Michael Jackson Settles case Against Prince Abdulla

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Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

I thought the reason that Michael didn't return to Bahrain was because the King, the Prince's father, cut things off. Wasn't there some big deal about them both staying at the Dorchester at the same time? It was after that was reported that Michael decided to not return to Bahrain.

I got the general idea that daddy pulled the money from his son's musical
yeah friedman wrote abot something like that
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

ok thanks hon. english is not my native language so i got confused. u made me feel so much better :) thank u. i am praying its nothing serious :praying

i wouldnt worry. yes its a strange way for the lawyer to use that word but i believe its nothing more than a play on words.its just the way he said it and he prob did it on purpose to make it sound more dramatic
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

Michael rarely ever attends civil cases in person, not even when their in the same city as he is (i.e., the memorabilia dispute in Vegas) let alone when they're in another country. Remember how during the Schaffel case, Schaffel's lawyer tried to issue a subpoena ordering Michael to attend the court and Mike's lawyer ripped it up because it had no legal basis and wasn't a requirement. Michael doesn't have to attend these civil matters if he doesn't want to. Obviously it looks better normally when the defendant shows up, but it still isn't a necessity if depositions and the likes can be arranged in other ways.
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

from a bbc article. remember mj was at the doctors when his car was hit the other week maybe related to this

the court heard the singer was waiting on test results about an unspecified condition and that "even in a best-case scenario it would be unwise to travel".

However, lawyers for Sheikh Abdulla Bin Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa said he could be "bandaged up" and appear in person.
i wonder what the rule is if mj refuses to appear. if its like in the usa where u cant be forced cause its a civil case
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Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

A complete case of sour grapes!

Bingo. I think that is the root of this nonsense.

mjs lawyer asked for him to do a video link i guess the princes lawyer wants him there. mjs lawyer said mj cant come cause of some illness.prince lawyer debates that. i guess it comes down to whether the judge fancies seeing mj in the flesh or not

I see. Well, if the judge wants him there then he wants the spotlight in his courtroom. We will see.

I got the general idea that daddy pulled the money from his son's musical asperations

Hmmmm, I never thought about that. However, I still doubt that this "Prince" is doing this for money. But you never know.

I have noticed when the media would report about this case on television, they do not report Michael's side. Hmmmmmm.
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

Well it sure got quiet all of a sudden. LOL! Yesterday we received a few updates, today nothing.
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

^ You are right about that. Hmmmm..... I wonder why. LOL. The media is so predictable!
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

It was the same during 2005 trial the media were all over Snedon opening statement but when Mez started his opening we heard only few words about it.
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

the case has been ajourned until thursday

Judge Nigel Sweeney has adjourned the case until Thursday to allow time for medical experts from both legal teams to talk.

He has yet to make a decision on whether Mr Jackson will be granted his request to give his testimony via a video link.
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

This stupid Prince is making me mad as hell. Why the hell do they need Michael there? They don't, and its starting to sound for real like somethings wrong with Michael and that's concerning. He can't come, so screw this fat rich boy and his stupid civil suit.
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

monday? what do u mean? the case started yesterday.

mj is not ill he is awaiting test results and his lawyer said it would be unwise for him to travel
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

mj was at the docs the other weeks its prob to do with that
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

This case seems completely stupid to me if there is not an actual document that Michael has signed saying he will take part in the Prince's plans. You can't buy someone a gift and ask for it back. Once you give it to them its theirs. Unless there is that document I don't understand why the Prince is pushing this. If this is just over him and his sour grapes then he is embarassing himself and weakening his reputation imo. Ofcourse we will only hear the Prince's side of the arguement as articles that say Michael is a financial success do not sell. I hope that a signed document does not exist and that the case concludes that although the Prince feels disappointed he won't be making mega bucks with Michael, there is not a reason why Michael should give him money.
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

Now I'm wondering if the Prince wants MJ in the courtroom, so that he "might" have an opportunity to meet with MJ face to face.

I mean, I don't see what the big deal is, with MJ being there or not. Seems like something "else" is going on with the reasoning for MJ to make a personal appearance.
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

So we wait til Thursday to see if they rule on MJ's attendance. I was hoping they would push forward with it and get it over with.
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

This stupid Prince is making me mad as hell. Why the hell do they need Michael there? They don't, and its starting to sound for real like somethings wrong with Michael and that's concerning. He can't come, so screw this fat rich boy and his stupid civil suit.

there have been a number of 'trials' over the years that were trying to get Michael to appear..because the participants were starstruck. judges included.
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

It's a civil trial. Courts don't normally require people to appear in person for civil trials. This request is definitely suspect.
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

there have been a number of 'trials' over the years that were trying to get Michael to appear..because the participants were starstruck. judges included.

About those others, I think that folks were half thinking about how "good" they'd look to their peers if Michael showed up in their court.
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

according to a report if mj does the video link it will be mon or tuesday
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

the lawyers trying to take the mick
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

I knew something like this was on the cards as soon as I heard that he was staying with the Royals in Bahrain.

Fragile world-famous superstar who needs a place to be out of the spotlight meets millionaire royal prince with record company ambitions.

It was a recipe for disaster.

Michael, I believe, does not have good judgement when it comes to who to befriend. History has proven this to be true (although when you're Michael Jackson, the number of sharks in your sea increases sizeably).

Michael is eager to please and when the prince started talking about albums/2seas etc he probably felt he had to at least entertain the idea before going back to sleep in his room made out of gold at the palace lol

I can also see that the prince would be annoyed if one minute he's getting 'yes's from Michael and the next minute MJ has left the country never to return.

However, Michael isn't completely to blame as he was not in a good place after the trial, understandably, and the prince definitely took advantage of that.

Hopefully, we'll come to see that what is on paper amounts to very little and the Prince won't have a leg to stand on.
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

I knew something like this was on the cards as soon as I heard that he was staying with the Royals in Bahrain.

Fragile world-famous superstar who needs a place to be out of the spotlight meets millionaire royal prince with record company ambitions.

It was a recipe for disaster.

Michael, I believe, does not have good judgement when it comes to who to befriend. History has proven this to be true (although when you're Michael Jackson, the number of sharks in your sea increases sizeably).

Michael is eager to please and when the prince started talking about albums/2seas etc he probably felt he had to at least entertain the idea before going back to sleep in his room made out of gold at the palace lol

I can also see that the prince would be annoyed if one minute he's getting 'yes's from Michael and the next minute MJ has left the country never to return.

However, Michael isn't completely to blame as he was not in a good place after the trial, understandably, and the prince definitely took advantage of that.

Hopefully, we'll come to see that what is on paper amounts to very little and the Prince won't have a leg to stand on.

indeed, i don't think good judgement is an issue..lol
everybody thinks they can be Michael's friend, but human nature makes it a hell of a mountain to climb, without wanting something in return, if most people would be honest...
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

Oh gee, isn't that ironic. Somehow, it feels like the other way around. Some freind who takes advantage of someone half dead and no doubt mentally and emotionally depressed in order to reap huge monetary profits. He never cared about helping Michael recover from the most devistating time in his life, he was only interested in making money and making a name for himself in the industry. That's no freind to Michael. Michael never would have agreed to sing this fools songs if he had been okay or himself and he never would have signed anything without reading it. Damn it.
I agree. I can´t say if this contract is valid or not but this is really how I feel.
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

Statistically, celebs and high profile people usually don't have to show up in court. They have people to do that for them lol, but it is the truth.

I don't see Michael show up at this one.
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

To be fully honest back in 2005 I thought in the back of my mind that Michael was not REALLY planning to go forth with the projects they had planned over there. I mean working with Guy Holmes (claim to fame by creating Crazy Frog) The whole thing sempt unreal to me.

I could understand the fustration and anger the Prince has. BUT, to try to take back what he spent on Michael etc. as friends is really messed up. NOW if there were contracts signed between Mike and the Prince about projects, then I can see why there could be legal issues regarding that. But his reasons that we see taking to court is spending money on Michael and feeling hurt.. Well in the court of law FEELINGS are out the window. It's pure paper and facts.. (that's what it supposed to be anyways).

I don't see any reason why Mike should have to even go to court/trial ANYTHING.. this is dumb as far as we can see.
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

why? so much troble is happening to Michael why? can they leave him alone god shakes i'm getting angry about this sureing about everything is it because he is frames and rich is alabout money is it :yes:
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

At the start of the hearing in London, Mr Justice Sweeney heard that an application would be made for Jackson to give evidence via video link from Los Angeles. Jackson, who is contesting the claim, says Sheikh Abdulla's case is based on "mistake, misrepresentation and undue influence" and that no project was ever finalised. He admits he signed a document which he understood gave him a substantial shareholding in Sheikh Abdulla's 2 Seas recording company. But he challenges the sheikh's description of him as "an experienced businessman" and says he did not read the terms of the document.

Jackson claims the contract was entered into on the basis of "false representations" that the recording company was "capable of releasing and distributing, on a worldwide basis, recordings by an artist of international repute". He also alleges that Sheikh Abdulla, a powerful and influential public figure, exercised "undue influence" over him when he was emotionally exhausted after his criminal trial.

Jackson travelled to Bahrain at the sheikh's invitation following his acquittal. Among Sheikh Abdulla's complaints is that, despite his having paid the cost of Jackson recording a song called "I Have This Dream" – intended to benefit the victims of Hurricane Katrina which hit New Orleans in August 2005 – the singer did not attend the studio for the final recording and the song was never released.

Sheikh Abdulla claims that both he and Jackson agreed the quality of his vocal track was not good enough for the single, but the star failed to attend the studios to re-record the song.

A DVD of the making of the recording of "I Have This Dream" in the Metropolis Studio was played in court. It showed screaming fans mobbing the star as he arrived, then Jackson singing a few lines from "I'm Into Something Good" and "Ferry 'Cross The Mersey" before trying a couple of lines from "I Have This Dream".
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Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

Oh boy, I just saw an article that stated that GRACE would also be flying in for this case. Just when some people believed that Grace was gone, she appears once again. LOL!
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