Michael Jacksons Burial Pictures

Wow....that signature pic is something else...it's just a piece someone probably drew or painted...but i'm feeling that :(

Yes, the pic says a lot. I saw it on another board. It actually makes me cry. I've been trying to find out the artist who did it. I can imagine that they have other pictures that are nice.
i am so proud of Prince, Paris, and Blanket. They have been through so much and have remained so strong. not even sure if I could be as well composed as they have been.

having to grieve in front of 6 billion people. you all will be in my prayers.

I agree. They're going to be such strong people when they grow up and be very, very proud of their daddy. :wub:

I was extremely sad last night even though I didn't watch any of the events. Now, I feel a lot more peaceful--just have a little bit of a headache. At least they're not toting his body around everywhere and now have it safely resting finally. :angel:
So, so sad :(
I hope, Michael, that you'll finelly get peace, love you forever Angel

That was so hard night :(
I'm so proud of his children and I can't begin to imagine what they must have felt. I think Michael would have been proud with those who attended his funeral. I'm glad to hear that LMP attended his funeral. I know that they meant a great deal to each other during their time together. Michael will be forever missed and loved.
I'm really puzzled about why they chose this photo of Michael because just a few hours before I felt the urge to make a video with MJ in this sexy outfit. Check it out.


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this has been one of the saddest days of our life, seeing Michael for the last time...
the kids are strong, they are taken good care of, one can see that, but poor Mrs. Katherine, the pic in which she has tearyu eyes just breaks my heart..

Please God, bring Mike back to us. We need him more than the angels in the sky!

i've been praying for that for more than 2 months !!
and I still think it's a really bad bad bad dream...
I feel like this is it. This is the end. Michael is officially never coming back...

I am a reasonable person, but I still can’t accept this. :no:
I mean, I know he's gone, but I can’t….. :cry:
It so hard to read this… Hugs…. :hug:

Thank you for the pics….

I can't control myself and....
I can’t stop crying and I never will....

Always in my heart…. :weeping:
I believe it was reported by CNN and they had an insider at the funeral so that's where that info is from. Reportedly Lisa arrived right before the the beginning and she sat in the last row. I think that's why there's not much about her and IMO she deliberately kept low profile.

Yes, CNN and other news sources did say Lisa was there. And I agree, she likely kept the low profile on purpose. She was there to say goodbye to Michael and give her condolences to the family. I'm sure the last thing on her mind was getting photographed at the event. Of course I'm sure that was the last thing on anyone's mind there.

So hard to know the pain his family and friends are going through, but especially his children. My heart goes out to them.
i think it was a beautiful funeral, i like the fact that it was dark under the moon, beautiful place, kinda magical, i believe michael would love this.
the picture of his mom crying is very heartbreaking :( and i feel so sorry for his kids that they wont have a chance to experience more their father..i don't think they realize to full extend how unique person their father was cause they're still too young..that is what saddens me the most, that when they will be at a certain age when they can understand this, he wont be there :(

I hate funerals cause thats when you realize that someone is really gone and it really hurts..on the other hand i think this is one of the purposes of a funeral, cause such a realization even if its so painful, it helps someone in time to go on with his/her life, i guess.

Im glad that his body was eventually burried and i really hope that his soul rests in peace now but personally i feel that his soul will not completely rests in peace until there is justice, until the mystery about his death is solved and everyone who is responsible for his death pay for what they did.
May God comfort the Beautiful Jackson family. Such sorrow for them.
This is like a big slap on the forehead.
This Is It.
He's gone.
He's been gone for 2 months now, but he's physically gone.
This is hearybreaking, my grandmother died this week as well and we had her funeral on Tuesday and now Mike's.... :_(((((((((((((((
This is hearybreaking, my grandmother died this week as well and we had her funeral on Tuesday and now Mike's.... :_(((((((((((((((

I'm so sorry sweetheart :( My prayers to you and your family.
Today feels as bad as day one. :-(
Held it together to watch funeral live, was ok until they started to get the casket out......:-(
Some days are worse than others...................today is really empty. :-(
I ended up watching the whole thing last night from start to finish with people here on the board. I was incredibly emotional like everyone else here.

I bet there were a lot of people there that we didn't know of because the pool feed didn't catch them and they requested not to have a public picture taken of them. I would love to see a pic of LMP, but I can understand why she wouldn't want to be shown publicly for she is a very private person. She is grieving also and from what was reported, she was very emotional. So it's enough for me to know that she was there. Larry King was texting to CNN what was happening during the funeral and he probably was sitting close to Lisa in the back. CNN said that Lisa was in the last row and that Liz was in the 8th row aisle. Larry did his 6-7pm PST show and then probably had to race to FL to make it, so he was probably seated in the back also. It was CNN that kept reporting that Lisa was emotional, Joe was speaking, that Miko had to help Liz with her wheel chair over the steps, that Lisa hugged Katherine, etc.

Anyways, I was surprised to see Quincy Jones there. There was no footage of him from the pool feed or mention of him on CNN/TV. It was only from the pictures at Getty did I find out that he was there.