Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction/Settles MJ will keep all items

Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

...You knew it and I KNEW it, too. Thank God Mike really didn't want to get rid of it.

...but the question is, WHO ON EARTH authorized this if MIKE did NOT??????

Boy, Mike has always got drama. I wonder who did this? If it wasn't Mike, then EXACTLY WHO gave Julien's the permission???

Vstreet, oh YEAH, we knew it. We caught a lot of flak for it, too. LOL But seriously. . . . . I hope he does everything he can to get his stuff back and then punishes/fires/whatever else, whoever did this to him! He's got enough on his mind with the O2 stuff. Sure hope his attorneys are aggressive on this one!

Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

^^^ I truely agree Wendy Dtto
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

It's going to be just like the las vegas auction. Michael will not be able to stop it....it's no longer in his hands.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

"The suit claims many of the items are "priceless and irreplaceable" and describes the attempt to sell them as "malicious, fraudulent, extreme, outrageous and without any legal justification whatsoever."

I hope heads ROLL on this one. I remember when the news of the auction first broke, and then the list of stuff. Some was simply too precious to be sold like that. Some folks thought it was just GREAT that this stuff was being sold and that it represented a positive move. A gentle caution in the future to think DEEPLY about what you read. Turn it around from all angles. This was NOT a good thing. Too much was being lost, and Michael has a history of snakes being around him. . . . . IMHO.

carry on,

Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

What the hell happened?
Isnt this auction approved by mj??

julien claims michael can bid on his items just like anyone else. The five-day auction in beverly hills, scheduled for april 21-25, was to be the first organized by jackson, who has been living as a virtual recluse since his acquittal in 2005 on child sex abuse charges."
and mj has to bid on something belong to him to get it back?
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

I never got this whole auction thing. I mean, sure, he's got stuff, but I never thought he go selling it like that.

Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Vstreet, oh YEAH, we knew it. We caught a lot of flak for it, too. LOL But seriously. . . . . I hope he does everything he can to get his stuff back and then punishes/fires/whatever else, whoever did this to him! He's got enough on his mind with the O2 stuff. Sure hope his attorneys are aggressive on this one!


Here, I'll say it: Kick Tohme to the CURB Mike!! Kick Tohme to the curb!!!
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Here, I'll say it: Kick Tohme to the CURB Mike!! Kick Tohme to the curb!!!

Kick Tohme and bring in McLin & Backerman :punk:
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

"The suit claims many of the items are "priceless and irreplaceable" and describes the attempt to sell them as "malicious, fraudulent, extreme, outrageous and without any legal justification whatsoever."

I hope heads ROLL on this one. I remember when the news of the auction first broke, and then the list of stuff. Some was simply too precious to be sold like that. Some folks thought it was just GREAT that this stuff was being sold and that it represented a positive move. A gentle caution in the future to think DEEPLY about what you read. Turn it around from all angles. This was NOT a good thing. Too much was being lost, and Michael has a history of snakes being around him. . . . . IMHO.

carry on,


EXACTLY. Some of the younger fans were expressing how happy they were with seeing Mike get rid of everything. Like this was a "positive" move by him to shed his legacy. It's all about his LEGACY folks. Common, if you don't know important this man's legacy is, then you really don't know Michael Jackson or the full extent of this man's being. This man is SUPER Important to history. And his legacy is important to all of us.

MICHAEL JACKSON IS NEVERLAND and NEVERLAND IS MJ. It's the whole deal (not just the music -- it's the totality of MJ -- music, neverland, dance, philanthropy, humanitarianism, fatherhood, business acumen -- it's a TOTAL PACKAGE).
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

It's going to be just like the las vegas auction. Michael will not be able to stop it....it's no longer in his hands.

Actually, it's possible for him to stop it as he did the Universal one. With Universal tho, I believe some things were simply out of his hands and were lost. Well, this time no one has Joe to blame. :fear:

"The suit claims many of the items are "priceless and irreplaceable" and describes the attempt to sell them as "malicious, fraudulent, extreme, outrageous and without any legal justification whatsoever."

I hope heads ROLL on this one. I remember when the news of the auction first broke, and then the list of stuff. Some was simply too precious to be sold like that. Some folks thought it was just GREAT that this stuff was being sold and that it represented a positive move. A gentle caution in the future to think DEEPLY about what you read. Turn it around from all angles. This was NOT a good thing. Too much was being lost, and Michael has a history of snakes being around him. . . . . IMHO.

carry on,


You're right. SOME things did seem odd that he would get rid of, but when put in the context of someone "moving on" and wanting to close a chapter in his life, it didn't seem farfetched.

As for heads rolling, another rumor we heard last week (amongst many) was that Peter Lopez was let go. He IS an attorney. Hmmm...... :unsure:

This does NOT bode well for my conspiratory mind. lol I don't drink but I think I need one at the mo. Thank God in 13 hours from now we should have some kind of good news to ease the sting of this. Talk about a rollercoaster day.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Look the people that sayin "Yay get your STUFF BACK" llook when all is said and done it still gonna be an Auction... Maybe not soon but down in the futrue.

All Mike sueing for "well what it looks like to me" is that he didn't get a chance to see what was gonna auction off. He might want to keep some of the clothes, pictures etc..

BUT the rest of the items to be on the auction block to be sold.....
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

EXACTLY. Some of the younger fans were expressing how happy they were with seeing Mike get rid of everything.
.. just as some of the older fans still think they know what they're on about delving into Michael Jackson's private business.

the extent of this law suit isn't different from any other previous one in that we don't know the details behind the what/who/why etc. no matter what's written by a bunch of lawyers.

all these calls to direct Mike's business affairs, constantly trash whoever's working for him, etc. etc. is getting tired.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Then how do i get the refund?
I can fully understand what Michael means by saying showbiz is full of sharks and charlattans, that's SO true :(
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Look the people that sayin "Yay get your STUFF BACK" llook when all is said and done it still gonna be an Auction... Maybe not soon but down in the futrue.

All Mike sueing for "well what it looks like to me" is that he didn't get a chance to see what was gonna auction off. He might want to keep some of the clothes, pictures etc..

BUT the rest of the items to be on the auction block to be sold.....

I dunno... the lawsuit is claiming the agreement is null and void and unenforceable because of fraud,misrepresentation, etc on Julien's part.. which means MJ no longer believes he has any kind of agreement with Julien's. And he is, in fact, asking for all his property to be returned to him as a result. If he DOES put some things up for auction at a later time, it may be with some other auction house.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

.. just as some of the older fans still think they know what they're on about delving into Michael Jackson's private business.

the extent of this law suit isn't different from any other previous one in that we don't know the details behind the what/who/why etc. no matter what's written by a bunch of lawyers.

all these calls to direct Mike's business affairs, constantly trash whoever's working for him, etc. etc. is getting tired.

i took what was said about the auction and toy's comments on how mj didn't want the place anymore and put two and two and it seemed like he was moving on. choosing what he wanted to be remembered for. a lot of things felt like they didn't fit in an auction like paintings from mac and peter pan first editions and most of all, the painting of prince.

it looks likethey've been trying since this auction was announced, to get the stuff back. they've given julien's a hell of a lot of time to give him his stuff back and play fair and they didn't.

on the eve of a big ass announcement, this is what we get. this was timed on purpose and this is gonna be big.

so if someone is a manager and has poa and did somethign stupid and violated trust, would that mean he couldn't act? cuz i looked over the documents and he has a case, a good one at that, but im wondering all the ways they can justify it.

and heelllllllll naaaaaaaawwww they told the man to bid on it like everyone else. jackasses
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction


"I am in Ireland right now but this comes as a surprise. Michael Jackson and his manager have been involved and we have communicated with them all along on this auction. We are not a moving company but we are an auction house. It does not make sense that he did not want the items sold that we picked up." Darren Julien, Julien's Auctions' President exclusively told China.org.cn.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

wendy they said they never had a time or date for the auction. nothing woul dbe put up until he approved it, so yea, ur right, fraud so the whole thing is void.

if the parties don't all have clean hands when they enter the agreement, then the premise of honesty is voided
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

oh great...key word, manager....tookie is dookie...that's my new phrase from now on. i'd rather have a powerteam of bain and backerman w/ randy and jermaine as assistants.......

damn doooooot
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

You go mike, it's your time to sue!
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

man i don' t think if he's saying it's sentimental that he wanted it all gone. maybe things he doesn't need like awards and stuff. but the neverland crest and stuff? and again, key word, manager
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Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

U right about that he problaly won't deal with them (Julien's) anymore but I won't be surpise that in couple of years if he get ALL his stuff back that he trys it again.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction


"I am in Ireland right now but this comes as a surprise. Michael Jackson and his manager have been involved and we have communicated with them all along on this auction. We are not a moving company but we are an auction house. It does not make sense that he did not want the items sold that we picked up." Darren Julien, Julien's Auctions' President exclusively told China.org.cn.
hmmm..but he didn't sound like he is surprise to me.
It looks like he sees a lawsuit is coming.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

he does sound suprised and confident....julien and mj....so it applies to both. i just hope its not another inside job on mj's end
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

me too i hat tmz and i don't believe that stuff is selling :yes: :thinking:
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Soso, yeah, hell naaaaa he shouldn't have to bid on his own stuff! What I get from this is yes, he wanted to clean closets and have an auction. But he was supposed to have final approval. He didn't get it. They cleaned EVERYTHING out of N/L and now he is righteously mad as hell. Makes one wonder, what is going on behind the scenes and who is trying to manipulate him and cash in?

Uhm, NOBODY should have POA over another person unless it's an extreme situation and there is total trust. I hope lessons are learned from this, and that Michael gets his stuff back without having to bid on it as though he were an average person at an auction. This kinda crap simply must STOP. He's suffered enough, hasn't he?
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

he does sound suprised and confident....julien and mj....so it applies to both. i just hope its not another inside job on mj's end

I agree. I don't understand why Michael would agree to this wait so long and suddenly try to pull the plug on the auction. I can't help thinking that somebody other than Michael in the inside is trying to pull something shady. ON EDIT: In light of Victoria83's comment. I do understand Michael's reasoning if that is the case. But I still think there's something fishy going on. The timing is very suspect IMO. Maybe I'm making too much out of nothing. And I hope I am. But at this point, I'm not ruling anything out about this unless it's proven.
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Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction


"I am in Ireland right now but this comes as a surprise. Michael Jackson and his manager have been involved and we have communicated with them all along on this auction. We are not a moving company but we are an auction house. It does not make sense that he did not want the items sold that we picked up." Darren Julien, Julien's Auctions' President exclusively told China.org.cn.

All I hear when I read this is "Let's get ready to rumblllllllle!!!!" Translation: It's about to get all kinds of ugly. :no:

he does sound suprised and confident....julien and mj....so it applies to both. i just hope its not another inside job on mj's end

This is my fear. Yet, it's impossible to think that way and function on a daily basis when you suspect everyone in the room of trying to do you in. SOMEONE has to be worth their salt, right???!!! :worried:
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

oh dear...

The auction has been on the news for ages now, how is it that it took this long for MJ team to file the lawsuit?
This is all very confusing, everything seemed so legit, and that Julien guy sounds like he won't go down without some major fight.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction


"I am in Ireland right now but this comes as a surprise. Michael Jackson and his manager have been involved and we have communicated with them all along on this auction. We are not a moving company but we are an auction house. It does not make sense that he did not want the items sold that we picked up." Darren Julien, Julien's Auctions' President exclusively told China.org.cn.

Exactly! Thanks for posting this. It makes NO sense. Someone must have Michael's POA, and whoever that is, I sure hope Michael has taken it back. That's his choice, to do. There is something tremendously fishy going on here. It's Michael's STUFF, his legacy, and he should have had final say about selling it. I'm sure there will be more info as this unfolds, and I truly hope heads will roll over this. Michael does NOT deserve this ish.