Michael Jackson Settles case Against Prince Abdulla

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Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

so why is this Prince having trial of what cause MJ wouldn't sing for him this so stupid :yes:
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

You know, I don't want to take either side. I know I'm supposed to defend Michael like no other, but I'm going to be neutral and realistic. We don't know what went on between the two. Obviously something went on while Michael was in there... And please, no one's "money hungry" if you know what I mean. :mellow:

I don't understand fans sometimes. Michael's always a "smart businessman", but in this case he's naive? You can't play on both sides of the fence. To be honest, I think Michael knew what he was doing and then changed his mind, which obviously infuriated this prince.

there are plenty money hungry people. being rich doesn't stop them. and..u don't have to understand other fans. and of course, you are entitled to your opinion. but it does look as if you took a side. i don't see neutrality there.
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Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

reports said thursday (tom) said she flew in last night

its always the same with mj its always personal. ppl get attached to him and then when its over they go crazy. so many examples


This is just what I was thinking today. Nobody ever has a problem with Mike while they are 'friends' its only when things go sour that the so called friends turn terribly sour!
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

there are plenty money hungry people. and..u don't have to understand other fans. and of course, you are entitled to your opinion. but it does look as if you took a side. i don't see neutrality there.
Yes, the Prince of Bahrain is money hungry.
Excellent observation.

Secondly, now that I see you have this notion that I'm taking the Prince's side in this, you shall have concluded I'm anti-Michael Jackson!

Just because I'm not dragging this prince guy through the dirt and not acting like Michael's defense attorney, it doesn't mean I'm against Michael. He could have easily changed his mind, we all do. I understand how it could have bothered this prince, that's all I'm saying my peer.
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Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Michael is very intelligent. and when in a healthy physical and mental state, has made some amazing business decisians. But the point here is, Michael WASN'T in a healthy physical or mental state when the Prince shoved these deals and contracts in his face and Michael signed it without reading it, because he wasn't okay. Bottom line. When you're in pain, physical or emotional, or both, the only thing you really desire is for that pain to end.

No one of us fans know if he was okay enough to sign those documents, simply cause no one of us were there when it happenend.
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Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

If you think Michael was mentally himself after the trial, then that's your problem.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Michael was healthy enough those days to write and record a benifit song for the victims of the Katrina disaster I guess, soon after the trial.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Michael was healthy enough those days to write and record a benifit song for the victims of the Katrina disaster I guess, soon after the trial.

that was a terrible thing for him to do.:scratch:

aside from the fact that we don't really know when that song was actually written. he could have borrowed that melody from years back and decided to write a heartfelt statement. great songs have been written by people in terrible mental states.

doing business in that state is another matter entirely.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

To be honest what report says he gave that amount of money? I see it mentioned all the time but I've taken a look at several articles about him and none mention that amount.

Anyway, unfortunate that he's ended into one of these stupid court cases again. I'm pretty sure he'll end up as a winner though.

Go here. And Google it. The number of charities Michael has supported have been amazing.


Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Michael was singing DURING the trial. That hardly means he was thinking as he normally would. He's been singing since he was 5 years old, it's like breathing to him, second nature. Any sane person would realize that Michael was emotionally and physically devastated at the end of it all. Michael just has trouble saying no.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Michael was singing DURING the trial. That hardly means he was thinking as he normally would. He's been singing since he was 5 years old, it's like breathing to him, second nature. Any sane person would realize that Michael was emotionally and physically devastated at the end of it all. Michael just has trouble saying no.

IF he was, was there no one around him to protect him from saying no? The biggest star in the world has no one around him of preventing things like these? :no:
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

If the song was to be released and would sell millions it would not be so bad for the victims I guess.

now that part is where the people that do the business of releasing MJ stuff were still into sabotaging him..but that's another subject for another day on another thread...
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

IF he was, was there no one around him to protect him from saying no? The biggest star in the world has no one around him of preventing things like these? :no:

therein lies your answer...

he is the biggest star in the world. and, in an age where the holiday season now means to buy something for yourself, before buying it for others..people have big dollar signs in their eyes when it comes to MJ. caring about him as a human being comes later...maybe...NOT.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Rule number one of being a Michael Jackson fan: do like his music.
Rule number two: whatever happens, it's never Michael's fault. He is always the victim.
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Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Michael was there with his children and Grace, far as I know. He was trying to recover from what had happend to him, and the Prince saw he had his ear and started talking in it. Its pretty painfully obvious. He wasn't helping Michael for Michael's sake, but for his own, and that's jacked up. Michael wouldn't have made these mistakes if he'd been himself. His history proves that much.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Michael was there with his children and Grace, far as I know. He was trying to recover from what had happend to him, and the Prince saw he had his ear and started talking in it. Its pretty painfully obvious. He wasn't helping Michael for Michael's sake, but for his own, and that's jacked up. Michael wouldn't have made these mistakes if he'd been himself. His history proves that much.

We may disagree what his state of mind was during these days. We don't know because we were not there. But healthy or not, after 40 years in show business, he should have known better. Especially after all that he has been through.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Rule number one of being a Michael Jackson fan: do like his music.
Rule number two: whatever happens, it's never Michael's fault. He is always the victim.

well..a lot of people like his music and are not fans.

but yes...a tree is known by its fruit. and MJ's charitable record, and how he let people into his ranch only to be done in by them..and his way of thinking, are a consistent fruit of goodness. i don't mind shouting that from the rooftops.

and...until he produces bad fruit, so to speak...he is always the victim.

NOBODY does what MJ did, when he was the charitable way that he was in Neverland...with all those VAST resources. it freaked people out..and they proceeded to take advantage.

you just can't be that charitable, when being faced with alll that money and power, and not be considered a victim.

you either face those vast resources, and prove to be selfish..and develop such a pattern...or...you do what Michael did, with all those vast resources, and prove that you don't think of yourself first. patterns are inevitable.

and MJ's pattern is proof enough for me to continue seeing him as the victim. TMez staked his professional life on that belief.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

We may disagree what his state of mind was during these days. We don't know because we were not there. But healthy or not, after 40 years in show business, he should have known better. Especially after all that he has been through.

It seems to me that you don't fully grasp what he went through. I guess I can't expect anyone to understand if they themselves didn't experience it, but the affects were more then clear just to look at him. Michael doesn't show his emotions in public, but even a person with the most limited perception should be able to see how messed up he was.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Rule number one of being a Michael Jackson fan: do like his music.
Rule number two: whatever happens, it's never Michael's fault. He is always the victim.

That's a really unfair thing to say. Michael Jackson is human, and he makes mistakes. The baby-dangling incident for one (I'm not trying to start controversy, but to make a point.) That was absolutely, inequivically his fault, and he realized it. He wasn't the victim in that case.

However, in this instance, I'm not sure what to believe. If Michael was in a right state of mind, he wasn't a victim. However, if he was weak and vulnerable and signing papers that were handed to him under force, he was a victim. Nobody really knows but Michael and the Prince, and it's really up to who you choose to believe.

I think some fans have this godlike view of Michael Jackson. He is not a God, nor should he be portrayed as one. That's disrespectful to the real God, and disrespectful to Michael Jackson, who is just a human being.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

That's a really unfair thing to say. Michael Jackson is human, and he makes mistakes. The baby-dangling incident for one (I'm not trying to start controversy, but to make a point.) That was absolutely, inequivically his fault, and he realized it. He wasn't the victim in that case.

However, in this instance, I'm not sure what to believe. If Michael was in a right state of mind, he wasn't a victim. However, if he was weak and vulnerable and signing papers that were handed to him under force, he was a victim. Nobody really knows but Michael and the Prince, and it's really up to who you choose to believe.

I think some fans have this godlike view of Michael Jackson. He is not a God, nor should he be portrayed as one. That's disrespectful to the real God, and disrespectful to Michael Jackson, who is just a human being.

no..this has nothing to do with a god comparison, and i'm tired of people linking the two. this has something to do with the kind of thing that lawyers and judges use as weighty evidence in court everyday. establishing a pattern of behaviour. and Michael has proven a charitable pattern of behaviour.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

This is the thing....the contract in itslef sounds dubious at best and to those who keep banging on about how we as MJ fans see no fault in Michael's actions -- just stop. I am more inclined to do that as I can come to no other rational thought -- I have a better udnerstanding of MJ and his modus oprandum than this Prince of Bahrain's.

I know Michael has ahad a lapse of judgement in more than one occassion but to put his signature into a document that asks him to deliver a hell of alot of projects such as an album, musical AND an autobiograohy sounds so shady. Given his mental and physical state I wonder if he felt he could.

at least for the time being I am going to stand by Michael's side...I have better faith in him than the Prince who always had a dream of making it big in music.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Michael is also a hero to me when it comes down to his music and care for other people. But being a fan for so many years it amazes me that fans stand by him no matter what. That's a good thing but let's not forget that maybe, there could be the possibility that in some ways he could have done things wrong.
Being a fan does not mean that you always have to be blind to critiscm. I adore him but he/his team could have handle things better or in a different way. The MB documentary, the balcony incident and maybe this one as well.
I don't think the biggest star in the world was so easy to seduce to sign contracts and that he later regrets or did not know. In fact, the announcement was made in (april?) 2006, months after the child abuse case.
He was heathly enough to fly to Japan soon after that and never to return. How do we have to see that?
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Michael is also a hero to me when it comes down to his music and care for other people. But being a fan for so many years it amazes me that fans stand by him no matter what. That's a good thing but let's not forget that maybe, there could be the possibility that in some ways he could have done things wrong.
Being a fan does not mean that you always have to be blind to critiscm. I adore him but he/his team could have handle things better or in a different way. The MB documentary, the balcony incident and maybe this one as well.
I don't think the biggest star in the world was so easy to seduce to sign contracts and that he later regrets or did not know. In fact, the announcement was made in (april?) 2006, months after the child abuse case.
He was heathly enough to fly to Japan soon after that and never to return. How do we have to see that?

we keep bringing up the balcony and other things, which are always subject to subjectivity...this has nothing to do with what is at hand here...

some of us are accused of making a god out of Michael...

well..perhaps those who think he was in a normal state of mind, after what he went through are giving him more than superhuman qualities too?

and...i think the god comparisons need to stop for those who are doing them, because how God operates through a person(which, apparently is interpreted in many different ways) is a subject for religion threads. not this one.

and why is it so convenient for people to determine him as a screwup on the balcony, but mentally superior, right after the trial?
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

The Prince was supposedly proposing all these things from jump. No one here believes Michael is blameless or perfect and its god damned annoying how every time you try to defend him legitimately, someone acceuses you of being a blind worshiper. That's just completely untrue. In this case however, its a little more then clear that Michael was unwell, not just physically, but emotionally and mentally, and that the Prince was taking advantage of this fact. I said more then once earlier that, given Michael's policy throughout the years regarding taking songs from unknown songwriters, which the Prince very clearly is, he never would have even agreed to sing this saps crap if he'd been in a normal state, nor would he have neglected to read what he was signing. From what I've heard about Michael at the end of the trial, the man weighed something like 100 lb, he looked scared going in to the court room, you couldn't see his eyes, but you could see him trembling. He came THIS close to losing his life, and for the Prince to come at him and try to bind him to nine million different projects, while Michael was trying to recover from that kind of extreme physical, mental and emotional trauma is so wrong. It's SO wrong. This isn't a case of blindly following Michael. He may legally be in the wrong and technically owe the Prince money, but it was Michael who was very obviously taken advantage of in this case.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

The way I see it is thankfully, we do not have to be judge and jury, innocent until proven guilty etc.

We don't know the ins and outs of this, nobody has heard Michael's side of this and if he is in the wrong he will have to pay up, if not, he'll probably still have to pay, he always does.

I wish he could stay out of trouble, and not get involved financially with people, or be quick to be enthusiastic about projects that sound good and then turn out to be something he doesn't want to do, but it is his business not ours, whatever happened or whatever the outcome it isn't our problem. We love him for his positive qualities, not his less than good judgement in business matters, which doesn't make him a bad person.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

but do you know why i see MJ as an astute businessperson who would not go into this thing blindly, if in a good mental state?

it's really simple.

in this dog eat dog world, if you are not good at business...you are dead.

and dead, quickly.

but Michael has lasted well past FORTY YEARS.

in the most nefarious industry in the WORLD.

that is evidence enough for me to back MJ in this case.

there are people in far less nefarious businesses...in far smaller businesses, without half the pressure of the music business, who have had to close their doors and tear down their buildings quickly after just one little business mistake. and that's after they just got started. and it's happening regularly, relentlessly in huge numbers, these days.

but....MJ is still around..
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