Michael's funeral on E!

I don't understand what the media doesn't get about a PRIVATE service. They had their chance to get all their dirt at his memorial. This is a time of closure for his FAMILY. Gosh...I swear some people have a bigger need for cash than for morals and respect.

Because the Jackson planned it this way. They were the ones who gave out the information. They gave the media limited access and of course, they told the police to keep out lowly fans (i.e. us) from being around them.
I won't be watching this. Cause I love Michael and I want to show him some RESPECT!!! For the love of God will they EVER leave him alone????
Oh God... That made me cry for some reason :cry: It was like that here yesterday too
I know!
I got so confused...I looked up at the sky and said 'just a few more hours Mike...then you will be in heaven, then all the shit is over'. :cry:
I miss him soooo bad! *faints*
^^ of course they won´t. He´s Michael Jackson.

isn´t that painful to hear? dang.. as if he isn´t a human being! Aghh, people!!!
Understand this:

The Jackson boys have their A&E special they are filming.

Now any of you think that this is media invasion are just gullible, sorry.

This is another Machiavellian Jackson Family orchestration.

They're dancing on his bones for MONEY and FAME.

And don't think Michael doesn't know that - he knows who's been faithful and true to him and who's crying crocodile tears.

Nothing good will come from anything that takes advantage of his children's grief.
I know!
I got so confused...I looked up at the sky and said 'just a few more hours Mike...then you will be in heaven, then all the shit is over'. :cry:
I miss him soooo bad! *faints*

dito....what i said before....it rained so heavy down here, but now a bit sun has come out, because the storm pulled the clouds away :)
There will be no media event. The will be no cameras inside the grounds and they have even banned air footage also. The guy said on the news that they will be shutting the roads leading up to Glendale and you wouldn't even "get to see the grass of Forest Hills" (his words). There are only family and close friends. I even heard Debbie Rowe will be there. Thats the last person Michael would have wanted.
OMG I just wish they let him rest finally, is been almost 3 months of this horrible nightmare. My poor angel deserves more than this. I feel horrible, is like 25th again!
There will be no media event. The will be no cameras inside the grounds and they have even banned air footage also. The guy said on the news that they will be shutting the roads leading up to Glendale and you wouldn't even "get to see the grass of Forest Hills" (his words). There are only family and close friends. I even heard Debbie Rowe will be there. Thats the last person Michael would have wanted.

oh shush. Only Michael knows who he would want at his funeral.
The way I see is probably in a more esoteric plane. Michael's body may be interred today, but Michael's soul is among us. And he's still around, and when he's ready to go to the Pearly Gates, he will.

But Michael doesn't want to go yet - he has a lot of unfinished business to take care of.

I know!
I got so confused...I looked up at the sky and said 'just a few more hours Mike...then you will be in heaven, then all the shit is over'. :cry:
I miss him soooo bad! *faints*
How do you know that? Debbie & Katherine are very amicable and close. Debbie gets to see her kids 2 times a week. And no matter what anybody says, Michael chose her to be the mother of his first two kids. They had an agreement, Debbie complied and so did he.

Yes, she caused some trouble for him at one time, but all that drama is done. And I have no doubt that she loves her kids. Even Blanket, as that is Mike Jr. & Paris' baby brother.

There will be no media event. The will be no cameras inside the grounds and they have even banned air footage also. The guy said on the news that they will be shutting the roads leading up to Glendale and you wouldn't even "get to see the grass of Forest Hills" (his words). There are only family and close friends. I even heard Debbie Rowe will be there. Thats the last person Michael would have wanted.
It WILL be private. It will just be them showing the family going to the Forest Lawn. The burial will NOT be televised, it is going to be in a private area. Air space is closed off for 3 miles around Forest Lawn and the streets all around FL will all be shut down. NO ONE will be able to get close to the gates. It's already been said by police, don't waste you time coming, you won't see anything.

Oh thank goodness! It's good to know that it will be private. :)
This should not be happening! Listen to his songs, it's hard to belive he i gone. It usually takes months til we saw new pictures of MJ, so this still feels unreal. I had enough of this bullshit, after today no one can hurt you Michael. Today is the last day of this circus, it's the final curtain call.

I agree. I am hurting so much again, reality is biting and our Michael is gone. One thing I can get comfort from is that after today Michael will be left alone by the media and instead his soul will be with all those who love him.
There will be no media event. The will be no cameras inside the grounds and they have even banned air footage also. The guy said on the news that they will be shutting the roads leading up to Glendale and you wouldn't even "get to see the grass of Forest Hills" (his words). There are only family and close friends. I even heard Debbie Rowe will be there. Thats the last person Michael would have wanted.

Yes, it will be private. But the media will be reporting from outside the gates. An article posted on page 3 claimed that the Jacksons were bringing in 4 cameras with them. So if correct, it seems as if it's going to filmed. We'll see what the footage will be used for. Possibly to make private DVDs for family members. Not for A&E I hope.
oh shush. Only Michael knows who he would want at his funeral.

??? EXCUSE ME? I will not "shush".

Michael didn't want her in his Will and Katherine didn't want her at the memorial. Hmm yeah, she is really in the favour.
Yes, it will be private. But the media will be reporting from outside the gates. An article posted on page 3 claimed that the Jacksons were bringing in 4 cameras with them. So if correct, it seems as if it's going to filmed. We'll see what the footage will be used for. Possibly to make private DVDs for family members. Not for A&E I hope.

Thank you for your polite post. I didn't see about the family having cameras... hmmm.. mixed feelings about that. It almost feels like the brothers are now exploiting their brothers death. Poor kids - how must they feel about it...
Thankyou! I thought that already but couldn't exactly find it was right.
Oh boy...gonna be so hard! Think I'm not gonna stay up tonight...I'll be saying a little prayer when I go to bed though. :cry:

(The weather is crazy by the way....it storms, rains, thunders...heaven is calling Mike!)

I agree, I certainly will burn a candle tonight for Michael and say a prayer for him :yes:
The weather is crazy here, you're right :lol:
Yes, it will be private. But the media will be reporting from outside the gates. An article posted on page 3 claimed that the Jacksons were bringing in 4 cameras with them. So if correct, it seems as if it's going to filmed. We'll see what the footage will be used for. Possibly to make private DVDs for family members. Not for A&E I hope.

Even if it weren't or were for A&E, why would you want to record that? I mean, really? Like everyone crying, depress, people screaming. I've been to funeral's and thats how they always are. Its really depressing, and i don't think any one is ever going to want to re-live it. I don't think anyone has every randomly thought, hey let me watch today the burial of when so and so died. If the jackson's brought along the 4 cameras then there is something seriously wrong with them. And if its for A&E, then its very hard the kids are not going to be exposed and Michael would have not wanted this.
I just saw an advertisement for it on E!. It will be on at 10pm Eastern tonight, 7pm Pacific.
i don't c it on their website. it's prolly gonna be another forbes: mj's money or ths but w/ live clips of the family going in but they can't fly over it. there's a 3 mile all directs fly ban so how do they propose to show this?
Even if it weren't or were for A&E, why would you want to record that? I mean, really? Like everyone crying, depress, people screaming. I've been to funeral's and thats how they always are. Its really depressing, and i don't think any one is ever going to want to re-live it. I don't think anyone has every randomly thought, hey let me watch today the burial of when so and so died. If the jackson's brought along the 4 cameras then there is something seriously wrong with them. And if its for A&E, then its very hard the kids are not going to be exposed and Michael would have not wanted this.

Tears & grief porn courtesy of the Jacksons all exclusively on A&E!!!

I just read an article...the area is on lock down now with police everywhere. There is an area on the grounds for the media. Not sure why or what they will actually be able to see. They are saying the funeral could last until midnight or longer. What the heck are they doing at this service?!