Michael's funeral on E!

at least it all will be over soon...our baby will finally have a resting place that is the most important thing right now
We love you, Michael!
hey guys.whats the time of the live coverage?and whats the website? coz i cant find the article..someone help?
the info is in the very first post in this thread. i wish ppl would read instead of the same questions getting asked theat then makes the thread x longer than it needs to be.
sorry i just got confused :S .i dont think it will be on tv.
does anyone have the link of the site? i didnt see it in the first post and i cant find the article on the E online site
Why doesn't the media give the family some privacy?!! DAMN! wasn't the memorial enough?

It would be nice for them to have some privacy, but they were the ones who announced it, so I am assuming they are ok with the media reporting on it. I think although I can see your point and the point of a few others, it would also be strange for this day to pass (considering the family announced it) and not get any news coverage.

I will watch, and I will be crying as well. I turned on GMA yesterday and burst into tears when I saw Whitney Houston performing... couldn't even watch it! Today will be rough :cry:
It`s ridicules that they do this!!!
Leave them alone, there will be nothing to see only cars....
It`s a sad day but on the other hand it`s a good day MJ get`s his rest finally....and he deserves it! He will live on in all our lives and hearts.
I will also burn a candle for him but i will not watch anything on the tv over de burial...give the family the peace they need!
I'm glad to see so many of you guys are determined to stay away from any coverage.
It'll be midday here, and I'll be at work, but even if I wasn't I wouldn't be tuning in - on principle. And not even for the sake of the family - but for Michael. Give him some dignity in death.
He'll be in my thoughts. It's shaping up to be a very sad day... :(
Just a final personal goodbye now that today, Michael Jackson will finally be laid to rest. "Though they put me down because I love you as much as I do, but they dont know what youve done for me, you've made such a happy man out of me." Stevie Wonder.

Thank You Michael.
Just on CNN: it's a non-fly zone!!!!!!!! Guard and gatekeepers all over the place, plenty of securitycamera's.
There is a production team allowed in there though?
I thought I noticed the reporter said that, but I don't know what she meant with that!:no:
Maybe they're just filming the perfomances by Gladys Knight and so on.
guys please help me coz i might be taknig a day off tomorow but i need to know if theres a live coverage on a website coz i live in aus.its a dumb qst coz this whole threads about it but i cant find it anywhere :(
so funeral will be,like at 3 am at uk time?
omg tommorow is my birthday :( :(
he will be buried at my birthday?
omg :( :(
Just on CNN: it's a non-fly zone!!!!!!!! Guard and gatekeepers all over the place, plenty of securitycamera's.
There is a production team allowed in there though?
I thought I noticed the reporter said that, but I don't know what she meant with that!:no:
Maybe they're just filming the perfomances by Gladys Knight and so on.

YESSSSS!!!! to the first part of that...
As for the second, you know... Some people like to take photos at funerals, and even film... Maybe the Jacksons just want to have it filmed (NOT TO RELEASE IN THE FUTURE I HOPE!!!:bugeyed), I think it's going to be a truly beautiful service.
guys please help me coz i might be taknig a day off tomorow but i need to know if theres a live coverage on a website coz i live in aus.its a dumb qst coz this whole threads about it but i cant find it anywhere :(

Nothing's confirmed, but most likely won't be.
Just on CNN: it's a non-fly zone!!!!!!!! Guard and gatekeepers all over the place, plenty of securitycamera's.
There is a production team allowed in there though?
I thought I noticed the reporter said that, but I don't know what she meant with that!:no:
Maybe they're just filming the perfomances by Gladys Knight and so on.

That`s great news!!!!
And i also think that it will be a beautifull service.....
Whats all this stuff being reported about people singing at the funeral?

I just caught it on the radio that Gladys Knight will be singing?
Isn't this funeral supposed to be private, for family and friends only as in no "media" !

I can't help but agree with Jermaine that Michael should be buried somewhere private, away from everybody else.
^ yeah me too. I'm pretty dissapointed that they'll be airing, whatever it is. It's sad.
This is what I found on the website of CNN

The news media, which has closely covered every aspect of Jackson's death, will be kept at a distance, with cameras no closer than the cemetery's main gate.
I think tonight will really break me :(
It's the final, last goodbye :cry:
I have been fearing this moment for over 2 months, as long as he wasn't buried yet I kind of clung on to the feeling that he is not yet entirely gone, that he is still with us somehow :cry:
3 AM is 03.00 hours (menaing in the middle of the night.
Thankyou! I thought that already but couldn't exactly find it was right.
Oh boy...gonna be so hard! Think I'm not gonna stay up tonight...I'll be saying a little prayer when I go to bed though. :cry:

(The weather is crazy by the way....it storms, rains, thunders...heaven is calling Mike!)