Michael's funeral on E!

You right guys..... some news station here in the USA are saying a "wake", plus kids are going to put letters inside coffin and make up artist will make him look like if he was ready to perform + glove....

One thing is for sure, and for us fans, we know that the media is pure BS and tries to get ratings, but, for all of you who chooses NOT to watch, know very well that you will watch.... so.....sit back and let's pay our final respect as michael is laid to rest tomorrow...... a day not to be forgotten and we are together with the Jackson family....

I also need to point that the Jackson family has made available areas where the press can be located at.... so.... the world wants to see..... and i am sure, michael would want his fans to see him too.

i speak from the heart........ it is for sure today a day of saddeness, but rest assure this is Just the beginning of michael's LONG life....his body will be preserved and protected, he is around us.

dipshits i hate e
They show his funeral on E! and they show it on several tv stations in Germany.
So, if they sold the rights for the burial - and I assume the family gets good money for it -, I still think the family should have paid for the burial. They always asked Michael for money. Now I just want them to do something for Michael just for once
Alright dude, what i was thinking was that MAYBE the person had heard it on tv...like over here in MIAMI sometimes they show oscars and stuff from LA and we see it at 7/8 OUR time when in reality it is 4/5 LA time. The person who had heard the time could have been located idk, in London and maybe from THEIR tv they heard 7 pm THEIR TIME. and don't try to get smart with me, most funerals are NEVER at night, most of them are during the day. And thats exactly what i was thinking. and i did research, but everyone else was just as confused..people didn't even know if it was AM or PM. and CALM DOWN! no one has beef with you, no one said anything to you, so chill. and if you don't want to read repeated post then DON'T read them. And Michael would have wanted for you to be less of a prick and have patience with people.

agreed. we don't all live in los angeles.
do not want to watch it. give the family some time to say goodbye :( gee I hate the media!!! let him have ONE day for himself and his family and not the rest of the world!! :evil:
They show his funeral on E! and they show it on several tv stations in Germany.
So, if they sold the rights for the burial - and I assume the family gets good money for it -, I still think the family should have paid for the burial. They always asked Michael for money. Now I just want them to do something for Michael just for once

which german tv stations are showing it?
I think E channel is going to report outside of the actual funeral. They will not be allowed no where near the funeral itself. The local news here in Los Angeles said that the city of Glendale will be closing down most of the area surrounding Forrest Lawn. The city of Glendale said you will be wasting your time if anyone thinsk that they could get near where Michael's funeral will be. They showed the media trucks, but they were outside of the gates. I guess that's where the E channel will be reported, OUTSIDE OF THE GATE...
Yes!!! it's ratings grabbing time.
I'm getting so CONFUSED! :cry: What about the security, is there anything made official about wether helicopters and stuff are not allowed?
Oh please let them be not allowed! This can't be happening.
which german tv stations are showing it?
ntv and N24, but I am sure this would not be a real LIVE broadcasting. I think they show only the journey of the cars and from the helicopter what they can get. I think and hope the funeral will happen as here is said
Michael Jackson's body will be interred at Forest Lawn Glendale in a discreet ceremony tomorrow.

I'm getting so CONFUSED! :cry: What about the security, is there anything made official about wether helicopters and stuff are not allowed?
Oh please let them be not allowed! This can't be happening.

I'm not sure if I will watch it or if I can watch it, it hurts too much!
I wish they would let the family have this final moment alone with him, the media has been on Michael's back for years and years and if they really did respect him they would get off his back right now at this final moment and let him get some peace!
This should not be happening! Listen to his songs, it's hard to belive he i gone. It usually takes months til we saw new pictures of MJ, so this still feels unreal. I had enough of this bullshit, after today no one can hurt you Michael. Today is the last day of this circus, it's the final curtain call.
4 AM central european time, 3AM in London.

I will wake up to light a candle.....mayby i'll wacth some tv, not sure about that.


My heart is feeling heavy today.
Do you know what time will be in Europe? I want to light some candels and pray for him! :(

yeah, its starts around 7pm in L.A. and in europe it will be 3am then, officially it is said that it might take until 6am here in europe....
so, today its raining very much right here, and for me its the sign of heaven crying for michael....
ntv and N24, but I am sure this would not be a real LIVE broadcasting. I think they show only the journey of the cars and from the helicopter what they can get. I think and hope the funeral will happen as here is said
Michael Jackson's body will be interred at Forest Lawn Glendale in a discreet ceremony tomorrow.


hey daggi - i guess its you right? - thank you!

well, i dont know if its worth waking up at 4 am then, just to see it? but i will probably record it on my VCR. or what do u think? what are u going to do?

4 AM central european time, 3AM in London.

I will wake up to light a candle.....mayby i'll wacth some tv, not sure about that.


My heart is feeling heavy today.
Is 3am 15.00 here? Dang, getting so confused of this whole thing.:no:
yeah, its starts around 7pm in L.A. and in europe it will be 3am then, officially it is said that it might take until 6am here in europe....
so, today its raining very much right here, and for me its the sign of heaven crying for michael....

is it going to take three hours?
The only way I see them showing his burial is my taping a bird's eye view, since it has been said it will be private. I guess either E! is fluffing what they're actually gonna show(which I believe) or the family is allowing the public to feel like they're there.
its happening in a building,the museolium (sp) they will see nothing other than everyone arriving and leaving like the service b4 staples centre hes not being burried outside
Is 3am 15.00 here? Dang, getting so confused of this whole thing.:no:

1500 is the 24hr clock for 3pm if pl are confused put world clock in google its not hard then u can see what time it will be for where ever u live
Thank you janena and spock! So in Bucharest will be 5am... I will wake up, light some candels, pray for him... and I am sure I'm gonna watch it on TV, even if I don't want to! In a wierd way I need to watch it... :(
4 AM central european time, 3AM in London.

I will wake up to light a candle.....mayby i'll wacth some tv, not sure about that.


My heart is feeling heavy today.

Thanks for that.
1500 is the 24hr clock for 3pm if pl are confused put world clock in google its not hard then u can see what time it will be for where ever u live
So....3am is 04.00 in the night here? That means the 4th of September already?

I'm sorry...just don't get it...the websites are chaos. (Or maybe it's my mind.)
hey guys.whats the time of the live coverage?and whats the website? coz i cant find the article..someone help?