Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction/Settles MJ will keep all items

Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction



(Photo: WENN)
So you thought the gates of Michael Jackson's famed Neverland Ranch and one of the white gloves first unveiled in his 1983 Billie Jean video
were going up for auction in a 2,000-item sale organized by the self-styled King of Pop? Not if Michael has his way. The gloved one is suing auctioneer Darren Julien. Bottom line, Michael says his stuff was stolen and he wants it back. Jackson claims he never agreed to auction many of the items from Neverland Ranch. The property is worth millions of dollars and many of the items have extraordinary sentimental value
and are priceless, Michael claims in a new lawsuit filed today in Los Angeles Superior Court against Julien's Auction House. Michael said he wanted to review what items were to be sold at auction, and he claims that never happened. Julien claims Michael can bid on his items just like anyone else. The five-day auction in Beverly Hills, scheduled for April 21-25, was to be the first organized by Jackson, who has been living as a virtual recluse since his acquittal in 2005 on child sex abuse charges."

Source: http://radaronline.com/exclusives/2009/03/michael-jackson-sues-auction-house.php

Someone tell me how MJ has to bid on an outfit he's worn himself years ago, or bid on a sheet of music he originally wrote himself?!?!? Kinda crazy if you ask me, also does anyone remember how MJ either lost control of these items, or who let them become auctionable items?
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

This is mind boggling, although not in Michael's world, I guess. Julien's is one of the biggest and most respected of auction houses, is it not? For it to come to this just doesn't make any sense at all to me. So many potential scenarios as to who and why this occurred. As for TMZ breaking this "news", as it is indeed real, it would have gotten leaked/reported irregardless.

People in the business to report this kind of thing surely have moles, highpriced moles at that, and there are those more than willing to make sure things like this are made public when it comes to Michael. Those with agendas against Michael, or simply wanting to capitalize on making info available must surely be going into overdrive with the potential of a major surge/active re-entering of him into the forefront in the entertainment world.

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Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

now im freaking out
i don't know what to think at this moment
and the announcement tomorrow..... :unsure:
and now suddenly this :unsure:


but i can tell u one thing... i am DAMN glad michael is wanting his stuff back.
i knew this couldn't be him wanting to sell all of 2000 collected things from his life.
it's just not him...come on. those are his memories.
but no, just like everyone else, julien ripped him off too. played a conspiacy...a stupid f*cking game.

why does this happen to him. God! i feel like shouting to the world.....i swear. shouting and crying.

why do these unfair things ALWAYS f*cking happen to Michael Jackson!?
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

I'm glad michael wants his stuff back or wants it period (meaning who knows if they shoulda had it to begin with). WOW what a past couple of days.

Do da' thAng mike!

ok I just read the sue and i see that those fools weren't to sell anything without photos and without first michael telling them what he wanted sold. Boy I tell you what, somebody is always trying to get over on him. ugh! Handle it, handle yours mike! HANDLE IT!
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

You know what's so annoying...that all this is coming up a day before the BIG ANNOUNCEMENT....
now the stretch of these 13 hours is feeling like 13 years.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

I truly hope he gets his stuff back. I'm just sayin' . . I've always said here that this auction smelled like herring from the get-go. Those items, some of 'em, are too precious to let go of. Speaking of fish, I hope his attorneys are barracudas on this one!
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

color me confizzled

I thought ... nevermind what i thought, get your ish back Mizzy Jay :zformation:
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

ok I just read the sue and i see that those fools weren't to sell anything without photos and without first michael telling them what he wanted sold. Boy I tell you what, somebody is always trying to get over on him. ugh! Handle it, handle yours mike! HANDLE IT!

he is the world's biggest showman....
and extremeley creative
and very talented
and has great marketing schemes
but he is, alas, nottt a good businessman...
or maybe i shouldn't say businessman...
maybe i should say, as you do, not very good with sorta thinkin' it out.....being careful where he puts his feet...

and after constantly having his trust broken i hate to see shit like this pop up....

but one thing is for sure, i am so damn GLAD and elated to know he DIDN'T want his stuff being sold off like this.
it was ludicrous to see those "going broke" stories surf up like dead fish in an ocean. HONESTLY!!

and what I do wish and pray from the bottom of my heart is that he wins this case and gets his things back. i mean seriously. THEY ARE HIS F*CKING THINGS......HE DOES NOT NEED TO F*CKING BID FOR STUFF THAT IS OWNED BY HIM!

this is as crazy as that story about him wanting to kill Steven Spielburg or something.

Please Pray guys.... pleasee.....
this is another conspiring scheme to stop to King Of Pop from reclaiming his throne, considering he never lost the crown.....

and people honestly have to be told to S-T-F-U.
they aren't the ones who made the WORLD's biggest selling album. Who moonwaked into over a million people's hearts. Who have the most finest and everlasting music. Who can dance unlike any single soul on the face of this planet. Damn they are not the f*cking ones who if you mention their name to even a homeless person in the suburbs of iraq he will say "oh yeah...i think i've heard of him."

so they can f*cking eat it.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction


its clear better to not mess with Mr Jackson,go Mike you will get yo' stuff back!
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Interesting timing and a crappy deal if they did just take the stuff. But the timing was on Michael's part if his lawyers made it public by doing it today so...maybe something will be said at the conference tomorrow. Surely with that out there the press will ask about it.

Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Go mike...and do your thang!!
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

oh my gosh...with all that's going I'm juggling thread up in this peace. So much to read so little time:bugeyed
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

I truly hope he gets his stuff back. I'm just sayin' . . I've always said here that this auction smelled like herring from the get-go. Those items, some of 'em, are too precious to let go of. Speaking of fish, I hope his attorneys are barracudas on this one!

...You knew it and I KNEW it, too. Thank God Mike really didn't want to get rid of it.

...but the question is, WHO ON EARTH authorized this if MIKE did NOT??????

Boy, Mike has always got drama. I wonder who did this? If it wasn't Mike, then EXACTLY WHO gave Julien's the permission???
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

...but the question is, WHO ON EARTH authorized this if MIKE did NOT??????

Properly someone went behind his back and did it..wouldnt surprise me if itw as someone he really trusted
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

...You knew it and I KNEW it, too. Thank God Mike really didn't want to get rid of it.

...but the question is, WHO ON EARTH authorized this if MIKE did NOT??????

Boy, Mike has always got drama. I wonder who did this? If it wasn't Mike, then EXACTLY WHO gave Julien's the permission???

Yep, my sentiments exactly. Who on earth has that kind of access to this stuff. And who thought, they could give authorization without Michael's "full" involvement and "thumbs-up".
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

dude gave himself permission. He dirty like that.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction


Michael Jackson sues auction house for sale plans
52 minutes ago
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Michael Jackson has filed a lawsuit to try to stop the scheduled auction of thousands of his personal possessions.
The King of Pop's company, MJJ Productions, filed a lawsuit in Los Angeles Superior Court on Wednesday against Julien's Auction House. It claims founder Darren Julien promised to send Jackson an inventory of sale items, but that the singer hasn't given permission to move them all.
The suit claims many of the items are "priceless and irreplaceable" and describes the attempt to sell them as "malicious, fraudulent, extreme, outrageous and without any legal justification whatsoever."
Julien was out of the country Wednesday and did not immediately respond to an e-mail and phone call seeking comment.
In December, Julien's company announced it would administer a five-day auction in April featuring more than 2,000 of Jackson's personal items, including his American Music Award for "Thriller," a velvet cape given to him by his children for Father's Day in 1998, a pair of rhinestone-trimmed socks from 1981 and a basketball signed by Michael Jordan.
Platinum and gold records, a customized Harley Davidson, a Rolls Royce limousine and his own original artwork were also set for sale, according to the original announcement.
MJJ Productions authorized the auction house to remove the items from Jackson's Neverland Ranch, according to court documents, but not to sell them without Jackson's permission.
Copyright © 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Is this another major breakdown in the vast MJ/advisors/legal world? Is there someone in the middle of this with another agenda? Surely not some sort of bizarre "interest" getting story? Something surely seems big time not right with this latest development.

And the timing of this to be filed, another question mark. There just seems to be layer upon layer of intrigue, of course nothing new in MJ's world over the last few decades. :ph34r:
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

i get the feeling tmz is angry that they have one more story that they have to scratch out that would give them leverage to say he's broke. lol

tmz are real tools.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

i get the feeling tmz is angry that they have one more story that they have to scratch out that would give them leverage to say he's broke. lol

tmz are real tools.

I agree with all u said vncwilliam
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Interesting timing and a crappy deal if they did just take the stuff. But the timing was on Michael's part if his lawyers made it public by doing it today so...maybe something will be said at the conference tomorrow. Surely with that out there the press will ask about it.


Yeah. Interesting. Sure looks like the timing was Michael's, and not the other way around. He just wants his STUFF back! IMHO, he's been ripped off too much and I hope this is resolved quickly. Maybe making it public will help? I'd expect that he'd have to remiburse for some costs, such as the printing of the catalogs.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

I truly hope he gets his stuff back. I'm just sayin' . . I've always said here that this auction smelled like herring from the get-go. Those items, some of 'em, are too precious to let go of. Speaking of fish, I hope his attorneys are barracudas on this one!

No use in crying over spilled milk BUT I think an attorney should have been a barracuda on this BEFOREHAND. Someone fell down on the job when they reviewed the agreement. EVERYTHING said should have been on that paper and not just left as an "understanding". This HAS GOT to stop happening. Seriously, where are all the barracuda lawyers when it comes to MJ contracts and agreements?! They should be air-tight to the point a dust mite couldn't get thru it. So frustrating!!

...You knew it and I KNEW it, too. Thank God Mike really didn't want to get rid of it.

...but the question is, WHO ON EARTH authorized this if MIKE did NOT??????

Boy, Mike has always got drama. I wonder who did this? If it wasn't Mike, then EXACTLY WHO gave Julien's the permission???

According to the lawsuit, he WAS interested in parting with some things BUT he wanted to be the one who decided what he wanted to part with and he had been told that he would get to see inventory of everything they took from Neverland, see photos of the items, make his decisions and final approval. And since that didn't happen, it looks like he's only asking for everything back.

As for WHO ON EARTH authorized this, WELLLLLL according to the lawsuit, the Good Doctor Thome signed the agreement on behalf of MJJ Productions, HOWEVER, Michael did not sign the agreement.

I had written more but I decided to deleted it. I'm not going to say what I think until I see Julien's response. I just think this is more than extremely unfortunate. And I will say having a lawyer beforehand is always safer than needing one AFTER the fact. So unfortunate. Almost tragic. I'll also say it's sad how it's virtually impossible for him trust people at their word. I hope to God that all kinds of attorneys have reviewed his O2 contract or whatever he plans to announce tomorrow.

I hope and pray Michael is able to get his things back. He was obviously duped. But someone should have had his back to make sure this didn't happen. Unfortunate.
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Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Jackson claims he never agreed to auction many of the items from Neverland Ranch.
The property is worth millions of dollars and many of the items have extraordinary
sentimental value and are priceless,
I found it confusing that Michael would wanna auction off items that held great sentiment to him.
But I figured, Oh well, it's his stuff...do as he pleases. But it did puzzle me. Now I see why.
But it seems that it's not that he didnt want the auction at all, but that he wanted and expected
to be able to approve of what would and wouldnt go.
That didnt seem to happen.

It's always something.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

I hope mj can get his stuff back