Michael's funeral on E!

I truly hope to GOD that the Jackson Inc. Family does not exploit MJs kids for their A&E reality show.

If they do, Lord God, help me keep my sanity (what's left of it) and temper in check.

no , the "after party" is another event to be featured in the upcoming tv reality show , you bet no one is really interested in seeing anyone of the jacksons family except mj and his offspring .
I just want to add that I will not be watching ONE minute of a "Jackson reality show." Not one. Others may feel differently, but. . . . yeah.

A level of respect should be a fundamental right for every human being. . . I can respect the family in principle, but NOT the behavior of some of them. I care about Michael, only, not this collection of people who happen to be related to him.



I'm with you on this. Well said.
I think the 'after party' is fine and the Jackson's shouldn't be knocked for it. Its a normal thing after funerals to have some kind of wake or celebration of the person's life, its nice and can be comforting.

i doubt thats true, burials are never open casket

i'm starting to think this is all bullsh*t. all for the ratings. might as well say whatever now because even though Michaels soul is gone, after today his body, his beautiful face and body will be gone too and will eventually start to decompose...ohhh i can't take this :cry::cry:

This Is It.

My grandmother's was open casket, it all depends on what the family wants. They could just wan to see him for the last time...
I really feel bad for those fans who think the Jackson boys are completely innocent of fame-wh*ring.

Here is Tito & Marlon's interview on ET Online giving funeral details:


Again - I am not surprised at the Jackson Family Hypocrisy regarding Michael. They shun us only to sell their EXCLUSIVE to the highest bidder.

They manipulate the fans to make them feel unwanted, but only to increase their $$$$ when they sell it to a media conglomerate - so that WE can buy it.

How nice. An interview with the network who has Diane Dimond "reporting" as an "expert" about Michael and were spreading that awful picture of him. I do feel sorry for Tito; him saying he'll never be at peace. :(

Now that I think about it, 4 cameras does seem a bit much for a private DVD. Again, I hope its not for A&E. A recorded burial exclusive= :no: :puke:

what gets me about that interview is the comment." Its hard to think of the name Michael Jackson without thinking of the Jackson 5......All I want to say on that statement is....I just wish they would give Michael his due and not always put a plug in there for themselves. This is my opinion

It is true as he says that he influenced them and they influenced him (being his older brothers), but Michael was a genius. He is the G.O.A.T. I'm sure they realized this (how can anybody not?), even though they probably always looked at him as our little bro Mike. I do see what you mean though. His greatness suprassed the J5.
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I just flipped channels to find the funeral special and showing inside the gates, people getting seated. I thought they weren't allowed to do that?
I am shaking my head at the jacksons. So much for private funeral. They can never get it right. Why do the children have to go through such a tough time in front of the cameras?? It's exploitation in my eyes. I am sad this is being televised.
I'm glad they cut the live feed. I couldn't stand to see the casket up close again.
I think the 'after party' is fine and the Jackson's shouldn't be knocked for it. Its a normal thing after funerals to have some kind of wake or celebration of the person's life, its nice and can be comforting.

I think its fine & most families do it. From what I saw of before the service it was beautifully done as was the Memorial service, very spiritual; I think it was nice the Jackson family partially shared it with us.
Could somebody upload the funeral with all the coverage including the arriving family a guests???