Michael Jackson Settles case Against Prince Abdulla

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Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

could be u never know
but i doubt it though
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

everything since that 2005 trial is peanuts to me...

this too shall pass and Mike will be fine..
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

ohhhhh...i was about to ask if this thread was necessary when i saw the title but then i read it was about the LAWSUIT...i thought ya'll was talking about mj vs. the OTHER prince. lmao.

carry on.
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

"More fodder for the masses" think they meant more garbage for people to eat up. Fodder is like hay or feed for cattle.
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

ohhhhh...i was about to ask if this thread was necessary when i saw the title but then i read it was about the LAWSUIT...i thought ya'll was talking about mj vs. the OTHER prince. lmao.

carry on.

Don't worry you're not the only one. :doh: Prince "Purple Rain" has a lawsuit too.
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

what someone is suing him too?
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

i thought ya'll was talking about mj vs. the OTHER prince

Everytime I come on this thread I think of the same thing even though I know it is not about Prince the singer. LOL. You are not alone in that.
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

If this deal to sing was never finalized like we have learned thanks to Guy Holmes. So if the deal was never finalized and he has no contracts to say that he wanted pay back for the gifts. WTF does he want
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

what else!?
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

This guy has money he has billions

good point....i dont what the reasons are.
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

everything since that 2005 trial is peanuts to me...

this too shall pass and Mike will be fine..
Yep, yep. This will be old and forgotten news soon enough. But for the next two weeks we're gonna be seeing total chaos amongst the fan boards and in the media--if these past two days are anything to go by.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

After going through this thread again this is what I can draw. This hinges on that contract. If that contract says Michael said he would sing do a play and sing the Prince's songs then Michael has a problem. If the contract is just about the record company and was never finalized then the Prince has one
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

This is what keeps coming to my mind about this whole thing...

It is widely known that MJ went through a very exhausting trial and that he was very weak once it was over.

When he was invited to come to Bahrain back in '05, I highly doubt that the Prince said, "Michael is welcome to come here and rest if he's willing to cut an album and help launch a record company while he's here." Anyone with common sense knows the prince would not have said such a thing during a time like that, because it would not have been a true show of concern for someone that had suffered. It would not have been hospitable at all to say something like that. It would have been very inconsiderate, very uncaring.

The invitation that was extended to MJ was mostly like done in a way that made MJ feel they were genuinely concerned about his wellbeing and not about laying out a business deal. I doubt that MJ would have gone if they had said all of that stuff to him up front. It makes absolute sense for MJ to have thought the invite was a gift (i.e., a show of goodwill). Also, with MJ being the type of person that has made it a regular practice to kindly open his home to others without any strings attached, this too is a reason why it would have been very easy to him to think that someone was doing the same for him.

Additionally, if the Prince had said up front that he's having MJ come to Bahrain just to bind him to a contract, MJ's entire family would have been against him going. They all would have talked him out of it. But as we saw, they were very grateful that he was able to go. Therefore, everything must have seemed okay to them too. It seemed like the prince was being nice.

If the prince did not make it clear to MJ...before he boarded a plane...that he was going to expect something in return for being nice to him, then it is not right for him to be seeking full reimbursement.

But, to get this last bit of MJ's '03 - '05 ordeal to go away, and finally drift back into his past and stay, I think MJ and his team will need to go into a brainstorming session to see if there's something they could come up with that will be a win-win for MJ and the Prince. Sometimes, peace is more valuable than money.

Maybe a partial reimbursement will be sufficient since cutting an album was not the intended purpose for accepting the invite, but having a quiet and secure place to regroup was greatly needed at the time and provided.

I hope there's a way for MJ and the prince to meet each other half way on this, because the prince did not give MJ a fair chance to make a sound choice. It seems like the prince may have sprung to business thing on MJ some time after MJ had rested up a bit.
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Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

I belive that this case will be solve out of court and every thing will be fine, may be every thing will be solve by talking to each other.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Yes, it seems like they just need to talk it out. Exactly. Or, have their attorneys talk it out on their behalf.
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Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Hey guys,

Let's look at the bright side. This is the only law suit he's dealing with currently. Once it's out of the way, Mick's free to enjoy Christmas and devote his full time to a mammoth comeback!
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

How ridiculous is this!!! psshhh
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Let's cross our fingers for good news. I Wanna hear good news in next week. Some thing like the case was solved out of court , Michael and prince become friend again .Michael doesnt need to pay any thing to prince and he gonna write the Autobiograph. How is that? Am I so dreamy?
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

I have to laugh when Grace is suddenly brought in as a bad person out of the blue. I seriously doubt she gets involved in his business affairs. It would have nothing to do with her. All she can do is be there for him personally and his children. Give it a rest with the nonsense. But hey it is the norm from jealous female fans so why am I not surprised.

This also isn't a new lawsuit. This is one of the last lawsuits Michael is dealing with stemming from that time period. I'm quite sure Michael is much stronger today than he was then. He learnt his lessons in being too trusting.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

This is so funny , yesterday they said he was sued for $7m and today it becomes $10.7m :hysterical::hysterical:I think it will be around $50m at the end of the month. This is really riduclous.

If this is the report from an AUSTRALIAN newspaper------then that is why it went from $$ 7 million to $$10.7 million---because of the difference in the dollar between Australia and the USA.
Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread

Man, Jermaine......lawd..... yesterday, I had a different opinion about him. After everything happened today...... let me stop. If MJ just told Jermaine to "back the eff off" when Jermaine was telling him to hang out with these fools, he wouldn't be in this mess. I agree with you on Grace. Blah on her. Honestly, I could careless if she is testify for or aganist Mike, if she is his former nanny or employee, GOOD FOR MIKE!

Nancy DisGrace is talking about the trial? Why am I not shocked?

This Prince clown is a monster and a psychopath. I hope he gets what he deserves. I am with Dri on this, whether MJ loses this bullish or not, I am supporting the Mikester! :)

Huh? Since when was there bad blood between grace and mike? Did I miss something? Did she do something wrong?
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Grace has done nothing wrong. But she is/was close to Mike and that make her a questionable figure in the eyes of many.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Re: Prince vs MJ Trial Thread
Originally Posted by elusive moonwalker
intresting about grace but im sat here thinking where were you when the prince was ringing him up during the trial and doing what he was doing out in bahrain. no one with the balls to tell mj as normal and this was how many days after the trial ended same ole crap frank wouldnt stand for this crap.and lets not even mention jermaine

Exactly. I'm also wondering what do they want to talk to Grace for anyway if this is true?
she went to bahrain with mj .im sure she can testift not only to mjs state of mind but interms of what was gifts and what wasnt and also if she was involved or sat in on any talks re the music
at the end of the day it doesnt matter what mj signed what he has to show is that he was in no fit state to sign anything and was pressured etc as his claims. if the judge feels this its makes no difference what he signed
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Clearly the prince tried to CAPITALIZE off of mike. No good shysters. And no I will not be giving this jerk the benefit of the doubt or looking at both sides. until proven mike was wrong. You know why.... because like many others have pointed out. This wannabe songwriter, the prince, pretended like he wanted to help michael out in a low point in his life but really just wanted michael to sing his whack songs. And then gonna act like it was part of the deal (an advancement) and michael was to pay it back.

Um if you are ADvancing funds or PROviding monies for a MUSICAL project and such then why are you buying watches, cars, and gift etc. What does that have to do with recording an album. REALLY!?!! :doh:
Oh MY BAD, maybe those items where for the music video and the prince was just looking ahead.


This fool know GOOD and WELL that he paid all those things along with living quarters, chicken dinners, cable tv, and all that other good stuff he bought and paid for; in HOPES that michael WOULD work on his bogus projects and when michael come to his senses...he straight...BOUNCED. Peace! Adios! Goodbye! "I'll holla!" Yall know how mike gets down, when dude is through with you, He will not call and you will not be able to get hold of him. Ah boo hoo for the prince. I wonder if he wants some CHEESE with his WHINE! lol

I mean hasn't the prince bought jermine cars and such? I don't see jermine fulling his contract duties and cutting no albums:hysterical:. So why stick-it to mike?
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