Michael Jackson Settles case Against Prince Abdulla

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Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

he ain't the most sued man for nothin'....that's how u know cat aint broke...U DON'T SUE A PERSON W/ NO MONEY!

and this is just a mess and right after he was victorious, he went into theabode of another ready to cheat and screw him over....

like nic said, it's a MORAL issue and the prince has none.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Right Katie. You've got the right hold on what this is all about. People just lose their minds when Michael doesn't want to hang around them anymore. What they don't realize, or what they don't want to admit is, it's usually something THEY did which drives Michael away. In this case, the Prince trying to take advantage of Michael when he was practically incapacitated and profit off of their relationship, both financially and personally, rather then being genuine in his desire to help someone in very real need.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

What I do not understand is; why is Michael always in trouble with these things. Millenium concerts, Martin Bashir Living with Michael Jackson, Prince of Bahrein...has he no advisers or managers to protect him from these people or so called contracts. Why does this ovecome him everytime?
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

he ain't the most sued man for nothin'....that's how u know cat aint broke...U DON'T SUE A PERSON W/ NO MONEY!

and this is just a mess and right after he was victorious, he went into theabode of another ready to cheat and screw him over....

like nic said, it's a MORAL issue and the prince has none.

yes...there are only two groups of people in the world, and i'd stake my life on it..and life savings...

and those two groups are people who know Michael's successful and always gaining success...and people who know Michael's successful and always gaining success.

the latter group hates him for it. and that group includes the knowingly lying media and the prince of Bahrain.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Tony Buzan came to Bahrain for a week at the singer's request

But it is possible, sometimes Michael counts on strange persons with strange professions. It could be ... but we don't know.

I just found on wikipedia that this man's professions isn't such as strange as I thought first.

Tony Buzan (1942—) is an author and educational consultant.[1] He is a proponent of the techniques of Mind Mapping and mental literacy.

Buzan was born in London, is an alumnus of Kitsilano Secondary School, and received double Honours in psychology, English, mathematics and the General Sciences from the University of British Columbia in 1964. He is probably best known for his book, Use Your Head, his promotion of mnemonic systems and his Mind Mapping techniques


i think that the prince should sue this "guru" because he is the one who made Michael wake up and realise that the prince is making use of him ....:D
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

What I do not understand is; why is Michael always in trouble with these things. Millenium concerts, Martin Bashir Living with Michael Jackson, Prince of Bahrein...has he no advisers or managers to protect him from these people or so called contracts. Why does this ovecome him everytime?

because those envious people hate Michael Jackson.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

oh please ,i hate this kind of steryotyping..........Michael has probems wit half the world from every country and nationality .... he even has problems with his younger brother... i 'm not saying that michael is bad ,he is simplynot lucky... by the way this prince is not a businessman ,he even doesnot know what is bussiness,heis just a songwriter......Prince Alwalaid and Mohammad Al fayed are true bussiness men and they are great friend with Michael....
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Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

And if you notice, all of these people you talked about got "paid back". Oreilly had his own sexual lawsuit (notice after this, old Bill backed down from some his nonsense); Diane was FIRED and is viewed no more than a tabloid reporter who has an obsession about Jackson (and her 10 year book in the work on Michael FAILED). Nancy is on tv but she is view as a nut job even by the most crediable reporters. She is also dealing with her own lawsuit against the family who daughter committed suicide and some view Nancy as a person with blood on her hands. No one with substance take Nancy serious. Court Tv was cancelled in my city and the rating failed real bad after the trial and they lost crediablity. As for Michael, Michael cds are selling, he had the biggest selling cd of this year,people want him to tour (brothers or no brothers), many show was dedicated to him, etc. Many of his civil cases were either settled or he won. So you see, evil does not prevail. Only haters are enjoying this moment but they will be short lived.
You are so right. I really believe that what comes around goes around in the end. Only it sometimes takes years before it actually happens so sometimes it can look like haters are winning but that is only because you look at it from a to short perspective.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

i don't see what is so hard about all this. the PRince is a monster, who saw a very vulnerable MJ, the cash cow. MJ..the cash cow

That fool is indeed a monster. Plain and simple. Also, let's make it clear, the Prince is not Michael's friend. He is Jermaine's friend. Keep that in mind. The fact that Jermaine is still friend's with this Prince when this Prince is suing MJ makes you question what is up with Jermaine and his role. Jerm knew MJ was not in his right state of mind so the question is why tell him to leave his family to go to some stranger's place in some country that a lot of people maybe including Mike, have never heard of? Just so MJ can relax? He can do that in America, in his house, in a hotel, in Vegas, in anywhere. Why Barahin? I am getting tired of people pointing out what MJ did wrong. It does not matter when it is clear as day that this Prince only cared about what he was going to get from Michael instead of Michael's well being.

BTW, stop watching Nancy DisGrace, please. The woman is a nutjob and no one should take Oxman seriously.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Of course, this is a nasty state of affairs and I feel bad for MJ to have to go through all this again.

But there remains a simple question at the heart of all this:

Would -you- do business with Michael Jackson?
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

^^^ if u could, u wouldn'tbe sitting right here...actually we all do. we buy his albums so please, don't come in this thread sideways...this is getting pathetic.

ALSO STOP STEREOTYPING A CULTURE. if this guy were white, would we have so many stereotypes going on? knock it off....LAST WARNING ON THAT ONE.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

I think that is too easy when you say that. Does he not read contracts before he signs them?

have u never been pressured into anything, by a threatening authoratative figure? i have. it is a legitimate issue.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Does he not read contracts before he signs them?

Yes he does. And the media do hate Michael. It is as clear as day.

Would -you- do business with Michael Jackson?

Would you do business with the Prince? Would you stop reading tabloids? Would you start being a supporter and support Michael no matter what? Those are the questions that I think of when I read posts from fans that should know better but continue to make the media think for them.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

have u never been pressured into anything, by a threatening authoratative figure?

Michael is not alone here. He should have a team of advisers or at least one. I don't understand why he goes through this and let's say an artist like Bono does not as far as I know.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Michael is not alone here. He should have a team of advisers or at least one. I don't understand why he goes through this and let's say an artist like Bono does not as far as I know.

ok...your keywords are that 'you do not understand'..and...'as far as i know'.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

As far as I know they are not:cheeky:

On topic please....

i'm very much on topic.

i'm just saying..you don't know everything enough to make that judgement on Michael.

and let's not kid ourselves. Michael is a bigger success than Bono.

the bigger the target.......u know the rest..

having said that....it's very possible bono may be going through stuff that..as u said..as far as YOU know...you don't know about.

and also...MJ isn't the first.. in history when Elvis got really big..people were reported to have taken big advantage of him too. this is not the same thing as saying that the artist is lacking in intelligence. one has nothing to do with the other.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

I think that is too easy when you say that. Does he not read contracts before he signs them?

Michael is very intelligent. and when in a healthy physical and mental state, has made some amazing business decisians. But the point here is, Michael WASN'T in a healthy physical or mental state when the Prince shoved these deals and contracts in his face and Michael signed it without reading it, because he wasn't okay. Bottom line. When you're in pain, physical or emotional, or both, the only thing you really desire is for that pain to end.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

helloo, can one please reply me?

Arab people are not white?!!! :-/ come on they are.
if we were white, then they'd call us white...we're arab cuz we're arab. lol

but u understand my point, though? people are adding the prince's race as an issue....and it shouldn't be. there's crooks everywhere all different colours and shapes....

and idunno when the trial starts tmrw....we'll just have to wait and see...it's in europe so i reckon they're like 10 hrs ahead or whatever....
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Michael is very intelligent. and when in a healthy physical and mental state, has made some amazing business decisians. But the point here is, Michael WASN'T in a healthy physical or mental state when the Prince shoved these deals and contracts in his face and Michael signed it without reading it, because he wasn't okay. Bottom line. When you're in pain, physical or emotional, or both, the only thing you really desire is for that pain to end.

AMEN to that.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

sorry but in this case, you can be a super fan or whatever (i'm a big fan)
but mike did wrong and we have to be neutral
the prince was kind with him and look at mike how he behaves
I'm mean, I know he's been a lot of s*#2 but it's not a reason

sorry if i hurt someone feelings but i don't wanna have to find an excuse each time mike did something wrong
at least he can give him some royalties on the next album i don't know
hey guys it's 7 million dollars !!!! I don't think there someone who can give 7m$ as gift
don't be crazy even if it's MICHAEL JACKSON
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

And yes, I would do business with Michael. He isn't an immoral business man. If you look at his history, he's 90% of the time engaged in successful business dealings. Singling out specific instances where its ended in law suit, which are the instances which the media so happen to focus on, will paint a bad picture. But then, if you look at the circumstances of why those specific business deals went south, you would see it wasn't with any male intent on Michael's part, but often times because the person doing business with him got a little too greedy and gave Michael cause to walk away.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

sorry but in this case, you can be a super fan or whatever (i'm a big fan)
but mike did wrong and we have to be neutral
the prince was kind with him and look at mike how he behaves
I'm mean, I know he's been a lot of s*#2 but it's not a reason

sorry if i hurt someone feelings but i don't wanna have to find an excuse each time mike did something wrong
at least he can give him some royalties on the next album i don't know
hey guys it's 7 million dollars !!!! I don't think there someone who can give 7m$ as gift
don't be crazy even if it's MICHAEL JACKSON

No, Michael's only given a reported $300,000,000 away to charity throughout his life, without asking for anything in return. Selfish I tell you...
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Michael is very intelligent. and when in a healthy physical and mental state, has made some amazing business decisians. But the point here is, Michael WASN'T in a healthy physical or mental state when the Prince shoved these deals and contracts in his face and Michael signed it without reading it, because he wasn't okay. Bottom line. When you're in pain, physical or emotional, or both, the only thing you really desire is for that pain to end.[/quote]

..................Its only human to act and react diffrent if feeling unwell mentally or in pain etc,so I totally understand that:yes:
But why is that prince suing Michael? I dont understand that fact?
I tried to quote but it went wrong I see now;)
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Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

sorry but in this case, you can be a super fan or whatever (i'm a big fan)
but mike did wrong and we have to be neutral
the prince was kind with him and look at mike how he behaves
I'm mean, I know he's been a lot of s*#2 but it's not a reason

sorry if i hurt someone feelings but i don't wanna have to find an excuse each time mike did something wrong
at least he can give him some royalties on the next album i don't know
hey guys it's 7 million dollars !!!! I don't think there someone who can give 7m$ as gift
don't be crazy even if it's MICHAEL JACKSON

first of all..there is no such thing as neutral when you are not there, and did not see what happened. secondly...people are either going to support Michael in this, or they are not. history...karma..reaping sowing...longevity..whatever you wanna call it....Michael has lasted a long time for a reason. and...when it's all said and done, it's between him and his creator, whether or not he did right or wrong. usually, when u do bad, u don't last....it's the way of things...MJ has lasted. these sharks have come and gone. time will always tell.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

No, Michael's only given a reported $300,000,000 away to charity throughout his life, without asking for anything in return. Selfish I tell you...
To be honest what report says he gave that amount of money? I see it mentioned all the time but I've taken a look at several articles about him and none mention that amount.

Anyway, unfortunate that he's ended into one of these stupid court cases again. I'm pretty sure he'll end up as a winner though.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

some fans are so quick to judge him - as if he doesn't get enough criticism already

we are his fans and he looks for support in us...it must feel so lonely when it looks like everybody wants a piece of you. Something did go wrong but it wasn't all his fault
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