Michael Jacksons Burial Pictures

Watching it last night, it was like I was at a loss for emotion and words.

He's just... gone. We never even got a goodbye. :(
Watching it last night, it was like I was at a loss for emotion and words.

He's just... gone. We never even got a goodbye. :(

love your siggy...yes, he may rest in peace and happiness .
i wish his kids all the best in the world .Godbless them.
Can anyone tell why Mila Kunis is there? I've never known she was closest to Jacksons.
Ahhhh I had taken my time and picked all the pix I wanted to comment on, made some comments and accidentally hit the wrong key...so I lost the whole thing. Blahdangit!!!!

Since I don't have the strength to start all over, I'll just say thanks to all for the pix and footage. :flowers:

I loved the purple and white flowers assortment on the casket. The gold and purple crown that the kids put on the casket was beautiful....and a really nice moment. :cry: RIP Michael.

My prayers continue to go out to Michael's family and friends.
I believe it was reported by CNN and they had an insider at the funeral so that's where that info is from. Reportedly Lisa arrived right before the the beginning and she sat in the last row. I think that's why there's not much about her and IMO she deliberately kept low profile.

Extra had a pic of her getting out of the car. She attended with her daughter Riley
^^^ wow thats so good.


Michael Jackson
“Boy Behind the Mask”
18” by 24”, acrylic on gessoed illustration board
I'd like to see photos of Lisa Marie...and Tatiana - as I haven't seen any??? Are there any ?

i've seen pics of tatiana and i saw when she arrived. She looked VERY, very sad. Maybe her and Michael didn't have anything, but she really really had it in for him.

the kids KILLED me when they got out of the car. But especially when i saw prince Michael crying and trying to hold it all in. Those kids have gone through so much at their young tender age. Its really sad, and they shouldnt be going through this at all.

I can see why some people think the guy the guy in the hat looks mysterious and in disguise (hair, moustache, and even nose (!) looks like they're fake, lol. Also the hand gesture touching his ear... just like MJ used to do) but I doubt it's Michael...

Anyway, I wanted to share a little story I had today, maybe it will make you feel a little better. I was waiting in the bus queue to go home a few hours ago and I was reading a London newspaper article about the funeral. Two little boys opposite me (one about 5 and the other about 7 years old) must have seen the photo of MJ on the article, and they both started saying enthusiastically: Michael Jackson! Michael Jackson! and then trying to dance, sing, and do swirls like him. Their father was trying to make them keep quiet and make them behave constantly but with no effect! :lol:

lol i saw the guy too and i was like hmmm???? lol and i have a story too. For weeks i've been telling my mom that Michael has been spiritually following me or something because EVERY WHERE i go there is something about him, and its always random things. The other day i was at school and my friend pointed it out to me that this guy was selling these Michael Jackson earings, i was like wtf? lol and then as i was walking buy, this guy selling cd's changed the album he was playing to an OLD unreleased concert album from like 1992. But it happened RIGHT when i walked by, it was weird. and when i left he changed the album, i was like wth?

but today i was in the bookstore waiting for my ride and i decided to go sit on this couch that i hadn't realized was there before, some random couch. And i felt someone watching me, and right there i turn around to see what's behind me and i find myself face to face with a GIANT michael jackson poster that i hadn't realized was there before with the quote " If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can be dealt with". I started laughing and as i smiled the book store started playing "beat it". And immediately after that a bunch of his other songs like rock with you, to "she's out of my life". The weird part is that i wait there EVERYDAY, i sit on another couch and they have NEVER played his music, at least not while i'm there and i'm there alot. it was interesting, and i do feel like michael was there with me.

Janet arriving

She looks absolutely gorgeous! Love her so much!

awww When i saw janet get out of the car looking disoriented is when i truly felt the hurt from his sibling. Although beautiful, she looked lost and extremely sad, and that was enough to tore me apart =( lol
I just found this album of pictures from the burial on someone's Facebook (Karen was tagged on it).

Pictures by Myra Hissami - 09-03-09 - MJ's Burial/ After Gathering With Jacksons

Is it just me...or...why are these people laughing?:eek: I would've been so devastated if I just got from the burial! Can't believe this.

I don't know if it's like this where you are but at many funerals at least the ones I've been to it's more of a 'home going celebration' where there are times (or if the family and friends go eat afterwords) where people try and focus on the good times.
oh and someone said there is a picture of lisa marie on extra or something. Well, i've searched and i cant find it, has anyone seen it? and there HAS to be pics somwhere else because on another thread someone said how Lisa was just shown on tv and that she look beautiful.
the kids KILLED me when they got out of the car. But especially when i saw prince Michael crying and trying to hold it all in. Those kids have gone through so much at their young tender age. Its really sad, and they shouldnt be going through this at all.

Yeah these kids are too young to have to know about anguish and pain, it's so unfair that I get torn into pieces by even thinking about it.
Ohh God, thinking of this just in fuels even more disgust towards those responsible for Michael's death.
To think that Conrad talked and looked into their eyes after Michael's death creeps me the fuck out.
oh and someone said there is a picture of lisa marie on extra or something. Well, i've searched and i cant find it, has anyone seen it? and there HAS to be pics somwhere else because on another thread someone said how Lisa was just shown on tv and that she look beautiful.

I saw the picture (for like a split second) on Extra tonight when it aired. It was pretty close up to. So I am wondering if Lisa asked photographers not to release any pics of her and her daughter after pictures were taken of them getting out of the car.

Yeah these kids are too young to have to know about anguish and pain, it's so unfair that I get torn into pieces by even thinking about it.
Ohh God, thinking of this just in fuels even more disgust towards those responsible for Michael's death.
To think that Conrad talked and looked into their eyes after Michael's death creeps me the fuck out.

ITA with you BruceWayne. I hate how Murray was screaming for Prince to get upstairs. No matter how you look at it, Murray IS the reason that Michael is gone!
Thank you for the pictures.....When I saw that pics, I just kept on crying...
I will miss you so much, Michael :cry: You gave me a new whole world!! :cry:
Yes, the pic says a lot. I saw it on another board. It actually makes me cry. I've been trying to find out the artist who did it. I can imagine that they have other pictures that are nice.

What exactly are you guys talking about. What is this "signature picture"???
Poor Katherine she looks exhausted. My heart just breaks for her and his children!!!
well, if anyone has the pic of lisa post it ASAP please. lol i really want to see it =)