Michael's funeral on E!

as in a "wake", I guess.

no this is another opportunity for the Jacksons to socialize with celebrities, producers ..simply with Hollywood . It is part of the plan to promote themselves and feel they are "in" again and part of Hollywood . Nothing about MJ's .
WTF is going on???
A after party? Dude, this is just to fucking wrong!
I love the idea to celebrate his life, but after a funeral?!

"Afterparty" isn't exactly the ideal word to use, I suppose. But it is indeed very common in many parts of the U.S. to have a celebration of life in the form of a meal, gathering, etc., after the interment (sp). I am surprised (or not) that the actual place/restaurant was given out though. All of my family members' funerals had something like this after the final service and burial.
It is not a party as in a celebration, like they are glad he is passed. They are looking to thank God for the great things that made Michael who he was. They will share stories about him and although it is extremely sad, they will find comfort in each other.
It is not a party as in a celebration, like they are glad he is passed. They are looking to thank God for the great things that made Michael who he was. They will share stories about him and although it is extremely sad, they will find comfort in each other.

"glad he is passed"??????... o_O
TMZ is nothing but a trouble maker. They know as well as we do that it's a wake. Sigh. They create the circus and then ridicule it for being there.
Can I see this channel (E!) in the internet? If you know the link to online broadcasting, can you post it here?
This is to much, is like it's happening all over again. I really wish the family had kept this to themselves.

I don't want to think about this right now.
Based on this report, I think it will be private...?

Security Tightens For Michael Jackson Funeral

Michael Jackson's funeral will be watched by millions but protected by a network of security committed to maintaining his privacy and security from the day of his funeral onwards. Authorities at Forest Lawn Cemetery and the Glendale police department have made arrangements to ensure Jackson's funeral ceremony will remain an intimate one reserved for family and close friends.
One report confirmed that Randy Jackson was nominated by his family to make sure that his brother’s final resting place is as private and secure as possible.
Extraordinary steps have been taken before Jackson’s body is even placed in the star studded Great Mausoleum that includes Clark Gable, Jean Harlow and W.C. Fields: Armed private guards are patrolling the cemetery to keep any unwanted intruders out, a police helicopter is sweeping with infrared cameras searching for any stowaway photographers hiding on the grounds, and there is a three mile "no-fly" zone around the cemetery between 5pm and 10pm except for police helicopters.
The cemetery will also be shut to the public and anyone wanting to visit their family in the mausoleum where Jackson will be placed will be accompanied by cemetery security at all times.
The interior of The Great Mausoleum is ringed with security cameras and alarms with individual plots being walled-off. Family members and plot holders must pass through guards and security cameras and the areas are manned to make sure nobody without the correct credentials are allowed inside.
An LAPD spokesperson told RadarOnline.com: “Both Forest Lawn and Glendale Police are coordinating the funeral and we will be standing-by to help if that request is made. All measures are being taken to keep this as private an event as possible for the family at this time.”
Jackson's estate will absorb the cost of the service including the policing and other private costs incurred.

I grow weary. I'm beyond weary. I'm emotionally exhausted, and this really is the final straw for me. There have been TWO events already, to commemorate Michael. The private memorial and viewing, and the very public, very orchestrated, highly televised memorial. For the burial, I would have expected an extremely private and closed event. Michael has already been celebrated, twice. Now we have what amounts to "advertising" for the event. We have a three-mile no-fly zone, for cripes SAKE. Police, security, barricades, and it's going to be TAPED? (Of course it is. . . )

This is wringing the last drop of emotion from Michael's friends and fans. It's providing the maximum in income-generation for the Jackson family. I know they deserve respect. Everyone does. But personally, my own feeling are. . . . enough, already. I now feel that they have behaved very badly, some moreso than others. NOW I see why the funeral was costing so much. Could have been avoided, but noooooooo.

"Reality show?" Of course.

I grow so very weary.
Can I see this channel (E!) in the internet? If you know the link to online broadcasting, can you post it here?


Also, I agree with everyone who said it should be private. It would be better. But honestly, I think word would have leaked out anyway. And we've known the cemetery for awhile, so I guarantee that the media have been watch, and would have even without an announcement about the date etc. As soon as they saw security being beefed up, they'd know it was going to be soon. I don't know. I just think they'd have found out anyway.

I don't object to the Celebration of Life. We do that in my family too...lots of families do it. I hope my family does it for me when I die too! When my father died, we celebrated his life with many stories of his childhood, growing up, etc, lots of photos, and yes, lots of laughs and tears too. To me it makes perfect sense to remember someone you loved with love and laughter, celebrating every moment you were blessed to have them in your life. Rejoice in that they lived and touched your life in so many ways! That's what we do. It doesn't seem like Michael would object to that either.
Originally Posted by Science freak
WTF is going on???
A after party? Dude, this is just to fucking wrong!
I love the idea to celebrate his life, but after a funeral?!

After the funeral are over people always celebration the life of their loved one at a dinner gala party that's nothing wrong with that.

no , the "after party" is another event to be featured in the upcoming tv reality show , you bet no one is really interested in seeing anyone of the jacksons family except mj and his offspring .
well thats what my family does. you always go out to eat or go to a hall and eat. and talk with each other. you rejoice in the life someone has had. and give speeches around the table at the dinner even, if you get your own private room in the restaurant. jacksons are doing what any other american family does. this isn't weird to me.

i dont see a point of a live feed outside tonight, it should be private. whats the point. to see who comes...ummm okay. it shouldnt be about celebs.
I think it is right to have an "after party" and teh family should not be knocked for this. It is time to celebrate Michael life and let the mourning ease.

I agree that Joe jermaine etc have made dubious actions but I am uncomfortable with some of teh "bashing" that is going on at the end of the day no matter how close we felt to Michael and how much we loved him, most of us did not personally know him and his family must be hurting at least as much as the most devoted fans are.
well thats what my family does. You always go out to eat or go to a hall and eat. And talk with each other. You rejoice in the life someone has had. And give speeches around the table at the dinner even, if you get your own private room in the restaurant. jacksons are doing what any other american family does. This isn't weird to me.

i dont see a point of a live feed outside tonight, it should be private. Whats the point. To see who comes...ummm okay. It shouldnt be about celebs.

Gosh, it's at 5 AM in this timezone...:-(( I hope someone will record and upload....Even though I agree that t should be private and nobody cares who attends, or at least I don't.
Then again we need to look at the other side, the Jacksons are maybe doing this for the fans, so we feel a little bit closer bc they know we love him so much...
Re: ashtanga's question of why Aretha Franklin would sing at the funeral

In the Ebony tribute, there is a tribute by Aretha. She says that her children and the Jacksons were friends since they lived in the same neighborhood in Encino. They were all around the same age. The boys would come over and play basketball. Janet and Michael would come over all the time to swim. She also said that one time she was taking her children to Disneyland and Michael wanted to go to so she brought him along. :)
Thanks! I did not know that. I now am sure that somehow they had some connection. :)

Hopefully Michael isn't footing the bill on this too......
Jackson Family -- The Burial After-Party

Posted Sep 3rd 2009 12:10PM by TMZ Staff

TMZ has learned the Jackson family has an after-party scheduled to begin right after Michael Jackson's funeral tonight -- a party they're calling a "Celebration of Life."

The family will go straight from the Forest Lawn cemetery in Glendale to a place called Villa Sorriso Ristorante -- an Italian joint in Pasadena.

The restaurant's Executive Director of Operations has confirmed that Randy Jackson made the reservation several days ago and "bought out the facility for the night."

The exec also tells us several members of the Jackson family have been regulars at the place for years.

We're told the restaurant is expecting more than 150 people to attend.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/#ixzz0Q4Bwg66U

:doh: No comments on this... :smilerolleyes::ph34r:
from mjjuk

Michael's body is already there at the Grand Mausoleum, Sky news just reported that they had it confirmed to them by police and a "recreational vehicle" arrived an hour ago with some family members inside.
I heard this will be private and "no one" will be allowed only those who were invited. Press excluded ...unless the family changed it again. Then they all go back to Encino for a funeral get together for the final time. This will be tonight ( usa ) 7 PM.

Maybe light a candle at that time and just think about Michael...
I grow weary. I'm beyond weary. I'm emotionally exhausted, and this really is the final straw for me. There have been TWO events already, to commemorate Michael. The private memorial and viewing, and the very public, very orchestrated, highly televised memorial. For the burial, I would have expected an extremely private and closed event. Michael has already been celebrated, twice. Now we have what amounts to "advertising" for the event. We have a three-mile no-fly zone, for cripes SAKE. Police, security, barricades, and it's going to be TAPED? (Of course it is. . . )

This is wringing the last drop of emotion from Michael's friends and fans. It's providing the maximum in income-generation for the Jackson family. I know they deserve respect. Everyone does. But personally, my own feeling are. . . . enough, already. I now feel that they have behaved very badly, some moreso than others. NOW I see why the funeral was costing so much. Could have been avoided, but noooooooo.

"Reality show?" Of course.

I grow so very weary.

Victoria, HUGSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS my friend...
I hear you so much...i am feeling exactly the same way...
Please let me know if there's anything i can do to help you somehow.
I'm here if you want to talk.
God bless
I just want to add that I will not be watching ONE minute of a "Jackson reality show." Not one. Others may feel differently, but. . . . yeah.

A level of respect should be a fundamental right for every human being. . . I can respect the family in principle, but NOT the behavior of some of them. I care about Michael, only, not this collection of people who happen to be related to him.


So this is really it huh?......:(

Its like, what more can I say, I'm feeling so drained!