Michael's funeral on E!

I personally Believe that ACTUALLY some of the footage MAY be used for the This is it MOVIE... who knows.... but having cameras there means LEAKS for sure... .I highly doubt that 4 cameras are needed for NOBODY to see... so... I am sure the Jackson family in a way wants to show the world where michael will be laid to rest, knowing that it is so secured and nobody can access it... in a way, to apease the fans....

Michael would never want to be left alone in a crypt...away from anybody, -that's MY take and i am entitled to- so, please everybody chill, journalist will not go beyond the gates and it will be fully private... IF the jackson family did not want this "event" to be known, they would have done it in private, without announcement... but you all know it 's not possible, because we are talking about the king!

There are many of you that are against it.. blaming all kind of reason, but to me, I don't mind it some reporting, it will give ME closure. It is normal, after all these years of fighting on his side to proove truth to the world and hours and days and weeks at the trial, that I know where and what... and they are NOT being disrespectufll, again, media was invited to stand at some areas which means that the jackson family, somehow, wanted this to be reported....

As far as some comments made by some, Debbie rowe was the mother of michael's children, Michael must have loved her for her to carry her kids for him. So, if he did not want to leave her money on his will for her (because she is being provided already), that does not mean that she does not have a place to be there, so, relax, chill, will go through this together, keep it contain, take a deep breath... it's not easy and I truly understand your anger and frustration, but I know for sure that all of that comes to the fact that we are all realizeing that today is the day where he is laid to rest and THAt is hard to accept..... courage all my friends.
I just read an article...the area is on lock down now with police everywhere. There is an area on the grounds for the media. Not sure why or what they will actually be able to see. They are saying the funeral could last until midnight or longer. What the heck are they doing at this service?!

1. 3 mile NO-FLY Zone.... they ain't playin' .....
2. Forest Lawn has helicopters flying with infrared equipment to search for intruders hiding on the grounds.
3. some streets closed down since yesterday
4. forest lawn closed today to every ... cept jackson funeral....

That's called doing it MJ style. Here's hoping fools won't ruin it.
hey daggi - i guess its you right? - thank you!

well, i dont know if its worth waking up at 4 am then, just to see it? but i will probably record it on my VCR. or what do u think? what are u going to do?

:yes: hi Tatjana, so one meet again. Hello!
Yes, it think too it isn't worth to stand up. I will record it on my DVD recorder. So I could make a DVD if someone needs.

Nice to meet you.
I just saw an advertisement for it on E!. It will be on at 10pm Eastern tonight, 7pm Pacific.

Thank you for posting the info. I have that station scheduled to record now at 7 pm Pacific (it's E! News for 30 minutes and does not give details)

All I have found scheduled so far regarding his funeral is this bit to play on Access Hollywood (channel # is a local station here in Oregon):

Access Hollywood
Details about Michael Jackson's burial; inside the Neverland Ranch; backstage footage of Michael Jackson. Remote Record
Channel KPTV(012) Airdate Friday, September 4
7:30 PM - 8:00 PM (30 minutes)
Genre Talk / Newsmagazine / Entertainment Original Air Date September 04, 2009
Future Airdates Sat Sep 05 12:30 AM KPTV (012 )
Sat Sep 05 12:30 AM KPTV (948 )
AnchorBilly Bush
Nancy O'Dell
Executive ProducerRob Silverstein
GMTV's Carla Romano just said the burial may be open casket

Michael Jackson to be buried today
September 3rd, 2009

LONDON - King of Pop Michael Jackson will be buried today evening.

The pop legend will be laid to rest at Holly Terrace Grand Mausoleum in Glendale Forest Lawn Memorial Park, five miles from Hollywood.

The private funeral ceremony is scheduled to start at 7pm, reports the Mirror.

However, his fans will not get to view it, as cameras will be banned from the 45-minute service limited to close friends and family.

The late singer’s friend Diana Ross and Motown label founder Berry Gordy will be present apart from the family.

Aretha Franklin will attend too as she’ll sing at the graveside.

Jackson’s coffin will be encased in thick concrete to protect it from grave robbers.

His estate, controlled by two former advisers, will bear the expenses of the funeral ceremony.

Meanwhile, prosecutors have amended Jackson’e death certificate to call it a homicide.

The wording is he died from “intravenous injection by another”. (ANI)

Yesterday on don't remember which channel, they said that yesterday evening they were gonna rehearse the funeral with cameras and Aretha Franklin would be singing...

if they air the funeral, I'll be watching.
it's gonna be aired when the new jacksons reality show is going to be aired , pretty soon.
There won't be anything to see except a line of cars going in and out of the cemetary, and that could have been avoided if the date and time had not been given out.

As for Carla Romano, I put in another thread the nastiness from her about Michael, how dare she even speak his name. She has ridiculed him which is rich coming from someone who looks like a transvestite.
Yeah, I think that they're just going to show a recap, or just give a few details of the ceremony. I can't see any press or media allowed to go past the gates, and it'll be sectioned off. Sadly, I'm sure they'll be a few helicopters taking to the air, yet I pray not.

The family need to take this last step, lay him to rest and make peace with the whole loss. Let's pray that the media carry this attitude as well.

I just heard that it will be a no fly zone during Michael's funeral...That means no planes. I heard it on HLN.
Forest Lawn has helicopters flying with infrared equipment to search for intruders hiding on the grounds.
LAPD should do what they normally do and shot anyone in the bushes. ask questions later. especially if its paps or maybe use the dogs to "sniff" them out.
I dont think I could ever watch footage of Michael's funeral......if the family is filming it then I hope they keep it all private forever...Michal deserves privacy....I would hope they will not exploit him in death...:cry:
Aretha Franklin will attend too as she’ll sing at the graveside.
More a circus... It is a party or a funeral? :scratch::smilerolleyes:

Well, do not know if Michael and Aretha were friends. I do not remember them being nearby, I do not understand why she will be there. -_-

"Friends"... all distant friends Michael now resurrected from the ashes and nothingness, as happened at the memorial. I'm sure Liz Taylor will not participate in the "Circus Part 2 - The End". :ph34r:

The family is in my thoughts, and I hope the burial does not become a media circus, even outside the gate. I am not watching.
So it's really over :(
I know MJ has been gone since June but still...burial is so final. I can't stand it.
Well, do not know if Michael and Aretha were friends. I do not remember them being nearby, I do not understand why she will be there. -_-
Probably because she does (or did, I don't know the state of her voice right now) an amazing Amazing Grace.
look i know that MJ's family released the all the details of what time etc for today but do you honestly think they could of gone off and done this with out anyone knowing, come on, they have constantly been watched by the media over these last few months just so they can get any news story on any of them. they could not arranged such a huge event in secret, all the people that will be going, family, friends and other celebs, all the security arrangements, roads closed etc etc etc.....no way could all this of been kept quiet.
i'm so glad that the media will be shut outside the gates, i hope Michael is looking down and makes all their cameras stop...now wouldn't that be a laff ffs.
Freaking, moron media must leave The Jackson Family alone. They're not gonna have images, videos just statements of what's gonna happen.
Media critized Michael he made himself his life a circus but that's a BIG LIE, media will be doing it. I'm so pissed :angry:
Sky News just said they will have coverage of the funeral soon - but its not soon at all, its at 3am UK time.

They just showed where the media are at FL. I only caught the end of it so didn't really see anything.

You won't be able to get anywhere near the funeral.

Think Karen wants people to go up to just where they are allowed to, to show support for MJ and the family. She said her friend had a banner...

They said on Sky that there are helicopters flying above FL with infrared equipment to search for intruders.

They showed a florest shop with a nice sign outside for Michael.
The family is probably going to record the Funeral and release it as a package with Jermaine's tribute show.......I'm not pointing the finger, but I smell ulterior motives here!
Probably because she does (or did, I don't know the state of her voice right now) an amazing Amazing Grace.

Re: ashtanga's question of why Aretha Franklin would sing at the funeral

In the Ebony tribute, there is a tribute by Aretha. She says that her children and the Jacksons were friends since they lived in the same neighborhood in Encino. They were all around the same age. The boys would come over and play basketball. Janet and Michael would come over all the time to swim. She also said that one time she was taking her children to Disneyland and Michael wanted to go to so she brought him along. :)