Michael Jackson Settles case Against Prince Abdulla

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Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

For sure Elusive.. thats why I am saying it DOES hinge on paperwork, because it is up to the Judge to say whether it is bogus or not in relation to the defense. However, the paperwork could be legally binding.. We just simply do not know. I wish I was in that courtroom taking notes! lol.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Sure thing Dri, I will of course stick my Michael in terms of his career as I have done since I was a small child. But if he is guilty of something then that is something we all have to accept and just move on from.

Yes!For sure!
I will accept and forgive him as I always made in my whole life beeing fan of Michael since 9 years old.
My love is unconditional and forgive everything,any situation.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Why is it that everybody around here is defending MJ blindly! its obvious he is MORE in the wrong in this case! he usually does this. When he doesn't want something, he walks away from it, whatever the consequences... as somebody else said he is good at putting brick walls between himself and someone he doesn't like!

more wrong ? the prince took advantage of michael when he was a wreck emotionally and physically. he tricked him into signing sth that michael didnt even know about. its obvious that he lied to him. he told him the payments were gifts when that clearly wasnt the case.

i said it once and i will say it again. michael during that time he should of had been with his family or very very close personal friends that he had known for years. not with some total strangers who opened his arms to him and were just "too" willing to help him with everything.
it wasnt the right time to make new friends because he couldnt see straight then and therefore he didnt have the right judgement. the prince manipulated him and trying to trap him into doing sth that he didnt have the slightest interest to do.
then it became a blackmail. do this or im taking u to court.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

I stand by my view of the Prince. Period. The man was not right trying to do that to Mike. However, I am not blindly defending MJ either. I adore the guy, but he should have never left the US. He should have stayed in the Hayvenhurst home and hide or something. He would have surrounded with his children and family. I do not know why Jermaine couldn't sing the Prince shitty songs. Maybe that could be a reason why the Prince wanted Mike to sing them. Maybe he was told by Jerm that MJ would sing them. I do not mean to speculate but Jermaine's actions are questionable regarding this situation.

As for what I said about Grace, I think someone stated it well why I said what I said about Grace. I remember when I stated during the trial that I do not trust an employee of Michael's who recieves a paycheck from him. She was an employee of Michael's. So, I am standing by my "issue" with Grace. I care about what she says, but I am not expecting it to be positive or negative. I hope it is the truth.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

The thing about that contract is Michael is saying the contract is about 2 seas records not about him singing the Prince's songs and paying him back for the stuff he bought him. I really want to know what is in that contract. Because do not believe Michael will walk away from a contract he signed. You notice Michael said yesterday the contract has something to do with the record company not what he would do for the guy as far as a play and a book and what have you
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Sheikh spent $350K on Michael Jackson 'brain guru'

Tuesday, November 18th 2008, 2:30 PM


The prince of Bahrain shelled out $350,000 for a guru to help get the creative juices flowing for Michael Jackson.

Jackson's guru, Tony Buzan
LONDON - A sheikh subsidizing Michael Jackson spent almost $350,000 on a brain-power guru to help the singer's creative juices flow.

"Mind-mapping and motivational guru" Tony Buzan came to Bahrain for a week at the singer's request, said Bankim Thanki, lawyer for Sheikh Abdulla bin Hamad al-Khalifa, who is suing Jackson for $7 million in a breach-of-contract case here.

Buzan "did not come cheap," he noted in court today: Buzan charged $37,000 a session for a total of $343,000.

"Who paid for that? Yes, Sheikh Abdulla," said Thanki.

The 33-year-old sheikh - son of the king of Bahrain - alleges that Jackson took millions in advances from him but failed to deliver on contractually agreed projects, including an album, a "frankly personal" autobiography and a musical.

Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

The thing about that contract is Michael is saying the contract is about 2 seas records not about him singing the Prince's songs and paying him back for the stuff he bought him. I really want to know what is in that contract. Because do not believe Michael will walk away from a contract he signed. You notice Michael said yesterday the contract has something to do with the record company not what he would do for the guy as far as a play and a book and what have you

I'm curious to know what is in that contract too. All we're hearing is the Prince's side of this peppered with a few things from Michael.
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Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

What the eff is a brain guru? I mean, there are so many BS careers out there, I tell ya.

I, too, want to know what kind of contract MJ supposedly signed. I can't see MJ signing a contract and then leave. Mike is a way smarter person than that.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

And what kind of contract was it? A developmental one or what like you Bee I just don't think Michael would be dumb enough to walk away from a contract he signed even if he signed it under duress I am more then sure when he got better he took a look at it and said wait I minute I need to do this that and a third
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

^ You are right about that. I just can't see Mike do this, regardless of how he was like. If any person with no opinion about MJ and the Prince read these articles, they would think that MJ is one silly man, but really, some of these articles are not even stating the facts well. There is a document or contract that MJ signed, but which kind is it and what does it contain?
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

If this Prince paid for a so called guru, this Prince deserved to lose that money. What is a brain guru? that sound like some mess.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

haha bee it could be worse, at least this guru doesn't bend spoons.

i think that whatever is wrong w/ mj will leak b/c the prince'slawyer seems to have an open ass mouth and he looks like he'll play dirty. i dare him to leak anything and mj will have a suit against them.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

And I think that the reason why they want to bring in Grace is to have her sully Michael's character. If she's now the former nanny, they could be wanting to have her back up the Prince's claims.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

she's the FORMER nanny b/c the kids are 11, 10, and 6.....they don't need to be babied anymore....and i believe she'll testify FOR mj....just b/c u let someone go doesn't mean it's bad on u.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

If this Prince paid for a so called guru, this Prince deserved to lose that money. What is a brain guru? that sound like some mess.
Tony Buzan came to Bahrain for a week at the singer's request

But it is possible, sometimes Michael counts on strange persons with strange professions. It could be ... but we don't know.

I just found on wikipedia that this man's professions isn't such as strange as I thought first.

Tony Buzan (1942—) is an author and educational consultant.[1] He is a proponent of the techniques of Mind Mapping and mental literacy.

Buzan was born in London, is an alumnus of Kitsilano Secondary School, and received double Honours in psychology, English, mathematics and the General Sciences from the University of British Columbia in 1964. He is probably best known for his book, Use Your Head, his promotion of mnemonic systems and his Mind Mapping techniques

Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

she's the FORMER nanny b/c the kids are 11, 10, and 6.....they don't need to be babied anymore....and i believe she'll testify FOR mj....just b/c u let someone go doesn't mean it's bad on u.

Your point is well taken. Thanks Soso Deaf.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

no prob...and gurus aren't a problem....it's high priced no name gurus that are a problem...IF he needed help, he could've talked w/ deepak chopra, they're still friends. no need to pay money for some low rent version of a healer....lame

and this is a person who preyed on mj in his darkest hour....so what if he was just acquitted, his mind was still ripe w/ fear and his body was still aching from the lies...and this "friend" jumped on at the right time and sucked mj in.

sorry but mj DIDN'T stay at some fancy ass resort in europe....he was renting that castle in ireland himself and he stayed w/ anton's fam when he left bahrain....remember him signing autographs and a fan sent in his hat and got back blanket's shirt cuz the baby liked the hat?! lol

it was the punisher jacket...woot woot comics.....and woot woot happy mj...and this is making it all seem like poo. so the prince can go jump in a lake for all i care. IF u help someone when they're in need, u don't expect a payback b/c if they could do it, they wouldn't have needed ur help, RIGHT?!
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

damn! this Thaki laweyer man is running his mouth like nobody's business...we have already heard FAR too much from him -- he should just shut his pie hole and get to work on his clients case -- oh that's right, there probably isn't much work.

I just want to know how this supposed 'contract' has mapped out -- and just get the whole thing over and done with...pay the 7 million to your host who is asking back the hospitality he offered.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

i can't wait for mj to sue they asses.....his ass don't need to go to no court...especially if he has to fly to another country. it's a CIVIL case...prince just wants to touch mj's hair again. pathetic....

especially those who have to buy their friends.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

from xwildatheart @ KOP:


Brian Oxman was just on Nancy Grace, as much as I hate utterring her name.

He spoke about Michael's back problems and then same something along the lines of being in contact with La Toya who apparently said Michael isn't feeling well at all.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

brian oxman knows about as much as my yorkie riley.....so um yeah, he's a non issue at this point. his ass was fired for a reason....mj brought him on for familliarity andhe blew it...and then ran his mouth like he knew things....im sure he was shocked mj was no longer in bahrain.

and u know what? I LIKE NANCY GRACE WHEN SHE ISN'T ON ABOUT MJ......as a mother, i feel the same way, very militant and stubborn when it comes to OBVIOUS crims like casey anthony and drew peterson.....but she's that way all the time, she's a fmr. pros so she isn't supposed to be objective......
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

i said it once and i will say it again. michael during that time he should of had been with his family or very very close personal friends that he had known for years. not with some total strangers who opened his arms to him and were just "too" willing to help him with everything.

Which was nobody's mistake but Michaels. He chose to go there.
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Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

u can't claim foul if u sign something w/o reading....BUT if your state of mind was impaired due to stress or recent trauma, which teh trial can be classified as, u may be exempt...he was kept in a bubble after he left vegas to goto bahrain...it was a mess and u can't be there for someone if u expect something at the end.

this guy buys his friends and looks like a pathetic spoiled brat in all the photos i see of him
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

from xwildatheart @ KOP:


Brian Oxman was just on Nancy Grace, as much as I hate utterring her name.

He spoke about Michael's back problems and then same something along the lines of being in contact with La Toya who apparently said Michael isn't feeling well at all.
Child, I almost went through the tv. I got up late and was switching the tv and ran across the rerun at 4:00 am. That Nancy woman is crazy and just as fake as a $3 bill. Why was this even a topic on her show. You saw how she tried to play it up and then she went to the story of the missing girl. And who is that lady guest that Nancy has on her show all the time who looks like she is alway chewing sh*t when she talk? She want to say something she did not know MIchael was intelligent enough to do something. WHAT!! Michael is a MEGA Star. You have to have intelligence to become that big in life. I tell ya some people are so out to make Michael look stupid that they fail to see their own stupidity. ANd Brian Oxman ,with all due respect, needs to be quiet. He does not know anything going on with Michael. But Nancy Grace. That women is true nut and can not talk about MIchael. Even News people think Nancy is a idoit. She needs to be focused on her own lawsuit about helping that girl commit suicide than worrying about Michael.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

The thing is thats why you have advisors, Michael should have had lawyers with him when a contract is signed, he has been sued for this before. Where are Michaels lawyers and advisors, when you are Mike Jackson you should know this.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

This is sooooo stuipd and that "prince" is ever sooo selfish...

The only thing im worried about is Michael's health....omg...
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