DL audio on pg. 14.

IF I hear one more fan say there is NOT an album after this.. OMG I'm gonna flip..

"Ya but Slash said..."

some1 will need to get smacked in the back of the head... lol!

There is not an album.