Michael Jackson Settles case Against Prince Abdulla

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Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Michael is also a hero to me when it comes down to his music and care for other people. But being a fan for so many years it amazes me that fans stand by him no matter what. That's a good thing but let's not forget that maybe, there could be the possibility that in some ways he could have done things wrong.
Being a fan does not mean that you always have to be blind to critiscm. I adore him but he/his team could have handle things better or in a different way. The MB documentary, the balcony incident and maybe this one as well.
I don't think the biggest star in the world was so easy to seduce to sign contracts and that he later regrets or did not know. In fact, the announcement was made in (april?) 2006, months after the child abuse case.
He was heathly enough to fly to Japan soon after that and never to return. How do we have to see that?
wow....so june 05 to april 06 is MONTHS? how about ALMOST A YR OF RECOVERY?

ya know...this ain't other boards that allow fans to take crap and throw potshots at mike...u wanna do that, go elsewhere. it's one thing to be neutral, which obviously U R NOT, it's quite another to go at the man and blame him for the sun setting and earthquakes and mudslides in cali...honestly, u really think that man, who is an EMPIRE, does everything financial related himself? hell, he has a POA to sign his damn checks cuz he's so busy....

yet he needs to know t hat everyone is a crook, everyone is out to get him, and everyone is a liar....

u wanna whine about katrina and mj? blame this prince who pulled a schaffel....wmcig wasn't released b/c of that twat and now the katrina single wasn't released b/c of this one...CHARITY IS CHARITY. put personal bs aside and let it be released...that alone shows u the man doesn't have a heart cuz mj wouldn't have made a dime, it would have gone to charity.

and what about mj being able to fly 'MONTHS':smilerolleyes: after the trial, give me a break....unless u were following this thing either on tv or were there in person (like myself) u couldn't really see the wear and tear it took out on EVERYONE there...even the damn media.

so to think that after a 2 yr long ordeal, worrying for months that ur kids would be taken away courtesy of allred and lieberman's bitching, and a five and some odd months trial complete w/ a hella long deliberation....someone would be in a right state?

oh but i forgot...we're all neutral on this.

being an mj fan isn't kissing the man's ass....but it's also not bashing him to the point so that u can say ur being objective cuz really, ur not. :doh:
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

You know, I refuse to believe the Prince, like I always believe that people who knows Michael, not just try to get his money or ruin his good name, but tries to screw him. Yeah Michael should be careful about trusting people, cause pretty soon after you met, you make friends with them and sooner or later they screw you (even behind your back).
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

whatz the latest news on the trial?
Does anyone know?
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

wow....so june 05 to april 06 is MONTHS? how about ALMOST A YR OF RECOVERY?

ya know...this ain't other boards that allow fans to take crap and throw potshots at mike...u wanna do that, go elsewhere. it's one thing to be neutral, which obviously U R NOT, it's quite another to go at the man and blame him for the sun setting and earthquakes and mudslides in cali...honestly, u really think that man, who is an EMPIRE, does everything financial related himself? hell, he has a POA to sign his damn checks cuz he's so busy....

yet he needs to know t hat everyone is a crook, everyone is out to get him, and everyone is a liar....

u wanna whine about katrina and mj? blame this prince who pulled a schaffel....wmcig wasn't released b/c of that twat and now the katrina single wasn't released b/c of this one...CHARITY IS CHARITY. put personal bs aside and let it be released...that alone shows u the man doesn't have a heart cuz mj wouldn't have made a dime, it would have gone to charity.

and what about mj being able to fly 'MONTHS':smilerolleyes: after the trial, give me a break....unless u were following this thing either on tv or were there in person (like myself) u couldn't really see the wear and tear it took out on EVERYONE there...even the damn media.

so to think that after a 2 yr long ordeal, worrying for months that ur kids would be taken away courtesy of allred and lieberman's bitching, and a five and some odd months trial complete w/ a hella long deliberation....someone would be in a right state?

oh but i forgot...we're all neutral on this.

being an mj fan isn't kissing the man's ass....but it's also not bashing him to the point so that u can say ur being objective cuz really, ur not. :doh:
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

it just sickens me ppl can use michael
when he was at such a hard time in his life
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread


Its just getting beyond a joke now!
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Some of you guys act like Michael owes you money. I think you all need to remember something before you run at the mouth. The Prince is saying he wants to be paid back for the stuff he gave Michael If they were gifts you don't pay back gifts. The prince sounds like someone who gives people's things so he can always have something over there head. Now like I said before this whole case hinges on that contract not how bad the prince's feelings were hurt. If there is nothing in that contract that says Michael has to pay the guy back and that he agreed to sing his songs and do a play and a book (which I seriously doubt because what they want Michael to talk about he can't get into to much detail and he knows it.) The prince can forget it.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Some of you guys act like Michael owes you money. I think you all need to remember something before you run at the mouth. The Prince is saying he wants to be paid back for the stuff he gave Michael If they were gifts you don't pay back gifts. The prince sounds like someone who gives people's things so he can always have something over there head. Now like I said before this whole case hinges on that contract not how bad the prince's feelings were hurt. If there is nothing in that contract that says Michael has to pay the guy back and that he agreed to sing his songs and do a play and a book (which I seriously doubt because what they want Michael to talk about he can't get into to much detail and he knows it.) The prince can forget it.
you're totally right...alsonote that even IF mj signed something, judging by the drama and trauma he had during the trial he can argue, and effectively at that, that he wasn't in the right mental state.

and furthermore, if the lawyer he had was hired by the prince, then he can argue the lawyer wasn' tworking in his favor but really the princes and that makes anything done through him null and void i would ASSume.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

The Prince is saying he wants to be paid back for the stuff he gave Michael If they were gifts you don't pay back gifts.

ur so right there :)
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

and if ur helping someone through a crisis, u don't expect to be paid back. he looks like a pouty ass child. spoiled go get a job and stop trying 2 be a pop star
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Hey, you guys.

Let's look back at mid 2005 to see what was being said....

Remember this?

****************One of Many Articles*****************************

BBC News
Last Updated: Thursday, 30 June, 2005, 15:23 GMT 16:23 UK
Michael Jackson 'in Bahrain trip'

Michael Jackson is beginning a holiday in Bahrain to "relax" after his child abuse trial, an official in the Gulf state has said.

"He is here in Bahrain on a friendly visit to relax and enjoy the hospitality," he said.

It is Jackson's first trip outside the US since he was cleared of child abuse in a California trial two weeks ago.

"He is a long time friend of the (royal) family," the official added.

The 46-year-old singer has a large fan base in Bahrain and other Gulf countries.

His brother Jermaine has ties to the country's royal family after he and the king's son Sheik Abdulla bin Hamad Al Khalifa announced plans in January to release a charity song.

On Monday, Michael Jackson thanked fans in his first public statement since his trial.

"Without God, my children, my family and you, my fans, I could not have made it through," he said.

"Your love, support and loyalty made it all possible."

But he has not been seen in public since he left the Santa Maria courtroom after being acquitted of all 10 charges at the end of a 14-week trial.

He suffered health problems during the trial and appeared increasingly frail.


*****************MORE HEADLINES****************

BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Michael Jackson 'in Bahrain trip' - 7:00pm
Jun 30, 2005 ... "He is here in Bahrain on a friendly visit to relax and enjoy the hospitality," he said. It is Jackson's first trip outside the US since he ...
news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/4638383.stm - 45k - Cached - Similar pages

Michael Jackson buys palace in Bahrain?
Michael Jackson has reportedly bought a palace in Bahrain. ... "Michael Jackson is here in Bahrain on a friendly visit to relax and enjoy the hospitality. ...
www.monstersandcritics.com/people/news/article_1038194.php - 28k - Cached - Similar pages

Michael Jackson arrives in Bahrain to 'relax' - General - redOrbit"
He (Jackson) is here in Bahrain on a friendly visit, torelax and enjoy the hospitality of Bahrain. He is a long timefriend of the (royal) family," the ...
www.redorbit.com/news/general/162039/michael_jackson_arrives_in_bahrain_to_relax/index.html - 29k - Cached - Similar pages

Michael Jackson Heads for the Gulf"
He is here in Bahrain on a friendly visit, to relax and enjoy the hospitality of Bahrain. He is a long time friend of the (royal) family," said an official ...
blogcritics.org/archives/2005/06/30/145927.php - 64k - Cached - Similar pages

Touch with hottest gossip of Michael Jackson - Michael Jackson ...
He is said to have fallen in love with the country because he can enjoy ... is here in Bahrain on a friendly visit to relax and enjoy the hospitality "He is ...
photo.leechvideo.com/Michael-Jackson/gossip/15166 - 14k - Cached - Similar pages

Touch with hottest gossip of Michael Jackson - Michael Jackson ...
A state official, who wished to remain anonymous, revealed: "Michael Jackson is here in Bahrain on a friendly visit to relax and enjoy the hospitality. "He ...
photo.leechvideo.com/Michael-Jackson/gossip/15664 - 14k - Cached - Similar pages
More results from photo.leechvideo.com »

The Michael Jackson Fan-Club 3Generations
Jul 1, 2005 ... Jackson's visit to Bahrain is his first trip overseas since he was ... Jackson, who arrived on a private plane, was "here to relax," said ...
www.michaeljackson.ch/newsarchivepageprincipalea.htm - 746k - Cached - Similar pages


Case Closed...

That other stuff was spung on MJ after he got there.

It just seems like MJ will be required to pay something to thank the Prince for the hospitality that came with a price and be done with it. Pay it and say to himself, "Whateva. Once I get things up and runnin', I'll make it all back anyway. Ain't no thang."

Split the $7mm down the center Even-Steven.
Last edited:
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

you're totally right...alsonote that even IF mj signed something, judging by the drama and trauma he had during the trial he can argue, and effectively at that, that he wasn't in the right mental state.

and furthermore, if the lawyer he had was hired by the prince, then he can argue the lawyer wasn' tworking in his favor but really the princes and that makes anything done through him null and void i would ASSume.

And remember how some lawyers over there who were working on something for Michael would not shut up? Kept talking about how they are fixing this and that?
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Hospitality, relax, enjoy, hospitality, relax, enjoy :mello:
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

And remember how some lawyers over there who were working on something for Michael would not shut up? Kept talking about how they are fixing this and that?
haha that's y i love lawyers...always gotta be public and they get themselves in trouble....

let's just hope the judge sees it this way.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Michael might not been squeeky clean on this one (atleast morally not legally) It seems Michael created a legitimate expectation to the Prince and agreed to do all this work albeit tacitly to do all these things. However the Prince like most of you all are saying must have not had Michael's best interest at heart by housing Mike with a view to bind him to all sorts of things when Michael was understandably not well at that time.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Right this thread has had a clean

Please note we have a zero tolerance running and we will not be accepting posts that:

- Speculate on MJ's health
- Make racist remarks about nationalities (the arab remarks stop as of now).
- Bash other members for their opinions.

Also... you all can stop with the snide remarks about this website.... if you don't like the way MJJC is run, then please feel free to go and post elsewhere...

you know I remember a time when people used to try and post articles and stuff to try and explore the current situation, instead at the moment all we are getting is members competiting against each other on who can put down the other person the best.... sad really.

Please stay on topic thanks :flowers:
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Hey, you guys.

Let's look back at mid 2005 to see what was being said....

Remember this?

****************One of Many Articles*****************************

BBC News
Last Updated: Thursday, 30 June, 2005, 15:23 GMT 16:23 UK
Michael Jackson 'in Bahrain trip'

Michael Jackson is beginning a holiday in Bahrain to "relax" after his child abuse trial, an official in the Gulf state has said.

"He is here in Bahrain on a friendly visit to relax and enjoy the hospitality," he said.

It is Jackson's first trip outside the US since he was cleared of child abuse in a California trial two weeks ago.

"He is a long time friend of the (royal) family," the official added.

The 46-year-old singer has a large fan base in Bahrain and other Gulf countries.

His brother Jermaine has ties to the country's royal family after he and the king's son Sheik Abdulla bin Hamad Al Khalifa announced plans in January to release a charity song.

On Monday, Michael Jackson thanked fans in his first public statement since his trial.

"Without God, my children, my family and you, my fans, I could not have made it through," he said.

"Your love, support and loyalty made it all possible."

But he has not been seen in public since he left the Santa Maria courtroom after being acquitted of all 10 charges at the end of a 14-week trial.

He suffered health problems during the trial and appeared increasingly frail.


*****************MORE HEADLINES****************

BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Michael Jackson 'in Bahrain trip' - 7:00pm
Jun 30, 2005 ... "He is here in Bahrain on a friendly visit to relax and enjoy the hospitality," he said. It is Jackson's first trip outside the US since he ...
news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/4638383.stm - 45k - Cached - Similar pages

Michael Jackson buys palace in Bahrain?
Michael Jackson has reportedly bought a palace in Bahrain. ... "Michael Jackson is here in Bahrain on a friendly visit to relax and enjoy the hospitality. ...
www.monstersandcritics.com/people/news/article_1038194.php - 28k - Cached - Similar pages

Michael Jackson arrives in Bahrain to 'relax' - General - redOrbit"
He (Jackson) is here in Bahrain on a friendly visit, torelax and enjoy the hospitality of Bahrain. He is a long timefriend of the (royal) family," the ...
www.redorbit.com/news/general/162039/michael_jackson_arrives_in_bahrain_to_relax/index.html - 29k - Cached - Similar pages

Michael Jackson Heads for the Gulf"
He is here in Bahrain on a friendly visit, to relax and enjoy the hospitality of Bahrain. He is a long time friend of the (royal) family," said an official ...
blogcritics.org/archives/2005/06/30/145927.php - 64k - Cached - Similar pages

Touch with hottest gossip of Michael Jackson - Michael Jackson ...
He is said to have fallen in love with the country because he can enjoy ... is here in Bahrain on a friendly visit to relax and enjoy the hospitality "He is ...
photo.leechvideo.com/Michael-Jackson/gossip/15166 - 14k - Cached - Similar pages

Touch with hottest gossip of Michael Jackson - Michael Jackson ...
A state official, who wished to remain anonymous, revealed: "Michael Jackson is here in Bahrain on a friendly visit to relax and enjoy the hospitality. "He ...
photo.leechvideo.com/Michael-Jackson/gossip/15664 - 14k - Cached - Similar pages
More results from photo.leechvideo.com »

The Michael Jackson Fan-Club 3Generations
Jul 1, 2005 ... Jackson's visit to Bahrain is his first trip overseas since he was ... Jackson, who arrived on a private plane, was "here to relax," said ...
www.michaeljackson.ch/newsarchivepageprincipalea.htm - 746k - Cached - Similar pages


Case Closed...

That other stuff was spung on MJ after he got there.

It just seems like MJ will be required to pay something to thank the Prince for the hospitality that came with a price and be done with it. Pay it and say to himself, "Whateva. Once I get things up and runnin', I'll make it all back anyway. Ain't no thang."

Split the $7mm down the center Even-Steven.

it's nice to have eagle eyed fans to bring the prince's words back to haunt him. since when does MJ need lawyers, when he has eagle eyed fans? lol:clapping::clapping:
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

YEAH! Hospitality, relax, enjoy, hospitality, relax, enjoy BUT THEN................. we r gonna spoli ur life. :doh:

its a shame! :doh: :doh:

if we were white, then they'd call us white...we're arab cuz we're arab. lol
sorry i know its off topic but i wanted to say sth shortly.
all white ppl r not white.
we iranian r but some of us r as dark as african
Arab ppl r white too and do r east inaidan.
they r white, then they r Arab
like Germnay ppl, they r white, then they r of german race!
Last edited:
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Sorry, i'm asking stupid.
but have Michael been in court?
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

It's strange to see when I'm trying to get a discussion about wheter Michael is to blame on this or not (in which I succeed) people starting to get angry or attack people personal. That's quite sad cause we are all fans of MJ. No one is really objective on this matter.
Ofcourse I hope Michael will be the winner in this case. It would be another victory in the courtroom but I do hope he can stay out of this trouble in the future because I'd rather see him on stage then on court.
And you can beat me up for this but I just do not believe it's always the other one who is to blame when it come down to courtcases. But having said that, it's a matter of perspective. In the mean time, I hope and pray he will win. Just like the rest of us!
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

It's strange to see when I'm trying to get a discussion about wheter Michael is to blame on this or not (in which I succeed) people starting to get angry or attack people personal. That's quite sad cause we are all fans of MJ. No one is really objective on this matter.
Ofcourse I hope Michael will be the winner in this case. It would be another victory in the courtroom but I do hope he can stay out of this trouble in the future because I'd rather see him on stage then on court.
And you can beat me up for this but I just do not believe it's always the other one who is to blame when it come down to courtcases. But having said that, it's a matter of perspective. In the mean time, I hope and pray he will win. Just like the rest of us!
Yea I agree nobody up here is being objective about this. I'm sure the Prince also has people in his close circle who are going on about how unreliable Michael was in this matter. In the same way as MJ fans are saying Michael is not at fault.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Michael Jackson, who is being sued by an Arab sheikh, will come to London to testify in his own defence, lawyers say.


The superstar will give evidence in person at the High Court to defend himself against the charge that he owes Sheikh Abdullah bin Hamad al Khalifa £4.7m.
Sheikh Abdullah, the second son of the king of Bahrain, claims Jackson went back on a contract to record a new album and write an autobiography.
Jackson insists there was no valid agreement and that the sheikh's case is based on "mistake, misrepresentation and undue influence".
In his pleaded defence, he says the payments he received were "gifts" and that no project was ever finalised.
Jackson spent time in Bahrain as a guest of the royal family after being found not guilty of child molestation at a trial in the US in 2005.
His barrister had told the judge in the current trial that Jackson would have to testify via video link from Los Angeles for health reasons.
However, Jackson is now expected to arrive in the UK over the weekend in order to give his evidence on Monday afternoon.
More follows...
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Thank God he is traveling to London to defend himself the best possible way. This means he is getting better!
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Michael Jackson to testify in British court: lawyer

LONDON (Reuters) - Singer Michael Jackson plans to testify next week in a British court in a lawsuit brought against him by a Bahrain prince, Jackson's lawyer said on Thursday.
The reclusive 50-year-old is being sued by Sheikh Abdullah bin Hamad al-Khalifa, the second son of the king of Bahrain, who says Jackson reneged on a contract to record a new album and write an autobiography.
He also says Jackson owes him $7 million after the prince paid for his legal costs, travel and other expenses.
Jackson spent time in Bahrain as a guest of the royal family following a 2005 trial at the end of which he was acquitted of child molestation charges.
"Mister Jackson is intending to travel to this country...and will be available to give evidence to your lordship," Jackson's lawyer Robert Englehart told the British High Court in London.
The singer is expected to take the witness stand on Monday.
Englehart had initially argued that Jackson was unwell and should not travel, handing the judge a report earlier this week on the singer's medical condition.
Bankim Thanki, representing al-Khalifa, said the medical evidence produced was "pretty unsubstantial" and that Jackson had a habit of producing a "sick note" when he did not want to turn up in court.
He had wanted Jackson to appear in person.
Jackson contests that there was no valid agreement with al-Khalifa and that the sheikh's case is based on "mistake, misrepresentation and undue influence."
In his pleaded defense, Jackson said the payments he received were "gifts" and that no project was ever finalized.

Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Well now the media will be able to post MJ's side of the story, even thought I know they will somehow make him seem horrible.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

You go girl! Kudos.

Noone is mentioning that the lawyer Michael had at that time was hired by the prince also. I was a new fan at the time but even I could see that was a very bad situation isolated as he was once more and under one persons control and right after going through h*** and back. I was dang scared for him and I think a lot of people who had been close to him and cared before he went there felt the same way.

The thing is that people who haven't gone through trama just don't get it. You don't get over that in a few months.... friggin' 'brain motivator' or no. And if that 'brain motivator' was hired to get him well so he could PRODUCE again? eff that.

Of course this would be one of the central pillar of the trial. I've already said it here... lol

If the MJ lawywers can prove that Mike was too weak,

that he got only the princes lawyers by his side, hired by prince 'to help' him in those Neverland matters from that time.... and that he got no personal lawyers hired by himself.

That those gifts are not in the contract.

That the contract or pre contract was signed rushelly and without impartial legal consultant near Mike.

If some of the money went for recording of Katrina that was song for charity, and the project failed why ask money for a thing that was charitable in the first place and that as not meant for generating profits, so all the money injectted in it were meant to be 'lost' anyway?

Then Prince will lose the case, ar almost lose it. Anyway that some of 7 mils is way inflated.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

CONFIRMED : Michael's coming to London.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

yup, Monday is the day. I must say I'm happy that he changed his mind. It's better to face the music so to say, and step up to defend himself.
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