Michael Jacksons Burial Pictures

Michael's Dancers for This is it concerts.

The other girl is missing.. :( Thanks for this pic.

dam...after Michael's passing in June, I have developed a motherly/Older sister urge to help those kids and protect them from anyone and anything.
Me too! Everytime I see pics of them I just wish I could give them a huuuge hug. But I know Katherine is taking good care of them and they are surrounded by love. I hope they know that we love them, too.
poor Katherine...

face tells everything what she feel... :(

I'd like to quote this picture again for everyone who has been talking $#&% about Katherine and the family these past few days.

The Jackson family bashing has been despicable.
Right there you see Katherine sitting BESIDES Joe mourning THEIR son.

Sometimes when I hear some of these fans rip into the family it makes me wanna reach into the screen & slap 'em through the monitor.

People think they know but they don't know everything about this family. Show some respect.
John Lucas
Couldnt agree more John Lucas, attitudes on this board have been deeply disrespectful lately, and I dont think ANY fan has the right to judge the family so harshly. I am so sick of hearing the continual bashing, it puts me off coming here, fans think they know things, when really they dont. Before Michael meant anything to any of us, he was first and foremost a member of THEIR family.

Back to the pics though, I havent been able to get the image of Joe and especially Katherine from my mind, it is very upsetting to see her like that, but its whats to be expected. She brought him into the world. I do think the kids though will help her through. Im amazed by the strength they are showing.

and i wanted to to show this picture again that i came across for anyone badmouthing Joe. This was in the 2005 trial.

Joseph was wonderful during the trial.
Some people just need to shut the HELL up about Michael's family and what they think goes on behind those doors.

Say it again CarinaT!!
Say it again!!

Respect the family!!
John Lucas

It was really sad to hear that Lisa was crying from beginning to end. And someone was saying that Karen Faye said on FB that she and Janet talked a lot that night. Is this true?

I was right earlier, the ushers were his dancers
This is such a nice photo. It makes me sad to think what might have been. I can totally see Mike standing there next to them and fitting right in. :(
michael looks like so much to peter pan in this picture!
i'm in shock!
lovely picture!

by the way, have you noticed this sign on Prince's arm? like his daddy, so touching.
Blanket has it too..:wub:
It was really sad to hear that Lisa was crying from beginning to end. And someone was saying that Karen Faye said on FB that she and Janet talked a lot that night. Is this true?


probably. they are really good friends, they hung out alot after lisa divorced Michael. And are probably the two women, besides katherine and paris, who were grieving the most. Supposedly Janet was really down at the after party too, and i doubt lisa as in any party mood. So, it makes since they were both talking all night.
Re: Blond woman with Liz Taylor

I think the woman is probably her personal assistant (live-in nurse/companion). Over the last year there has been a blond woman seen helping Liz get from her wheelchair into her limo. I have seen a couple of pictures of Liz out in public where there was a blond woman standing behind her wheelchair. When you look at the videos it appears the woman is trying to position her body so that the camera doesn't really capture Liz. Her whole body language looks like someone who is there to take care of Liz.

Going from there to a complete 180, a friend of mine thinks the woman looks like Kathy Ireland. Liz and Kathy have been BFFs and business partners for years.
And thanks everyone for the pictures.
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poor Katherine...

face tells everything what she feel... :(


Poor Katherine. My heart aches for her, and the children...everyone, really. It has been over 2 months since MJ has passed and it still is just so sad. I still cry. I just still can't even believe that it has happened.
I never did see a pic of Lisa Marie at the service. The ones of the kids and Katherine are so heartbreaking though. I didn't know the kids put the crown on his coffin. :cry:
Every time I see the coffin, I still stare at it and can't believe this. :(
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Just looking at these, I want to scream, and scream, and scream.
I hope the doctor that murdered him will rot in hell and feel the wrath of all.
I hope he dies. I hope he sufferes. I hope he remorses! SINNER SINNER SINNER.
"Throw my hands up and SHOUT, oh this makes me wanna SHOUT, whats this madness all ABOUT"
I can see why some people think the guy the guy in the hat looks mysterious and in disguise (hair, moustache, and even nose (!) looks like they're fake, lol. Also the hand gesture touching his ear... just like MJ used to do) but I doubt it's Michael...

Anyway, I wanted to share a little story I had today, maybe it will make you feel a little better. I was waiting in the bus queue to go home a few hours ago and I was reading a London newspaper article about the funeral. Two little boys opposite me (one about 5 and the other about 7 years old) must have seen the photo of MJ on the article, and they both started saying enthusiastically: Michael Jackson! Michael Jackson! and then trying to dance, sing, and do swirls like him. Their father was trying to make them keep quiet and make them behave constantly but with no effect! :lol:

Even that guy's ear looks fake. Could be lighting?


Cute story about the kids, thanks for sharing :D