Michael Jackson Settles case Against Prince Abdulla

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Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Good for him, he may be reluctant to come but he will do himself more of a favour by turning up to defend himself.

A big show of support outside the court by well behaved fans would be good, but I hope he is left in peace in his hotel.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

:) i was thinking of going down but i wont go on my own, then again i thought well he might be in a bad mood or he might want to be left alone, especially at the hotel. so i dont know.... :scratch:will be so nice to see him, bless him :cheers:but nah i dont think ill go, maybe next time
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

:) i was thinking of going down but i wont go on my own, then again i thought well he might be in a bad mood or he might want to be left alone, especially at the hotel. so i dont know.... :scratch:will be so nice to see him, bless him :cheers:but nah i dont think ill go, maybe next time
It is up to you if you want to go. I don't think it would hurt if you would go, you meet a lot of new friends when you do so I doubt you'd be alone. Just remember this is not a concert or public appearance, it's serious business so as long as you are on your best behaviour I don't see the harm in going.

Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

not the news i wanted when im have alseep after working till 4am.anyway im gonna go down *off to book train tickets*
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

oh here we go again, its starting already, he's not even in the country yet and people are whining "leave him alone, give him privacy at the hotel" Just accept there are 2 types of fans, those who go to hotels and those who dont. Stop telling people what to do when you have no idea whats its like. If fans didnt go to hotels, then you would get all the messages from Michael to the fans, or all the personal stories and photos of fans meeting Michael.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

hey everyone Im going to open a new thread, so we can keep this for thos who just want info about the case, not our chat about the hotel etc
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

hey everyone Im going to open a new thread, so we can keep this for thos who just want info about the case, not our chat about the hotel etc

You want to create a new thead for fans to argue about wether or not fans will go to the hotel and if and how it invades his privacy?

I say don't create a thread and DON'T bring up the fact wether or not going to the hotel invades Michael's privacy or not AT ALL.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

in my humble opinion I would not go....this is neither a public or a private visit...it is a visit to a court hearing...he is not going to hang out..he will give evidence and he will board the first plane out after that....
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread


You want to create a new thead for fans to argue about wether or not fans will go to the hotel and if and how it invades his privacy?

I say don't create a thread and DON'T bring up the fact wether or not going to the hotel invades Michael's privacy or not AT ALL.

I think she means to discuss stuff like trains, hotels, flights, times, who's going, where they meeting etc. and to post updates over the weekend and on monday from fans who are in london. I don't think she means to argue about it...
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

I think she means to discuss stuff like trains, hotels, flights, times, who's going, where they meeting etc. and to post updates over the weekend and on monday from fans who are in london. I don't think she means to argue about it...

Ahh okay, my bad then. :)
There have been arguments about that kinda stuff every single time Michael made an appearance though, that's why I thought that's what she wanted to create the thread for :doh:
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

thanks startrader, its ok Dutchie, just made the other thread and we can leave those in peace here who just want info about the court case
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Ok, this isn't a public trip and this is off topic now. Please get back on topic we don't need more than one thread.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

they didn't have to force him to go. he didn't want....
was it the prince request that made him? or the judge?

No one knows all we can do is speculate (guess)

apparently he didnt want to appear in person so
was trying to use a medical issue to allow him to
give video testimony instead _ His attorney probably
told him that the judge want going for it - so rather than
fight the issue MJ decided to come and testify ..

Thats my best guess :)
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

I hope he doesnt show up in pyjamas, surgical masks ect. Be as classy as you were at the trial Mike.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

they didn't have to force him to go. he didn't want....
was it the prince request that made him? or the judge?
well mjs lawyer said he could now travel so didnt need to give video evidence so it was mjs decision
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

please if you are in London go and support Michael , tell him he is not alone .......

he did not want to say that he is sick because he doen't want to destroy he image as a dancer especially that his new album is coming soon..........

shout his name tell him you are not alone and we love you in spite of what ever they try to do to destroy you.............
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

so any news on grace testifying today court started at 10am GMT over 5 hrs ago
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

I hope he doesnt show up in pajamas, surgical masks etc. Be as classy as you were at the trial Mike.

Dont worry :cheeky:
Michael does not frivolously show up for court in PJ's
and he knows not to wear the mask _ He is not a
dummy. MJ knows how to dress. Those incedences
were exeptional cases and not the norm for MJ's court
appearances - dont make fun of Michael at a time like this

Michael is Classy :wub:
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Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

not totally but his lawyer said hes able to travel from saturday onwards and if hes testifying monday then when u bring in flight times and timezones i guess u are looking at late saturday or sunday for an arrival
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

not totally but his lawyer said hes able to travel from saturday onwards and if hes testifying monday then when u bring in flight times and timezones i guess u are looking at late saturday or sunday for an arrival

Sweet, cheers mate, sure we'll here bout it here first!!
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Jackson insists any payments were gifts and the sheikh took advantage of his vulnerability and lack of business acumen.

However, Sheikh Abdulla, second son of the King of Bahrain, told the court today that Jackson was always very "with it".

"You couldn't regard him as being a person who was able to adopt a commonsense and detached attitude towards business dealings," Mr Englehart asked.

Sheikh Abdulla replied: "I disagree. I regarded him in the same way as other businessmen.

"He is a person who is very switched on, a fantastic businessman and fantastic intellectual."

The case continues.

Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

I thought this Prince earlier implied that Michael although was a good individual wasn't so great when it came to business.
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