Michael's funeral on E!

I really feel bad for those fans who think the Jackson boys are completely innocent of fame-wh*ring.

Here is Tito & Marlon's interview on ET Online giving funeral details:


Again - I am not surprised at the Jackson Family Hypocrisy regarding Michael. They shun us only to sell their EXCLUSIVE to the highest bidder.

They manipulate the fans to make them feel unwanted, but only to increase their $$$$ when they sell it to a media conglomerate - so that WE can buy it.

look i know that MJ's family released the all the details of what time etc for today but do you honestly think they could of gone off and done this with out anyone knowing, come on, they have constantly been watched by the media over these last few months just so they can get any news story on any of them. they could not arranged such a huge event in secret, all the people that will be going, family, friends and other celebs, all the security arrangements, roads closed etc etc etc.....no way could all this of been kept quiet.
i'm so glad that the media will be shut outside the gates, i hope Michael is looking down and makes all their cameras stop...now wouldn't that be a laff ffs.
no the siblings won't allow jermaine to enjoy the "fruits" of the MJ's funeral alone . the footage will be part of the new reality TV show they are shooting .
The BBC interviewed the guy organising the funeral and the security around it and he said that all parking for streets around is blocked so fans cannot get near and the park is closed today. The family allowed the media to be present outside Forest Lawn but the guy stated clearly that even if fans walk close to Forest Lawn they will not even see the green of the lawn.
i never said anything about the jackson boys being innocent in anything....nothing of the sort. in fact i agree with what you are saying, all i am saying is that this could not of been done in secret.
The family is probably going to record the Funeral and release it as a package with Jermaine's tribute show.......I'm not pointing the finger, but I smell ulterior motives here!

Oh yeah, and sell Joe Jackson BLOO-RAY technology DVDs!
I respectfully disagree.

Forest Lawn closes at 5 pm. The school across the street lets out at least by 4pm.

So yes, it could easily been done in private and in seclusion.

i never said anything about the jackson boys being innocent in anything....nothing of the sort. in fact i agree with what you are saying, all i am saying is that this could not of been done in secret.
CNN have posted the funeral invitation booklet that invitees must present to be able to get in.
I respectfully disagree.

Forest Lawn closes at 5 pm. The school across the street lets out at least by 4pm.

So yes, it could easily been done in private and in seclusion.

Forest Lawn has been closed to everyone since yesterday. And the parents from the school have been given letters talking about the barricades and at a certain time all roads WILL BE CLOSED.
Im sorry but have to ask! The family has said this is private and told fans to stay away right????

So why is karen telling people to come?????

My friend said it also says that the family has made arrangements with the mortuary for people to visit once a week in an orderly fashion.

They didnt say what day or time or when this would begin so if true I guess we just wait for an official announcement from the family or Forest Lawn.
Area braces for MJ burial

Streets around Forest Lawn will close for more than a day for Michael Jackson interment.
By Veronica Rocha
Published: Last Updated Sunday, August 30, 2009 10:13 PM PDT
GLENDALE — At least nine streets surrounding Glendale Forest Lawn Memorial Park will be closed starting at 4 a.m. Thursday for Michael Jackson’s burial, which is scheduled for 7 p.m. that day.

Glendale police will close the streets for the family’s caravan and to accommodate a large media presence, Sgt. Tom Lorenz said. Media agencies from Australia, Hungary, Japan, China and Belgium will be covering the funeral, he said. Last week, Glendale police announced that media attendance was at capacity.

Privacy for the Jackson family also factored into the street closures.

Forest Lawn officials secured a permit to close nearby streets for the burial to guard against prying eyes, a cost that will likely be passed on to the Jackson family, Lorenz said. Only residents, property owners and those with commercial business will be allowed into the affected neighborhood, Lorenz said.

“We want to provide safety in the community,” Lorenz said.

City officials expect the only inconvenience to residents to be traffic congestion due to the street closures.

“It will only impact traffic at the particular area where the street closures are, and our police department has been working with local business to make sure that they can stay open and get their customers or their clients in through the police barricades,” city spokeswoman Vicki Gardner said. “We are going to try to minimize the impact on the neighbors and the businesses in that area as much as possible.”

Street closures include East Cerritos Avenue; East Eulalia Street; East Laurel Street; South Glendale Avenue; Heminger Street; Colby Drive; Mission Road; Roads End Street; and Madison Way.

Streets will likely be opened after midnight Friday, Lorenz said.

To enter restricted streets, residents, business owners or customers must show identification or other proof showing they belong in the area.

Cerritos Elementary School also starts this week, which means parents and children will have go through the barricades to get to campus.

“Kids will be able to get to school,” Lorenz said.

Resident Marty Bracciotti has already seen news vans driving into his Roads End Street neighborhood, stopping and asking some of his neighbors questions about the burial. He has been trying to find out about the street closures but hasn’t heard much about the funeral and its impact to the neighborhood.

“The problem is that there is no communication to us,” Bracciotti said.

Bracciotti might walk to the city’s train station and take the train to work Thursday, he said.

“If they are going to inconvenience our neighborhood, I’d like to see a sign that goes up . . . that says ‘The street will be closed from [this time to that time],’” Bracciotti said.

Traffic and street closure plans are expected to be finalized today or Tuesday. Letters about the closures will be sent to residents this week, officials said.

they do what?? recording it??? is that true?
oh please god, no! =(

i heard the family provided a live feed of people/guests arriving but that's it.

SICKENING. If they had any integrity, they would've done this quietly with no media intervention whatsoever.

But I got cursed out on a couple threads back how I predicted this will all end up on the A&E Jackson reality show and many here told me off about it.

Not that I'm expecting any apologies, but yeah, I WAS RIGHT that Jackson Inc. would dance on Michael's bones for a dollar and some camera time.
I'm not watching this. They should be ashamed. The memorial was enough. I can't go through it again.

ME,too......i just cant take it once more
all i want to believe is his soul is flying and travelling aroud the world now,he gets freedom
and missing all his fans and his children
but Michael ,will you feel lonely?is there friends keeping company with you?
for you cant make ppl hear you any more......:cry:
Even the thought of it is too much for me to take.... God :-(
I havent read all pages, sorry if I ask this but I havent had time to spend lot of time on the internet these past few days but could someone tell me whats going on, has Michael been buried yet, IS he going to be buried by the end of this day? And can anyone confirm if the Jackson family will actually record this, and why? Is it to their new reality show or the media sneaking behind bushes and trees? I dont see why it would be necessary for anyone to see the actual funeral. We already saw the memorial..
I respectfully disagree.

Forest Lawn closes at 5 pm. The school across the street lets out at least by 4pm.

So yes, it could easily been done in private and in seclusion.

and i respect you respectfully disagreeing with me.

there will be alot of black cars arriving there with alot of celebs in them, as soon as the media got wind of this they would be there like flys round a honey pot, one mad scramble for prime position... it was best to announce the date and time so that all security arrangements etc are in place.
well thats my opinion anyway and i really don't want to argue, please lets not, not now.
i look upon MJJ community as a big family and you are my comfort ok. x
I really feel bad for those fans who think the Jackson boys are completely innocent of fame-wh*ring.

Here is Tito & Marlon's interview on ET Online giving funeral details:


Again - I am not surprised at the Jackson Family Hypocrisy regarding Michael. They shun us only to sell their EXCLUSIVE to the highest bidder.

They manipulate the fans to make them feel unwanted, but only to increase their $$$$ when they sell it to a media conglomerate - so that WE can buy it.

what gets me about that interview is the comment." Its hard to think of the name Michael Jackson without thinking of the Jackson 5......All I want to say on that statement is....I just wish they would give Michael his due and not always put a plug in there for themselves. This is my opinion
Im so sad right now.. this cant be happening right? :cry:
It feels like the 25th all over again, oh god..
I dont want to go to work, I cant concentrate, im so depressed. :cry:

Michael we love you so much.

Im so sad right now.. this cant be happening right? :cry:
It feels like the 25th all over again, oh god..
I dont want to go to work, I cant concentrate, im so depressed. :cry:

Michael we love you so much.


I have taken tomorrow off work as I don't know how I will feel (Michael is buried 3am my time).

I miss him.
Hopefully Michael isn't footing the bill on this too......
Jackson Family -- The Burial After-Party

Posted Sep 3rd 2009 12:10PM by TMZ Staff

TMZ has learned the Jackson family has an after-party scheduled to begin right after Michael Jackson's funeral tonight -- a party they're calling a "Celebration of Life."

The family will go straight from the Forest Lawn cemetery in Glendale to a place called Villa Sorriso Ristorante -- an Italian joint in Pasadena.

The restaurant's Executive Director of Operations has confirmed that Randy Jackson made the reservation several days ago and "bought out the facility for the night."

The exec also tells us several members of the Jackson family have been regulars at the place for years.

We're told the restaurant is expecting more than 150 people to attend.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/#ixzz0Q4Bwg66U
I don't know you from a hole in the wall, and I love you because you are human and I'm your Latina sister - so you're stuck with me!

And no, I would never argue with you or any one - just friendly discourse. I know that passions are running high and sometimes things are taken the wrong way. I am of the school of civil and cordial discourse, even if we disagree.

Sometimes I get carried away with my sarcasm (a.k.a wise azz-ness) , but it's a defense mechanism that I'm working on. Or it could be genetics since my dad is a complete a-hole.

Either way, we are cool!

and i respect you respectfully disagreeing with me.

there will be alot of black cars arriving there with alot of celebs in them, as soon as the media got wind of this they would be there like flys round a honey pot, one mad scramble for prime position... it was best to announce the date and time so that all security arrangements etc are in place.
well thats my opinion anyway and i really don't want to argue, please lets not, not now.
i look upon MJJ community as a big family and you are my comfort ok. x
Hopefully Michael isn't footing the bill on this too......
Jackson Family -- The Burial After-Party

Posted Sep 3rd 2009 12:10PM by TMZ Staff

TMZ has learned the Jackson family has an after-party scheduled to begin right after Michael Jackson's funeral tonight -- a party they're calling a "Celebration of Life."

The family will go straight from the Forest Lawn cemetery in Glendale to a place called Villa Sorriso Ristorante -- an Italian joint in Pasadena.

The restaurant's Executive Director of Operations has confirmed that Randy Jackson made the reservation several days ago and "bought out the facility for the night."

The exec also tells us several members of the Jackson family have been regulars at the place for years.

We're told the restaurant is expecting more than 150 people to attend.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/#ixzz0Q4Bwg66U

"after-party"?! :-O
I dont see anything about it from CNN or E! on my television, just a program entitled "Michael Jackson", which is a repeat of one of the E! shows that aired during the weekend. Shame that the media just cant let a family mourn in private, and it almost seems like someone inside or the Jackson Family themselves are giving in to all of this. :no:
It's usual for people in my country to gather for an after-funeral lunch etc but I wouldn't use the word after-party!
Im so sad right now.. this cant be happening right? :cry:
It feels like the 25th all over again, oh god..
I dont want to go to work, I cant concentrate, im so depressed. :cry:

Michael we love you so much.


I can´t concentrate on anything either. All I can do is think about Michael. My heart is bleeding for him and all that he had to go through in life and the way he died. I just pray that he will get some peace in death. I wish the media would show just a little tiny bit of respect, but that´s too much to ask of them I guess… I will definitely not watch this on TV or the internet. But I will light a candle here for him and send him my love and respect. It´s gonna be at 5 am here.