Michael's funeral on E!

This is from ETonline

"The burial service to be held on Thursday, September 3 at Glendale Forest Lawn Memorial Park. ET has learned that tonight at 7:30 there will be a full dress rehearsal of the funeral ceremony with four cameras and musical performances, including Aretha Franklin.

The police department originally estimated that the safety measures for the service would cost an upwards of $50,000 when it was scheduled for Saturday, August 29. Now, due to the date changing to a weekday, a spokesperson tells ET that the cost may double or triple.

The increase in cost is due to a need for street closures from 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. because of rush hour traffic, a school that will be in session across the street from Forest Lawn and the influx of media people covering the service. The Glendale police spokesperson says that these are situations that would not have needed to be considered had the burial service been held over the weekend.

ET also confirmed with the police department that the Jackson family is responsible for the costs of this additional security."
I'm not watching this. They should be ashamed. The memorial was enough. I can't go through it again.

I agree.

:no: The memorial should have been enough for them. They'd follow Michael's body to the ends of the Earth if they could, I swear. Let Michael have his peace, PLEASE!

I won't be watching. I'll probably be in school anyway but either way I still wouldn't watch.
Oh god, please everyone, don't watch this if it's true.

We've all said goodbye to Michael, please let his family do the same in private.

Bloody media, and a tabloid program like E! takng away his privacy yet again, don't feed their attempt at ratings.

Let his grieving family have their privacy. Respect Michael. Its not about us.
Let's not forget 30 millions viewers tuned in see MJ's memorial. The media know Michael boost the ratings.
A 'dress rehearsal' for a funeral?? Is it really gonna be that big of a show?! :( Funerals are typically not supposed to be big productions...they should be a time for close friends and family to say goodbye...not be 'entertained'...:(
Forrest Lawn does not let cameras into there cemetery. Cameras will be outside the gate they will see nothing but people going in
Let's not forget 30 millions viewers tuned in see MJ's memorial. The media know Michael's boost the ratings.

actually it reached a billion world wide. Thats tv, internet, phones etc EVERYONE was watching it
A 'dress rehearsal' for a funeral?? Is it really gonna be that big of a show?! :( Funerals are typically not supposed to be big productions...they should be a time for close friends and family to say goodbye...not be 'entertained'...:(

Totally agree!

Maybe that's what the family is planning to release to the media for their "coverage?"
Im sure if Michael had his way the media would all be totally shut out and it would extremely intimate and personal. But because they are all money hungry and will do whatever it takes to get the story, no matter how many toes they have to step on and people they have to hurt, he will never get that. Did he ever once get an ounce of privacy or respect from the media during his life? I don't know why I'm so shocked and upset that they are denying him it now :(
Yeah, this is what I'm afraid of...Paris, Price and Prince2nd...those poor childern are going to never be left alone by the media whores...sadly, starting now.

Dionne Warwick said on Larry King back in July the media won't go away they will continues to talking about Michael Jackson.
Totally agree!

Maybe that's what the family is planning to release to the media for their "coverage?"

Maybe. I wish the family for once would just step up and make a very bold statement like Janet made at the BETs and just tell everyone "Yes you idolized Michael, he was an icon but he was our family and it is our time to say goodbye without the flashing and glare of your cameras. Let the children say goodbye to their father in peace."
The media couldn't take the time to air the lies and false information that was spreading thoughtout the world everyday during the trial, yet they can go out of their way to make money from the man's death? Ratings...and what's with the dress reheasal....the man's is being layed to rest for God sakes, it's not a wedding...although I wish to God it was.

God, how I wish we had the power to go back in time.....things would be sooo damn different.

This sucks that all the info of Michael's 'private' funeral are leaking. I don't think anything from the funeral is going to be publicly viewed at all. As for a rehearsal and cameras, a rehearsal is strange to me. Maybe it's just a short organizational thing so that everyone knows where they are supposed to be. Probably more eulogies and some singing. Also, there was a videographer at both of my grandparents' funerals and a DVD made for our family's memories. Sounds like they are doing the same for Michael. They just better guard that footage with their lives and have some contracts signed so no one tries to steal and sell it to the media.

As for all these channels claiming live footage. Bet they are all gonna be stuck behind the fence at FL and trying to figure out what celebrities came and trying to get more pics of the children. . .:(
I just saw the promo on Larry King Live he will be talking about the burial as well it said the end of Michael Jackson story.
It's going to be at night....and I dunno, from what one of the officers from the LAPD said I don't know what they will be airing. They have cleared 3 miles of air space and all roads will be blocked off.
I don't understand what the media doesn't get about a PRIVATE service. They had their chance to get all their dirt at his memorial. This is a time of closure for his FAMILY. Gosh...I swear some people have a bigger need for cash than for morals and respect.

EXACTLY, I already know, they will be all camped out at the Jackson's home and sadly the "money shot" will be the kids. I was so pissed when they showed Paris on the way home from the viewing. Let that baby girl grieve in private, there is no need to show her crying in the car just because it makes $$$$.
I just saw the promo on Larry King Live he will be talking about the burial as well it said the end of Michael Jackson story.

omg, "the end of michael jackson story..." that REALLY got to me. omg...i can barely type
If this is also going on the reality show like someone mentioned, I owe that person an apology because I was thinking it can't be true. I hope it's not :(
It's going to be at night....and I dunno, from what one of the officers from the LAPD said I don't know what they will be airing. They have cleared 3 miles of air space and all roads will be blocked off.

I didn't know you could clear air space. Like when Mike looked into it for Nevvy cuz of the helicopters but got denied.
I just saw the promo on Larry King Live he will be talking about the burial as well it said the end of Michael Jackson story.

oh god no :cry: its not it never will be
he is always gonna be a part of my life and I'm not gonna let go that easily
I just cant its too hard :cry:
the story will end when they bring justice to Michael
oh god no :cry: its not it never will be
he is always gonna be a part of my life and I'm not gonna let go that easily
I just cant its too hard :cry:
the story will end when they bring justice to Michael
Aww, don't worry. His story will never be over for us, don't listen to the media.