Michael Jackson Settles case Against Prince Abdulla

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The Prince didnt even have a pot to piss in then actually.
He tried to use the very tactic that messed it up for him , on Michael?
What I mean is his sig not on the draft or contract or w/e the heck it is.
No sig makes it non-binding, right? So how he gonna try to make out like MJ
owed him something when there was no sig validating that? Gimme a break!!

Mello, thanks for the explaination. I think I understan it better now. :)

Like I said before, we're all very happy that this is now behind Michael and
he can concnetrate on his family and w/e else he needs to.

An oral agreement is also binding. It's alot harder to prove though.
Well, the settlement is probably the best outcome in this case. No need to waiste anybody's time and money by going to court (over seas). Maybe the prince came to his senses too and realized that it was stupid. :D
We were at the court last night about 10.30pm, just checking it out for the morning when we started getting texts about the settlement. We asked some of the reporters and they confirmed it so we went home. This morning we decided to go to court to hear the final few hours. When we got there we only saw 2 other fans and tons of media, so despite any media reports you may hear and see, there were actully only 7 fans in the court room when the case was closed.

At 10. 30am, there was the 7 of us, tons of media and the legal teams. When the judge entered, the Sheiks Barister stood up and said that they had accepted a settlement. Englehart agreed and the Judge closed the case. The whole thing took about 2 minutes.

It was totally farcical, but going by the evidence that came out we should have expected it. As soon as the Judge left we hung around for a bit but decided to leave as there was nothing happening.

We went out to the front entrance and waited to see if the Lawyers would give a final statement to the media. It was taking ages for them to finish up so 2 of my friends decided to back upto the court to see what was happening. Just as well they did, as the final statement was only read out in court, not to the media. This is basically what was said " Michael and the Sheikh wish each other well in future endeavours and agree to go their separate ways. Terms remain confidential."

And that ends my court updates. It was quiet an experience. Over the years we've read about soo many court cases Michael has been invloved in but it was actaully kinda cool to be able to actully go to the public area and be able to see first hand what was going on.
Originally Posted by Hoofmark
So, if I'm not mistaken... the settlement we now have.... is only a draft until now?

Whahahahaha :cheeky::rofl::D

Yes, it's only been agreed in principle.

I was kidding/tongue in cheek. Since the whole case is based on a draft contract, not a legitimate one. :D
Case closed. Now can we have some album news instead please.
i believe that now this stuff is over, a new album will become more important a priority. I hope he announces something maybes around the 10th of December as having brackets for braces put on on the 15th.
i believe that now this stuff is over, a new album will become more important a priority. I hope he announces something maybes around the 10th of December as having brackets for braces put on on the 15th.

that will never happen, lol.
We don't know any specifics about it from either side. A lot of people are jumping to conclusions, while nobody knows anything about it. The only thing we know is that it's over and both parties are moving on. Maybe this thread can be closed and we can all do the same? :)
Damn I'm a bit late in joining in with this thread. There's 95 pages already :shock:

Anyway, it's a shame he didn't get to come down to London. I guess it was for his own good but I seriously couldn't sleep all night because I thought he was in the same country as me; so close!!
Oh yeah Mate ,the same me ! I was thinking just only MICHAEL MICHAEL ...Oh MY gosh , when I woke up at 4: 30 to work , I putted headphones on my ears and listening only radio ... This IS MICHAELMANIA !!!:)
sorry for the lack of updates online, havent had a chance to post until now. We were at the court last night about 10.30pm, just checking it out for the morning when we started getting texts about the settlement. We asked some of the reporters and they confirmed it so we went home. This morning we decided to go to court to hear the final few hours. When we got there we only say 2 other fans and tons of media, so despite any media reports you may hear and see, there were actully only 7 fans in the court room when the case was closed.

At 10. 30am, there was the 7 of us, tons of media and the legal teams. When the judge entered, the Sheiks Barister stood up and said that they had accepted a settlement. Englehart agreed and the Judge closed the case. The whole thing took about 2 minutes.

It was totally farcical, but going by the evidence that came out we should have expected it. As soon as the Judge left we hung around for a bit but decided to leave as there was nothing happening.

We went out to the front entrance and waited to see if the Lawyers would give a final statement to the media. It was taking ages for them to finish up so 2 of my friends decided to back up to the court to see what was happening. Just as well they did, as the final statement was only read out in court, not to the media.

And that ends my court updates. It was quiet an experience. Over the years we've read about soo many oourt cases Michael has been invloved in but it was actaully kinda cool to be able to actully go to the public area and be able to see first hand what was going on.
i'm also thinking the prince got a little taste of MIchaelmania and it intimidated him..him seeing all those MJ fans outside the courthouse probably intimidated him(the prince) lol...the prince got a little taste of what MJ's enemies felt in santa maria when they see all the sea of MJ fans outside courthouses..lol
I'm so glad it's over.Being that the plan wasn't finalized,The Prince really didn't have anything to hold Michael on. I know the Media says that the terms of the court settlement wasn't disclosed I feel as long as Michael didn't have to pay anything to this mock agreement ,they can leave him alone and let Michael eat all the Hagen Daz and Ben and Jerry's he wants. If Michael did have to pay ,then I don't know what to say ,hopefully it wasn't much to satisfy the prince's tastebuds but I do hope he didn't have to pay anything. The Prince jumped the gun when he built that Recording studio thinking that he can convince Michael to do his bidding, The thing that pisses me is that The Prince had invited Michael and his family and crew to spend sometime in Bahrain to get away from the prying lying media and whomever was thinking to take advantage of his state of mind after the trial of the century, who knew what the Prince had up his sleeve? And he's suppose to be a friend of Jermaine's ? somefriend. Now he can relax and try to get some work done and play with his kids.This is a Great Thanksgiving gift. Let us all pray there are no more lawsuits around Christmas time.
LONDON – A lawyer for Sheik Abdulla bin Hamad Al Khalifa of Bahrain says the details of his legal settlement with pop star Michael Jackson are to remain private.

so he wants to be a secret!

gee, what was he thinking before he began this mess? did he thought :heart:Michael was so timid that would give int to his request? NO WAY, he is far more clever to do that.

in my idea, after :heart:Michael decided to take the stand and defend him, the Sheik decided to settle it! he may didn't expect that action/move from :heart:Michael.

gee, this case had nothing but shame for him.
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sorry for the lack of updates online, havent had a chance to post until now. We were at the court last night about 10.30pm, just checking it out for the morning when we started getting texts about the settlement. We asked some of the reporters and they confirmed it so we went home. This morning we decided to go to court to hear the final few hours. When we got there we only say 2 other fans and tons of media, so despite any media reports you may hear and see, there were actully only 7 fans in the court room when the case was closed.

At 10. 30am, there was the 7 of us, tons of media and the legal teams. When the judge entered, the Sheiks Barister stood up and said that they had accepted a settlement. Englehart agreed and the Judge closed the case. The whole thing took about 2 minutes.

It was totally farcical, but going by the evidence that came out we should have expected it. As soon as the Judge left we hung around for a bit but decided to leave as there was nothing happening.

We went out to the front entrance and waited to see if the Lawyers would give a final statement to the media. It was taking ages for them to finish up so 2 of my friends decided to back up to the court to see what was happening. Just as well they did, as the final statement was only read out in court, not to the media.

And that ends my court updates. It was quiet an experience. Over the years we've read about soo many oourt cases Michael has been invloved in but it was actaully kinda cool to be able to actully go to the public area and be able to see first hand what was going on.

That is awesome. Thank you for all the insight :yes:

We don't know any specifics about it from either side. A lot of people are jumping to conclusions, while nobody knows anything about it. The only thing we know is that it's over and both parties are moving on. Maybe this thread can be closed and we can all do the same? :)

I'm tending to agree. Spectulation and name calling aren't really necessary. Another one down - wonder if that album is next :angel:
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