Michael's funeral on E!

curious about something. I was just reading up on LA fires. Read this..does this mean funeral may not happen?

Sep 2, 2009

California -- Fire season has begun on the West Coast and, though wildfires around Los Angeles are being brought under control, mandatory evacuations are still in place so many shelters and hospitals are opening their doors to displaced pets.

More than 140,000 acres are being affected by the fire, which the Los Angeles County Fire Department is describing as “extremely active with rapid rates of spread.” The fire has mostly affected forested areas near Los Angeles, but 62 homes, three businesses and 27 other structures already have been destroyed.

With only about 20 percent of the fire contained as of this morning, mandatory evacuations are still in place for the Verdugo Crestline North area in Los Angeles and Glendale, north of Markridge, the Altadena Area, the Angeles Forest, the Gold Creek and Chantry Flats sections of the national forest, Acton and parts of the city of Los Angeles.

Voluntary evacuations are in effect for Juniper Hills, Little Rock and parts of Glendale, while evacuations in La Crescenta, La Canada Flintridge and Altadena have been lifted.

Human evacuation centers around the wildfires are being hosted at area high schools, while Pierce College has opened its doors to evacuated horses only and the Antelope Valley Fairgrounds is taking in other large-animal evacuees. Small animals forced to evacuate can be kept at the Augora or Lancaster animal shelters or the Palmdale or Pasadena humane societies. Additionally, VCA Animal Hospitals accounced that all of its hospitals near the Station Wild Fire were offering free boarding to companion animals whose families have been evacuated by the fires. See a complete list of participating VCA hospitals here.
UK news is saying the ....Michael Jackson will be laid to rest at sunset.... thats gone midnight here in the UK. it doesn't say it will be televised but does say there will be a 3 mile exclusion zone.
i think all we will see is cars with the family in travelling to forest lawns and not much else thank goodness.
yet another sad day, another day that i have to try and get through work without breaking down.
be at peace now Michael.
curious about something. I was just reading up on LA fires. Read this..does this mean funeral may not happen?


They were asking this on Inside Edition and the fire chief said that as far as they are concerned everything will be a go ahead for the funeral.
OMG.... unbelieveable. :(

UK news is saying the ....Michael Jackson will be laid to rest at sunset.... thats gone midnight here in the UK. it doesn't say it will be televised but does say there will be a 3 mile exclusion zone.

I hope this is right. I want the family to have a PRIVATE ceremony.

I still can't believe we're talking about funeral's when we should be talking about concerts. :cry:
i thought it was going to be private too.

It WILL be private. It will just be them showing the family going to the Forest Lawn. The burial will NOT be televised, it is going to be in a private area. Air space is closed off for 3 miles around Forest Lawn and the streets all around FL will all be shut down. NO ONE will be able to get close to the gates. It's already been said by police, don't waste you time coming, you won't see anything.
i expect the actual service will be private, private to family and friends . we are not going to see any of that but you honestly don't expect the media to leave this alone do you. they will be filming as close as they can get which imo won't be close but i bet they will film people travelling to get there just like at the memorial. helicopters zooming in as far as they can with stupid ass commentry all the way. they are like vultures.
me the same.... this time is the last time to say "goodbye".:(

Michael, goodbye and thank you my hero. I`ll always love you.

Tonight I will cry.

me too, ive been crying a lot lately, what is going on with me :cry:

and i will be watching, because its a mental thing. When someone you cared for die's, you don't really realize they have died until they are buried in the ground. This is actually the hardest part because its when you realize they truly are gone. I feel bad for the kids, they shouldn't have to endure this. Michael is suppose to be happy at this moment in london performing. =(

its so true you need to see when they burry the coffin, oh god, we're talking about Michael :cry: cant believe this

Dont mention about the London concerts cause i feel so bad about it :cry:
7 LA time?

No, 7:00 p.m. Romanian time.

Come on. I don't mean in any way to be mean, but seriously, why would the time be based on any timezone other than that of Los Angles where the event is taking place? And if the networks are carrying it 'live', then it would be quite clear that it is still 7 p.m. It's been known for weeks now that Michael would be buried at 7 p.m. Maybe you forgot or were tired. I just get tired of having to read multiple posts from people who obviously did not take the time to read or do a search before posting to hope someone will just answer the questions for them. Become active. Research. Grow your brain. Michael would want you to. Peace.

No, 7:00 p.m. Romanian time.

Come on. I don't mean in any way to be mean, but seriously, why would the time be based on any timezone other than that of Los Angles where the event is taking place? And if the networks are carrying it 'live', then it would be quite clear that it is still 7 p.m. It's been known for weeks now that Michael would be buried at 7 p.m. Maybe you forgot or were tired. I just get tired of having to read multiple posts from people who obviously did not take the time to read or do a search before posting to hope someone will just answer the questions for them. Become active. Research. Grow your brain. Michael would want you to. Peace.

That was uncalled for, no need to be rude. Just ignore it and move on.
No, 7:00 p.m. Romanian time.

Come on. I don't mean in any way to be mean, but seriously, why would the time be based on any timezone other than that of Los Angles where the event is taking place? And if the networks are carrying it 'live', then it would be quite clear that it is still 7 p.m. It's been known for weeks now that Michael would be buried at 7 p.m. Maybe you forgot or were tired. I just get tired of having to read multiple posts from people who obviously did not take the time to read or do a search before posting to hope someone will just answer the questions for them. Become active. Research. Grow your brain. Michael would want you to. Peace.


thats abit harsh isn't it ,,,
I don't know whether to watch or not... I don't know what to think about all this. It's just so depressing. I can't get used to the thought of Michael being gone, it's just not right...

But I expected the ceremony might be aired because I read several times in different articles that the media would be present. So probably the ceremony won't be completely private after all....
this is all so goddamn hard and just sooo SURREAL!!! he was with us just 3 months ago arrrrrrrghhhhhhhhhhh :cry:
A 'dress rehearsal' for a funeral?? Is it really gonna be that big of a show?! :( Funerals are typically not supposed to be big productions...they should be a time for close friends and family to say goodbye...not be 'entertained'...:(

Absolutely agreed, the funeral should be something private for family only, can't they just leave him alone to maintain his dignity at this very last moment, please give his children a peaceful time with no disturbance to say goodbye :cry::cry::cry:
According to GMTV in the UK they said it was going to be a open casket service
According to GMTV in the UK they said it was going to be a open casket service


i doubt thats true, burials are never open casket

i'm starting to think this is all bullsh*t. all for the ratings. might as well say whatever now because even though Michaels soul is gone, after today his body, his beautiful face and body will be gone too and will eventually start to decompose...ohhh i can't take this :cry::cry:

This Is It.
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Yeah, let's not start believing everything that is being reported by the media. It's just going to cause more grief and worry, when it might not even be true at all.
You right guys..... some news station here in the USA are saying a "wake", plus kids are going to put letters inside coffin and make up artist will make him look like if he was ready to perform + glove....

One thing is for sure, and for us fans, we know that the media is pure BS and tries to get ratings, but, for all of you who chooses NOT to watch, know very well that you will watch.... so.....sit back and let's pay our final respect as michael is laid to rest tomorrow...... a day not to be forgotten and we are together with the Jackson family....

I also need to point that the Jackson family has made available areas where the press can be located at.... so.... the world wants to see..... and i am sure, michael would want his fans to see him too.

i speak from the heart........ it is for sure today a day of saddeness, but rest assure this is Just the beginning of michael's LONG life....his body will be preserved and protected, he is around us.
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They're probably trying to lure watchers. The only way I see them showing his burial is my taping a bird's eye view, since it has been said it will be private. I guess either E! is fluffing what they're actually gonna show(which I believe) or the family is allowing the public to feel like they're there.

My guess is they will use a helicopter to try and get a view of what is going on.
No, 7:00 p.m. Romanian time.

Come on. I don't mean in any way to be mean, but seriously, why would the time be based on any timezone other than that of Los Angles where the event is taking place? And if the networks are carrying it 'live', then it would be quite clear that it is still 7 p.m. It's been known for weeks now that Michael would be buried at 7 p.m. Maybe you forgot or were tired. I just get tired of having to read multiple posts from people who obviously did not take the time to read or do a search before posting to hope someone will just answer the questions for them. Become active. Research. Grow your brain. Michael would want you to. Peace.


Alright dude, what i was thinking was that MAYBE the person had heard it on tv...like over here in MIAMI sometimes they show oscars and stuff from LA and we see it at 7/8 OUR time when in reality it is 4/5 LA time. The person who had heard the time could have been located idk, in London and maybe from THEIR tv they heard 7 pm THEIR TIME. and don't try to get smart with me, most funerals are NEVER at night, most of them are during the day. And thats exactly what i was thinking. and i did research, but everyone else was just as confused..people didn't even know if it was AM or PM. and CALM DOWN! no one has beef with you, no one said anything to you, so chill. and if you don't want to read repeated post then DON'T read them. And Michael would have wanted for you to be less of a prick and have patience with people.
^^^^ oh and if you would have kept on reading, you would have seen that right away i REALIZED it was at 7pm. I even answered that question for someone. So apparently you aren't reading all the post's anyways, or doing YOUR research correctly.

and you have no right talking about me, acting like you know me and sh*t, don't judge me if you dont know me. Peace
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I don't believe in tabloids. We will see. Glad that I live in Holland, if it will be aired it's middle in the night here ;)
This is really sad. :(

I'm confused about the time zones...what time will it happen in the UK? Not so I can watch it but so I can light a candle or something. :cry:
I'm not going to be watching either.. I only heard about the funeral today because I refuse to watch the news. I haven't watched the news in about 5 years.. I think respect needs to be paid. Leave Michael and his family alone media pigs!
goddamn media will never leave MJ alone :cry:
this has to be private to family,not some circus ,flying helicopters,and that B.S