Michael Jackson Settles case Against Prince Abdulla

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Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

This really is a fishy story :huh: ... I don't even know what to say about it...

I agree there shouldn't be any reason why Michael's presence would be required there, something must be going on.

I'm curious to see how this is gonna end...I hope Michael won't have to pay anything to that "betrayed" prince, not even a penny :pth: Talk about wanting attention...
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

I'm sure Michael is fine. He have been fine before when he have been ill during court sessions.

It's all good. No worries.
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

Can I just make one comment on the health issue to ease peoples worries? I worried at first too when I saw that but the thing that relaxed me about it was seeing that if he does have WHATEVER it is that he said he might, that it could easily be treated with a dressing, which sounds like it is not really too big a deal and we shouldn't worry about him. Whatever it is, is easily fixable. Pray for a speedy recovery if you want to for him.
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

Can I just make one comment on the health issue to ease peoples worries? I worried at first too when I saw that but the thing that relaxed me about it was seeing that if he does have WHATEVER it is that he said he might, that it could easily be treated with a dressing, which sounds like it is not really too big a deal and we shouldn't worry about him. Whatever it is, is easily fixable. Pray for a speedy recovery if you want to for him.

That's fine because it's simply based on the facts presented and not spectulating on his impending doom. We all want Michael well and happy so just take things as they come instead of blowing them out of proportion.
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

It's a civil trial. Courts don't normally require people to appear in person for civil trials. This request is definitely suspect.

More like the other side has no case. Celebrities are not required to appear to a trial so why adjourn for today? It only tells me that this "Prince" is trying to create a case.

Honestly, I do not understand this "Prince". I do not understand why he is making a big deal out of something that MJ decided to do.

I also doubt that he is "friends" with MJ. I think he is more friends with Jermaine. I can't see how this "Prince" is MJ's "friend" when MJ one day just up and leave the place. MJ is a loyal person and if you are friends with Mike, he is going to loyal to you. Unless you screw him over.
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Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

The headline of one of the articles about MJ's health was misleading. If you read the article, it does not mention anything about an illness. MJ's lawyer said that they are awaiting test results. The article was trying to trick folks into thinking that MJ is trying to get away from this trial by saying that. What the article doesn't tell the reader is that celebrities are not required to come to civil trials. I noticed that in the articles. If MJ isn't well, I hope and pray he gets better but the way the headline was done was misleading and wrong.
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

Michael is "waiting on test results" to see what condition he has and what that could mean if he's required to attend the court hearings.
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

Anyway - any updates yet?
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

Ok, for those obviously stressing we are creating another thread for support and fans in need. Now this thread can be used for only the pending case.
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

The decision by the judge will be made on thursday by the judge if mj willappear so let's wait till then
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

It's a civil trial. Courts don't normally require people to appear in person for civil trials. This request is definitely suspect.

The thing that is different with this case is it is a "he said/he said" trial. The Prince can testify about his understanding of their agreement; however, until Michael appears, the only thing that they can do is go on the depositions that he gave a year ago.

But since it is a civil trial, the burdon of evidence is on the plaintiff to prove that there was a contract for a specified amount. His gifts shouldn't be included in that amount. If, however, there was a cash advance of a certain amount in exchange for 2 albums, a Broadway musical, and an autobiography (as reported), then it should have been tied to a written contract.

If there is a written contract, then the contract stands alone and the merits of the contract are all that have to be argued. Neither the Prince, nor Michael, need to be present to argue the merits of a contract. Michael's deposition should suffice to argue his side of the contract.

This entire lawsuit is suspect. The reason that it was filed in the UK is that the U.S. does not recognize Bahrain. It does not have diplomatic ties to Bahrain, so they don't recognize each other in International Court.

Michael's lawyers should never have accepted a lawsuit in the UK, a country that recognizes both the U.S. and Bahrain. It would have been a little more simple to argue that Bahrain has no legal jurisdiction over a U.S. citizen.

I will be interested to see what legal arguements both sides use over the next 2 weeks.
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

Why is this being made such a big deal of? worst scenerio would be that Mike has to give those gifts and money back. Mike will still be able to move on with his life and carriere.

I think the media has missed a Jack.o story to toy with. The Neverland story was a bit difficult to understand what really happen, but this is a good old drama about somebody wanting money from MJ.
But when you think about everything Mj already has gone through, and all none Mike things going on in the world today, this "news ithem" is simply NOTHING.
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

I think the media has missed a Jack.o story to toy with

The media is obsessed with Michael. What else can I say?

Also, I stated about the updates meaning articles. That is what I meant. I know the case was adjourn until Thursday.
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

These are just those people who had high expectations what they can do with Michael. So they were actually trying to bribe him. And use media for their own purposes. Like saying they are co-operating with Michael.

Michael never signs anything if he can't put his trust on people and usually it takes a very long time.

This case is completely stupid.
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

This case is completely stupid.

It is. It is just that the media knows it is stupid and are having a field day with it.
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

It is. It is just that the media knows it is stupid and are having a field day with it.

I think it's that this Prince just has money and he gets so much media attention with this. He doesn't care how much does it cost because all the publicity is great publicity.

He just doesn't understand it will look only good for Michael in the end... Or then he doesn't care about that either.
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

These are just those people who had high expectations what they can do with Michael. So they were actually trying to bribe him.

And I just have a funny feeling that if MJ does appear in person, the Prince is going to ask if he can speak to MJ in private.
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

And I just have a funny feeling that if MJ does appear in person, the Prince is going to ask if he can speak to MJ in private.

Yeah, he wants desperately meet Michael again. I don't know what happened in Bahrain or anywhere but everyone should know that Michael has the whole world to explore. He doesn't need one place all through his life. This Neverland thing is an example. He's a survivor and actually has no "home" because his home is in his own heart and his children's hearts..
What he is living for is his "home", it's always been like that.
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

This entire lawsuit is suspect. The reason that it was filed in the UK is that the U.S. does not recognize Bahrain. It does not have diplomatic ties to Bahrain, so they don't recognize each other in International Court.

Michael's lawyers should never have accepted a lawsuit in the UK, a country that recognizes both the U.S. and Bahrain. It would have been a little more simple to argue that Bahrain has no legal jurisdiction over a U.S. citizen.

I will be interested to see what legal arguements both sides use over the next 2 weeks.

As far as I know the US does recognize Bahrain and has diplomatic (and other) ties with that country. It isn't strange for international disputes (between individuals and companies) to be dealt with in Western courts. Depending on the issue at stake, certain courts have better developed legal systems to deal with certain problems.
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

As far as I know the US does recognize Bahrain and has diplomatic (and other) ties with that country. It isn't strange for international disputes (between individuals and companies) to be dealt with in Western courts. Depending on the issue at stake, certain courts have better developed legal systems to deal with certain problems.

Actually the US does not recognize Bahrain, which is one of the reasons that Germaine talked Michael into moving to Bahrain. It fed into his paranoid belief that the US Governement was out to get him. It only took Michael 6 months before he realized that he was suffering from exhaustion and a couple of years of persecution, that had nothing to do with the US Government. It all revolved around one very rabid attorney (Gloria Allred), and a prosecutor (Tom Sneddon) that wanted to drive him out of "his" county.

The US does not have any trade agreements with Bahrain. The only way that the US recognizes a nation is if they have trade agreements.
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

Actually the US does not recognize Bahrain, which is one of the reasons that Germaine talked Michael into moving to Bahrain. It fed into his paranoid belief that the US Governement was out to get him. It only took Michael 6 months before he realized that he was suffering from exhaustion and a couple of years of persecution, that had nothing to do with the US Government. It all revolved around one very rabid attorney (Gloria Allred), and a prosecutor (Tom Sneddon) that wanted to drive him out of "his" county.

The US does not have any trade agreements with Bahrain. The only way that the US recognizes a nation is if they have trade agreements.

US embassy in Bahrain - http://bahrain.usembassy.gov/

US-Bahrain FTA http://bahrain.usembassy.gov/fta.html
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

at first i was cool , but the "illness" part is keeping me dead worried. i have an exam tomorrow and all i can think of is whether Michael will be ok. I am sorry guys,I just had to get this off my chest...
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

I stand corrected.

I still suspect the reason that this case was filed in the UK.

It is because the UK and Bahrain recognize each other in Civil Cases, and the US and the UK recognize each other in Civil Cases. As of yet, there has never been a Civil Case between US and Bahrain entities. The UK seems to be a neutral country.

I am still waiting to see if Michael's attorney's make the arguement that the UK is not the proper jurisdiction for this case.
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

I have no idea what the situation is with Michael and the Prince financially. I find the fact Michael supposedly signed with a $4 million (It would cost a lot more than that to sign MJ) deal 2Seas Records (which was nothing more than a badly designed web site) for an album, and autobiography etc hard to believe. Michael's no fool, and wouldn't sign to a music label with no track record of success.
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

He should have made it clear from the get-go, if he was really a friend: "hey dude, Michael, since your my friend I'm gonna help you out. Here, what I'm giving you is a LOAN, I expect to be paid back in full AS YOU ARE ABLE. Come bring your family to Bahrain and stay with us for a while and relax. Bring all the people you need. Don't worry about the expense to bring everyone here, we'll take care of it, it's a GIFT cause your my friend and I'm rich anyway. Here's a pledge of my friendship to you, an expensive watch. No, really, take it, it's a GIFT. The car too." That is what a real friend would do.

Real friends don't go around making people sing their songs and write books, etc. and make them sign documents and all to do that. No no no. Isn't that something like what, omg I'm gonna puke if I say his name, Evan Chandler *going to puke* wanted? He wanted to use MJ to get him to produce his stupid scripts or something and MJ refused and so Evan raked him over the coals?

Michael, I'm sorry, but you've GOT to learn how to make real personal friends that won't make you sign documents!! contract between "friends" = potential extortion.

btw, MJ, get to feeling better, okay? I sure won't make you sign any dumb contracts!
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