Michael Jackson Settles case Against Prince Abdulla

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Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

I love it how most people on here are bashing the prince when none of us have any idea what really went on between Michael and the Prince.

This is many millions of pounds we're talking about and we have no idea what Michael may have promised the prince (Im talking about verbally promising) before bailing.

I'm not saying Michael's at fault..but none of us KNOW. Its amazing how much hatred there is towards the prince when we don't know enough about the situation to judge.

Is anyone really looking at it from both points of view?
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Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

I stand corrected.

I still suspect the reason that this case was filed in the UK.

It is because the UK and Bahrain recognize each other in Civil Cases, and the US and the UK recognize each other in Civil Cases. As of yet, there has never been a Civil Case between US and Bahrain entities. The UK seems to be a neutral country.

I am still waiting to see if Michael's attorney's make the arguement that the UK is not the proper jurisdiction for this case.

No prob:) You might have been thinking of the Int Court of Justice in the Netherlands? I believe the US doesn't recognize its authority, but that court doesn't deal with the type of legal issues we're discussing here. It's perfectly possible for a foreigner to sue an American citizen or firm in a UK court - I don't think we'll see an argument against that or we would have seen it already if it was going to happen. But I guess you just never know!:)
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

I love it how most people on here are bashing the prince when none of us have any idea what really went on between Michael and the Prince.

This is many millions of pounds we're talking about and we have no idea what Michael may have promised the prince (Im talking about verbally promising) before bailing.

I'm not saying Michael's at fault..but none of us KNOW. Its amazing how much hatred there is towards the prince when we don't know enough about the situation to judge.

Is anyone really looking at it from both points of view?

Yeah, I was thinking the same - we have no idea what actually happened, so I'd rather not comment, everything would be just speculation. We'll see how everything goes.

Seems like these kind of things never end in M.J. world...
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Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

yes because - let's face it - it might be Michael's mistake after all - there - I said it - but Michael is only human and he is allowed to whatever he wants with his money.

So therefore,let's not judge anyone here.
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

I don't know ho wthings are, and actually I don't think they are really interesting, MJ will live in both cases, if he wins or loses.

but I know the Prince has billions, and he so rich he could live without think about that thing at all. I have the feeling MJ broke his dream of becoming a song writer, that's why he is mad at him, and that's why his lawyer keeps on saying how much talented the prince really his!LOL!
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

but I know the Prince has billions, and he so rich he could live without think about that thing at all. I have the feeling MJ broke his dream of becoming a song writer, that's why he is mad at him, and that's why his lawyer keeps on saying how much talented the prince really his!LOL!

I'm one of those who don't believe this is really about money. I believe that the Prince has had musical aspirations for a long time and this "may" be his last shot at the brass ring.

That's why I also believe if the Prince has one more opportunity to speak to MJ one-on-one, he's gonna jump on it. I mean, what does he have to lose at this point.
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

I'm one of those who don't believe this is really about money. I believe that the Prince has had musical aspirations for a long time and this "may" be his last shot at the brass ring.

That's why I also believe if the Prince has one more opportunity to speak to MJ one-on-one, he's gonna jump on it. I mean, what does he have to lose at this point.

Of course, it's obviuos about something personal, and I think as well the whole thing is happening because of the prince's aspiration in the music business and nothing more.
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

I love it how most people on here are bashing the prince when none of us have any idea what really went on between Michael and the Prince.

This is many millions of pounds we're talking about and we have no idea what Michael may have promised the prince (Im talking about verbally promising) before bailing.

I'm not saying Michael's at fault..but none of us KNOW. Its amazing how much hatred there is towards the prince when we don't know enough about the situation to judge.

Is anyone really looking at it from both points of view?

What I see here is, while Michael may legally owe the Prince money, the Prince very clearly took advantage of Michael in a time of extreme physical, mental and emotional frailty, when Michael wasn't in his normal condition in any regard. You don't bombard someone who was in Michael's state with business deals, offers to relax and recover, financial support, etc... with the intent of getting something for yourself out of it. The Prince very clearly had an agenda to take advantage of what someone of Michael's stature and reputation could provide for him. That waswrong. So while Michael may legally be wrong, the Prince is morally wrong. Bottom line. Michael never would have agreed to sing some unknown songwriters songs or signed a contract he hadn't read if he was mentally okay, which clearly he was not.
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

I really don't know what happened between the Prince & Michael, we'll have to wait and see, but I hope this thing is over soon. We've seen soo many trials, and I just want this one to be gone. It gets tiresome.
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

What I see here is, while Michael may legally owe the Prince money, the Prince very clearly took advantage of Michael in a time of extreme physical, mental and emotional frailty, when Michael wasn't in his normal condition in any regard.

This is what sucks the most. Since it is apparent that the Prince has done Mike wrong.. If Mike signed something.. Contracts (or whatever was signed) don't care how ill someone is. Just an example, a little off topic none the less, but.. life insurance companies sign lives away every day. It is a cruel yet legal system. Hopefully the Prince has forgot to dot the i's and cross the t's. Fool.
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

I'm repeating myself again here lol. But since this is the thread for the court case, I decided to post it here too.

This is a slight variation on a post I wrote in yesterday's thread:

This whole thing just stinks no matter who's to blame IMO. I like Michael alot and I will support him all the way. But I can't say I'm happy with either side's thinking in regard to this case. That being said, I think this is one time that Michael should settle. Sometimes he should pick his battles very carefully. This one isn't shaping up to be good for him so far. He should never have signed that document. And to me, the Prince is just as much at fault because he had no business rolling up on Michael with a disguised venture proposal to begin with when he knew that Michael was very traumatized and drained from (and during) the trial. And I think the Prince should be ashamed for his part in how this went down. But while he can just walk away with no public scrutiny after this is over, Michael has to deal with another wave of ridicule if he loses. And he doesn't need that with everything he's doing to put himself back on the music map again.
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Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

This is what sucks the most. Since it is apparent that the Prince has done Mike wrong.. If Mike signed something.. Contracts (or whatever was signed) don't care how ill someone is. Just an example, a little off topic none the less, but.. life insurance companies sign lives away every day. It is a cruel yet legal system. Hopefully the Prince has forgot to dot the i's and cross the t's. Fool.

I hear you, but I look at it this way.

Even if it doesn't turn out TOTALLY in MJ's favor, he would have learned an expensive lesson, but at least he will be able to move on. He will be able to proceed with his plans and will be able to put the entire thing behind him.
Sheikh spent $350K on Michael Jackson 'brain guru'

The prince of Bahrain shelled out $350,000 for a guru to help get the creative juices flowing for Michael Jackson.

Jackson's guru, Tony Buzan​
LONDON - A sheikh subsidizing Michael Jackson spent almost $350,000 on a brain-power guru to help the singer's creative juices flow.
"Mind-mapping and motivational guru" Tony Buzan came to Bahrain for a week at the singer's request, said Bankim Thanki, lawyer for Sheikh Abdulla bin Hamad al-Khalifa, who is suing Jackson for $7 million in a breach-of-contract case here.
Buzan "did not come cheap," he noted in court today: Buzan charged $37,000 a session for a total of $343,000.
"Who paid for that? Yes, Sheikh Abdulla," said Thanki.
The 33-year-old sheikh - son of the king of Bahrain - alleges that Jackson took millions in advances from him but failed to deliver on contractually agreed projects, including an album, a "frankly personal" autobiography and a musical.

Jackson and his family came to Bahrain in June 2005, after the singer was acquitted of child molestation by a California jury. In May 2006 Jackson left Bahrain and never returned.
"It's fair to say my client felt a considerable amount of personal betrayal by someone he had regarded as a close friend," Thanki told London's High Court.
Thanki wants to put the 50-year-old Jackson on the stand but the singer wants to testify via video link from Los Angeles.
Jackson's lawyer Robert Englehart told Justice Nigel Sweeney the singer is unable to travel because of an unnamed medical condition.
"It would be unwise for him to travel given what he's got now," Englehart said.
Thanki said the sheikh was "skeptical" of Jackson's claim that he's ill.
"It's not the first time a sick note has been presented by Mr. Jackson," the lawyer sniped, noting ***** deferred testifying in a 2002 U.S. court case because of an alleged spider bite on his leg.
Sweeney said he would decide Thursday whether video testimony would be permitted.
Abdulla is also expected to testify Thursday, as will Jackson's nanny, Grace Rwaramba.

source :www.nydailynews.com
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

as always the mj's side is never reported by the media
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

if Grace is testifying...erm...is Grace still employed by MJ? I havnt seen her for a while....
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

About Prince's feeling of betrayal.

Prince was interviewed long after May 2006 and showed no "feel of betrayal", saying he still has great attitude towards Jackson, and his claims (about Michael not going to collaborate) are just local/technical issue.

This may mean something or not, but that is the fact.
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

as always the mj's side is never reported by the media

That's sickening!!

They take the story, turns it against MJ, and makes it a one side story.
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

if Grace is testifying...erm...is Grace still employed by MJ? I havnt seen her for a while....
The articles refer to her as his former nanny, so I doubt she's employed by him anymore. She was very close to him and the family when they lived in Bahrain in 2005-2006, which is why I presume she's being called.

The prince of Bahrain shelled out $350,000 for a guru to help get the creative juices flowing for Michael Jackson.

Jackson's guru, Tony Buzan - A sheikh subsidizing Michael Jackson spent almost $350,000 on a brain-power guru to help the singer's creative juices flow.
Oh jeez, another self-proclaimed "brain-power" guru charging an arm and a leg for some sort of 'session' with MJ, just like that crooked doctor who was hanging around with him and charging unheard amounts of money during the trial then sued him later. I'd say that Michael really needed TIME to recuperate after the trial more than he needed some "guru" charging tens of thousands per session to get his "creative juices" flowing again.
Re: Sheikh spent $350K on Michael Jackson 'brain guru'


The prince of Bahrain shelled out $350,000 for a guru to help get the creative juices flowing for Michael Jackson.

Jackson's guru, Tony Buzan
LONDON - A sheikh subsidizing Michael Jackson spent almost $350,000 on a brain-power guru to help the singer's creative juices flow.
"Mind-mapping and motivational guru" Tony Buzan came to Bahrain for a week at the singer's request, said Bankim Thanki, lawyer for Sheikh Abdulla bin Hamad al-Khalifa, who is suing Jackson for $7 million in a breach-of-contract case here.
Buzan "did not come cheap," he noted in court today: Buzan charged $37,000 a session for a total of $343,000.
"Who paid for that? Yes, Sheikh Abdulla," said Thanki.
The 33-year-old sheikh - son of the king of Bahrain - alleges that Jackson took millions in advances from him but failed to deliver on contractually agreed projects, including an album, a "frankly personal" autobiography and a musical.​

Jackson and his family came to Bahrain in June 2005, after the singer was acquitted of child molestation by a California jury. In May 2006 Jackson left Bahrain and never returned.
"It's fair to say my client felt a considerable amount of personal betrayal by someone he had regarded as a close friend," Thanki told London's High Court.
Thanki wants to put the 50-year-old Jackson on the stand but the singer wants to testify via video link from Los Angeles.
Jackson's lawyer Robert Englehart told Justice Nigel Sweeney the singer is unable to travel because of an unnamed medical condition.
"It would be unwise for him to travel given what he's got now," Englehart said.
Thanki said the sheikh was "skeptical" of Jackson's claim that he's ill.
"It's not the first time a sick note has been presented by Mr. Jackson," the lawyer sniped, noting ***** deferred testifying in a 2002 U.S. court case because of an alleged spider bite on his leg.
Sweeney said he would decide Thursday whether video testimony would be permitted.
Abdulla is also expected to testify Thursday, as will Jackson's nanny, Grace Rwaramba.​

I'm sorry, but the Prince is a dick. He's crying about $350,000 which went towards helping Michael recover mentally from what happened to him. I can't even imagine how low Michael was at that time. Its beyond my imagination. But its obvious that the Prince wasn't helping Michael out of good will and genuine care and concern for Michael, but out of what he planned to be a profitable relationship. He used Michael, plain and simple. Makes me sick. How many people has Michael helped, finacially or otherwise, in his lifetime without ever asking for something in return? For the Prince to come at Michael like that, in the condition Michael was in, to coax him like that and then throw business deals in his face for "compensation" for his "generosity" is wrong. I don't care if Michael legally owes this fool money, the Prince is the one morally in the wrong.
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

Sorry if posted already, here's what Guy Holmes had to say about the situation back in April:

"It’s nice being offered projects. That’s what happened when the Sheikh Abdullah of Bahrain approached me in 2005 to do the Michael Jackson comeback. I went to meet Michael and turned it down at first as I thought he had too much baggage. But I eventually agreed. Michael’s an extraordinarily intelligent man, but sadly his moral health is far worse than one could imagine. He ran off and reneged on his contract and now there’s a court case."

LINK: http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-e...holmes-chairman-of-gut-recordings-807368.html
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

as always the mj's side is never reported by the media

So I prefer to stay beside Michael always.Even if he is guilty I am not judge of nobody.
Who never committed such an error or worse cast the first stone.
No matter what veredict.I'll be with Michael.
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

why is this happen again we deal with trial in 2005 can people get off his back and leave him alone :yes: :cry:
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

rockstar, the trial is nothing compared to this. this is a civil case. nothing important, honestly. money is just money.....it's other things that people are worrying about.

and this sounds like straight up blackmail. he was all buddy buddy w/ mj until mj left and he didn't get what he dreamed of and now he's suing. sour grapes IMO

took advantage of someone when they were down and not fullyup yet.
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