Michael Jacksons Burial Pictures

because he's their grandad. why not?

anyway.. the car they got of also contained paris and other people.

but i thought they were living with katherine and not joe? i hope joe is nice to them.... :(
Today feels as bad as day one. :-(
Held it together to watch funeral live, was ok until they started to get the casket out......:-(
Some days are worse than others...................today is really empty. :-(

Huge Hug Jen xxxx

looks like puppets on strings
I didn't watch the news coverage. I actually planned on not looking at any pictures or videos at all... I should have known that wouldn't work. And here I am, crushed, once again. He's actually gone, isn't he? Gosh. Katherine and the kids just break my heart. I can't imagine what they're going through.
I hate this. It's to much pain.
I still can't believe we're living such times. A world without Michael Jackson...

Yes, what a loss, what a loss for this world. It is unbelievable... :(

After all Michael has gone through in his life he so very much deserved to become a 100 year old who is surrounded by his loving children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren and awarded the Nobel Price, watching great movies (maybe his OWN) and just enjoying himself.

Michael Jackson has touched and moved my heart and soul like no religion ever could.

I will ALWAYS love you, Michael Jackson
oh god I don't know how the hell I'm gonna start the new school year like this
I feel so sad so empty I cant do anything without thinking of Michael
I feel like I don't wanna do anything any more all my hopes and dreams are gone
I feel like all the good in the world is gone :cry:
god I cant imagine how his family and kids must be feeling god help them
Well My heart is heavy. It always take me months after a love one dies for me to cry and I creid today. I don't want to think that this is final because it is not. He maybe gone physically but The soul never dies. It will be around forever. That is my belief.
God only allow us 1 great person at a time and in most cases we kill them..
Thank you so much for sharing these photos. I haven't gone out of my way to see pics or footage. I only caught a couple of video clips and pics on the local tabloids' websites and now these. It was tough seeing them. Looked like a lovely event. :cry:
Watching it last night, seeing the pictures was and is a lot harder than I EVER imagined it could be, My heart hurts soo much..but that is nothing compared to the pain the Jackson family are going through.

my prayers and thoughts to them
These pictures are heartbreaking. I watched up to right before they were going to take the casket out, where bbc cut off. Then I stopped watching. I really didn't want to see anymore. :(
anybody know who is this man?

I have no idea, but it certainly ain't MJ himself...like some thought during the memorial............i saw this guy hugging someone yesterday, nothing special though. I wondr who it is too...i find the whole outfit with had and sunglasses kind of a 'incognito' look, but who is it?
Omg :cry: this is it, it really is. he's gone, :cry:
My thoughts are with those poor children and all the family. Their pain is etched on their faces, breaks my heart to see such a beautiful family in turmoil, they will never stop grieving for their brother, nether will us the fans stop grieving for the king of pop, the man we loved.
:cry: I just wished I had the chance to tell him how much I love him and how much he means to me, he was my life, now I have nothing.
:cry: I'll never recover from this, ever. :(
Michael's Dancers for This is it concerts.

I think it was so nice of them to let the dancers do this! It's amazing that they can pay their last tribute to their hero, they're so talented!
Good to see them there!:agree:
(And cool to see Timor there, my compatriot!)
could we separate the pics from the posts, so we could get to see all the pics in one thread?