Michael Jacksons Burial Pictures

does anyone know if that chick Glenda from the phone conversations went? or the girl he mentioned that he liked named Melissa in the conversation. Oh, and i'm pretty sure Mark lester didn't go, but just incase, did anyone see him? and sorry if any of this has been asked before, but there are 24 pages and i wasnt going to look through all of them lol
You can tell on the faces of Latoya, Katherine, Jermaine and some of the other guess that when they say that when you bury someone, that's when you know that it's final. Your loved one is truly gone. If there was an ounce of hope that your loved one can still be alive, seeing them be buried or (sealed in a vault, like Michael), all hope is gone.
This is so sad...

Not all too sad. We will miss him thought, but we will all be together again! It could be a very long time to wait! I don't know how many years I have to wait to go into that another world. I don't know if we all turn to dust in the end or do we end up in another world, but I like to smile and believe the better option! To be in another beautiful place, like Heaven! I'll wait for that day! To see him happy and smiling!
And I believe what he really want if for us to continue his legacy and his effort to help heal the world. As long as we remember him he will always be with us!
Just looking at these, I want to scream, and scream, and scream.
I hope the doctor that murdered him will rot in hell and feel the wrath of all.
I hope he dies. I hope he sufferes. I hope he remorses! SINNER SINNER SINNER.
"Throw my hands up and SHOUT, oh this makes me wanna SHOUT, whats this madness all ABOUT"

I was like that too. But I'd now let go of all the hatred. I realised so much hate and pain in my heart will not bring peace to myself, nor this world, nor Michael. Those people who had betrayed him, accused him, write so much false things about him, I cannot felt extreme resent for them anymore. I want to Forget them. They are not worth my emotions, my thoughts and my time. I only feel Love, the love for the world, the people who truely deserve it and I just love Michael so much.
This is the only way I can find peace. I try to think what he really wants and I will not act selfishly.
I love you, Michael and I really miss you. And although I still :cry: I will continue to celebrate the beauty of your life. Gotta do that. I promise to do that.

Give God a big hug for me, okay? I know that He has you with Him. He is showing signs that you are.

And Mike, thanks for laying the groundwork for the world to come together as one for a common purpose. It was very sweet and noble of you to use your strength in that way. It didn't go unnoticed.
Aww Blanket :-(

Not all too sad. We will miss him thought, but we will all be together again! It could be a very long time to wait! I don't know how many years I have to wait to go into that another world. I don't know if we all turn to dust in the end or do we end up in another world, but I like to smile and believe the better option! To be in another beautiful place, like Heaven! I'll wait for that day! To see him happy and smiling!
And I believe what he really want if for us to continue his legacy and his effort to help heal the world. As long as we remember him he will always be with us!

You are so right.. :yes:
These children are sooo wonderful.

They are so adorable.
Supposedly the gentleman being discussed is the one in this picture just below and slightly to the right (picture right) of Prince.


I can see why some people think the guy the guy in the hat looks mysterious and in disguise (hair, moustache, and even nose (!) looks like they're fake, lol. Also the hand gesture touching his ear... just like MJ used to do) but I doubt it's Michael...

Anyway, I wanted to share a little story I had today, maybe it will make you feel a little better. I was waiting in the bus queue to go home a few hours ago and I was reading a London newspaper article about the funeral. Two little boys opposite me (one about 5 and the other about 7 years old) must have seen the photo of MJ on the article, and they both started saying enthusiastically: Michael Jackson! Michael Jackson! and then trying to dance, sing, and do swirls like him. Their father was trying to make them keep quiet and make them behave constantly but with no effect! :lol:
you can see lisa and riley in this video but very shortly 0:53 on the left side at the top


Good observation, thank you!

It's "interesting" that around 1:15 when they pan the camera around, they stop right before her. Don't see a reason to this or anything, maybe it's just coincidence, but then there's no photos or other videos caps of her.

EDIT: Has there been any pictures at all released from Michel's crypt?
Does anyone know if Michael was plastinated??? Or only deep frozen for the last 70 days??
Did they open his coffin at the funeral???
Latoya has sayd, some days befor, that Michael had become a special wig and his special onstage make-up.
So i think the coffin was open, after the tv cameras gone.
(Sorry for the wrong english);)
Does anyone know if Michael was plastinated??? Or only deep frozen for the last 70 days??
Did they open his coffin at the funeral???
Latoya has sayd, some days befor, that Michael had become a special wig and his special onstage make-up.
So i think the coffin was open, after the tv cameras gone.
(Sorry for the wrong english);)

Why would you wanna know that?!
Does anyone know if Michael was plastinated??? Or only deep frozen for the last 70 days??
Did they open his coffin at the funeral???
Latoya has sayd, some days befor, that Michael had become a special wig and his special onstage make-up.
So i think the coffin was open, after the tv cameras gone.
(Sorry for the wrong english);)

I don't know, but maybe they shut the feed off so they can open it. Although I really don't wanna know about that.
Does anyone know if Michael was plastinated??? Or only deep frozen for the last 70 days??
Did they open his coffin at the funeral???
Latoya has sayd, some days befor, that Michael had become a special wig and his special onstage make-up.
So i think the coffin was open, after the tv cameras gone.
(Sorry for the wrong english);)

I know you probably dont mean any harm in asking this question, but to be honest ( and I am sure I speak for everyone on this site) we want to remember Michael as he was......... :doh:
It's hard enough, so questions about this are really not too welcome. :(

I know for a fact that his make up artist arranged his hair in 3 curls coming down across his forhead.................so just think of him like this...........

Beautiful and with dignity................
omg i love that picture, where did you find that??

i saw it as a signature from a member in another forum, loved it and thought i'd post it here :D.

now i look at it...i thought maybe michael tried to make himself look like peter pan?
anybody know who is this man?

I'd also like to know who this is. Guess it could be Barry Gibb, but for some reason not really convinced it is, although if not, then who is it?

Michael and his children were close to Barry and his children in the past, and Michael did go to Maurice's funeral in Florida several years ago, so quite possible it's Barry. But having been a huge fan of the BeeGees from the beginning and watching everything I could find on youtube r/t them and their performances, I don't know- if it's him, he looks different, in a good way though. Can't figure out who else it would be, anyone?
All this really kills me even the fact that he's gone still hurts me a lot i have to admit that i still cry i just can not help it. I always tell myself he's in a better place but it still hurts so bad. :(
I agree i think people need to leave the family alone they are going through enough i keep them in my prayers and i feel bad for the children as well. It's not fair that they lost a wonderful father like Michael it really isn't but at least they still have him in their hearts where they know he will forever remain. Apart of me died with Michael even though i didn't know him personally it's hard to explain ever since he died i have not felt the same something inside is missing i don't look at life the same anymore and i never will. I don't mind Michael taking a part of me with him though i will love and miss him forever until i leave this world and join him. Knowing how much he cared about this world and loved us all very much knowing that someone like him is no longer here makes me sad I'll always keep him in my heart yet i will never be the same. :(