Michael Jacksons Burial Pictures


Тhose guys look very happy! :scratch::mello:

They are his dancers. One of the guys is dutch (like me). He told a radio station here that they had been invited to the funeral, but didn't know untill a few hours before the service that they would also get a task.

I swear - first person I thought of was Johnny Depp. I got a feeling it's him. I can't figure out why I think that so strongly...the nose? hmmmmm
No to me is not, he was not a friend of Michael, no to me is not him, but thats just my opinion
Someone on youtube said "the picture at the burial you can se a huge diamond on her finger, it looks like the engagement ring MJ gave her"

Is it????
Yes, I think you are right. It looks like the engagement ring
Michael Jackson gave her.
I 'm just too sad to look at anymore pics.I'm thankful for the pics though. It was sad all around for everyone and for something that's suppose to be private, I hope the person will not get in trouble by showing them to the fans. There was a friend of mine saying if they got that far in showing what was shown on CNN and Showbiz tonight on cable, that there might have been a nut taking secret pics of Michael's burial chamber because we won't get to see it unless we are with a family member or friend of the family. I mean not even a tour guide would be able to show the whereabouts of where Michael is really buried. I know this might have been asked before but Since AEG had an overhead camera in a small blimp, will AEG have footage of most of the last funeral service up to the time they take Michael to his new resting place ? I wouldn't think they would be that crass to show Michael being put into his tomb,That would be so disrespectful to Michael and his family being that it would be all about money and not sharing the memory of this great man.and his legacy.

I swear - first person I thought of was Johnny Depp. I got a feeling it's him. I can't figure out why I think that so strongly...the nose? hmmmmm

YES now that you said it it actually does look like Johnny! Who knows..
know what i was looking up on johnny depp on his old pictures of him he was wearing the same in the pictures

i'll show you
seriously! its NOT Johnny Depp :giggle: trust me!..

thanks for the pics, its nice to finally see his funeral taking place.
Maybe they didnt have that emotional connection to Michael as others had.. Not all people cry.. Yes.. I find that questionable too but everyone reacts differently.. They were Michaels proffecional backup dancers.. They were paid to work with Michael.. I dont think they were his long time best friends.. They still remained proffecional and paid their respects..
Maybe they didnt have that emotional connection to Michael as others had.. Not all people cry.. Yes.. I find that questionable too but everyone reacts differently.. They were Michaels proffecional backup dancers.. They were paid to work with Michael.. I dont think they were his long time best friends.. They still remained proffecional and paid their respects..

Yeah...also, I saw an interview with the Dutch guy and he said that his dream had already been fulfilled beacuse he HAD been onstage with Mike, even though it was just for rehearsals.
Maybe they didnt have that emotional connection to Michael as others had.. Not all people cry.. Yes.. I find that questionable too but everyone reacts differently.. They were Michaels proffecional backup dancers.. They were paid to work with Michael.. I dont think they were his long time best friends.. They still remained proffecional and paid their respects..

True, and they are not going to look sad for a picture, at least they were there.
I think it's a nice picture. I'm sure they are sad that Michael is no longer with us, but I'm pretty sure they are smiling because they are happy to have had the experience of working with him and being asked to be ushers at his funeral.
Originally Posted by Mrs. Music View Post
I just found this album of pictures from the burial on someone's Facebook (Karen was tagged on it).

Pictures by Myra Hissami - 09-03-09 - MJ's Burial/ After Gathering With Jacksons

Is it just me...or...why are these people laughing? I would've been so devastated if I just got from the burial! Can't believe this.

That's my facebook. We were not laughing. It was a very sad day for all of us. We only smiled for the pictures. Despite the sadness, we tried to keep optimistic. Prior to taking those pics, esp with Quincy....I had a long serious talk with him about drugs. We were both in shock about Michael...

I also dont understand why they are so happy... dancers from TII

Maybe they were said to smile for the picture.. when I saw the audition video, I saw they were fans, it must have been very tough for them too, as fans, to be there, maybe the photographer told a funny thing about Michael or the just brought back a sweet memory of the time they spent with Michael, we don't know, I think we can't judge this pics.. I see smiles, but I also see sad eyes.

Maybe they were said to smile for the picture.. when I saw the audition video, I saw they were fans, it must have been very tough for them too, as fans, to be there, maybe the photographer told a funny thing about Michael or the just brought back a sweet memory of the time they spent with Michael, we don't know, I think we can't judge this pics.. I see smiles, but I also see sad eyes.

there's no happiness in those smiles. they can't even show their teeth. there's definite sadness, in the eyes..the face..the whole countenance. just a forced slight grin, but it does a terrible job of hiding the sadness. edit..well..i admit, the girl in the pic looks cheerful..she could fool me..but.. i don't think she's happy.