Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction/Settles MJ will keep all items

Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

id donate to a fund were somone from mjjc buys his stuff and SENDS IT BACK granted it would only be a few bucks
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Well, I guess now we know why it took them so long to show this one. :ermm: That's a LOT of awards and stuff. :blink:

Not the Rock with You outfit, too. :boohoo:

I hope Michael is able to get his things back, or at the most, the things he wants back, but right now it's one big mess.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Don't know about the Rock With You outfit, but for many of the tours he had multiples of an outfit (either the same or similar). If you think about the wear and tear (alot of sweat as well) on the outfits/jackets with those tours, he probably has/had hundreds of them. Unless it was an outfit that had special significance to an event or something, they would seem to me to not be totally out of the realm of auctioning off. But who really knows. Something just doesn't seem right along the way here, though.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

I went to Newbridge at the weekend to see Michaels stuff. The town itself is very small and the place they have it is small too and very expensive they make and sell silver jewlery and cutlery. Anyway there was a huge crowd of people I didnt realise that so many would be interested in Michael. It was also free in but to eat there was expensive. They had his music blaring out of the center and also inside as well. They didnt have the gates of Neverland there but what they did have was very interesting. They had the guitar form the Scream video, triumph tour outfits , Victory tour jacket, gloves, had and shirt that was work in the black and white video and Marvel Print, Disney prints, various hats and beatels memorbilia. Its sad to see his awards go they were there do the Peoples Choice awards for Smooth Criminal and various other Moonman Awards.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

I went to Newbridge at the weekend to see Michaels stuff. The town itself is very small and the place they have it is small too and very expensive they make and sell silver jewlery and cutlery. Anyway there was a huge crowd of people I didnt realise that so many would be interested in Michael. It was also free in but to eat there was expensive. They had his music blaring out of the center and also inside as well. They didnt have the gates of Neverland there but what they did have was very interesting. They had the guitar form the Scream video, triumph tour outfits , Victory tour jacket, gloves, had and shirt that was work in the black and white video and Marvel Print, Disney prints, various hats and beatels memorbilia. Its sad to see his awards go they were there do the Peoples Choice awards for Smooth Criminal and various other Moonman Awards.

wow, thanks for this! did you take pics?
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

i tried clickingthat yesterday, it wouldn't w ork. it still doesn't

how much of the stuff does he want back and please please please say he saved some peter pan stuff. honestly teh clothes and stuff don't worry me, it's th eneverland sign and decorations that have me saddened...oh and the painting of prince
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

wow, thanks for this! did you take pics?
I went there yesterday on my way to see Lionel Richie in concert at the O2 Dublin. I went with a friend, who is also a fan, but more so of his music etc. Not a fanatic like us.lol!

Anyway Like sharon said (Hi Sharon!) it was very interesting. They also had two mats from Neverland and a bin. These you could touch. There wasn't that many around, but those that were thought I was mad. They looked at me, like I was crazy. I was on my knees feeling the mats saying to my friend, "Michael touched apart of this, he walked on it." Then I done same with Bin rubbing my hand all over it, it was also empty (had to check). On the top of bin there was two stains, which I thought could be from an ice cream, it was a red stain.

I asked security gard if I could take photos and told me to work away. I'll post mine up here tomorrow. In one way I was glad they didn't have too much on display from Neverland or have the gates. That would have been too sad. Still I really enjoyed it, and hope MJ manages to get a manager that sees things like this don't happen again. Come back Frank!
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

oh yes we want Frank back
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

y? so he can sell more crap about mj?

Wasn't that from a long time ago? I mean I have read fans argue about the hyperbarac chamber and whether or not Frank sold that without Michael knowing or if it was an agreed upon tactic or none of those. I assumed when the statement came out after the trial (when Michael's people commented on not using Frank as manager) that Michael was "going in a different direction" it referred to not wanting to promote strangeness or excentricity. In doing so it seemed to acknowledged that the 'leaks' to the tabloids were deliberate.

That was just my read on it with very little info. I have always wondered however. Do we know that Frank would do it if he thought it was bad for Michael or that he did it on the sly for his own profit. I mean at one time the strategy worked in Michael's favor to even further drum up interest in him. It added to his mystique. It has obviously (or maybe not so obvious considering the O2 sale) backfired in more recent times.

I have to say I read a bit about the payoffs to the tabloids in general when Burkle was going through his fight with Murdock and The Post. Supposedly (and I believe it) celebrities throw bones to the tabloids to keep them happy and generally writing good things asbout them. If you don't play the tabloids then smear you with stuff that is bad for your career in place of a harmless story about eccentricity.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

I really hope Michael is able to get his stuff back.

On another note: I had been looking at the life & career catalog & all of a sudden tonight I am being told to download Flash Player. Has anyone else had this happen in the last 24 hours? I'm not sure if I should download it.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

EC it wasn't like that back then. now u play w/ the media, back then it was a joke. now the tabby's actually break actual news. back then they were seen as jokes.

frank is a disease
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

EC it wasn't like that back then. now u play w/ the media, back then it was a joke. now the tabby's actually break actual news. back then they were seen as jokes.

frank is a disease

I'm gonna affirm Soso here about past differences in tabloids compared to the present. Whether "leaks" or invented stories were a PR tool back then, any advantage to Michael of, shall we say, unusual stories? to tabbies was over quickly and permanently. Michael has been terribly hurt by tabloid stories. . . ongoing. Michael seems to be in a very good place right now in terms of career. However anyone would have to admit that the track-record of Michael's employess/associates isn't very good, about whom he can trust and whom he cannot.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Oh my God my heart is about the break. I just looked at the TMZ list and item number 5679 "let the children come to me" was a gift from me to Michael. Are the items on that list things he's trying to get back? I hope they are.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Oh my God my heart is about the break. I just looked at the TMZ list and item number 5679 "let the children come to me" was a gift from me to Michael. Are the items on that list things he's trying to get back? I hope they are.

Oh, my God that is terrible! I sure hope your gift to him is on the list of things he's trying to keep, and I hope he WINS this one!
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

I'm gonna affirm Soso here about past differences in tabloids compared to the present. Whether "leaks" or invented stories were a PR tool back then, any advantage to Michael of, shall we say, unusual stories? to tabbies was over quickly and permanently. Michael has been terribly hurt by tabloid stories. . . ongoing. Michael seems to be in a very good place right now in terms of career. However anyone would have to admit that the track-record of Michael's employess/associates isn't very good, about whom he can trust and whom he cannot.

Don't get me wrong. I can see the 'leaks'/invented stories have hurt him in the long run. I do believe Michael is in a good place right now and would hate to see them stopped. I never take Soso's comments lightly either.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

Oh my God my heart is about the break. I just looked at the TMZ list and item number 5679 "let the children come to me" was a gift from me to Michael. Are the items on that list things he's trying to get back? I hope they are.

Can I ask where you've been able to see the list? The links to it have never worked for me.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

I just clicked on the link and it opened up.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

I clicked on the link on page 13.

Still doesn't work for me. :( Thanks tho. Sorry to hear about your gift. I hope it's something he wants to keep as well. :flowers:
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

they better not sell his damn awards that he EARNED,they need 2give him his clothes back NOW! those b*tches lucky i cant find a link 2email them
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

that's good that MJ speak up and tell them to bring his stuff back good for him

go MJ fight the power :giggle: :yes:
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

The one thing mike does not need right now is some one trick pony cigar smokin baffoon like dileo, hah funny the iPhone tried to change that name to dildo. Brilliant.

Anyway! The game has changed so much you can't just spin shit and watch the album sales come in. Mr Short Game did that and fucked mike in the process.

Keep the disease and his lil diseased followers AWAY from michael. You know who you are ;)
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

The one thing mike does not need right now is some one trick pony cigar smokin baffoon like dileo, hah funny the iPhone tried to change that name to dildo. Brilliant.

Anyway! The game has changed so much you can't just spin shit and watch the album sales come in. Mr Short Game did that and fucked mike in the process.

Keep the disease and his lil diseased followers AWAY from michael. You know who you are ;)

Don't know much about this Frank person (nada really) but gotta kick outta what your iPhone wanted to spell !!! :D
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

all u need to know is he's a wank.

the link hasn't worked for me either.

shaun, he keeps them awards in boxes...he needs his sentimental stuff back . like fan gifts, things that belonged to his kids, and other items.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

all u need to know is he's a wank.

the link hasn't worked for me either.

shaun, he keeps them awards in boxes...he needs his sentimental stuff back . like fan gifts, things that belonged to his kids, and other items.

I'll take you at your word. You've never lied. It's all too bad. Hope it works out in the end. Not much we can do.
Re: Breaking News: Michael Jackson Sues Julien's Auction

I finally got the link to open. It's not a complete list, but a portion? Something went terribly, terribly wrong here! Looks like the ENTIRE contents of Neverland, right down to the soap-dishes. It felt terribly invasive somehow to be looking at that list. Awards, wastebaskets, art-work, the area-rugs he's walked on, the nightstand by his bed, and what appear to be cherished gifts from fans. His kids' childhood furniture is on the list. A dollhouse is on the list. And so on.

I'm trying to understand what happened. He signed the catalogs but didn't actually look at them? Too busy? He was TOLD what was in them and signed them quickly as a task to be done, but what he was told proved not to be accurate? He believed what he was told? Michael is a creative genius, a humanitarian, a great musician, but he lacks skill in knowing whom to trust. This has been proven over-and-over. This Tohme guy was the one who apparently was dealing with the auction house. I have no idea what his agenda was, nor do any of us. Wish we did know, though. . . . .

When Michael finally got around to scoping it out, it's obvious from the court-papers filed that he was horrified. I sincerely hope this is resolved, not only for Michael's sake, but for the sake of history and Michael's historical importance as a shaper of culture. As a legacy of both a man and his family, and an era. Personally, I'd like to see him keep it ALL, right down to the soap-dishes. Surely he could have found storage for that stuff, or at least some of it? (I read somewhere that he rents airplane hangars for storage!)

I really don't think he needed the money from this sale. . . . I think it's something he was "talked into," but why? Don't know. . . . . .YET.