Michael Jacksons Burial Pictures

can someone please find me the pictures of Program from Michael Jackson's Burial please and thank you :flowers:

ooh i made Memories scapbook of memorials and burial :yes: :( :cry: that i can have close in my heart and i aslo maket my celeender on that day :( :cry:
Still wonder how they reported that LMP was emotional without the video. Really want to see her. Someone in the board she looks great.

I believe it was reported by CNN and they had an insider at the funeral so that's where that info is from. Reportedly Lisa arrived right before the the beginning and she sat in the last row. I think that's why there's not much about her and IMO she deliberately kept low profile.
I believe it was reported by CNN and they had an insider at the funeral so that's where that info is from. Reportedly Lisa arrived right before the the beginning and she sat in the last row. I think that's why there's not much about her and IMO she deliberately kept low profile.

They also said she hugged Katherine very tightly.
It's very weird there are still no pictures of Lisa Marie...what source actually confirmed this? Cause if it's TMZ or even E! or whatever...i don't believe it.
It's very weird there are still no pictures of Lisa Marie...what source actually confirmed this? Cause if it's TMZ or even E! or whatever...i don't believe it.

pretty sure she was there. she sat at the last row. just arrive right before the family. so there probably isn't a photo.

CNN i think had an insider reporting.... and CNN reported that Lisa hugged a very emotional Mom Katie.
i think larry was texting to cnn she was there and very emotional. paris cried walking into the mausoleum, katie had trouble going in and it is unclear if she went in eventually or not.
Michael...i wanna get out of this nightmare....pls wake up ... :(...we all miss you...
when i saw the news on n24 this morning... all the guests looked like they had been crying :(

thank you for uploading the pictures.
Thank you for the pictures. That look at Katherine's face :( poor kids.
Thank you for these pictures :) its heartbreaking looking at them but Michael is at peace now :)
A mother should never have to bury her child. Oh, Mrs Jackson I' am so sorry for what you're going through. I hope one day you'll find peace.

Watching her and the children really made it so much more difficult. When the children placed the crown over Michael. Oh, my heart broke.

As much as I can feel the pain and the loss, and I do so incredibly much, I cannot even begin to imagine what Mrs Jackson, Prince, Paris and Blanket are feeling. Those beautiful children lost their daddy. He wont be there for them in the most joyous of times and the most saddest of times and that is truly heartbreaking. It is the greatest loss. Those children, I'll always keep them in my mind and heart! Michael loved them dearly and I'm so happy he had them in his life because I'm sure they were his greatest joy and happiness.

Why did this have to happen? He was too good for this world. That's the only answer I got.
I missed the funeral, havent seen any videos so far. The pics look so sad.. I cant handle funerals.. Too sad for words. I feel like this is it. This is the end. Michael is officially never coming back...
watched last night from 3am so moved i still cant believe hes gone
does anyone have a good photo with michael with wings on from you are not alone
a good size photo thanks
I"m sure that LMP was informed by the family what time they will arrive, that's why she arrived just before the funeral started. She also did managed to avoid camera too. I guess she is very emotional and doesn't want to be captured..... for any reason and also she's now married, won't look too good if she mourn too much?

Anyone new about Diana? Why she didn't attend?

From CNN, Debbie wasn't invited?
"Lisa Marie Presley, one of Jackson's former wives and the daughter of Elvis, attended the service, according to the family statement. It did not mention Debbie Rowe, Jackson's second wife and the mother of his two oldest children."
The people who attended the funeral are one bunch of strong people. I must be weak if they are strong because I would be crawling on the ground weeping so much I would choke on my own sobs if I attended that funeral, at least thats what I have done on every funeral Ive ever been on, broke down crying and had people help me hold me up on my elbows... They are so strong because I would not be able to hold myself back like they have done during the memorial and the funeral.
Looked like a lovely funeral. I am glad Lisa and a few others waited inside for the family to arrive before coming out (I know the media would have made it all about LMP attending and whoring out her pictures) I love LMP for that.

I applaud Dame Elizabeth for attending. I know this must have been very very difficult for her.

My heart goes out to both Mr and Mrs. Jackson. This is so final and sad.

ty for taking the time and posting these pictures.
