Michael Jackson Settles case Against Prince Abdulla

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Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

i'm tryying to say that they need to stop it i think this all lire fire on paints :yes: :giggle: :yes: it's always about money and it's about what they what and :yes: is always about money cause mens love money :yes: and they like to play the win and lose game :yes:
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

He should have made it clear from the get-go, if he was really a friend: "hey dude, Michael, since your my friend I'm gonna help you out. Here, what I'm giving you is a LOAN, I expect to be paid back in full AS YOU ARE ABLE. Come bring your family to Bahrain and stay with us for a while and relax. Bring all the people you need. Don't worry about the expense to bring everyone here, we'll take care of it, it's a GIFT cause your my friend and I'm rich anyway. Here's a pledge of my friendship to you, an expensive watch. No, really, take it, it's a GIFT. The car too." That is what a real friend would do.

Real friends don't go around making people sing their songs and write books, etc. and make them sign documents and all to do that. No no no. Isn't that something like what, omg I'm gonna puke if I say his name, Evan Chandler *going to puke* wanted? He wanted to use MJ to get him to produce his stupid scripts or something and MJ refused and so Evan raked him over the coals?

Michael, I'm sorry, but you've GOT to learn how to make real personal friends that won't make you sign documents!! contract between "friends" = potential extortion.

btw, MJ, get to feeling better, okay? I sure won't make you sign any dumb contracts!

u know u really opened up a light to me here. i mean..if i was your friend and i saw you in an absolutely dire situation..would i really have the heart and soul to even mention the word 'loan'..or 'contract' to you?

i would like to think i was totally giving and NOT thinking of myself in the matter. at least..in the world i come from..and i would think most other people come from. it reminds me of a line from 'The Sound Of Music' where Captain Von trapp ended the line with..'at least, the Austria I come from'.

i really don't know about this prince. i really don't.
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

i'm tryying to say that they need to stop it i think this all lire fire on paints :yes: :giggle: :yes: it's always about money and it's about what they what and :yes: is always about money cause mens love money :yes: and they like to play the win and lose game :yes:

you're right.
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

How long is this case supposed to last?......2 weeks?.....well then I'll check back then to find out what the verdict is, already I'm reading some crap and I just ain' having it!
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

a quote below from guy holmes. different to what he said in a previous interview though

He was expected to oversee the production of the album but earlier told the BBC the deal had never been formalised with Jackson.
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

What kind of friend that Abdula is taht put the case in court and did not resolve these problems personally?

What kind of friend that Abdula is that even knowing that MJ was psychologically and physically vulnerable made with that Michael recorded a song composed by him?

He was not a friend but a businessman who wanted only own profit. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

macwilliam said:
u know u really opened up a light to me here. i mean..if i was your friend and i saw you in an absolutely dire situation..would i really have the heart and soul to even mention the word 'loan'..or 'contract' to you?

That is the key idea of what happened, probably.

The Prince did not mention those words and that is how Michael does not think at all that he ever owed anything. Frame-type contract for "2Seas Records" was the only thing signed (much later than those gifts started) as contract, not as just letters-of-intent-type of agreements.

Yet Michael later found out that somehow it was "obligatory" for him to collaborate with Prince even with no concrete contract (only frame-type one for the recording company). And that Prince's help was not help but money for their supposed collaboration.

So who can actually feel "betrayed" by who?

Yet there are fans who say Michael has to pay back, thus admitting responsibility.
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

^^^^ don't start making this a damn analytical situation since LIKE EVERYONE ELSE u don' thave all the info
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

a quote below from guy holmes. different to what he said in a previous interview though

He was expected to oversee the production of the album but earlier told the BBC the deal had never been formalised with Jackson.

The deal may consist of several contracts. As of now, there is information that Jackson signed only framework-type of contract for creation of "2Seas Records", so the quote is correct.

"Framework" means that the contract makes whatever conditions and duties obligatory to sides whenever the core essence of the framework (the principal rules) is filled with content.

There are should be either separate contracts or appendixes to that framework contract that would concretely describe content, terms, and payments for whatever activity, which would go implemented under common rules described in the main framework contract.
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

^^^^ don't start making this a damn analytical situation since LIKE EVERYONE ELSE u don' thave all the info

8| What a strange comment from you. I wrote the word "probably" and urged fans not to say Michael had to pay (the trial did not end and hence we do not know much of information to conclude he is responsible).
Re: Sheikh spent $350K on Michael Jackson 'brain guru'

I'm sorry, but the Prince is a dick. He's crying about $350,000 which went towards helping Michael recover mentally from what happened to him. I can't even imagine how low Michael was at that time. Its beyond my imagination. But its obvious that the Prince wasn't helping Michael out of good will and genuine care and concern for Michael, but out of what he planned to be a profitable relationship. He used Michael, plain and simple. Makes me sick. How many people has Michael helped, finacially or otherwise, in his lifetime without ever asking for something in return? For the Prince to come at Michael like that, in the condition Michael was in, to coax him like that and then throw business deals in his face for "compensation" for his "generosity" is wrong. I don't care if Michael legally owes this fool money, the Prince is the one morally in the wrong.

The whole thing is ridiculous.
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

intresting about grace but im sat here thinking where were you when the prince was ringing him up during the trial and doing what he was doing out in bahrain. no one with the balls to tell mj as normal and this was how many days after the trial ended
same ole crap frank wouldnt stand for this crap.and lets not even mention jermaine
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

intresting about grace but im sat here thinking where were you when the prince was ringing him up during the trial and doing what he was doing out in bahrain. no one with the balls to tell mj as normal and this was how many days after the trial ended
same ole crap frank wouldnt stand for this crap.and lets not even mention jermaine

Exactly. I'm also wondering what do they want to talk to Grace for anyway if this is true?
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

rockstar, the trial is nothing compared to this. this is a civil case. nothing important, honestly. money is just money.....it's other things that people are worrying about.

and this sounds like straight up blackmail. he was all buddy buddy w/ mj until mj left and he didn't get what he dreamed of and now he's suing. sour grapes IMO

took advantage of someone when they were down and not fullyup yet.

Bottom line. Even if Michael loses this case, the Prince is the one who morally wronged Michael by trying to take him at a point of weakness.
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

I love it how most people on here are bashing the prince when none of us have any idea what really went on between Michael and the Prince.

This is many millions of pounds we're talking about and we have no idea what Michael may have promised the prince (Im talking about verbally promising) before bailing.

I'm not saying Michael's at fault..but none of us KNOW. Its amazing how much hatred there is towards the prince when we don't know enough about the situation to judge.

Is anyone really looking at it from both points of view?

Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

It says Grace is going there to testify FOR Michael. I imagine she'll speak to his condition, both physically and mentally, at that time.
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Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

God i just wish ppl would leave him alone!!!!! For crying out loud!!! *makes angry face*
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

UGHHHH Nancy Grace is talking about the Trial right now!
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

As much as this is irritating becuz for so many people, MJ is just a walking ATM machine, I think we can find some comfort in that this is a civil case and strictly about money. Mike went through the child molestation trial and came out victorious. As for the prince or whatever, what a prick.
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

i know

how can someone go so low ?
Makes me sick in the stomach, just thinking bout it
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

Exactly. I'm also wondering what do they want to talk to Grace for anyway if this is true?

She was in Bahrain with Michael and seems to be going to testify as a witness for his side of the case.

The whole thing seems a bit messy. Too bad it's gone this far. I do agree that the Prince seems to be after more than money here. If he simply wants justice, then he should put on his case and be done with it, whether Michael testifies in person or by video. The case will still move forward. I'm always suspicious of people DEMANDING Michael show up somewhere. I mean, if he doesn't HAVE TO be there, then wth???!

I hope this gets resolved so Michael can truly move foreward. And hopefully this sort of thing will be avoided in the future. Other than autographs maybe Michael shouldn't be signing anything without an attorney present from now on. I'm tempted to throw credit card receipts in there, too cuz you never know what a clerk might add on that mug when he's not looking and call it a contract. :lol: *joke...nobody shoot me*

On a serious note, I want to add my get well wishes but the Get Well thread is closed and I'm out of time for hanging out on here tonight. Got stuff to get to and can't wait for the thread to re-open (presuming it was closed temporarily). Maybe a dutiful Mod can edit this post and add the following to the other thread when it re-opens....or I'll edit it myself at a later time.

Edit: Thread opened while I was posting so I edited and moved my own stuffins. haha

Thanks to all for the news and updates! :flowers:
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Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

UGHHHH Nancy Grace is talking about the Trial right now!

Lord help me....don't even mention that. that... :bugeyed

I can't stand that shemale*cough* I mean woman. She needs to shut the f*ck up. See how this trial thing is spreading like wildfire, yet the news that MJ "sold" neverland for 35 million took like a week to make the rounds...

Mike was for real when he said they only like to report the negative....pfff, to Hell will those crooks and that Prince is another crook, MJ is your friend?? Your 'friend' with benefits...
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

same ole crap frank wouldnt stand for this crap.and lets not even mention jermaine

Man, Jermaine......lawd..... yesterday, I had a different opinion about him. After everything happened today...... let me stop. If MJ just told Jermaine to "back the eff off" when Jermaine was telling him to hang out with these fools, he wouldn't be in this mess. I agree with you on Grace. Blah on her. Honestly, I could careless if she is testify for or aganist Mike, if she is his former nanny or employee, GOOD FOR MIKE!

Nancy DisGrace is talking about the trial? Why am I not shocked?

This Prince clown is a monster and a psychopath. I hope he gets what he deserves. I am with Dri on this, whether MJ loses this bullish or not, I am supporting the Mikester! :)
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Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

So is grace ( mike nanny) will be on mike side in the case?
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

here is website:http://www.nme.com/news/michael-jackson/41146

Michael Jackson too sick to travel for lawsuit? Pop star's lawyer wants him to testify via video

Michael Jackson's lawyer has claimed that the pop star is too sick to travel from the US to London to testify in a lawsuit in which it is alleged he owes $7 million to an Arab sheik.

Jackson's lawyer, Robert Englehart, is attempting arrange for him to testify via video link from the US.

"It would be unwise for him to travel, given what's he's got now," Englehart said. He would not specify what is ailing the singer.

As previously reported the King Of Bahrain's son, Sheikh Abdulla Bin Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa, claims he loaned Jackson money and built him a recording studio as an advance for two albums, a stage show and an autobiography.

Now the sheikh is suing Jackson for $7 million for failing to fulfill the alleged music contract, which would have paid off the loans.

A lawyer for the sheikh said the medical evidence presented by Jackson's legal team was unsatisfactory, reports the Associated Press.

The judge in the case said he would decide by Thursday (November 20) whether or not Jackson will be required to travel to testify after the hearing opinions of medical experts.

here is website:http://www.gaywired.com/Article.cfm?ID=20918

$350K to Get Michael Jackson’s Juices Flowing

Following the drubbing Michael Jackson got from American media following his child molestation trial and subsequent acquittal, the prince of Bahrain allegedly shelled out $350,000 to get the singer's creative juices flowing to record his long awaited new album, the New York Daily News reported.

One problem -- the album never happened.

"Mind-mapping and motivational guru" Tony Buzan spent a week in Bahrain with the king of pop, who moved to the Middle Eastern island to live with the prince (Sheikh Abdulla bin Hamad al-Khalifa) after his trial. Jackson allegedly spent time recording material for a new album at the prince’s palace, but is now being sued by the prince for $7 million for breach of contract.

Buzan "did not come cheap,"the prince’s lawyer Bankim Thanki said in court Tuesday. Buzan charged $37,000 a session for a total of $343,000.

The 33-year-old prince alleges that Jackson took several million dollars in cash advances from him but failed to deliver on several contractual obligations, including an album, an autobiography and a proposed musical project.

Jackson spent a little less than a year in Bahrain following his 2005 trail and subsequent acquittal. He left the country in May, 2006 and has never returned,
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

more fodder"?? huh?
what u mean?
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

Do you guys think this was the reason why Mike wrote those notes last week? I mean he must have known that this was gonna come out like this.
I'm wondering if he wrote them to let us know that he's fine, and assure everyone. Am I just imagining things?
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