Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction/Settles MJ will keep all items

Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

.. just as some of the older fans still think they know what they're on about delving into Michael Jackson's private business.

the extent of this law suit isn't different from any other previous one in that we don't know the details behind the what/who/why etc. no matter what's written by a bunch of lawyers.

all these calls to direct Mike's business affairs, constantly trash whoever's working for him, etc. etc. is getting tired.

One: Genius does not necessarily = buttoned up business dealings.

Two: We're talking about the greatest entertainer that ever lived -- NOT the greatest legal mind, business man, etc.

Three: It amazes me how some peeps just really don't get Mike. Mike did not go into this business so that his STUFF ends up on Ebay at the end of his career. Or at some auction house so that Ray Ray and Moe Moe can buy his gates.

Four: Something ain't right. And I pray this O2 thing is buttoned up. I pray this thing hasn't been set up by a 2 headed snake in Mike's camp. I pray this comes off without a hitch.

Five: Mike deserves better than this.

Six: Yeah, Mike sometimes puts himself in situations where he's taken advantage (no doubt), but I still fault the WOLF in the flock. If things go wrong, it's cause there are opportunists looking for their pay day. That's not to say I don't see the glaring mistakes. Seriously, the revolving doors of staffers is not helping anybody. Mike, guard yourself. Quit letting these snakes into the camp. This should NEVER have come to this.

Seven: Why did this happen? AGAIN??????????????????????????
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

No use in crying over spilled milk BUT I think an attorney should have been a barracuda on this BEFOREHAND. Someone fell down on the job when they reviewed the agreement. EVERYTHING said should have been on that paper and not just left as an "understanding". This HAS GOT to stop happening. Seriously, where are all the barracuda lawyers when it comes to MJ contracts and agreements?! They should be air-tight to the point a dust mite couldn't get thru it. So frustrating!!

According to the lawsuit, he WAS interested in parting with some things BUT he wanted to be the one who decided what he wanted to part with and he had been told that he would get to see inventory of everything they took from Neverland, see photos of the items, make his decisions and final approval. And since that didn't happen, it looks like he's only asking for everything back.

As for WHO ON EARTH authorized this, WELLLLLL according to the lawsuit, the Good Doctor Thome signed the agreement on behalf of MJJ Productions, HOWEVER, Michael did not sign the agreement.

I had written more but I decided to deleted it. I'm not going to say what I think until I see Julien's response. I just think this is more than extremely unfortunate. And I will say having a lawyer beforehand is always safer than needing one AFTER the fact. So unfortunate. Almost tragic. I'll also say it's sad how it's virtually impossible for him trust people at their word. I hope to God that all kinds of attorneys have reviewed his O2 contract or whatever he plans to announce tomorrow.

I hope and pray Michael is able to get his things back. He was obviously duped. But someone should have had his back to make sure this didn't happen. Unfortunate.
You hit it right on the head. Do pray the same for the bolded part. Lordy lordy who can michael trust?:doh:
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

One: Genius does not necessarily = buttoned up business dealings.

Two: We're talking about the greatest entertainer that ever lived -- NOT the greatest legal mind, business man, etc.

Three: It amazes me how some peeps just really don't get Mike. Mike did not go into this business so that his STUFF ends up on Ebay at the end of his career. Or at some auction house so that Ray Ray and Moe Moe can buy his gates.

Four: Something ain't right. And I pray this O2 thing is buttoned up. I pray this thing hasn't been set up by a 2 headed snake in Mike's camp. I pray this comes off without a hitch.

Five: Mike deserves better than this.

Six: Yeah, Mike sometimes puts himself in situations where he's taken advantage (no doubt), but I still fault the WOLF in the flock. If things go wrong, it's cause there are opportunists looking for their pay day. That's not to say I don't see the glaring mistakes. Seriously, the revolving doors of staffers is not helping anybody. Mike, guard yourself. Quit letting these snakes into the camp. This should NEVER have come to this.

Seven: Why did this happen? AGAIN??????????????????????????

I know this is serious but...I almost died when I read, "Or at some auction house so that Ray Ray and Moe Moe can buy his gates.":rofl:
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Wait!......how did this happen? How can they put his stuff up for auction without his permission and how did they get the stuff? or is it that some items were to be auctioned and not others?
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

One: Genius does not necessarily = buttoned up business dealings.

Two: We're talking about the greatest entertainer that ever lived -- NOT the greatest legal mind, business man, etc.

Three: It amazes me how some peeps just really don't get Mike. Mike did not go into this business so that his STUFF ends up on Ebay at the end of his career. Or at some auction house so that Ray Ray and Moe Moe can buy his gates.

Four: Something ain't right. And I pray this O2 thing is buttoned up. I pray this thing hasn't been set up by a 2 headed snake in Mike's camp. I pray this comes off without a hitch.

Five: Mike deserves better than this.

Six: Yeah, Mike sometimes puts himself in situations where he's taken advantage (no doubt), but I still fault the WOLF in the flock. If things go wrong, it's cause there are opportunists looking for their pay day. That's not to say I don't see the glaring mistakes. Seriously, the revolving doors of staffers is not helping anybody. Mike, guard yourself. Quit letting these snakes into the camp. This should NEVER have come to this.

Seven: Why did this happen? AGAIN??????????????????????????

Yup. He needs to guard himself. Better late than never, though. If his attorneys can't handle this, then best to get new ones. And the remark about "older fans?" Yup, again. We've been around the block with this stuff and know some of the past "taking advantage of Michael." It is what it is.

Vstreet, see your PM.

Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Did someone post in another thread that the catalogs were autographed by Michael? Hopefully not, otherwise it may be used as an indication that he was provided with or informed of what was to be auctioned depending upon how the signatures were obtained on the catalogs.

It seems that this is really going to boil down to the technicalities about the civil codes in relation to the agreement. Hopefully, this is solid. Many contracts are terminated simply because of such technicalities.

The problem with the argument about Michael not signing the agreement doesn't seem very strong because the property was allowed to be removed without his signature so it would be a stretch to say it was needed for the auction but not the removal of the property.

The other problem seems to be that the initial concern was having the property removed quickly within the necessary time period and it may come across as a "let's use this company to move the items and store them for us and worry about the rest later" attitude, especially again considering the moving of the property was done without Michael's signature yet an argument is now that D. Tohme was not authorized to act without final approval from Michael concerning personal property. So in some respects, I can see the company's response about not being a moving company. This would have been so much cleaner if Michael had paid for the removal and storage of items and then contacted the auction company.

Again, hopefully, the technicality aspect of this will hold so that the contract is broken and Michael gets back what he wants. I'm sure that what is coming will be a countersuit for the cost of removing and storing the items all this time. Of course, the key to this will be documentation of all correspondence throughout these months; hopefully, it is well documented that Michael was requesting the return of the property.
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Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Why do you think someone has Michael's POA? It will be interesting to see how the agreement is drawn up; is there a designated place for Michael's signature as if it was expected and needed or if it appears as if someone does have the right to sign in his behalf?

This is really probably going to be on the technicalities alone.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Wait!......how did this happen? How can they put his stuff up for auction without his permission and how did they get the stuff? or is it that some items were to be auctioned and not others?

I'm thinking a lil something called Power of Attorney may be the answear :doh:
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Did someone post in another thread that the catalogs were autographed by Michael? Hopefully not, otherwise it may be used as an indication that he was provided with or informed of what was to be auctioned depending upon how the signatures were obtained on the catalogs.

It seems that this is really going to boil down to the technicalities about the civil codes in relation to the agreement. Hopefully, this is solid. Many contracts are terminated simply because of such tecnicalities.

The problem with the argument about Michael not signing the agreement doesn't seem very strong because the property was allowed to be removed without his signature so it would be a stretch to say it was needed for the auction but not the removal of the property.

The other problem seems to be that the initial concern was having the property removed quickly within the necessary time period and it may come across as a "let's use this company to move the items and store them for us and worry about the rest later" attitude, especially again considering the moving of the property was done without Michael's signature yet an argument is now that D. Tohme was not authorized to act without final approval from Michael concerning personal property. So in some respects, I can see the company's response about not being a moving company. This would have been so much cleaner if Michael had paid for the removal and storage of items and then contacted the auction company.

Again, hopefully, the technicality aspect of this will hold so that the contract is broken and Michael gets back what he wants. I'm sure that what is coming will be a countersuit for the cost of removing and storing the items all this time. Of course, the key to this will be documentation of all correspondence throughout these months; hopefully, it is well documented that Michael was requesting the return of the property.

That is a VERY good point. If Michael signed the catalogs, that might be taken as a tacet agreement that it was ok to sell all the stuff in them. Ultimately, yet again, this will be settled in court. I'd just like ONE time to see Michael's true wishes honored and not a lot of "legalese." He clearly doesn't want to sell all this stuff. . . . . .maybe he was distracted, busy, not feeling well, or whatever. But he does NOT want to sell everything and that is clear! Someone, somewhere, has to give the man a break?

The key issue here in a legal sense is did he or did he not give power of attorney to someone else. (dammit!) If he did, that person has the right under the law to act as if he WAS Michael and sign all documents, including those that are financial. During the trial, he gave away POA because he was too involved in saving his own life to deal with business matters. Uhm, that did NOT work out well and took years to clean up.

I just really, really, hope that true justice is done this time. (I could say, "I TOLD you so, but that would not be productive at this point in time and it doesn't feel very good at the moment, to have been right. The losses to Michael of his legacy could be huge, and too sad to contemplate.)

carry on,

Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

We should stop to talk about this and concentrate on the press conference... I hope this new will not shadow the press conference tomorrow...
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

We should stop to talk about this and concentrate on the press conference... I hope this new will not shadow the press conference tomorrow...

The press conference is VERY good news, and all are free to go to that thread and enjoy it, if this one is too upsetting. OK?
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

I know this is serious but...I almost died when I read, "Or at some auction house so that Ray Ray and Moe Moe can buy his gates.":rofl:

I kinda giggled myself at that part. :fear:

Did someone post in another thread that the catalogs were autographed by Michael? Hopefully not, otherwise it may be used as an indication that he was provided with or informed of what was to be auctioned depending upon how the signatures were obtained on the catalogs.

It seems that this is really going to boil down to the technicalities about the civil codes in relation to the agreement. Hopefully, this is solid. Many contracts are terminated simply because of such tecnicalities.

The problem with the argument about Michael not signing the agreement doesn't seem very strong because the property was allowed to be removed without his signature so it would be a stretch to say it was needed for the auction but not the removal of the property.

The other problem seems to be that the initial concern was having the property removed quickly within the necessary time period and it may come across as a "let's use this company to move the items and store them for us and worry about the rest later" attitude, especially again considering the moving of the property was done without Michael's signature yet an argument is now that D. Tohme was not authorized to act without final approval from Michael concerning personal property. So in some respects, I can see the company's response about not being a moving company. This would have been so much cleaner if Michael had paid for the removal and storage of items and then contacted the auction company.

Again, hopefully, the technicality aspect of this will hold so that the contract is broken and Michael gets back what he wants. I'm sure that what is coming will be a countersuit for the cost of removing and storing the items all this time. Of course, the key to this will be documentation of all correspondence throughout these months; hopefully, it is well documented that Michael was requesting the return of the property.

You basically wrote what I deleted. lol I didn't want to say this mainly rests on the technicality becuz it makes things sound really grim for MJ. Technicalities are iffy...depending on the judge's discretion. I wanted to wait to see what Julien's response would be to the courts as they may have something else to say besides technicalities....one being something you pointed out in your first paragraph.

Let me add that not only was Michael duped, but it seems Dr. Tohme's defense is the same....that he was been duped as well. It seems he signed on behalf of MJJ Productions believing what he had been told...that MJ would have final approval before things were sold.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

My thing is if someone wants their stuff back why not give it to them if you're not trying to wrong them. It's not like michael wasn't gonna sell some of the stuff. And if someone is calling you constantly about it why not talk with that person and settle things if you're not trying to wrong them, is all i'm saying. You can pick up the phone when someone gives you something but when there is a misunderstanding you're no where to be found. come'on now.

I do agree this shouldn't keep happening. what in the world!

and why does deja vu keep happening in these (mjjc) threads. No michael was wronged ...no michael IS wrong you don't know all the detail yet blah blah blah. ugh!
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Interesting timing and a crappy deal if they did just take the stuff. But the timing was on Michael's part if his lawyers made it public by doing it today so...maybe something will be said at the conference tomorrow. Surely with that out there the press will ask about it.


My personal guess (and it is just a guess)...

Michael waited until the final signing of the papers for O2 to bring the suit. I am basing that on one of the media reports that stated that he was in London in part to officially sign the contract. Now of course that may not be true but if it is he made sure that the flack that would come out of something that looked like him pulling out of something didn't effect the price he negotiated with O2. Dunno. Just saying.

And to the person who commented on Juliens being a respected auction house:

It is not clear that it is the same Juliens. If you read the suit, the name is not the same. It looks like they may have created a similar name in order to deceive people into thinking they were dealing with the real thing.

And Vic, I was one of the people who said it was good for Michael to move on but as more and more things that were in effect gifts or especially made for him (especially the cape from his kids) started showing up, I started wondering too. It seems clear that he did intend to auction some things off, it is just that once again control was lost.

I do not know if it is Tohme Tohme's fault other than he should have gotten it in writing (just like Michael's people or Michael himself) should have gotten an ironclad contract from Bashier. Now part of the suit is brought based on a verbal contract so to speak. The law is suppose to rule on intent and verbal contracts count but it sure is hard to prove them. It seems that there is enough other stuff in the suit to bring charges against them on other than the thing that is the true breach albet difficult to prove one.

I am pleased to see Mike going so totally gangsta on this.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Yep, my sentiments exactly. Who on earth has that kind of access to this stuff. And who thought, they could give authorization without Michael's "full" involvement and "thumbs-up".

Apparently, Thome, the president of MJJ, authorized Julien to go into the property and gather the items. But obviously, something wasn't communicated fully between MJ, Thome and Julien. Or, Julien just ran with the auction w/o MJ's approval as he stated in his lawsuit. But my thing is this....it would have been better for Michael to separate the things he wanted to keep from the things he wanted to auction and have them put in a separate place in the house long before Julien's was let into the ranch. This would have been a wise thing to do.

I agree. I don't understand why Michael would agree to this wait so long and suddenly try to pull the plug on the auction.

But he didn't wait so long. The lawsuit said that he repeatedly tried to get his stuff back from Julien's and they refused. Why jump right into a lawsuit before trying diplomatically to get your stuff back? That is what he has been trying to do all this time.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

That is a VERY good point. If Michael signed the catalogs, that might be taken as a tacet agreement that it was ok to sell all the stuff in them. Ultimately, yet again, this will be settled in court. I'd just like ONE time to see Michael's true wishes honored and not a lot of "legalese." He clearly doesn't want to sell all this stuff. . . . . .maybe he was distracted, busy, not feeling well, or whatever. But he does NOT want to sell everything and that is clear! Someone, somewhere, has to give the man a break?

The key issue here in a legal sense is did he or did he not give power of attorney to someone else. (dammit!) If he did, that person has the right under the law to act as if he WAS Michael and sign all documents, including those that are financial. During the trial, he gave away POA because he was too involved in saving his own life to deal with business matters. Uhm, that did NOT work out well and took years to clean up.

I just really, really, hope that true justice is done this time. (I could say, "I TOLD you so, but that would not be productive at this point in time and it doesn't feel very good at the moment, to have been right. The losses to Michael of his legacy could be huge, and too sad to contemplate.)

carry on,


And that will be the TRUE casualty if anything: THE immeasurable cost to his legacy.

Seriously, who cares about anything else? I'm with you on this. I want his legacy to remain whole and intact. I don't want to see his stuff being displayed at some tourist trap in Vegas or end up on some "sneak a peek" website. He worked too hard for all this to end up being scattered to the wind.

Those signed catalogs are a BIG problem.

PS - check your pm.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

But he didn't wait so long. The lawsuit said that he repeatedly tried to get his stuff back from Julien's and they refused. Why jump right into a lawsuit before trying diplomatically to get your stuff back? That is what he has been trying to do all this time.

I understand. I was saying that because I had a hard time believing that Michael would do something that way.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

My thing is if someone wants their stuff back why not give it to them if you're not trying to wrong them. It's not like michael wasn't gonna sell some of the stuff. And if someone is calling you constantly about it why not talk with that person and settle things if you're not trying to wrong them, is all i'm saying. You can pick up the phone when someone gives you something but when there is a misunderstanding you're no where to be found. come'on now.

I do agree this shouldn't keep happening. what in the world!

and why does deja vu keep happening in these (mjjc) threads. No michael was wronged ...no michael IS wrong you don't know all the detail yet blah blah blah. ugh!

I 100% agree with both your deja vu comment and that the auctioneer gave himself permission. Spot on.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

The press conference is VERY good news, and all are free to go to that thread and enjoy it, if this one is too upsetting. OK?

You're right about this. Michael filed the lawsuit so he is probably aware of the timing of it all. I still look at all these lawsuits with a different perspective since the trial. Not to diminish anything at all-but this isn't his life on the line in the literal sense.

He will do what he needs to do with this and survive either way that it turns out. He has been the ultimate survivor in so many ways. He'll be okay in the long run.

Besides, like I said, hopefully this will all hinge on the civil codes. It will be interesting to see the legal response to that from the auction company.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

I'm thinking a lil something called Power of Attorney may be the answear :doh:

But why in God's name would anyone be given Power of Attorney given the bad experience that happened last time?!?!:doh:

You know what, I a'int got time for this, tomorrow is a big day, so let me go get some sleep!
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Oh no, not again :cry:
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

. . .
You basically wrote what I deleted. lol I didn't want to say this mainly rests on the technicality becuz it makes things sound really grim for MJ. Technicalities are iffy...depending on the judge's discretion. I wanted to wait to see what Julien's response would be to the courts as they may have something else to say besides technicalities....one being something you pointed out in your first paragraph.

Let me add that not only was Michael duped, but it seems Dr. Tohme's defense is the same....that he was been duped as well. It seems he signed on behalf of MJJ Productions believing what he had been told...that MJ would have final approval before things were sold.

Well, sometimes, no matter what else the judge may think in a case, the technicality is so tight and legit that he still has to rule according to it. I guess if the civil codes are as stated in the filing and the contract really does not demonstrate all required parts, it becomes void. Think about criminal cases that are sometimes dropped all because of a technicality even though certain things about the crime may be very apparent to the judge. So it can happen. We'll just have to have faith that Michael's attorney's know what they are talking about when it comes to contracts and civil codes.

What may be trouble is if the company countersues. Then the judge may have leeway to make monetary compensation for expenses but I'm not sure if that would fly either if the contract was void in the first place. There are times when technicalities just cause you to be out of luck no matter what transpired.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Apparently, Thome, the president of MJJ, authorized Julien to go into the property and gather the items. But obviously, something wasn't communicated fully between MJ, Thome and Julien. Or, Julien just ran with the auction w/o MJ's approval as he stated in his lawsuit. But my thing is this....it would have been better for Michael to separate the things he wanted to keep from the things he wanted to auction and have them put in a separate place in the house long before Julien's was let into the ranch. This would have been a wise thing to do.
very true...but they way michael was feeling about neverL he didn't even want to go back there and look at the place I can imagine. NeverL was being sold and mike was like just gather it up and store it until further notice. Then once his feelings kicked in and he got alright (emotionally), then maybe that's when michael wanted some of his things back (or went after them). Who knows how long julien had michael's things in storage!? Now michael is trying to get in touch wit'cha greasy behind and you all of a sudden got phoneaphobia.:smilerolleyes:
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Well, sometimes, no matter what else the judge may think in a case, the technicality is so tight and legit that he still has to rule according to it. I guess if the civil codes are as stated in the filing and the contract really does not demonstrate all required parts, it becomes void. Think about criminal cases that are sometimes dropped all because of a technicality even though certain things about the crime may be very apparent to the judge. So it can happen. We'll just have to have faith that Michael's attorney's know what they are talking about when it comes to contracts and civil codes.

What may be trouble is if the company countersues. Then the judge may have leeway to make monetary compensation for expenses but I'm not sure if that would fly either if the contract was void in the first place. There are times when technicalities just cause you to be out of luck no matter what transpired.

I'm hoping this will be the case and I'm interested to see what Julien's response to the technicalities will be, too. And what's with the DOES 1-25??? Some of them apparently have fictitious names and whatnot? There may be more to this than just technicalities once MJ's side is able to identify all these Does. Who are they and why the fictitious names if they were doing legitimate work? Why the deception?
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Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Well, it seems that his attorneys have a strong history in the entertainment business. It seems as if they will be aggressive with this.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

And that will be the TRUE casualty if anything: THE immeasurable cost to his legacy.

Seriously, who cares about anything else? I'm with you on this. I want his legacy to remain whole and intact. I don't want to see his stuff being displayed at some tourist trap in Vegas or end up on some "sneak a peek" website. He worked too hard for all this to end up being scattered to the wind.

Those signed catalogs are a BIG problem.

PS - check your pm.

Vstreet, thank you for understanding. Over the years, I've appreciated your clarity, about everything? It's not that we must validate Michael for everything that he does, but the theme remains, of his extraordinary, creative genius. There has never been anyone quite like him, and I doubt there ever will be again. For that reason alone, this auction made my HAIR stand up when it was first announced. I posted that, but was basically shot down. That's ok. I know what I know. There was something very "off" about it from the outset. It is not just about Michael. He has been a force for cultural change, and the legacy of his LIFE is important to world-history. There have been many lawsuits, but this one. . .he just has to win.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

And to the person who commented on Juliens being a respected auction house:

It is not clear that it is the same Juliens. If you read the suit, the name is not the same. It looks like they may have created a similar name in order to deceive people into thinking they were dealing with the real thing.

I'm surely no expert at clarifying someone's authenticity, but Darrien Julien is the head of Julien's. They are pretty much on the same level as Sotheby's and Christie's auction houses when it comes to celebrity auctions of whatever caliber. You can check out their site here and decide for yourself: http://www.juliensauctions.com/about-juliens.html It includes an overview of who they are, brief bios of the head honchoes, Michael's belonging's in the auction, etc.

As to what transpired, yet again it gets grainy when trying to figure out who ultimately is to blame for what is happening, although I have to admit that I have my own suspicions. Somehwhere down the line, someone screwed up, either intentionally or innocently. We've been down this road how many times before? And now Michael is ultimately responsible for it in the eyes of the law and public opinion unless it can be totally pinned on someone within his entourage. Deja Vu all over again.

It will be extremely interesting to see how the press conference plays out at the O2 (or is it o2).

Nothing in Michael's world is simple, bottom line.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

I'm surely no expert at clarifying someone's authenticity, but Darrien Julien is the head of Julien's. They are pretty much on the same level as Sotheby's and Christie's auction houses when it comes to celebrity auctions of whatever caliber. You can check out their site here and decide for yourself: http://www.juliensauctions.com/about-juliens.html It includes an overview of who they are, brief bios of the head honchoes, Michael's belonging's in the auction, etc.

As to what transpired, yet again it gets grainy when trying to figure out who ultimately is to blame for what is happening, although I have to admit that I have my own suspicions. Somehwhere down the line, someone screwed up, either intentionally or innocently. We've been down this road how many times before? And now Michael is ultimately responsible for it in the eyes of the law and public opinion unless it can be totally pinned on someone within his entourage. Deja Vu all over again.

It will be extremely interesting to see how the press conference plays out at the O2 (or is it o2).

Nothing in Michael's world is simple, bottom line.

Ah.. I take it you are certain. They do comment on the name in the suit:

19. At the time he signed the Agreement, Dr. Tohme was not aware that there was no such entity as “Julien’s Auctions, LLC.” The actual name of the LLC is “Julien’s Auction House, LLC.”

The suit also says they do not know the true names of the defendents. Just because someone calls themself Darrien Julien doesn't mean that they are 'the' Darrien Julien or any Darrien Julien for that matter.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Ah.. I take it you are certain. They do comment on the name in the suit:

The suit also says they do not know the true names of the defendents. Just because someone calls themself Darrien Julien doesn't mean that they are 'the' Darrien Julien or any Darrien Julien for that matter.

Hmm, don't know how to respond to this. All I can say is that if you type Julien's Auction House into search bar, you get Julien's Auction site with all their "credentials" with the entire Michael Jackson auction info here: http://www.juliensauctions.com/. So unless 2 different people were trying to pull this off, or that one or the other took Michael's things under false pretenses, I'm not getting sure what you're saying.