Michael Jackson Settles case Against Prince Abdulla

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Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

That's just what's been estimated, and its hardly unbeleiveable considering the majority of his charity has gone widely unreported by any main stream media and/or press. Right down to the small things, such as purchasing bags of toys for children in hospitals to giving all of the money he makes from all of his tours to charity.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

To be honest what report says he gave that amount of money? I see it mentioned all the time but I've taken a look at several articles about him and none mention that amount.

Anyway, unfortunate that he's ended into one of these stupid court cases again. I'm pretty sure he'll end up as a winner though.

the greatest givers to charity do not get honorable mention. ur not supposed to blow ur own horn...but i'm sure there are a lot of people who can account for his charitable works, that he does behind the scenes. usually you have to look for eagle eye fans to find examples of the charity..but they find it. earlier there was a post where MJ was pictured visting a war veteran. the difference is..MJ didn't make a major announcement before he did it. on the other hand..just because people make major announcements that they are charitable, that doesn't mean they are telling the truth.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

As much as i love michael, i think that MJ made some promises he couldnt keep! also the prince was stupid enough not to get this documented either, sorry but this sound like 'if i scratch your back you scratch mine' and Mj didnt scratch his, its bad this got dragged into court.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Michael is very intelligent. and when in a healthy physical and mental state, has made some amazing business decisians. But the point here is, Michael WASN'T in a healthy physical or mental state when the Prince shoved these deals and contracts in his face and Michael signed it without reading it, because he wasn't okay. Bottom line. When you're in pain, physical or emotional, or both, the only thing you really desire is for that pain to end.[/quote]

..................Its only human to act and react diffrent if feeling unwell mentally or in pain etc,so I totally understand that:yes:
But why is that prince suing Michael? I dont understand that fact?

Cuz Michael dont made that Abdula wanted.He dont carried out the agreement.
Abdula saw that MJ was in disorder and wanted take advantage of 'his best friend',Michael.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

some fans are so quick to judge him - as if he doesn't get enough criticism already

we are his fans and he looks for support in us...it must feel so lonely when it looks like everybody wants a piece of you.

i totally second this post.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

I don't understand why he goes through this and let's say an artist like Bono does not as far as I know.

Is Bono Michael Jackson? They are not even in the same league. Michael is a TARGET. There are people who hate Michael. Michael's house was raided by the SBPD and the FBI. Why was the FBI there? Why do the FBI care what a pop star does in his own house?

These things happens to Mike because, simply put, there are people that do not care about his well being. I agree that advisers should have been there with him so where were they? Ask the advisers those questions. Why put all of the blame at Mike and forget that this Prince was using Mike for his own selfish reasons. Yeah, MJ is a fault, we all get in fault of things in our lives. That is part of being human, but this Prince is clearly not moral and truly evil. Period.

having said that....it's very possible bono may be going through stuff that..as u said..as far as YOU know...you don't know about.


sorry but in this case, you can be a super fan or whatever (i'm a big fan)
but mike did wrong and we have to be neutral
the prince was kind with him and look at mike how he behaves
I'm mean, I know he's been a lot of s*#2 but it's not a reason

Being a "big fan" does not mean that you have to agree with what MJ did or does with his life. You can be a fan and think that MJ is "crazy". I would assume that no matter what, fans would generally support Michael regardless if he was at fault or not or if he was "wrong" or not. In this case, MJ made a huge mistake even going to that country, but the Prince is a bastard that needs to be call out as such. The man is not a victim of Michael Jackson. He opened up his place as a gift to Mike. He should not get anything in return. If that was what he wanted MJ to do, he should have made a contract listing what MJ has to pay for regarding his visit. What do you mean how did MJ behave? What are you talking about? Once again, so called fans reading the tabloids and assuming how MJ "behaved". What about the Prince? Why was he using Michael to get him to do things that he clearly was not well to do? The Prince was not nice to him. He was practically manipulating him into doing things when MJ was not well to do so. Give MJ some credit here.

sorry if i hurt someone feelings but i don't wanna have to find an excuse each time mike did something wrong

No, you didn't hurt my feelings and no one is asking you to find "excuses" for Michael since it is clear as day you could care less about the whole story and only focus on the lies that are printed in the articles. The Prince is a nobody. He can have all of the money in the world, he is still a damn nobody. He probably did not work for his money and he probably never worked in his life. MJ worked for everything and earned everything that he worked so damn hard for. It is a damn shame that he can't even get rewarded for it. All he gets in return is so called friends stabbing him in the back because they didn't get what they wanted from Michael.
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Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

We getting a lil off topic here. Michael and the Prince are in court. If they couldn't come to an agreement then it isn't even really for us to pick sides. It just is. We can pull for MJ but none of us know the extent of anything yet. There will be more tomorrow :yes:
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

That's just what's been estimated, and its hardly unbeleiveable considering the majority of his charity has gone widely unreported by any main stream media and/or press. Right down to the small things, such as purchasing bags of toys for children in hospitals to giving all of the money he makes from all of his tours to charity.
Well all the sources they used in Wikipedias article about Michael Jackson (I know Wikipedia isn't the most reliable, but), which has a reference to donations are from John Randy Taraborrelli's book about him (which I recall is a very criticized one?)

I would have expected some better sources even at an unreliable site like Wikipedia :p
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

sorry but in this case, you can be a super fan or whatever (I'm a big fan)
but mike did wrong and we have to be neutral
the prince was kind with him and look at mike how he behaves
I'm mean, I know he's been a lot of s*#2 but it's not a reason

sorry if i hurt someone feelings but i don't wanna have to find an excuse each time mike did something wrong
at least he can give him some royalties on the next album i don't know
hey guys it's 7 million dollars !!!! I don't think there someone who can give 7m$ as gift
don't be crazy even if it's MICHAEL JACKSON

u dont know that :(
no one has really heard Mikes side of the story yet or the Princes for that matter
I wish people would stop judging without all the facts - One thing I'm sure of so
soon after the trial MJ was in no condition to make any sound decisions _ you are
in a state of shock and have great anxiety for quite a while after Yrs sometimes before
you can pull it together _ now MJ is strong but we have heard he was in very bad shape
mentally after that triial _ he was recuperating in Barain when he was hit with this biz deal.
just months after the trial _ Plus we dont NOT even know any details of the contract

So We need to sit tight and pray and understand no matter how
this turns out it's not that big of deal, all artists are sued over biz
deals gone awry _ It is just not publicized _ because it is not
Michael Jackson - it would make for boring news unless it is
MJ being sued ... MJ is a media target ..and his name is worth
$$$$$$$ to the media _ Mike sells stories .. no matter what
he is doing _ Mike picks his nose and it would be printed and
we all know it :)
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Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

The main source that figure comes from is Michael himself. And he is listed in the Guiness book of world records as having supported more varying charities then any other celebrity in history. He's given a large fortune away, bottom line. So saying no one gives $7 million away for nothing falls flat when you have someone like Michael who's given vastly more then that away without any compensation, just out of the goodness of his heart, which is apparently something the Prince lacks.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

This situation is driving me crazy, it really seems the Prince wants to take advantage of him :cry: :angry: just leave Michael alone, let him take care of his family 'n let him get into work.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Can we focus on the civil trial? Whereever the information about MJ or wikipedia saying how much money he gave to charity does not matter anymore. The man is charitiable.

And yes, it is true, for now, that we do not know either side of the story but I already made up my mind about the whole thing. I don't feel I have to care about what the Prince have to say. As far as I am concerned if it wasn't a problem and if the dispute was able to be settled, then there would not be a trial. It seems the Prince wants the whole world to know that he is suing Mike. He got his wish. However, at the same time, I wouldn't mind knowing his side of the story or his pack of lies and storytales.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

It seems the Prince wants the whole world to know that he is suing Mike.

Then THE WHOLE WORLD will see he looooooooooooooooooose this case!
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Let me slowwly break this in 1+1

- this case is NOT about MONEY, folks, it's about personal frustrations and wanting to be known with your music in the world..... Mikka is preparing a new album, and the prince knows very well about it....

- the prince said Michael is such sweet person yet gets him in trial

1+1 = 2

---> maybe Mikka can agree to let 1-2 songs of the prince to his album, then the prince forgets about those millions.... Common Mikka be a good boy now...
THat's WHY they are dessperate for him to come in person.

My message to the Prince - hello wake up have you've heard of You tube? MySpace? Contract with Itunes? It's easy today to get known, you don't need to do a trial for that!
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

And another thing those 7 Millions... Some of you see this as a big check with 7 milions in the middle.

It's not that simple....

I guess the prince is adding up.... all those damn gifts... why else he mentioned them???

That means that 1-2 millions where added on that 7 milions.

you know what gifts are gifts. Simply as that. If the prince 'gifted' Mike and Mike accepted so what????

The written contract, is what matter, what sum is written there, not Mike gifts and extra spent money with him. If those are written there as well, that means those weren't gifts but sorta paying and they should have been written in a LEGAL contract.

The prince can cry out gifts gifts... so what?? It's almost pathetic, sorry. Nobody can sue asking gifts back. So I expect that 7 milions to be lowered/decreased at least to 4-5 milions, if not more.

He also said - in one of those articles mentioned - that he build recording studio for Mike in Nevy. WHAT???? Mikka got that one, before you coming out in the scene sorry.

Then again one in Bahrein for him to record. So what???? I mean the recording studio is still yours, kindergarden prince. It's yours it's not in Mikes' back somewhere in Vegas. It was your own damn investition and you still got it, so you can do whatever you want to do with it. Including sellign it for money.... ohhhh my money lost, I am dead rich but regret those moneeeeeyyyy on that beautiful recording studio that is still mineeeeee! But I want to moan and sue, ohhh my..... Mike forced me to build a studio, what a tragedy!
He put a gun on my head and forced me! And those watches and jewellry he forced me to 'gift' him with those tooo!

You know what policy got Mikebout gifts....
read those cute stories from Taraborreli ( I know the guy is a crook but some things are true there ). Mike loves gifts, if you give something to him as a gift he receive it. but that doesn't mean he will sign contract with you. Up in the 80s with some Correan guy, he accepted an expensive car and then few days later refused to sign with the guy for a concert there. And when the guy return for his... 'gift' to take it back, Mike refused to return it. After all it was a gift, rite? And I fully agree with Mike. Don't call those gifts, if those aren't really gifts.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

I thought it was kinda funny how Nancy Grace made it sound like this is massive news. I wish I had a chance of getting through. "Michael Jackson being sued? We call that Tuesday around here."
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

sorry but in this case, you can be a super fan or whatever (i'm a big fan)
but mike did wrong and we have to be neutral
the prince was kind with him and look at mike how he behaves
I'm mean, I know he's been a lot of s*#2 but it's not a reason

sorry if i hurt someone feelings but i don't wanna have to find an excuse each time mike did something wrong
at least he can give him some royalties on the next album i don't know
hey guys it's 7 million dollars !!!! I don't think there someone who can give 7m$ as gift
don't be crazy even if it's MICHAEL JACKSON
well aren't we ASSuming we know everything.

it's called giving someone the BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT. let's play neutral and see how it came to be.....mj, the one recovering from a long ass ordeal goes to a FRIEND who tells the world mj is his GUEST and they will hope to work together....next thing we hear is the crazy frog guy is his manager, mj is in dubai, then he's in on a car, and whoops now he's at the japan vma's!

so even if the playing field starts levelled.......mj was in no emotional state to be agreeing to do all these things. this is how u take advantage of people

and wikipedia is NOT accurate. anyone and they mama can edit the page but mj HAS been very charitable..i believe that's just the money he's raised...not the money he's DONATED himself.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

I thought it was kinda funny how Nancy Grace made it sound like this is massive news. I wish I had a chance of getting through. "Michael Jackson being sued? We call that Tuesday around here."
u ain't nevaaaaaa lied....

i like when she sticks to real news
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

sorry but in this case, you can be a super fan or whatever (i'm a big fan)
but mike did wrong and we have to be neutral
the prince was kind with him and look at mike how he behaves
I'm mean, I know he's been a lot of s*#2 but it's not a reason

sorry if i hurt someone feelings but i don't wanna have to find an excuse each time mike did something wrong
at least he can give him some royalties on the next album i don't know
hey guys it's 7 million dollars !!!! I don't think there someone who can give 7m$ as gift
don't be crazy even if it's MICHAEL JACKSON

As I said before, this guy is likely wealthy beyond belief, and what's $7,000,000 among millionaires? It'd be like me loaning you $20. It's not like he wrote MJ a blank check and said "Pay me back next week". Who knows the exact way in which this $7 million changed hands? This could be as simple as this guy offering MJ refuge and MJ taking him up on his offer, and this guy could have been spending this money without MJ's knowledge. They were talking about him hiring a motivation speaker to talk to MJ... do you think MJ asked for a motivational speaker to talk him into doing something he obviously didn't want to do?

People are liking this to Peter borrowing from Paul, it's likely a whole different scenario when dealing with people and money of this magnitude.

Sounds like a farce to me, the more I think about it.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

The Prince used Michael. I don't know how anyone can't see that. Seriously. Michael was all messed up after the trail. I about died seeing what he looked like on the day of the verdict. Just recovering from the physical trauma of it all would take forever and a day, let alone the emotional and mental. I doubt he'll ever fully get over that. How are you going to come at someone in that state, pretend like you're helping them out of the kindness of your heart, and then spring business deals and shit on them as compensation for your "generosity"? That's just wrong. I brought Michael's charitable contributions up as an example to counter the absurd notion that people don't give millions away for nothing. Because that's precisley what Michael's done his whole life. Then when he thinks someone is treating him as he would treat them, they turn around and say "Uh, uh, what do I get in return." Totally lame.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

when u give and give freely w/ ur heart, it's not in ur nature to think others are not doing the same thing for u...especially someone w/ this much money. he acts lik eit was a lot of money yet he claims to be hella rich......

that's like sbc saying mj was broke but he was so rich he could pay a hella high bail...CAN U REALLY HAVE IT BOTH WAYS?
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Hell no, you can't, lol. That's what makes this whole thing so stupid... and sad because, like you said, when you give so freely, and you see the good in others, and then someone takes advantage of that nature in you, and then you get burned and blamed for that happening, that's just sad.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

The Prince used Michael. I don't know how anyone can't see that. Seriously. Michael was all messed up after the trail. I about died seeing what he looked like on the day of the verdict. Just recovering from the physical trauma of it all would take forever and a day, let alone the emotional and mental. I doubt he'll ever fully get over that. How are you going to come at someone in that state, pretend like you're helping them out of the kindness of your heart, and then spring business deals and shit on them as compensation for your "generosity"? That's just wrong. I brought Michael's charitable contributions up as an example to counter the absurd notion that people don't give millions away for nothing. Because that's precisley what Michael's done his whole life. Then when he thinks someone is treating him as he would treat them, they turn around and say "Uh, uh, what do I get in return." Totally lame.

that is right. it's out in the open. nobody can be accused of assuming this. the prince announced his 'friendship', for the whole world to hear.

everybody who has an ounce of brain activity knows what the definition of the word FRIENDSHIP is.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

If was friendship why the prince dont resolve with Michael in a conversation?:huh:
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

i can't believe that back in 2006 when Michael was in Bahrain we were all expecting new material with announcements about how he was going to Japan to get fan art to put on his official website..etc.. disappointment and Michael go hand in hand
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

If was friendship why the prince dont resolve with Michael in a conversation?:huh:

good question.

i can't believe that back in 2006 when Michael was in Bahrain we were all expecting new material with announcements about how he was going to Japan to get fan art to put on his official website..etc.. disappointment and Michael go hand in hand

perhaps Michael is alone..and has to depend on people who always turn out to be nefarious...people with a design on destroying him, and it's easy to put the blame on him, because he is Michael Jackson.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

You know, I don't want to take either side. I know I'm supposed to defend Michael like no other, but I'm going to be neutral and realistic. We don't know what went on between the two. Obviously something went on while Michael was in there... And please, no one's "money hungry" if you know what I mean. :mellow:

I don't understand fans sometimes. Michael's always a "smart businessman", but in this case he's naive? You can't play on both sides of the fence. To be honest, I think Michael knew what he was doing and then changed his mind, which obviously infuriated this prince.
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