Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction/Settles MJ will keep all items

Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

the lawsuit isn't about someone impersonating the auction company or someone. read the papers...

it's about tohme tohme giving everything to the auction company under the assumption that mj later on would see and approve of everything being sold, and the things he didn't approve would be sent back to him.

mike/mjj productions is suing because he hasn't approved of all the items for sale, since they hasn't allowed him to see it yet.

Edited away the beginning.
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Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Hmm, don't know how to respond to this. All I can say is that if you type Julien's Auction House into search bar, you get Julien's Auction site with all their "credentials" with the entire Michael Jackson auction info here: http://www.juliensauctions.com/. So unless 2 different people were trying to pull this off, or that one or the other took Michael's things under false pretenses, I'm not getting sure what you're saying.

Have you read the complete law suit document? I am not a lawyer and so am not the best person to be interpreting it but what I am reading as a lay person is that the legitimacy of the company and people involved. How can you not know where to contact Julien's if it is indeed the real Juliens. Read the suit carefully and tell me what you think. I wish one of our legal beagles here would comment on it.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Hmm, don't know how to respond to this. All I can say is that if you type Julien's Auction House into search bar, you get Julien's Auction site with all their "credentials" with the entire Michael Jackson auction info here: http://www.juliensauctions.com/. So unless 2 different people were trying to pull this off, or that one or the other took Michael's things under false pretenses, I'm not getting sure what you're saying.

Yeah. I see what you are saying. It does look like it is 'the' Julien's. I still wonder what the intent of the that part of the lawsuit is about. I know they are going for the technicalities since they may not be able to win based on trying to prove what was told to them verbally but they devote a quite a bit to it in the suit.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

geez ,the lawsuit isn't about someone impersonating the auction company or someone. read the papers...

it's about tohme tohme giving everything to the auction company under the assumption that mj later on would see and approve of everything being sold, and the things he didn't approve would be sent back to him.

mike/mjj productions is suing because he hasn't approved of all the items for sale, since they hasn't allowed him to see it yet.

We all know that.. or at least those of us who read the suit, but if you read the legal document you can see they are going after technicalities as well. I would say they are not sure they can win on the true issue because it isn't in writing and they have no way of proving it perhaps.

And if Juliens is such a respected firm (yes I have heard of them) why are they not acting in good faith, which they are not if you believe the lawsuit.

You might want to avoid starting replies with geez btw...
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Okay, I just re-read the lawsuit document several times. Alot (most) of it is over my head, but the part about Julien's still doesn't make sense. If the document is saying that it is not the "real" Julien's, I don't get it since what appears to be the "real" Julien's site is/was advertising the sale, and appears to be credible.

Aside from that, it's all just legal mumble-jumble to my untrained ear/eye.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

HOT DAMN, it seems as if Michael has to fight every-damn-day!!!!!!!! This sh*t is getting old, I am sure I speak for everyone when I say, WE ARE TIRED OF PEOPLE TAKING ADVANTAGE OF THE MAN!!!!!! Michael needs to do the press conference, chat with the fans, then hop on the next thing smoking back to L.A..
Hmm, isn't it funny how all the other catalogs are available for viewing, but the one everyone is waiting for has yet to be posted..*Conspiracy Theory* Julien's knew that they were selling some "hot" items (as in stolen goods) and probably weren't planning on showing that catalog until right b4 the auction. I mean come on now, do we really think Michael would sell off the very FIRST BILLIE JEAN GLOVE or FEDORA, some of the awards he has been given not just for music but for his charity towards children. As much as I would love to buy the hat he wore during the Triumph tour, I just don't see him selling it. Julien's knew damn well Michael wouldn't just allow for them to come in and take what they wanted without his approval.
I think it is a good idea for Michael to sell off the stuff he didn't want, especially his cars that are not being driven, lawn furniture, some of the statues, etc, but his stuff from his tours..OH HELL NO...Personally I think a Jackson Museum would be great but it's not about what I think or want. So So def called it weeks ago when she said something is not right about this whole auction thing, KUDOS:clapping::clapping: to you for smelling something fishy.
I wonder if we will get to see what Dr. Tohme looks like after all these months. I hope Michael's lawyers take that auction company to the cleaners for being a fraud.
What the hell are they going to do about the ppl that bought the box set for $100 or the "so-called" autographed set for $500??

Michael if you just happen to be reading this: Holla at your girl if you ever decide to get rid of that Rhineston covered hat from the Triumph Tour, I got the perfect spot in my house for it..I will treat it like it's my first born..lol
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

it's about tohme tohme giving everything to the auction company under the assumption that mj later on would see and approve of everything being sold, and the things he didn't approve would be sent back to him

they have no right to do it :angry:
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Would be awesome if this auction doesn't happen and MJ keeps his stuff!!!
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

including the hands from Edward Scissorhands, rhinestone gloves and socks, a tacky robe and the gates from Neverland.

I am wanting him to keep his stuff, he has worked so hard for it. Greedy MF's
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

i pray he keeps all his things especially his clothing/touritems/awards and everything that has sentimental value
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

The claims are straightforward and justified. Looks like Julien's Auction HOUSE (as it should be) just took the 'moving' to its own hands and assumed they could auction anything they saw fit when clearly given that they have no ownership rights to the goods they should get Michael's approval beforehand.

The catch is if somewhere bwteen Juliens being allowed to auction any 'approved' items and the items being moved...MJJ missed out on specifying that the goods are in actual still owned by Michael and ownership was not transferred to Juliens and that items for auction would have to be approved, by michael.

as for the Juliens name not being accurate...that would most probably be Juliens auction house being frivolous/careless in drafting the agreement.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

that is excellent news, Michael can keep his belongings, the legacy is safe !!
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Im mad as anything that he has to be bid for his own stuff!!!
HELLLL NOOO! :angry:
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

The claims are straightforward and justified. Looks like Julien's Auction HOUSE (as it should be) just took the 'moving' to its own hands and assumed they could auction anything they saw fit when clearly given that they have no ownership rights to the goods they should get Michael's approval beforehand.

The catch is if somewhere bwteen Juliens being allowed to auction any 'approved' items and the items being moved...MJJ missed out on specifying that the goods are in actual still owned by Michael and ownership was not transferred to Juliens and that items for auction would have to be approved, by michael.

as for the Juliens name not being accurate...that would most probably be Juliens auction house being frivolous/careless in drafting the agreement.

But presumably the fact that they did not use their 'legal name' could invalidate the contract?
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

So everything is okay?

We'll have to wait and see what's next, it's all between MJ (himself) and Julien's Auction I guess now.
But Michael trying to keep his personal belongings is a very good news (indeed).
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

yeh i hope he will get them bck
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

The claims are straightforward and justified. Looks like Julien's Auction HOUSE (as it should be) just took the 'moving' to its own hands and assumed they could auction anything they saw fit when clearly given that they have no ownership rights to the goods they should get Michael's approval beforehand.

The catch is if somewhere bwteen Juliens being allowed to auction any 'approved' items and the items being moved...MJJ missed out on specifying that the goods are in actual still owned by Michael and ownership was not transferred to Juliens and that items for auction would have to be approved, by michael.
Yeah, that about sums it up :)

Aside from the matter at hand, the timing of this lawsuit is beyond predictable... :doh: Oh well, I'd say all eyes back on the press conference! I'm confident the above matter will be dealth with soon enough.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Well maybe I'm being naive here but surely with the reputation Julien's Auction's have it would be better for them just to say 'oops, sorry, misunderstanding' and work with Michael on what he does want to sell. End of.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

^Exactly. I looks like a missunderstanding.
I think this is quite clear, Michael has a strong case. I hope they can solve this. Juliens took all the stuff and Michael was supposed to get a look at the personal stuff that they took but he wasn't given that opportunity. Maybe they'll just put the auction on hold and Michael goes through the stuff that he wants back. Hopefully. No need for yet another big law suit.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

okay guys read the docs before assuming things

he's been fighting and spending money trying to get his stuff back since august. it's very close to the auction date so now is the time they actually filed AFTER exhausting all other options, this was the last one.

they're claiming multiple reasons why this auction and 'agreement' can be voided....stating that julien's was never intent on keeping their word and allowing mj to check through the items to approve what he wanted to sell.

instead of combing through the items, they took it all BECAUSE he had 90 days to remove it from the ranch. so they took the lot and said they would look through it and mj would approve what could be put up. instead they put everythingup.

so if their intent was malicious from the start, anything said in good faith is VOID b/c both parties didn't have clean hands when the dealings began. ie: their intent was never positive.

POA is essential for a manager to have especially in mj's case cuz he's got so much going on he can't possibly sign everything. that's y the utmost care needs to be taken when selecting someone to fill the position. it looks like his choice fell short, no pun intended.

hopefully this can be resolved but the reasons mentioned by mj's people are stall techniques. some can holdup in court andsome can't. i can't get out of a contract w/ mj if i say im not sure that mjj productions is actually michael jackson b/c in reality he's michael jackson sr. it's a stall tactic.

so i hope it all ends well.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Do you think that the auctions items will still be shown to the public as they were coming to Ireland and then on to New York and other places.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Not to be on the auctioneers side here but, I should imagen Julien's already have a well established auction business, otherwise I doubt very much MJ would have picked them...
However I say that but I hope Michael and the Auctioneers sort their differences I highly doubt anything major will come about this.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

ah - interesting - so my contact within the family was correct - about the auction being cancelled and stuff being returned - moved back in. ( I asked if anyone had heard about a cxl last week in the main thread - Friday I think) - very interesting...
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

ah - interesting - so my contact within the family was correct - about the auction being cancelled and stuff being returned - moved back in. ( I asked if anyone had heard about a cxl last week in the main thread - Friday I think) - very interesting...

Yes, VERY interesting.

Here's something to consider. Julien's is a business, and while they could have made money on the auction, they could stand to lose a LOT if they mistreat Michael. However the law is untangled on this, it's clear what Michael's wishes are and he shouldn't have to go through the courts to get back what's rightfully HIS. If Julien's continues to hold onto the stuff and worse yet, goes ahead with the auction, others might see them as cold-hearted or dishonest and they could lose business that way. So they would be harmed in the long-term.

There is the law, and there is doing what is obviously the right thing. Those two things don't always match up, but this time. . . . I hope they do.

Now I'm gonna go turn on Access Hollywood for some GOOD news for a change.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Hello *****,

Thank you for your email and as you can understand that this is all news to us. We have been accommodating any requests made by Michael Jackson for the past eight months. If it is true and he is stating that there are items he does not want sold, why would he have ever given us the items in the first place. We are an auction house and that is all that we do. We are not a mover or storage facility. We are still proceeding with the exhibitions and auction and will contact Mr. Jackson and his manager later today. We are a reputable auction house and have always dealt with Mr. Jackson ethically and fairly as we do all our celebrity clients and will continue to do so.


Darren Julien
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

sounds like a manager f'up to me.

i totally hope he doesn't lose the things he values themost. and if he does have to bid, then he gets his stuff b ut either way, the auction house is gonna lose cuz this publicity doesn't paint them in a good light

their whole 'mover/auction house' story holds no weight b/c mj ONLY had three months to remove and dismantle things from the ranch. that means rides, furniture, things built into the property that he wanted, everything had to be removed.

so if he wanted to sell some, how could he be there to pick and choose while they're dismantling things? makes sense julien's came and got the whole lot THEN weeded out what he wanted.

let's hope it turns out in mj's favour
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Exactly SoSo. Juliens escuse of them not being a warehoue and only auction makes little sense. Nobody is disputing that they are indeed auctioners and are only there to auction goods, but that does not give them the right to auction things that have not been apporved to be sold - what has happened here.

Michael knew damn well they were not providing storage facility. All he was saying from what I understand from the court docs is that he gave them most the goods in the rpocess of moving the goods but clearly stated that anything they were interested in auctioning HAD to be approved by MJ as he is the OWNER of the goods.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Well I don't pretend to understand any of the legal stuff, but if MJ wants some things back, he should get them back. There probably really are things he wants to sell or they wouldn't have contacted Juliens in the 1st place.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

God, it's been a while since I've been here. So, Michael has lost the ranch...is auctioning off his stuff, damn. The only comfort I get from this is that his and his family's health is good, and these are things that he has to let go off in order to move on I guess. I only hope that he's able to keep those belongings which are dear to him. Bless you Michael. :better: