Michael Jackson Settles case Against Prince Abdulla

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Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Which was nobody's mistake but Michaels. He chose to go there.

oh please. he wasnt in the position to make any choices. it wasnt his mistake. it was other ppl's mistake that advised him to go there.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Why is it that everybody around here is defending MJ blindly! its obvious he is MORE in the wrong in this case! he usually does this. When he doesn't want something, he walks away from it, whatever the consequences... as somebody else said he is good at putting brick walls between himself and someone he doesn't like!

Michael may be legally in the wrong, may be, but the Prince is clearly the one in the moral wrong.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

thanx u roxanne.....if it was another situation, then it'd call it like i see it but u don't prey on someone when they are mentally and physically in anguish
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

it doesnt hinge on paperwork. mj could have signed his life away thats not the issue the defence is mj was talked into pressured etc etc (whatever the exact wording is)into signing/agreeing things. if the judge agrees with this is doesnt matter what mj singed.its whether the judge does or doesnt beleive mjs arguement or how much of it he agrees with.will determine whether mj broke the contract or if the contract even excists because there iss no 2 seas record label to have a deal with.

both sides have probbly acted badley in this, no one person is the innocent victim. motives and agendas have been shown. and why didnt the prince just get jermaine to sing his crappy songs instead lol

Cause no one cares about Jermaine and is sort of good voice, lol.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

no prob...and gurus aren't a problem....it's high priced no name gurus that are a problem...IF he needed help, he could've talked w/ deepak chopra, they're still friends. no need to pay money for some low rent version of a healer....lame

and this is a person who preyed on mj in his darkest hour....so what if he was just acquitted, his mind was still ripe w/ fear and his body was still aching from the lies...and this "friend" jumped on at the right time and sucked mj in.

sorry but mj DIDN'T stay at some fancy ass resort in europe....he was renting that castle in ireland himself and he stayed w/ anton's fam when he left bahrain....remember him signing autographs and a fan sent in his hat and got back blanket's shirt cuz the baby liked the hat?! lol

it was the punisher jacket...woot woot comics.....and woot woot happy mj...and this is making it all seem like poo. so the prince can go jump in a lake for all i care. IF u help someone when they're in need, u don't expect a payback b/c if they could do it, they wouldn't have needed ur help, RIGHT?!

Right. It's just jacked up what the Prince did, WHEN he did it.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

ZERO TOLERANCE with the negative comments....this needs to stop. some of u r junking up the threads and for no good reason. like i said before, if u want to whine and doubt, DO IT ELSEWHERE.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Why don't some of you try to consider the condition Michael was in at the end of the trial? I know, its so hard to remember, being 3 long years ago and all, but just try. Remember what he looked like? Now try and visualize that inside, taking on the emotional form.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

He was a mess at the end of the trial thats why i don't understand why he was left alone, he was in no state.

And Jermaine should have known better
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Why don't some of you try to consider the condition Michael was in at the end of the trial? I know, its so hard to remember, being 3 long years ago and all, but just try. Remember what he looked like? Now try and visualize that inside, taking on the emotional form.

oh plz wbss dont remind me :no: i know some members are extremely insensitive and rude (no need to point fingers) but lets not remind ourselves and get all depressed. especially during this time that michaels sick. lets not add anymore negative feelings. especially now we should be thinking of happy and positive times coz otherwise the anxiety and agony is getting worse.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

i don't see what is so hard about all this. the PRince is a monster, who saw a very vulnerable MJ, the cash cow. MJ..the cash cow. it doesn't matter that the prince had his own money... u never have enough to stop wanting. the media reports MJ as always being in trouble..but they see him as a cash cow too, so they don't believe what they're saying..they just hate him, out of envy. too many people who SAY that MJ is always in trouble, apparently still see him as a cash cow who is innocent and vulnerable, and someone to be taken advantage of. that's it. i'm comfortable thinking this. i'm willing to be judged based on my thinking. that is how comfortable i am thinking it.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

I don't think Michael was in an okay state of mind or emotinally okay at that time. So you couldn't really expect him to make sound judgements. He was alone in that trial, basically, and he just wanted to get as far away from it as he could. You can't blame him.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

I will say this very simple thing, which any judge has to take into account and which is a precedent in law.

Any agreement a person is made to sign at a time when they are under duress, undue influence, mentally or emottionally exhausted, is invalid.

That's why when a person who is unwell, mentally incapacitated, not of sound mind, sick in hospital or dying, is made to sign any contract, without the presence of an independent party to oversee and ensure the interests of that person are protected, then when that agreement is challenged in court, it's a precedent that it gets nullified.

Michael was visibly mentally exhausted after the trial and under a lot of duress over a lot of issues.

This Prince got Michael to sign a contract, significant undertakings, without the presence of a third party to oversee Michael's interests in the mental state that he was in after the trial, with Michael being resident, under the care and a guest in the country and Kingdom where the Prince is of great influence, son of the King.

The agreement therefore is subject to nullification based on legal precedent.

Unless the judge deliberately disregards Michael's mental and emotional state at teh time, there is no way the agreement sails through.

Michael's lawyers especially would be best served if they showed court the process prior record label contracts with Michael have taken to be drafted up. It's a long process, with Michael legally represented to protect his interests.
Then that should be compared with how this agreement was drafted and presented to Michael without legal represantation, which was taking advantage of someone in a compromised mental and emotional state.

There is no way that agreement then remains valid.
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Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

I will say this very simple thing, which any judge has to take into account and which is a precedent in law.

Any agreement a person is made to sign at a time when they are under duress, undue influence, mentally or emottionally exhausted, is invalid.

That's why when a person who is unwell, mentally incapacitated, not of sound mind, sick in hospital or dying, is made to sign any contract, without the presence of an independent party to oversee and ensure the interests of that person are protected, then when that agreement is challenged in court, it's a precedent that it gets nullified.

Michael was visibly mentally exhausted after the trial and under a lot of duress over a lot of issues.

This Prince got Michael to sign a contract, significant undertakings, without the presence of a third party to oversee Michael's interests in the mental state that he was in after the trial, with Michael being resident, under the care and a guest in the country and Kingdom where the Prince is of great influence, son of the King.

The agreement therefore is subject to nullification based on legal precedent.

Unless the judge deliberately disregards Michael's mental and emotional state at teh time, there is no way the agreement sails through.

Michael's lawyers especially would be best served if they showed court the process prior record label contracts with Michael have taken to be drafted up. It's a long process, with Michael legally represented to protect his interests.
Then that should be compared with how this agreement was drafted and presented to Michael without legal represantation, which was taking advantage of someone in a compromised mental and emotional state.

There is no way that agreement then remains valid.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

If MJ knew that all those things that the prince gave to him(car,mercedez...) could be charged if he does not record the songs you think MJ would accept?I dont think so...
I guess that Michael was thinking it were gifts.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

I don't think Michael was in an okay state of mind or emotinally okay at that time. So you couldn't really expect him to make sound judgements. He was alone in that trial, basically, and he just wanted to get as far away from it as he could. You can't blame him.

absolutely. anybody can see that. a two year old who has awareness can see that. any respectable judge can see that. and..something else..

it's amazing, how, apparently, many in the world do know that MJ is astute, and successful tho they like to say that he isn't..so..they....'respect' him enough to try and get him when he is at his most vulnerable state. it's a process leveled against him all the time. indeed, it's MJ's most fatal flaw...but for the grace of God, that MJ thinks that everybody thinks like he does...that they just give for the sake of giving...but...these people that he encountered, don't.
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Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

If the money was truly borrowed, it should be paid back. If it was a gift, and there is a high chance it was, then it shouldn't have to be paid back.

Anyone live in the States? Did any of you catch the news? People condemning him on the news nightly like O'Reilly, Nancy Grace & Diane Dimond... the U.S. was harsh on him. 95% of the news was already accusing him. Court TV basically ran off his back during that time. It's no wonder he wanted to flea the country at that time. Also, I can't imagine it's as simple as this guy handing MJ money out of his wallet.. MJ has financial handlers and the like, so who knows for sure what's really going on.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

I think alot of people have given him gifts and i agree i think thats what he thought they were
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

well we all know Diane Diamond has a secret crush she has missed him so

I beleive this is the last lawsuit so if he can get through this and win, he can start getting on with his life.

I beleive Mike wanted this settled but the prince just wants his five mins worth of fame, as they all do
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

I will say this very simple thing, which any judge has to take into account and which is a precedent in law.

Any agreement a person is made to sign at a time when they are under duress, undue influence, mentally or emottionally exhausted, is invalid.

That's why when a person who is unwell, mentally incapacitated, not of sound mind, sick in hospital or dying, is made to sign any contract, without the presence of an independent party to oversee and ensure the interests of that person are protected, then when that agreement is challenged in court, it's a precedent that it gets nullified.

Michael was visibly mentally exhausted after the trial and under a lot of duress over a lot of issues.

This Prince got Michael to sign a contract, significant undertakings, without the presence of a third party to oversee Michael's interests in the mental state that he was in after the trial, with Michael being resident, under the care and a guest in the country and Kingdom where the Prince is of great influence, son of the King.

The agreement therefore is subject to nullification based on legal precedent.

Unless the judge deliberately disregards Michael's mental and emotional state at teh time, there is no way the agreement sails through.

Michael's lawyers especially would be best served if they showed court the process prior record label contracts with Michael have taken to be drafted up. It's a long process, with Michael legally represented to protect his interests.
Then that should be compared with how this agreement was drafted and presented to Michael without legal represantation, which was taking advantage of someone in a compromised mental and emotional state.

There is no way that agreement then remains valid.

OHHHHHHHHHHHHH,my goshhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!
Congrats for your statement!!!
Thank you so much!
:clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Either there is a contract or their isn't, if there is and Michael signed it, well he'll have to pay up, no matter how unfair it was, or how Michael was thinking at the time, given the trauma he had just been through.

If there isn't this guy should disapear up his own backside, after all he doesn't need the money, sounds like it is all principle to him. Maybe Michael didn't want to be obliged to sing the princes' songs when he is more that capable of writting his own, and I can't see Michael at any time, least of all just coming out of such an intrusive trial wanting to writte to biography. Once the defence side gets heard this will sound a lot different.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

well we all know Diane Diamond has a secret crush she has missed him so

I beleive this is the last lawsuit so if he can get through this and win, he can start getting on with his life.

I beleive Mike wanted this settled but the prince just wants his five mins worth of fame, as they all do
he'll get on w/ his life even if he doesn't win this lawsuit. it's nothing compared to what he's been through. this is barely peanuts compared to the last 45 yr of his life....he's not themost sued man in teh world for nothing
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

i remember the prince saying a year or two ago that this lawsuit is strictly a business matter and it has absolutely nothing to do with how he feels about michael on a personal basis. he said that michael is still his friend and that he had to file that lawsuit as a businessman. now hes saying that he feels personally betrayed by michael and this and that and he basically attacks him on a personal level. this fact ALONE proves that this man is two-faced and is NOT to be trusted in anyway. also it proves that he doesnt know what hes talking about and he can easily misunderstand and misinterpret things and situations. thats ur proof right there
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

If the money was truly borrowed, it should be paid back. If it was a gift, and there is a high chance it was, then it shouldn't have to be paid back.

Anyone live in the States? Did any of you catch the news? People condemning him on the news nightly like O'Reilly, Nancy Grace & Diane Dimond... the U.S. was harsh on him. 95% of the news was already accusing him. Court TV basically ran off his back during that time. It's no wonder he wanted to flea the country at that time. Also, I can't imagine it's as simple as this guy handing MJ money out of his wallet.. MJ has financial handlers and the like, so who knows for sure what's really going on.
And if you notice, all of these people you talked about got "paid back". Oreilly had his own sexual lawsuit (notice after this, old Bill backed down from some his nonsense); Diane was FIRED and is viewed no more than a tabloid reporter who has an obsession about Jackson (and her 10 year book in the work on Michael FAILED). Nancy is on tv but she is view as a nut job even by the most crediable reporters. She is also dealing with her own lawsuit against the family who daughter committed suicide and some view Nancy as a person with blood on her hands. No one with substance take Nancy serious. Court Tv was cancelled in my city and the rating failed real bad after the trial and they lost crediablity. As for Michael, Michael cds are selling, he had the biggest selling cd of this year,people want him to tour (brothers or no brothers), many show was dedicated to him, etc. Many of his civil cases were either settled or he won. So you see, evil does not prevail. Only haters are enjoying this moment but they will be short lived.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

Either there is a contract or their isn't, if there is and Michael signed it, well he'll have to pay up, no matter how unfair it was, or how Michael was thinking at the time, given the trauma he had just been through.

If there isn't this guy should disapear up his own backside, after all he doesn't need the money, sounds like it is all principle to him. Maybe Michael didn't want to be obliged to sing the princes' songs when he is more that capable of writting his own, and I can't see Michael at any time, least of all just coming out of such an intrusive trial wanting to writte to biography. Once the defence side gets heard this will sound a lot different.

Actually, this isn't quite accurate. If Michael signed under duress or "undue influence," it could invalidate any contract. We just have to wait and see.

Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

And if you notice, all of these people you talked about got "paid back". Oreilly had his own sexual lawsuit (notice after this, old Bill backed down from some his nonsense); Diane was FIRED and is viewed no more than a tabloid reporter who has an obsession about Jackson (and her 10 year book in the work on Michael FAILED). Nancy is on tv but she is view as a nut job even by the most crediable reporters. She is also dealing with her own lawsuit against the family who daughter committed suicide and some view Nancy as a person with blood on her hands. No one with substance take Nancy serious. Court Tv was cancelled in my city and the rating failed real bad after the trial and they lost crediablity. As for Michael, Michael cds are selling, he had the biggest selling cd of this year,people want him to tour (brothers or no brothers), many show was dedicated to him, etc. Many of his civil cases were either settled or he won. So you see, evil does not prevail. Only haters are enjoying this moment but they will be short lived.

i agree...and it always goes like this.
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

i remember the prince saying a year or two ago that this lawsuit is strictly a business matter and it has absolutely nothing to do with how he feels about michael on a personal basis. he said that michael is still his friend and that he had to file that lawsuit as a businessman. now hes saying that he feels personally betrayed by michael and this and that and he basically attacks him on a personal level. this fact ALONE proves that this man is two-faced and is NOT to be trusted in anyway. also it proves that he doesnt know what hes talking about and he can easily misunderstand and misinterpret things and situations. thats ur proof right there

yep....totally true
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

there is no more court tv...once the mj verdict was handed down, their fate was sealed...it's now TRU tv and focus more on reality...and less on trials...woot woot
Re: Prince of Bahrain vs MJ Trial Thread

hell..why does all this ish happen against Michael EVERYTIME RIGHT AFTER something good happens for Michael??

right after the new official holiday for MJ..Halloween, where he is sure to jump up in sales yet again? right after he makes sweet public appearances and is smiling? it's always right after..right after..RIGHT AFTER!!

is something bad going to happen RIGHT AFTER next halloween, too?

i'll simply pray that it doesn't...that he remains victorious.
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